How to remove a VKontakte like (“I like”), reaction

If you like on VK and then remove it, will it remain in history?

On the social network Vkontakte, a like looks like a heart. If you click on it, it will turn red, which means you liked the photo or post. It also happens that some users accidentally put o on this or that post, when they realize that they put it in the wrong place, they simply remove it.

It is not surprising that the question then arises: “If you like on VK and then remove it, will it remain in history?”

Therefore, do not be surprised if later this person, out of resentment, removes all his likes from your photos, videos and publications.

But, if it is not online, then your secret will remain with you. It’s another matter when you liked it a long time ago, but then for some reason decided to remove it. In this case, the user will know about this, since by placing this it is saved in history and the number of this mark is saved in the photo. Let’s say this user’s photo has collected forty likes, then when he sees that there are 39 of them, he will understand that someone removed this mark, but will not know who it is, since the history will not say that this the user took your loyalty. After all, he didn’t memorize everyone who put Fr.

So, you don’t have to worry about whether the person will know that you removed the like from his post. We hope that this article was able to help you and answer all your questions.

The social network VKontakte provides the opportunity to carefully monitor your own likes, which are left under certain publications of other people. If necessary, sympathy can be deleted, and the time that has passed since it was left does not play any role. How can you find out who removed the like on VKontakte and is it even possible?

[SOLVED] How to delete your own and other people’s likes on VKontakte

Published: 04/18/2016
There are situations when you need to delete your or others’ VKontakte likes.

A simple example: you got likes using bots, and then all your accounts were deleted.

In such a situation, your photo may receive 100 or more likes from “dogs”, i.e. non-existent and deleted profiles. It’s clear that you don’t need such likes.

The downside is when you yourself give a lot of unwanted likes, for example, to your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend, and after breaking up you want to remove all your tags. In this case, we should talk about deleting your own likes, and this also does not cause any difficulties.

This article will be divided into 2 parts, in which we will deal with both procedures, step by step and with screenshots! We can start.

How to remove other people's unnecessary VK likes: step-by-step instructions

Step #1

By the way, these same methods apply not only to photos, but also to videos, and to comments, and to posts on the wall, and to all other elements of VKontakte.

Step #2

Under the photo we see the number of likes.

Move the mouse cursor to the heart icon (the “Like” option) until a pop-up window appears with the people who gave these likes.

Step #3
Step #4

Moving the mouse cursor to the upper right corners of the avatars, we will see “Block” pop-up tips and the classic closing cross icon.

Click on the cross.

Step #5

When you click on that same cross, the “Report spam” window appears and we can click the “Continue” button.

After this, everything left by the user will simply disappear, and the person himself will move to your BLACK LIST.

But there is probably no other way to remove other people’s likes.

After a user returns from the Black List, all his former likes and marks will NOT be returned!

Those. you will restore the user's rights, but his likes will be deleted forever!

How to delete your unnecessary VK likes: step-by-step instructions

Step #1

First, let's check that you have bookmark options enabled. Go to “Settings” in the “General” sub-item, click on the option “Customize the display of menu items”:

In the window that opens, check the box opposite the “Bookmarks” item:

The MAIN thing is to go to the “Bookmarks” menu item, which is what you have to do!

Step #2

The “Bookmarks” menu stores all the materials that you liked, where you put the “Like” icons, that you approved.

By simply switching between the Videos, Photos, Posts, People tabs, you can gradually open each individual file and remove your likes.

If you don’t know, then to remove the like (o) you need to click on it 1 more time.

It turns out that you have to open all approved files and remove your marks everywhere.

As an example, a visual screenshot:

Of course, here you will have to tinker. Still, opening each approved file and clicking the “Like” button again is a tedious and difficult task.

But, again, there is no other way to get rid of your likes. You will again have to go through all the files and remove your mark on each of them. For those who are unclear, watch the video:

Liked and removed - how to find out?

Hearts placed under your posts do not always remain for a long time or even forever. Sometimes it happens that a person immediately removes them. This may be due to the fact that he placed them accidentally.

It is clear that you will only be able to notice this action if you are online at that moment, since you will receive a corresponding pop-up notification. If you were offline, the situation becomes more complicated.

If you remove the VKontakte like, will it be visible in notifications or not? Unlike other social networks, a deleted VK sympathy after some time ceases to be displayed in incoming notifications, which can be found by clicking on the corresponding bell symbol at the top of the page.

As for mobile versions of the social network, it all depends on two things:

  • being online or offline at the moment when another user liked it;
  • settings for instant (Push) notifications.

