A few words about marital status statuses on VKontakte


Another observation is related to messages of an intimate nature, or, as scientists call such communication, sexting. Sexual messages, Pew Research noted, increase the activity of users of all age groups on social networks, regardless of whether they are in a couple or single. Of course, sexting is more common among those between 18 and 24, but the phenomenon has also been noticed among older people.

One of the researchers, Jane Greer, commenting on the virtual part of the relationship, noted that it should be dosed and have minimal impact on lovers: it is possible that over time the quantity and quality of real communication in couples will significantly decrease and people will communicate with each other through “ Facebook,” even while being in the same room and having the opportunity to talk in person.

Many of us have a couple, are active users of social networks, blog, and generally spend a lot of time in the virtual space. But while you are there, do not forget about the main thing: living people and real feelings exist in reality, and you need to continuously work on relationships in a couple, otherwise you may not notice how a conflict is brewing and you will be surprised - after all, the family status is on the Facebook page hasn't changed, but your significant other has actually already packed their bags and slammed the door.

How to change your marital status in your passport?

If you want to legally legitimize your relationship with your significant other, first of all you need to submit an application to the registry office. After painting, you will be given a marriage certificate. It is worth remembering: in order to get a marriage stamp in your passport, you need to come with a document confirming this fact to the passport office. If your surname changes, a woman’s passport will have to be completely changed.

marital status single or not married

During the divorce process, after the official dissolution of the marriage, you need to do the same steps: come to the passport office with a divorce certificate and receive the coveted o or “not married.”

It should be borne in mind that cohabitation in a civil marriage is not documented in any way, because this type of marital status is not considered official.

What is the marital status of men?


Men have different marital statuses. For example, he may be married, which means that he is legally married. A man can also be unofficially married while in a civil marriage. Another type of marital status for a representative of the stronger half of humanity is single or not married. Many people believe that these two words have different meanings, but in fact, from a legal point of view, they are simply synonyms. They mean that the young man has never been married. There is also the term "widower" which is used to refer to the fact that a man was previously married, but his wife has passed away.

Now you know what the marital status of representatives of the stronger half of humanity is.

Marital status is not only legal status

As we have seen, in jurisprudence, marital status is important, the types of which you already know. But in fact, psychologists identify other types of marital status that do not depend on the stamp in the passport:

  • An ideal marriage, as understood by relationship experts, is a marriage in which the spouses share both joys and sorrows equally. Responsibility for living together is not shifted to one of the partners, so coexistence becomes comfortable and enjoyable for both.
  • Today, a type of marital situation often occurs in which one of the partners is dependent on the other. At the same time, psychologists note that now women are more inclined to take the reins of power into their own hands than representatives of the stronger half of humanity.
  • A marriage where the spouses constantly “butt heads”, finding out who is boss in the house. On this basis, quarrels constantly arise that prevent partners from enjoying each other’s company.
  • It is also common to find families where husband and wife try too hard to maintain each other's independence. Each of them can live their own interests, and partners are rarely interested in the affairs of their other half. As a result, such an alliance sooner or later collapses.

Divorced or single

As we see, from a psychological point of view, marital status can also be different.


That's exactly what Facebook data scientists did when they conducted an experiment and learned that even before a man and woman declare themselves a couple on the social network and change their status, information about this can already be discovered. The study included many couples whose relationship status changed between 2010 and 2013. The authors of the study note that it is possible to predict the appearance of a particular couple on Facebook 100 days before people announce their relationship themselves. This is due to the fact that during the active period of a relationship, lovers constantly like each other’s posts and photos and leave a lot of notes and comments on the walls.

The highest point of activity in virtual manifestations of feelings was recorded 12 days before the couple’s status on the social network changes. It was during this period that people in love leave an average of two posts a day on each other’s walls.

But after their marital status changes, people begin to spend more time together in real life, which leads to a decrease in the amount of communication on social networks. This is what Facebook researcher Carlos Duke wrote about on his blog on February 14 (Valentine’s Day). But he also noticed another feature that appears in the communication of couples in virtual space. As the number of posts decreases, their content changes. The recordings are becoming more tender, frank and sensual, whereas before they were much more modest and restrained. One of the reasons is due to the fact that the importance of other people relative to a partner decreases, and a desire arises to devote oneself only to the object of one’s feelings, and not to discuss one’s love with friends.

But there is another reason. The fact of a change in the status of family relationships, supported by a specific action on a social network, provides lovers with new powers. They gain the right to openly declare that this person is their partner with whom they have a romantic relationship. According to psychologists, in this way lovers seek to protect their territory from other people’s incursions. In other words, along with romantic feelings, one of the leading motives is jealousy, and in some cases, lovers begin to show possessive behavior towards their partner.

Is marital status important for an employer?

