How to find out the phone number to which the contact page is linked?

The popular social network VKontakte is very well protected. Each page has a login, password, identification number, and also a link to a cell phone number. Most often, this is a personal mobile phone, since it will receive SMS alerts, verification codes, and signals about a possible page hack. Therefore, the subscriber must be active. Below we tell you how to find out what number a page is registered to on VK. It is impossible to obtain this information legally, without the consent of the profile owner.

Viewing User Information

This is the simplest method, which works provided the information on the person’s page is open. Using a computer, you need to open the social network member’s page, click the “Show detailed information” link and find the line with the mobile or home phone number. The Skype login may also be indicated in the contact information column.

How to find out a phone number on VKontakte 1-min

For a mobile application, the sequence of actions is similar:

  • Launch the program and open the profile of the desired person.
  • Under your name, click on the “Show information” link.

How to find out a phone number on VKontakte 2-min

  • In the “Contacts” column, look at the number, if it is listed there.

How to find out a phone number on VKontakte 3-min

It should be understood that in order to view VKontakte accounts, the person himself must be registered there. Without creating a profile, you will be able to view only those accounts that have “Public” access in their privacy settings.

How to view the VKontakte page from the outside from a computer?

In the computer version of the site, you can find out how other people see the user’s page through the appropriate settings. To do this, you first need to call up the drop-down menu in the upper right corner and select “Settings”.

Here, in the “Privacy” section, you just need to scroll down the page and select the appropriate link at the end.


This feature, among other things, allows you to verify that the page's privacy settings have been set correctly.

By clicking on it, you can see what the user’s profile looks like from the outside if the other person is using a computer. A corresponding notification will appear at the top.

Types of communities in VK

On your personal VK page, enter the “communities” menu and see in one line three headings “all communities” (all your communities in which you have subscribed), “management” (communities that you are the owner of or have been given access to for certain work in a group ) and “create a community.”

We click on “create a community” and a page with 6 formats that VKontakte offers opens in front of us. Each format has its own name and a brief description of what it is needed for. At first glance, everything is clear, but if you start to understand, some nuances will emerge that are better to know about in advance.

Let's consider all types of communities presented to us by VK. First we need to understand that all these types of communities can be grouped into three groups:

  • public page;
  • group;
  • event.

And the first public page in this list includes four types of communities: “business”, “thematic community”, “brand or organization” and “public page”. Let’s start with it.

Public VK (public page)

All 4 public formats are almost similar in all respects. The only difference is in the name and some minor differences in the type of community itself, which do not affect the work in it.

Now let's pay attention to some features of the public page. Anyone can join this community, since it is always open without the ability to close it.

On a public page, it is not possible to invite friends from your personal page. Therefore, you can advertise this community using posts with a link to the community and use the “tell friends” function. After this, a miniature avatar and the beginning of information about the community will be reflected on the wall of the page or your selected group, if you have one.

Posts on the community wall can only be published by the community administrator. But community members can offer their news, their post, by clicking on the “suggest news” button. Having written it and sent it, it goes to the administrator for moderation, who decides to publish or reject it.

On a public page it is not possible to edit sections such as photographs, videos, audio recordings, discussions, articles, events. The only option is for this section to be present or absent.

There is no “files” item in the settings section to open or close it. But, if a community member offers news, he can also publish a document (file), which, as stated above, is verified by the administrator. There is no “materials” section, it is in the interest group and in events.

The public page, unlike others, falls into the “subscriptions” section on the user’s personal page, which is located under the list of friends. The first five frequently visited public pages are displayed, the rest need to be opened. This way, people visiting your page can immediately see the community you lead and subscribe to it.

VK Group

The group can be:

  • Open - everyone who sees it when searching for a community in VK or in a Yandex and Google search joins it.
  • Closed - people join it at the invitation of the administrator. Either by submitting an application to join, which will be accepted or rejected.
  • Private - people can join it only by invitation of the group leaders. It is not reflected in the VKontakte search.

Community Sections

In the group, you can give them open or limited access. With the open option, all group members participate, with the limited option, only community administrators.

The “materials” section is only available in this type of community (1). Using this section, you can create wiki pages using wiki markup. Very often this section is used to create a group menu. On the computer it is reflected as “latest news” and is located immediately after the group name, like the “information” section.