If you look at the notification right away, you will be able to see who left the like, even if this person immediately removed it.

Visibility to another user

If you remove it immediately after leaving a sympathy, the person to whom it is addressed will not notice anything. Naturally, except when he:

  • is currently in the application;
  • is online and has Push notifications configured;
  • looks at new likes through notifications, and not through the feed itself with publications.

The last point is very important. A notification that someone left a like will come in any case, even if it was promptly deleted. But seeing who did what using such messages is not always convenient. For example, if someone else liked the same post after you, then yours will be hidden. All this will look like this: “Ivan Ivanov and 10,500 other users liked your publication.”

If you click on the words “more”, the entire list will open, and your like will no longer be there. The point is that the notification about him was blocked by the sympathies of other people.

Who removed likes from your posts

You can also try to find out who cleaned all the previously left hearts. The likelihood that this person, especially if he paid a lot of attention to your publications, did it manually, which is very time-consuming and inconvenient, is minimal.

Therefore, most likely, he simply unfriended and blocked your page, as a result of which you cannot see his likes, comments and other actions. To understand whether this is actually so, you need:

  • go to the “Friends” tab;
  • in the block on the right, select “Friend requests”;
  • Next you will see a list consisting of two parts - incoming and outgoing. You need to go to the second one, where your outgoing friend requests will be indicated.

If a person has left, he will be on this list.

Option 3: Mobile version

While in the versions of the social network discussed above it was possible to use at least two methods, the mobile version of the site is limited to standard capabilities. We will pay attention to the resource only on a computer, but the version adapted for the phone requires performing the same actions that were described in the instructions for the official application, and in general it does not differ much on different platforms.

  1. Go to the mobile version website and scroll through the main menu below. From the presented items you need to select “Like”.
  2. Go to the Liked section in the mobile version of VKontakte

  3. Using one of the tabs presented here, select the category of posts from which you want to remove likes. Please note that errors may occur with Comments.
  4. Selecting the category of your favorite publications in the mobile version of VKontakte

  5. Click on the red heart icon under the post to remove the rating. As a result, the value of the likes should decrease in gray color and, if the counter allows, the value of likes will decrease.
  6. The process of deleting a like under a post in the mobile version of VKontakte

In each presented option, we considered removing “Like” ratings through the “Like” section, but do not forget that you can remove likes in any other place on the site in the same way.

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Removing your likes from other people's photos

To resolve this issue, you need to go to the news feed, and then pay attention to the block in the upper right part of the screen. There you will notice the “Like” sub-item, which is located in the “News” item. We click on it, the feed is updated, we see a complete list of publications for the entire existence of the account, under which our sympathies were left.

In the feed, simply click on the red heart so that it becomes transparent again - this will indicate that the sympathy has been deleted.

How to remove likes

I already wrote once about what you need to do to find out. The procedure here is very similar.

So, let's look at the procedure. First you need to check something in the settings. To do this, go to your page and in the left menu click on the “My settings” item:

At the next stage, immediately in the “General” tab, we check whether the bird is next to the “My bookmarks” item; if not, then check it.

Now the “My Bookmarks” item should appear in the left menu:

In the “Photos” tab at the next stage, all the photos that you have liked are displayed. The “Posts” section naturally displays the posts you like.

Click on the object from which you want to remove your like. In my case it is photography. Below the photo, I click on the heart icon again to make the like disappear.

Repeat this operation several times to remove likes from VKontakte photos.

How to like and immediately remove a like?

Let's start, perhaps, with the simplest. It is unlikely that anyone will have problems with how to like a photo, post or video. But some unenlightened users may have difficulty figuring out how to remove it.

In fact, everything is quite simple here. To remove your rating from a photo, just click on the “Like” button again so that it fades and turns gray (returns to its original appearance).

How to hide a random like on Instagram

If you accidentally liked it and then removed it, you can hide it. The owner of the post/photo should not understand who exactly put the tag.

For example, accidentally liking a person’s photo. If the user uses the notification, then the notification is sent even if the like is quickly removed. You can come out of an unpleasant situation gracefully. The notification may disappear soon, but it doesn't always happen that way.

Therefore, it is better to take action immediately:

  • Make the account private using the settings;
  • Open the profile editing page;
  • In the “Settings” of your profile, change your photo and name beyond recognition;
  • Write new text in the “About Me” line.

In this case, if the person whose post was liked receives a notification, he will not understand who gave this like. After some time, you can return your name and photo to your account.

What will happen in VK, Insta and FB?

