How to delete an event in contact. How to delete an event from a VKontakte group The edit button in VKontakte has disappeared

Events on the social network VKontakte are a very useful type of community. You can use it to schedule a meeting, which will be reminded to all participants. Only after the event has passed does it not disappear. Sometimes this is very disturbing. What does VKontakte offer here? How to delete an event? All the best tips and tricks will be presented to your attention. In fact, if you approach the task correctly, you can change the situation without any problems. The main thing is to try.

Method #1: change the date

1. In your VKontakte profile, click on the “My Groups” menu.

2. Click in the “Upcoming Events” section on the page you want to delete.

3. Go to the “Community Management” section.

4. In the Start Time option, set the past date (for example, if today is March 30th, set it to the 20th). Click on the “calendar” icon in the field and select a day.

5. Click “Specify end time” and set the elapsed date in the same way.

Now, if the meeting is re-scheduled, the VKontakte invitation will not be visible on the personal pages of the participants and in your profile.

Method #2: change settings and delete content

1. On the event page, click “Photos” in the feed.

2. Hover over the photo album and click the “Edit” icon.

3. Click the "Delete" option.

4. In the panel that opens, click “Delete all photos for the last week.”

5. Go to “Audio Recordings”. In each audio track one by one, click the cross icon to remove them from the page.

6. Also, using standard VKontakte tools, get rid of the rest of the content uploaded to the invitation feed (videos, notes).

7. Go to the “Community Management” section.

8. In the last block of access settings, click on the “Meeting Type” column and select “Closed” from the drop-down submenu.

In the remaining options of this block (Wall, Photos, Videos) set the value to “Disabled”.

10. Go to the “Participants” tab and delete all invited users (the “Delete” button in the panel of each user).

That's all! Despite the fact that the event page remains, it no longer fulfills its original functions—it has actually been deleted.

We recently found out. But creation is only the first step. A VKontakte event must be properly organized. This directly affects whether you can bring people to your meeting.

Designing a VKontakte event - step-by-step guide from Anna Mataras

Friends, greetings. My name is Anna Mataras and I am a practicing administrator of VKontakte communities. We continue the conversation about VKontakte events.

Anna Mataras. Northern Cyprus.

The general rules for group registration remain relevant for the event. Therefore, we remember that the avatar should attract attention with a pleasant color palette and reflect the essence of your event. Don't forget to add a call to participate.

Test "3 seconds" for an event

Let me remind you that according to the rules of this test, any person who visits the group page, in our case the event page, must decide in 3 seconds where he is and whether he should take part. What I, as a potential participant, want to understand by going to the event page: topic, online or offline (if offline, then location), paid or free, start time.

All these parameters should be clear from the avatar, group name and proper settings (time, place, cost).

If your event is interesting to a person, he will join it. Starts studying and decides whether to go for it. Therefore, further registration is also important.

General rules for registering a VKontakte event

What can be included here? First of all, the top post on the wall or a pinned post should briefly describe what will happen at the event, what benefits a person will receive, the conditions for participation and the link to register, if necessary.

Be sure to use a bright and attractive picture, in which you duplicate the main points with text, but do not overdo it, since a lot of text in a picture is also not very good.

  • question answer
  • about the coach
  • event program
  • reviews

In the “Contacts” block, be sure to indicate the coach, organizer, administrator and other persons as desired, if necessary.

Currently, in order to invite people to a meeting, talk about interesting events, or hold a seminar, it is enough to create and register the event in VK. Organizing this is quite simple when you have a good one. It is possible to create an unlimited number of meetings on her behalf. However, in order not to get confused, you periodically need to clean your community and delete events on VKontakte,

which have already ended and lost their relevance.

Your options when creating a VK meeting

By creating an event page, you can take advantage of the following benefits:

  • Unlike groups, you can invite members of your communities here - 5,000 invitations per day. Quite a bit of! Is not it?
  • But if you invite your friends, then everything is according to the standard - no more than 40 invitations per day.
  • As your event approaches, everyone who clicked “Going” or “Maybe Going” will receive a notification. This way, you don't have to worry about reminders or anyone forgetting.
  • VKontakte users will be much more willing to look at information on the internal pages of VK than on other third-party sites (fear of getting a virus, spam, etc.).
  • Very convenient in situations where your event is held repeatedly. Since it is possible to change the date to a new one. This way, you won't have to create the appointment again, and people will be notified again.
  • Everything that is posted on the event wall will also appear in the news feed. Everything works here as in regular groups.
  • The interface is tailored specifically to the holding of a particular event. It's quite convenient. In public it would look like a regular post.

As you can see, there are a number of advantages here that no other tool has. This is why meetings are one of the most effective ways to attract people to an event.

How to delete a VKontakte event that you created yourself

A complete list of all the meetings that you have ever held on VK can be found on your community page. Just below the video recording area, on the right, you will notice a tab that reports on all the activities that have taken place. To delete a past event that you created on VKontakte,

you need to go to the main page of the meeting. It is important to note that VKontakte does not allow you to erase all information about past events in one click.

If you want the information about the meeting to be completely erased, you will have to manually remove pictures, information about the community, delete video and audio, and participants. To remove all information about an event from VK search:

  1. Remove all meeting participants. Go to the community management area. Click on the “Participants” tab. To the right of each person who accepted your invitation to participate in the event, there is a special delete button. The fewer participants in your meeting, the more difficult it will be to find it in search.
  2. Convert the event from open to closed. To make a private meeting that people won't be able to join unless invited, open the group information area.

Scroll down the page. Opposite the “Group Type” tab, select “Closed”. Afterwards, unsubscribe from this event yourself. Then, from your profile, go to the “My Groups” tab. Find information about management. If you did everything correctly, the deleted event will disappear from this list. After some time, the VK administration will remove the empty community from the search.

