What do you see first in the picture? Psychological definition of personality

Psychological test No. 1 “What animal would you like to be” or “Who could you be”

A simple psychological test will help you learn a lot about your inner world.

Look at the picture and, without hesitation, choose the animal, insect, or bird you like. Remember the number

test “who could be”

ANSWERS to test No. 1:


If you chose the 1st picture, then you are very patient. You also have so much inner strength that you can calm anyone down. At the same time, the people who pointed to the picture of the Bear are distinguished by their courage. If you are a mother or are just planning to become one, then your choice characterizes the qualities of a wonderful mother. As you know, cubs stay with their mother for a long time. At the same time, she is not only caring, but also helps her children develop.

mother bear with cub


If you liked picture No. 2, then you are an optimistic and radiant person. You are able to give hope to others, help with advice or action. You also love change. Able to step out of comfort zone when necessary.


You are a self-sufficient person, with your own opinion and vision of the situation. You will not follow the crowd; your opinion can override the opinions of others. At the same time, you have wonderful intuition. Even manifestations of hidden abilities are possible.

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Decent people who are not capable of a vile act. They are usually quiet and often stay in the shadows. However, they will become active if they meet a competitor. At the same time, they love fair fights and fair victories.


If you chose picture No. 5, then you are a rational person. Also, you are not used to listening to your heart. At the same time, you make decisions by carefully thinking and weighing everything. Emotional manifestations of yourself are alien to you.


You are a purposeful and strong-willed person. At the same time, you like to set goals and follow them. If you chose picture No. 6, then you are a freedom-loving person who loves travel and impressions. Just like the Bear, he has impressive inner strength.

freedom-loving horse


If you chose option No. 7, then you are a creative person. At the same time, you are ambitious and love to achieve your plans. People around you love you because... interesting with you. You are positive and love life!

Rorschach test, pictures

3. Picture three

The third picture helps to identify the attitude of the test taker towards the people around him. Thanks to the black and red spots, you can determine how well he is adapted to social interaction.

The most common answers are two human figures, a person seeing his reflection in a mirror, a butterfly or a moth.

-Two people symbolize a fairly active social life, that society plays a huge role in his life. This means that the person has a very high level of social interaction.

-If a person sees two figures in the picture that are involved in the game, this means that he is competing with someone in real life.

-But if the patient suddenly saw people washing their hands in the ink stain, this indicates his insecurity, as well as possible paranoid tendencies.

-Looking in the mirror means that a person sees only himself and is deprived of the ability to understand others. As a rule, he tends to neglect the opinions of others, focusing solely on his own Ego.

It is generally accepted that people of traditional orientation, as a rule, see two men in the picture.

But the rest, on the contrary, look at either two women or a person of indeterminate gender in the ink stain.

However, it is impossible to say with complete confidence that this picture can be used to determine a person’s sexual orientation. Psychologists have differing opinions on this matter.

Test No. 2 “The essence of your personality”

Look at the picture showing 9 eye options and choose the one that is closest to you. Don’t think for a long time about what is closest to your heart. Your subconscious will help you choose the option that is closer to you.

Test “The Essence of Your Personality”

ANSWERS to test No. 2:


You are open to everything new! You love dating, but it is desirable that people come into your life themselves. However, you are not ready to share your thoughts and ideas with them. At the same time, they are always able to help. You also love various innovations and changes in life. At the same time, you are glad to have new experiences and circumstances, no matter what!


You are more of an introvert. Ready to spend a lot of time alone. At the same time, you like to analyze different things, causes and consequences. You are the type of person who thinks and analyzes a lot. However, do not rush to share your views and discoveries.

to the test “The essence of your personality”


You definitely love to stand out from the crowd! If you chose eye #3, then you are eccentric, and you don't hide it! At the same time, your thoughts and actions are rarely similar to those around you. However, their opinion does not really bother you.


You can rightfully be called a secretive person. At the same time, you are not constant; those around you do not know “what you will do this time.” You are either not accepted or accepted for who you are. At the same time, they don’t understand you yourself. However, they are in no hurry to trust you.


If you chose eye No. 5, then you can be called an emotional person. At the same time, you react sharply to the reality around you. You can, without hiding your emotions, openly express your dissatisfaction or aggression. Tears are a common way of relaxation for you.


You often look back at the past. Even though you accept it, you still find it difficult to trust people! But you are quite a decisive person, you solve problems and current tasks well!


You are a man of conscience. You are used to living in harmony with yourself and with others! You can be called kind and open. If you chose eye #7, then you love helping people. At the same time, you understand perfectly well that sometimes good deeds turn out to have negative consequences. However, you cannot do otherwise!

personality type No. 7


You can rightfully be called a “battery”. You are energetic, assertive, accustomed to the fast pace of life. At the same time, you cannot be called a diligent person; long projects are difficult for you. If you chose picture No. 8, a stable and long-term relationship may not be for you.