In order to understand exactly what happens if you quickly like and remove, I had to conduct a small experiment. Nothing complicated. I just asked a friend to do this procedure several times: first put the o and then remove it.

What happened in the end? On VKontakte I received a notification in the lower left corner of the screen that the user Ivan Ivanov liked my photo. By clicking on the bell (notifications) at the top of the page, nothing was found, as was the case after updating the page, since the like was immediately removed.

After performing the same steps, but with a delay, a notification appeared at the top of the page. But as soon as the like was cancelled, it disappeared.

About the same thing happened on Instagram. Upon receiving notification of a new mark, the corresponding section of the application lit up. After going into it and updating it, the notification disappeared.

Facebook was no exception, where in a similar way, a notification appears and then disappears, as if it never happened.

Thus, a simple conclusion can be drawn. The same rule applies to all three social networks - if the user liked and removed (no matter for what period of time), then the notification will last exactly until cancelled. Afterwards it will be deleted.

How not to show your likes to friends on VKontakte News

Restrictions on displaying various sections of VKontakte are in Settings. Click on the avatar and select Settings in the menu that opens. Next, select Privacy.

Among the many settings, we need the Other block: what updates do my friends see in the news - it’s at the very bottom.

You can select the All updates item, then any of your actions, for example, posting a photo or reposting a post, will be broadcast to your friends’ news feed. The second option: select several of the many items, updates of which will be available for viewing by people from your friends list. We move the cursor to update the sections and mark the required one.

The last option is to not show any updates. To do this, you need to mark any section, for example, photos, and then uncheck it. The No updates option will be automatically applied.

The settings on your computer and phone (at least on official applications) must be synchronized, that is, what you chose in will be the same in smartphone applications.

I would be surprised to see a user of the social network VKontakte who does not know about such a button as “Like”. Popularly referred to as Like. Translated from English like - like it. This is where the jargon comes from. Like, like my photo and so on. But today we are talking about something else, we will consider with you the question of how you can remove likes on VKontakte


In this lesson, I will show you how you can remove other people’s likes that were left on your photos, as well as those that were left by you, and for some reason you decided to remove them from there.

If your photos contain likes from personalities that you would not like to see in your photos, then the instructions in this post will be useful to you.

How can I find out which user has deleted a rating?

Many people immediately have a reasonable question: “Will the person you liked see it?” If at the time of the like the user is online and is near the monitor screen, then he will most likely notice the notification that has come to him.

But if a person, for example, leaves the computer or logs out of the network, then the next time he logs in, there will be no notification. Even if you rate it a thousand times and then delete your rating.

Things are a little different with mobile phone applications. The thing is that smartphones are designed in such a way that an alert received by them is stored in the cache of the device itself.

To clarify: this is not the notification that we receive inside the social network itself, but the one that comes to our phone like an SMS. That is, the information will be deleted inside the social network itself, but it will remain on the smartphone.

Having seen such a notification, the user will open the desired social network, and will not find anything there. But he will still be able to understand who liked and unliked his photo.

Is it possible to recognize a person who did not immediately remove his heart, but, say, after a week? Let’s look at the article: “Find out who removed the like on VK.”

How to hide likes on Instagram?

Privacy plays an important role on the Internet. Most people are against being tracked in any way. Likes on Instagram in some cases violate privacy: everyone can see who posted the like, so many are looking for ways to block access to this information. Below are all the currently existing options to get rid of “hearts”.

Lifehack for our readers - 50 likes on Instagram for FREE from Likemania

How to hide likes on Instagram from subscribers

Instagram has settings that increase privacy. To hide about from subscribers, you need to:

  • have privacy settings turned on;
  • confirm only the subscribers you need.

The photo will not appear in the news feed, and can only be seen on the user’s page. If two users have privacy enabled, their likes for each other will be hidden from prying eyes. Otherwise, anyone who has not enabled this feature will be visible.

How to hide tagged photos

If the user does not like the photos in which he was tagged, he can remove the tag. To do this you need:

  • open the tagged picture;
  • find your name and click on it;
  • select the “Hide from my profile” option for the English version or “Remove label” for the Russian version.

Now no one will be able to find out that the person was tagged in the photo. The page will be protected from unexpected guests.

Is it possible to hide your likes from friends?

This function is not provided by Instagram developers. Likes will still be visible until they are removed. Therefore, friends can always see who likes whom. To avoid this, you need to enable privacy and remove the “undesirable” person from your friends list.

  • Delete photo;
  • ask to remove the mark.

The most radical way is not to install them at all. But you cannot prevent someone from giving a heart, except for the only option: to block the unwanted guest. In this case, a stranger simply will not be able to see the photos and put “like” on them.