VKontakte events

VKontakte events

It is possible to organize both separately and on behalf of your community. In any case, to organize a meeting, you need to open the group management section. Tap the create a new community button.

If you have a large enough group that you want to invite to a new meeting, then it makes more sense to organize the event on behalf of the community. To do this, on the event management page, indicate your community as the organizer.

To recruit a large number of people to the event as soon as possible, launch an advertisement in VK. This can be targeted advertising, advertising in large public pages with similar topics, as well as connecting other organizers to conduct invitations.

Hello! I am Denis Suprunov, expert on promotion of FriendMedia

This article will be useful to managers of event companies, art directors of entertainment venues, organizers of business events, media representatives and advertising agencies.

You have an event coming up, you want to make it successful, and for this you need to attract people and promote the event. If this is not the case and you are not one of the above, then this information is unlikely to be useful to you. If only for general development.

So, you have created a VKontakte meeting dedicated to your event, and are wondering what to do next. We have divided all work on promoting events into 5 steps. These are the stages we go through together with the client, helping him promote his event:

Bottom line

So, we looked at the topic of events on VKontakte: how to create, how to set up, what are the advantages and what capabilities do they have. Now you know a great way to attract people to a particular event.

We hope our article was useful to you.


Do you intend to conduct a training, organize a concert or create a webinar, but have no idea where to find people who would be interested? The social network VKontakte will help you quickly recruit the required number of people for your event.

How to create a VKontakte event

, how to tell subscribers about it in order to interest them - this is what will be discussed in this article. To create an event, go to the contact page and go to the groups section in the left corner.

1) Select "Create Group". In the window that opens, select “Event” and come up with a name for your meeting. Then click “Create a community”

2) As when creating a VKontakte group, the site will direct you to settings. Here write a description of the event you decided to create. In the description field, write literally 3-5 sentences about what your meeting is about and who you want to see.

4) Indicate age restrictions and event organizers, as well as start and end times. On the day of the event, the people you gather will receive a VKontakte reminder that they are expected.

After setting, look carefully to see if you have specified everything and click “Save”. You will be automatically taken to the event page. There you need to upload a photo. Click on the event avatar and upload a picture.

Then add the photo to the album. These can be images and pictures from a previous VKontakte meeting, reviews from those who were there, as well as just pictures that reflect the essence of what is happening. It's best to upload a video. Create a promo video about what will happen at your meeting. You can download it by clicking on the button on the left to add a video. When all the settings are completed, it’s time to invite people.

You CAN delete an event from a VKontakte group!

Even on VKontakte itself, there are repeated answers like: “unfortunately.” It is not true. It is very possible to remove it, and permanently. There are recommendations like: “delete all posts, participants, etc.” This is not at all necessary!

First, I’ll tell you a little background. Perhaps this will help someone avoid similar mistakes in the future. If you're not interested, move on to the next title.

I have a VKontakte group dedicated to 1C Accounting courses. Commercial group. Somehow, at the initial stage of the group’s development, I decided to create an event to add information about current promotions for training (discounts, etc.). As a result, I ended up with 3 events (not immediately, of course).

The protests have passed, but the events remain. I got rid of them in the following way.

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How to delete a VKontakte event if I am the creator? This is exactly the question that interests some users. There is another small and simple trick that you can use. He will definitely help you get rid of the event. Among the event participants there is such a category of users as “Organizers”. They are the ones who will help us solve the problem. Have you thought about possible options for action on the VKontakte social network? How to delete an event? To do this, visit the “Leaders” section and find the organizer there. All that remains to be done now is to remove it. That is, move it to the regular participants section. The option is not bad, but few people talk about it. It is easier to take advantage of changing the date of the event.

How to remove an event from a group

An event in a VKontakte group is like a mini-community and, like the group, it has management! This is what you should take advantage of.

We need to open an event. Then we go to “Community Management” (events, not groups!). Next we look at the participants of the event. There is a “Leaders” tab, and the organizer of the event is listed on it.

Unlike a group, you can change the organizer of an event! Just change it from your group to something else and problem solved! If the procedure is performed with all events, then this block in the group will disappear on its own (it is impossible to hide it if there is at least one event).

Helps 100%. I got rid of all the events in my VKontakte group and don’t create them there anymore. You can check it (link above or on the right of the site). If it didn’t work out, we tried poorly. I don’t include any pictures due to the lack of unnecessary activities in the group, and there are no complex operations here.


Leaving the event

But what if you are a simple participant? The whole point is that you will be able to implement your idea without any problems. Why? Because deleting an event in this case means a taboo on participation. Refusing to visit a particular place is no more difficult than answering how to delete an audio recording on VKontakte. All you need to do is visit the event page and select the “Change decision” menu item there. It is located under the avatar. Next, select “I can’t go” - and that’s it, the job is done. Now you will not be included in the list of participants, and the event itself will no longer be displayed for you.

It turns out that everything is easy and simple. It is enough to know a few secrets of the VKontakte social network to bring your idea to life. If you come across apps that offer to delete social network events, don’t believe them. This is the most common scam. Most likely, he will deprive you of both your money and your work account. Be carefull! And remember that once you create an event, you won’t be able to completely get rid of it! By the way, there is another method that you can use on the VKontakte network. How to delete an event? Make it private in settings. Don't forget to remove all participants!

If you need to gather a large audience for a concert or disco (event), if you need to invite all your friends to a party, wedding or anniversary, then you can use the very convenient function of the VKontakte website and create an event. Thus, it will be convenient, beautiful and original to notify a large number of people about the upcoming event. It will also be possible to find out in advance how many people are going to come.

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