You have a good understanding of people, their motives and actions. You can be called a born psychologist. At the same time, you are able to give practical and effective advice. People trust you and feel your knowledge.

Take a Rorschach test

1. Picture one

The answers allow the psychologist to determine how a person copes with stressful situations and emerging problems.

The most common answers when viewing the first picture are a bat, a butterfly, a moth, an angel.

-For some, a bat is a symbol of evil spirits and something unpleasant. For others, it is overcoming a difficult path and rebirth.

-Butterflies indicate a transitional period in life, hinting at transformation and the desire to change, grow and cope with emerging difficulties.

— A person who sees a moth in an ink stain is most likely dissatisfied with his appearance; he also believes that his talents are not appreciated by others.

He is prone to bouts of irritability and weakness.

But the outline of an animal’s muzzle can signal a serious problem within a person, an unwillingness to resolve these difficulties, and the fears that haunt him.

This could also be a sign of paranoia.

2. Picture two

The second picture is presented in the form of a black and red inkblot.

As a rule, people see something sexual in this blot.

How a person reacts to this spot describes their ability to control their feelings, including anger, resentment, and physical pain.

Most respondents associate red spots with blood.

As a rule, people look at the following objects in an inkblot: two figures, a person in the process of prayer, their own reflection in a mirror, or some kind of animal.

- If a person sees two figures in the spot, this means that, most likely, he is very addicted to sex or is obsessed with his partner.

- If someone saw a person reflected in a mirror in an inkblot, this means that the subject is not devoid of narcissism. He is also characterized by egocentrism and selfishness. For him, his own “I” is above all.

-Seeing a dog means that the person is a wonderful and loyal friend, ready to do a lot for the sake of friendship, even to the detriment of himself.

- If the subject saw an elephant, this means that the person is endowed with a good memory, a sharp mind and an excellent sense of humor.

-If you see something negative and repulsive in the spot, this indicates the need to face your own fears.

-The bear is associated with aggression, competition and the desire for independence.

Psychological test No. 3 “What does the body need”

This interesting test will tell you what state you are in now and what you are missing. For a more accurate result, it is recommended to relax, close your eyes for a minute and look at the picture. What was the first thing you saw?

picture for the psychological test “what the body needs”

ANSWERS to test No. 3:

Girl's face

If the first thing you saw was the girl's face, then you need a rest. Are you tired. Either your environment takes away your strength and energy, or you don’t know how to refuse. Perhaps you simply forget to take time for proper rest. You can be called a kind, sympathetic person. But sometimes it’s so useful to take care of yourself and your health!

2 horses, landscape

If horses and landscape catch your eye, then there are 2 options. Either you are in love, or you will soon find your soulmate! Remember that you need to work on any relationship and not let everything take its course. You have met (will meet) a worthy person! Be yourself, don't play someone else's role!

picture for the test “what the body lacks”

Mountains, bird

If the first thing you saw were mountains and birds, then you need to start believing in yourself. You deserve more, but for some reason you give all the laurels to those less worthy! Everything is in your power. You can achieve more! The Universe loves you and is ready to give you gifts. Be decisive and take them!

Creating a test in VK

To create your own questionnaire, you need to specify inside the editor the gender of the social network users who are allowed to complete it, the name, and provide a short description (the last point is optional).

Next, add questions and answer options. The hardest part is linking survey results to subscriber data and responses. To do this, check the boxes next to the answers to the questions that lead to a specific option.

The more accurate the result you want to get and the more answer options, the more questions you should add. If a psychology questionnaire is being created, experts recommend at least 10 questions and 5 answer options. However, there is a whole methodology for the correct creation of such content - this is the topic of a separate lengthy article.

It is also recommended to add thematic illustrations to all available empty fields - such content is much better perceived by users. You can return to editing the test at any time. To run the finished test, click the “Create/Update public copy” button.

Test No. 4 “Who are you?”

The picture shows 6 types of different trees with different root systems. Look at the picture for a few seconds and choose the one that is closest to you. What kind of person are you? Transcript below!

Picture for the test “Who are you?”


You are a confident person. You stand firmly on your own two feet, but it is not particularly important for you to understand the world around you. At the same time, you accept him as he is. Plus, you are a good friend, you care about other people. Also loyal and reliable. You often forget about yourself, but never about others!


You are a determined person. Love to participate in new projects and all endeavors. At the same time, you are not afraid of problems, you are not afraid of the unknown. Plus, you can participate in several projects, you like new experiences and new knowledge.


You are a dreamer, you like to talk about the meaning of life. At the same time, you are a sensitive person. You also like to make your own decisions. Do not like advice and imposed opinions. You have enormous inner strength that helps you guess the right decisions. But be careful in your dreams!