On a smartphone, this item is located after “detailed information”, which is sometimes not very informative. Therefore, it is better to additionally create a menu by going to the community management, or configure a widget from applications. I will talk about this in an article about designing a VKontakte group. Materials can be disabled or allowed to be created by all participants or only editors and administrators.

Community Wall

Maybe (2):

  • Open. Group members can write and leave comments on it. And also all users who entered your community from the worldwide information network.
  • Limited. You can only post on the wall on behalf of the community. All users can leave comments.
  • Closed. In this option, only the community manager publishes the material and comments are disabled.

If you have an open or limited wall, you can put filters for comments (3) for obscene language and hostile speech. Such comments will be immediately deleted. When preparing a post for publication, you can disable comments specifically for that post.

How to make a VK group closed

I included this sub-item after a request from friends on how to close a VKontakte group. Can't find this function. We started to look into it and it turned out that we had originally created a public page that did not have such an opportunity. This community is always open.

When I wrote the above information about the public, I noted this nuance. It’s just that there are 4 types of publics, and there is only one group, and if you don’t understand the types of communities, then it’s easy to miss the percentage option. Once again, point by point how to do this:

  1. Go to the management of your community (4) and look on the left in the block to see if there is a “Group Type” (5) after the description of the community. If there is, then click and select the desired type (6).
  2. If this line is not there, then you have a public page. We return to the group and go down to the very end in the menu on the right. Find the inscription “Transfer to group” (7) and click on it.
  3. A window appears on the screen with warning information (8), what will change and after how long it will be possible to repeat the transition to another type of community.
  4. After we have transferred the page to a group, go to “Management” and change the type of group we need (6).

Inviting friends to a VK group

This opportunity exists in the group but not in the public (9). You can invite friends to your community from your personal page, unless they have disabled invitations in their settings.

It is also possible to invite people to your favorite group, even if you are not a member or administrator of the group.

Another way is to take a link to your group and send it to your friends in private messages. Just follow the limits, otherwise VKontakte may punish you. I do not recommend sending messages to people who are not your friends on this social network.


The name itself speaks for itself. A community created to host an event. This could be a meeting of classmates, a master class, a presentation of a book, cosmetics, and so on.

The event can be open or closed. It is organized by the owner of the VK page on his own behalf or on behalf of a previously created community. The start and end times of this event are set.

Just like in a group, friends can receive an invitation from you to this event. In the community on the right under the avatar there will be an inscription “join”. By clicking on it, “you will go” will appear. After that, click again and you can change the decision to “maybe I’ll go” or “I can’t go.”

When a scheduled event approaches, those who want to join it will receive a notification on the page and a reminder will appear under the bell sign.

Find all online accounts with username

Find all online accounts with username

If you often enter your username when creating a new account, the Namechk service will help you summarize the information. The available domain finder and username checker will search dozens of platforms. You simply enter your most frequently used ID in the search bar at the top of the page and Namechk will tell you where that account was used. The service can check many resources: Instagram, VKontakte, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and many others. And this utility is free.

♥ ON TOPIC: How to recognize text from photos on iPhone without installing third-party applications.


Yandex.People service to find out a person’s page number on VK.Try entering the person’s first and last name in the Yandex.People service, and you may be able to find the phone number of the page on other social networks.
In fact, in the example in the image above, both the name is rare and the obvious publicity of a person who is present in almost all social networks. networks, allows you to easily find her number. Try this method, perhaps the person you are interested in has indicated their number somewhere.

If the number does not appear anywhere, then try to find out the email address , we will need it for the following methods. We can also find out the cell number we are interested in by finding out its Skype .

How to find out a phone number from another person’s VK page

Now let’s look at how to find out a phone number from another person’s VK page. Many users are interested in how to find out a person’s number using a VK link, or by using the ID of their page.

In fact, you cannot use any official and legal (!) methods to get a number on a VK page, as this is contrary to VK’s policy on non-disclosure of personal data. This is what VK itself reports when registering a phone number:

How to find out a phone number from another person’s VK page

That is, you won’t be able to get through a person’s number via VK or IP (IP) address. There are, of course, many different services on the market that supposedly allow you to get through a person’s number and information via a VK link, but you should understand that this is illegal. And I do not recommend using such services.

You can find out the phone number of another person on VK only if he himself left the number in the “Contacts” section (contact information) on his page.

punch the number on the VK page

Thus, if you need to get a person’s phone number through his VK page, then it’s better to just check his page, perhaps the person left his number in his contacts. If not, you can write to the person and ask for their phone number.

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