It is likely that with the development of Instagram, new functions will appear that increase the level of privacy. But for now, anyone who registers on a social network and wants to use all its functions will be accessible to prying eyes. Complete anonymity is, of course, possible. For example, use anonymizers or hidden networks and post photos that cannot be used to determine a person or location, and also open the network only from protected devices. However, most people do not have such a need, because Instagram was created to share your photos, tag your favorites and send them to each other, sharing joy and new impressions.

Complex semi-automatic promotion services - they monitor limits and are vitally interested in the user’s success:

  • Pamagram - an integrated approach to promotion, friendly and honest service, care about users;
  • Zengram - like Pamagram, focuses on live subscribers, so the prices are not the lowest (and bots are useless for business), but not high either. In addition to the classic functionality, there is the opportunity to spy on someone...
  • Doinsta - focuses on automation, users like ease of use - once they added a lot of competitors, and then you can not log in for a very long time, but subscribers increase).

Cheat services:

  1. Likemania. Works with all social networks. networks. The popularity of the exchange was ensured by the ease of markup. Small percentage of bots. People working on iPhones, smartphones, and tablets are very fond of it.

Cheat services + Exchanges:

  1. Bosslike. There are free and paid ways to quickly receive likes, etc. The absence of “left” pages and instant entry of comments has ensured BOSSLIKE a leading position among its analogues. According to our test, out of 100 recruited subscribers, 80 remained after 2 weeks.
  2. VKTarget remains the most popular service among advertisers and performers. The exchange copes with getting likes on Instagram at 5+.
  3. CASHBOX – free and paid account upgrade. Valued due to the large number of tasks. Earning opportunity. Guarantees only “live” likes and subscriptions - the administration is fighting bots everywhere.

It can be seen that one of your friends liked the photo or post in the group. The question arises: does it turn out that what I like, others see too? Not everyone likes to put on public display those posts under which the o was placed, since often a like is given not because the post is liked, but in order to find it later. Therefore, in order to hide your likes from friends in the news feed, you need to set your privacy settings accordingly.

How can I delete my marks if they are added to the emergency list?

Another quite popular question that arises in the minds of users of VKontakte, Instagram and Facebook after they have been added to the blacklist (emergency).

As you know, to remove a like, you need to go to the page of the desired person, open the photo (or post), and then click on the heart again. But how to do this if you are on the blacklist? After all, in this case, access to the profile is closed.

The answer is much simpler than you thought - don't do anything. The system will do everything for you.

The fact is that when one or another account is added to the emergency situation, everything left from it is automatically deleted. This is how all three social networks work. Sometimes people even specifically block a specific person in order to remove all his ratings.

Today I told you about what will happen if you like and immediately remove it from VK, FB and Insta. We also talked about how to find out who performed such a sequence of actions and what happens to ratings if access to an account is restricted.

Now you know a little more about social networks. I hope the article was useful to you.


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How to delete someone else's like or reaction?

Is it possible to remove someone else’s like or reaction on VK from a post (wall post), photo, video? Yes, you can!

  1. Open the list of people who liked or reacted:
  • On a computer, hover your cursor over the word Like or heart and a list will appear. Click on the words Liked by ... people to see everyone if there are a lot of likes.
  • In the application on your phone - click on your post, below you will see a list of likes; click on it. If you need to remove a like or reaction from a photo, open it, click on the comment icon, a list of likers will appear below - click on it to see all the people.
  • Open the page of the person whose like or reaction you want to delete (click on his avatar or name). It is advisable that he is now offline (not online).
  • Temporarily block it (the “three dots” button or - Block). Learn more about how to do this. Attention: in this case, not just one like or reaction will disappear, but all the likes or reactions of this person on your page recently.
  • Hint: if you want to delete a like/reaction and immediately ban the person, do so. On your computer, having opened the list of those who liked/reacted, move the cursor over the desired person and click on the cross that appears. Then click Continue. Likes/reactions will be deleted, and the person will be blacklisted. Check your blacklist here.
  • Unblock him immediately so that he can communicate with you and visit your page (the “three dots” button or - Unblock). He won't notice anything unless he goes to check if his likes/reactions are there. Learn more about unlocking.
  • The only limitation is that the like or reaction must not be old. It should take no more than a week. no more than 7 days have passed since it was placed If more time has passed, then you can delete him/her only along with the post or photo. Usually this rarely happens, because most often you want to delete some recent like or reaction. For example, so that a loved one does not see this and become jealous.

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