You are an independent person. It is difficult for you to stay in one place, and you are also bored with being in one job. Do you love to travel. Even if you don’t have such an opportunity yet, you want to learn a lot of new things and enrich your life with new experiences. You also love to read and really relax with a good movie.


You combine originality, vulnerability and strength of nature. At the same time, you are an incredibly honest person. Plus, you believe in true love and are ready to look for it throughout your entire life. Very romantic nature.


You are a single person. You really want everything to be your way. You don't need company, friends. You are your own best friend. Enjoy your solitude. And you are also inspired by successful people!

more Psychological tests using pictures – part 2

How to use Mega Test

  • Add the application to your page.
  • Let's launch the application. Everything will be clear later.
  • We select the test that suits your choice and take it.
  • By clicking take the test, the cost in coins will be shown. When you add an application, some of the coins will be credited to you.

And then you will need to top up by first selecting a task. Gold coins or dollars can be purchased with votes. You can save all test results for yourself. It is possible to activate access to all tests using voices.

There are a lot of tests that can be passed without topping up existing coins. VIP tests differ in their subject matter and are very interesting and useful. After completing at least one of them you will feel the difference. Invite your friends, and taking tests together will be more interesting. You will receive bonuses for this.

Psychological test No. 5 “Recognizing ourselves through the gate”

Another interesting psychological test based on pictures. Look at this gate through which a new life begins. Where do you want to go, what gates to go through. Think for just a few seconds and choose an answer. Transcript below.

Get to know yourself “Gate”

gate 1

You are a confident person, self-sufficient, with self-esteem. You are not specifically looking for love and friends. But at the same time, many people respect you and are inspired by your example. You are also unyielding and freedom-loving! At the same time, you are hardworking and persistent, your life is successful or close to it!

gate 2

You are a calm person. Love silence and solitude! You prefer to be silent than to speak. At the same time, they are ready to give advice and listen if necessary. Your help is appreciated, it is always useful. You feel comfortable in the company of friends and acquaintances. What sets you apart from others is your intelligence and sense of tact.

picture for test 5

gate 3

You can be called a person with a smile on your face. You are optimistic, full of strength and energy. You know that life should be appreciated, you take everything to the maximum. Love new knowledge and acquaintances. You are tolerant of other people's shortcomings. Troubles don’t upset you; healthy competition is also about you. Ready to admit your mistakes, enjoy life!

gate 4

A spontaneous and fickle person. Your mood often changes in just a few minutes. You are a real rebel, your life is interesting and unpredictable. Your charisma and self-confidence attracts people. It's hard to keep up with you, which makes you become an even more interesting person.

gate 5

You do not like complexity, you live a structured life. You like consistency and serenity. Someone may call your life boring, but you are absolutely satisfied with everything. Why “complicate”? You value security and stability, and will not trade it for any benefits.

gate 6

You are a single person. Don't like to trust people. You have a few friends and that's enough for you. You don't like meeting people. You love minimalism and simplicity. The inner world of a person is also important to you. At the same time, how a person is dressed, what he is rich in in the material world is not important to you. Love to spend time in solitude, devoting it to thought. The opinions of your loved ones are important to you, but others are not interested.

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Personality test

Notice that you may see one thing, but the person next to you sees something completely different.

Let's learn something about your psychological skills.

So look at this image. What do you see first?

-If you see a chicken, it means that you can easily focus on small details. You have a very strong sense of observation and enjoy a variety of technical things.

-If you see the silhouette of a woman with red lips, on the contrary, it is difficult for you to concentrate on one thing for a long time. You are a creative, enthusiastic person who wants to try everything.

-And finally, the rarest case: if you see a man’s face, it means you are a genius.

The outlines of his face can only be seen by mentally turning the image over. Only a few are able to see the outline of a stranger in this drawing.

Test No. 6 “Dream Potion”

We all sometimes want to be in a fairy tale where there are wizards and fairies. Imagine for a moment that you are in a fairyland. Another interesting psychological test based on pictures is presented below. Imagine being able to choose the one potion you want the most. Which one should you choose?

Which potion will you choose?


You like consistency and don't like innovation. If you want to live a moderate life, you don't need change. At the same time, you are very afraid of losing what you have.

$1000000000000 CASH

You are a realist, you don’t fly in the clouds. You accept life as it is, with all its pitfalls. You rarely get discouraged and don’t give in to dreams.


You are a dreamer. Love to imagine yourself and your life in the future. It is difficult for you to come down to earth. If you also take action diligently, success is guaranteed.


You love new experiences and do not like boring and monotonous life. At the same time, you are constant in relationships; stability is important to you here. In addition, you love change and movement. Standing in one place is not for you!