Of course, your marital status plays a role when applying for a job. Moreover, having a family can be both a plus and a minus. With young people who have barely turned twenty years old, everything is clear without words: at this time, most people are just graduating from universities and trying to get on their feet. At the same time, many employers are wary of candidates for a position who have not started a family by the age of thirty, because this fact may mean that they have problems in terms of communication. Implementation in the area of ​​relationships for some employers can be a decisive factor in choosing an employee.

Be legally married

However, the absence of a family means the absence of serious responsibilities and factors that would distract from work. Therefore, many managers prefer that the woman be divorced or single and the man single. Such people will not be distracted by family responsibilities, which means they will be more effective in the office.

In general, it is impossible to guess whether your freedom from marriage will be an advantage or, on the contrary, this fact will undermine your reputation. In any case, it is best to write the truth in your resume, because sooner or later a lie will come true. Moreover, first of all, the employer will evaluate your skills and education and only then will begin to pay attention to secondary factors.

The “Everything is complicated” status is now called situationship

And now an analogue of rollo has appeared in English - situationship. In short, this is not a sentimental candy-bouquet period from which all unions usually start, and not that same “convenient” friendship sex, but a relationship-situation that is stuck in the present time and is not moving anywhere - not towards the official couples, nor to separation. This is such a buffer zone, very familiar to our time, where you can easily get “stuck” for several months: a certain rhythm of meetings has been established, both of you, in principle, are happy with everything, and neither of you is eager to take up a fateful initiative - for example, offer to live together or, conversely, announce that he is going on a trip around the world for a year without contact with the world, and disappear. Everything is decorous, noble and “okay, that’s how it will go.”

The “Everything is complicated” status is now called situationship

Times are changing, and a joke about how you just held hands before is already dating, but now, even after the tenth sex, nothing is clear is really suitable here. This notorious “situationship” was born for a reason (the informal Internet dictionary Urbandictionary first defined this concept back in 2014), but in response to our current demands on life. There are also those who, after the first kiss, consider themselves “his girlfriend” or “her boyfriend”, find a response from their other half and invite them to their parents’ dacha for a barbecue on the third date. But objectively, the number of those who are not entirely sure that this clear and responsible division into couples is exactly what he or she needs here and now is growing.

The reasons are different for everyone: some have too much work; For some it is psychologically difficult to “get used to” a new person and they want to try a “under-relationship” first; Some people, after all, are only interested in sex and only in their free time from fitness and meeting with friends. And someone, perhaps, has completely stopped believing in love after a difficult breakup and is afraid of stepping on the same rake. What unites all these different people with their different reasons is the fact that around them they echo the unshakable “you need a couple”, “it’s time for you to get married”, “you’ll be left alone”, because our society somehow tries poorly to tell us less, how to live.

The reaction to “situationship”, as well as, in principle, to any type of “strange” relationship (for example, the format of a “long-distance spouse” marriage or free love with the possibility of cheating), is usually negative. Like, if this doesn’t turn out to be anything serious tomorrow, then we need to break the ropes, otherwise one suffers, and the other takes advantage, one falls in love like a fool, and the other will invariably remain with a broken heart. Everyone likes scenarios from Russian literature, and it is thanks to their favorite classic characters that many see relationships in this situation: he flutters like a moth, and she is head over heels in love and cries at night when her chosen one does not call or write. In real life, everything is far from being so simple: both can be quite happy with their slight “non-involvement” with each other, get a thrill from almost spontaneous meetings, experience separation in doses, and then indulge themselves in passionate and unexpectedly sincere dates. Yes, and this happens, although it is still difficult for our people to believe that there are people in the world who do not want to get married tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow - children, a cat and a shared loan for an apartment.

The “Everything is complicated” status is now called situationship

“Situationship” is perfect for describing long-term holiday romances in which, despite the predictable and irreversible end, you were still childishly happy. In addition, this phrase describes millions of micro-romances that began on Tinder, when you decided to get closer out of pure curiosity, just to try a new type, or even simply out of boredom, because it was July, everyone was going on dates, and you stayed too long at work until sunset

Well, where are the signs of incorrect behavior, which must certainly be “treated” and “corrected”? But for some reason this is exactly how magazines perceive “misrelationships” - they immediately rush to give advice on how to identify the “symptoms” of a situation situation in your novel and how to urgently change things. For example, they list 12 signs that you are in an “under-relationship” that indicate that your significant other does not love you. Everything is bad, bad, because you don’t talk about the future, don’t know his friends and have never gone to IKEA together. Do something urgently, otherwise you will face the end of the world alone! But it depends: there are also many “real” couples who do not make plans for more than an evening, do not buy furniture every month and prefer cozy meetings for two to all these noisy booths. Will these “misrelationships” turn into a long-lasting romance in your case? Who knows... But worrying about this is not an excuse to miss all the happy moments.

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