You have certain fears in the present tense. Perhaps you are afraid of some person or simply of change. You need to look your fear in the eye. Then he will stop pursuing you.

In conclusion, we hope you liked our selection of tests! We will continue to share interesting psychological tests using pictures in future articles!

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Rorschach blot test

The so-called Rorschach test is one of the most popular tests for determining the human psyche.

The Rorschach inkblot technique was invented in 1921 by Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach.

The essence of the test is to determine the associations that arise in the subject when viewing 10 ink blots.

Each of these ten outlines evokes different associations with a particular image, word or phrase.

The test is based on the fact that a person’s associations determine the characteristics of his personality.

Test No. 7 “Solar test”

solar test
Choose which sun you like best, think for a moment, just a couple of seconds.

1 Classic sun drawing

It seems you have lost your footing. It is necessary to rethink your life and perhaps return to what you were doing before. This will allow you to gain new energy for further movement.

2 Sun with seven rays

This is the choice of extraordinary individuals. Perhaps you will soon meet unusual and interesting people. They will bring joy into your life. Be more open and the world will give you different benefits!

3 Sun with triangular rays

You are often closed in on yourself and try to get to the true essence of everything on your own. Positive changes are ready to enter your life. You just need to learn to be open. Don't keep everything to yourself!

4 Sun with short rectangular rays

You need a shake-up, new emotions. To do this, it is suitable to change the environment and go on a trip. Maybe just be alone. This will allow you to reflect on your life and draw the right conclusions. And move forward!

5 Sun with long rectangular rays

You are a real generator of ideas. Be bold and start implementing them. Then success is guaranteed for you! Don't be afraid to defend your point of view.

6 Sun with drop-shaped rays

You are a true connoisseur of your comfort zone. They extremely dislike change and are conservative. You love to surround yourself with good and close people, nice things.

7 Sun in the form of a spiral

Routine has taken over you. Groundhog Day, this is how you can describe your life right now. Take action! Change is sorely needed now!

Rorschach ink test

4. Picture four

In the fourth drawing, the patient is presented with an image shaded in black ink.

Associations with this picture are related to a person’s upbringing and his perception of authority.

As a rule, people see a large male figure, a monster or an animal, its skin.

-A large animal or monster is a symbol of strong fear of authority, representatives of power or people who exceed you in physical or moral strength.

-The animal’s skin indicates that the patient experiences a feeling of discomfort when it comes to authoritarian people.

In this blot, the majority of respondents, as a rule, see something scary, unpleasant and masculine.

Psychologists also pay attention to how a person describes this picture and what adjectives he uses.

This helps specialists understand what a person’s attitude is towards authoritative people, in particular males.

5. Picture five

The fifth card is a black ink blot. Associations with this picture are similar to those caused by viewing the first card.

What a person sees in the picture describes his inner world and attitude towards emerging problems. As a rule, the patient is able to discern a bat, butterfly or moth in this blot.

Unlike previous cards, people do not see something scary and threatening here.

If a person’s associations with this drawing differ from the associations that arise when viewing the first inkblot, this may indicate a lack of tension and discomfort.

If the patient sees moving figures in the blot, this may be a sign of paranoia or schizophrenia.

6. Picture six

The associations with the blot in this picture are related to the perception of a sexual nature.

The most common answers are: a hole, an animal's skin, a ship, or human facial features.

-The animal symbolizes the love of touch. Most often, the animal is seen by connoisseurs of tactile contact.

-If a person saw a ship or facial features, this means that the person being tested is inclined to superiority over his partner. As a rule, he dominates in relationships.

-The carpet symbolizes a certain level of dependence on the opinions of others, as well as the fear of being left alone. He is strongly attached to his partner and is afraid to let him out of sight even for a short time.

— The skin of an animal indicates that, most likely, a person is afraid to enter into close relationships and does not strive to communicate with other people. As a rule, such a person is characterized by a feeling of emptiness and loneliness.

-If a person sees a person’s genitals in a spot, this means increased sexuality.

How it works

Let's imagine that you have prepared 3 unique images for the campaign and come up with 5 slogans. To test how all possible image-slogan pairings work, you will have to create 15 ads. The main condition is to test ads on a warm audience and use the same targeting settings for each pair.


For comparison, let's take two ads that have different background colors, slogans, and call-to-action buttons.

This test can simultaneously evaluate the impact of several indicators. Despite the more contrasting background of the second ad, the first slogan is more specific - it is immediately clear that we are talking about social networks and SMM: this is closer to our target audience, so the ad receives a higher CTR.

Sometimes the results of A/B testing turn out to be completely unexpected, and the most unpromising “picture-slogan” pair suddenly jumps ahead, bringing excellent traffic. These are the results that make testing worthwhile.

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