How to run a VKontakte community: Create a public page

Have you ever wondered, “Why do some people recruit on social media and others don’t?” And one of the important factors is the correct page design. Because You need to hook a person in the first seconds when he visits your page. But if the page is designed badly, the visitor will flee from it because he thinks that you are the same as other thousands of accounts.

And in this article I want to show you how best to design your VKontakte page so that a person lingers on it and has a desire to subscribe and follow you. And this is precisely what is important to us, because, as a rule, people do not register for the team immediately, but continue to follow us for some time. And if you are close to your potential distributor's characters, ethical standards, etc., he will become your partner.

Perhaps, at one time people registered immediately, but today this is no longer the case, because there are a lot of offers today. On VK there are simply hundreds of thousands of pages of networkers who manage their accounts terribly and scare off their potential partners. And if you allocate from these thousands and register your account correctly, you will attract more and more new partners to your team!

Rules for designing a VKontakte page

First, we will talk about some important rules of the social network itself, which relate to various aspects of the design of user profiles. It is important to understand and take these rules into account so that in the future you can correctly work on creating your own unique design for your personal page.

How are photos displayed on the page?

Of course, first of all, visitors to the user’s page pay their attention to the installed main profile photo, which is also called an avatar. If the user wants his page to be truly attractive and interesting, he should find his real photo in the best quality in order to set it as an avatar. It is worth noting that many VKontakte users prefer to set vertically oriented photographs as avatars, because they are simply visually larger. Otherwise, the avatar will have a square appearance.

Also, on each personal page there is a special block with added photos, which must also be used in order to decorate your profile. At the same time, you need to remember that this block with the latest added photos in open albums can be easily hidden.

How is personal information processed?

If a user decorates his real page, which should beautifully tell about him as a person, only real information should be indicated here. At the same time, you need to remember that there are special privacy settings in this social network, with the help of which, for example, you can hide certain personal data from those users who are not on your friends list. Most often this is done with age information or a mobile phone number.

The VKontakte social network recommends filling out all available fields with information about yourself, as well as the user’s interests, as this allows you to immediately find out all the necessary information about a person, which also concerns his preferences. At the same time, it is also worth establishing your status by adding important information that the user believes that guests of his page should see immediately when going to his profile.

How is the wall designed?

The wall on a personal page, as a rule, also often carries quite a lot of information about the owner of the profile, and there may be posts of one’s own composition, or, for example, liked reposts from other sources. Of course, you shouldn’t litter your wall with posts that are published here without any filters at all, that is, you shouldn’t post them too often.

It is also worth remembering that you can pin one or another separate post on your wall, which can, for example, advertise a person’s services or his VKontakte community. At the same time, it is better to design such posts simply enough so that other visitors to the page do not have difficulties in familiarizing themselves with this information.

When a user chooses whose friend request he should approve and whose to reject, one must remember that the “Friends” function in this social network was, in fact, designed to ensure that only real acquaintances were present. At the same time, the more subscribers a user has, the higher his personal page is in the general search. This means that it is recommended not to add strangers as friends, thus forming a fairly large list of your subscribers. At the same time, a large number of subscribers gives the user access to information about the statistics of his personal page, which is a rather unique function in this social network.

Set a readable ID for the page

Each page has its own unique address. Initially, it is formed from an ID marking and a numeric value. Here's an example.

Numeric page id

As you understand, this is not the most convenient address. It's hard to remember and doesn't look very good. But the good news is that it can be changed. To do this, go to the “Settings” section. Here, on the “General” tab, find the “Page Address” section and click on the “Edit” link.

Changing the page id

You can use Latin letters and numbers. Enter the desired address and save the changes.

A detailed guide to changing your address can be found here. Or watch the review in video format.

How to properly edit your personal VKontakte page?

After reviewing these important rules regarding how exactly you should design your profile, we can now talk about how to actually do it. At the same time, it is easiest and most convenient to edit your profile in the full computer version of the site, although some functions are still available from mobile devices.

Basic information about yourself

To go to the page for changing this main information, which will be posted on your personal page, you must first click on the “Edit” button under your own avatar.

Next, in the “Basic” section on the page that opens, you can begin to progressively fill out all the items available here. It's worth starting with the most important information, such as

  • First and last name of the person;
  • His gender;
  • Date of birth and age;
  • Current marital status.

It is not necessary to fill out all other points, that is, each user chooses this for himself personally. Once all the important information has been specified, all you have to do is click on the “Save” button.

How to fill out “Contacts”?

Some users consider the contacts section to be the most significant and key on their page, because here you can indicate ways to quickly contact a person. Moreover, here you can indicate not only your contact number, but also information about the site, which is very important for business owners. You also need to understand that here you can enter not one, but two phone numbers at once, as well as your Skype for communication. At the same time, there are buttons for linking your account to your profile on Instagram and Twitter.

At the top of this page you can indicate the country and city of residence, but not all users fill out information about where the house is located, because it simply may not be safe.

How to fill out “Interests?

Recently, VKontakte users are filling out this section less and less often, because, in fact, all interests and preferences are now reflected in subscriptions and on a person’s wall. And yet here you can indicate information in separate paragraphs, for example, write something concise and important in “About yourself”.

How to fill out the “Education” and “Career” sections?

It is worth indicating information in these sections at least so that later other users of the social network who are looking for their classmates, classmates and colleagues can quickly find the person. And, conversely, if the user does not want to be found by old acquaintances on a social network, he should not provide this information. At the same time, in the “Education” section, you can switch between different tabs at the top to fill out information about your school, as well as about your university.

When filling out the “Career” section, you need to understand that here you can add several jobs at once, indicating the periods during which the user was in these places. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that many companies have their own communities on social networks. Therefore, here in the “Place of work” item you can indicate this community (sometimes community administrators use this to advertise their groups on their personal pages).

Page alias

On VKontakte, any user can set a special beautiful short link for his page, which will be displayed instead of his identification number. To do this, you first need to click on the thumbnail of your avatar in the upper right corner of the site, after which you need to click on the “Settings” button in the menu that appears. Next, on the page that appears, you need to click on “Change” in the “Page Address” item. After this, you can enter a new address instead of id. This address can only be saved if it is not occupied by another VKontakte user.

Privacy settings

At the same time, while on the settings page on the VKontakte social network, the user can also go through the right menu to the “Privacy” tab. Here you can set various parameters. For example, the most important points that relate to the privacy settings of a particular user’s personal page are:

  • Visibility of main personal data on the page for other users;
  • Visibility of photos posted on the page;
  • Visibility of the music that the user adds to the list of his audio recordings on VKontakte;
  • Visibility of friends and hidden friends.

Personal data and profile information

By default, our page is completely empty.

Empty page

To make it more presentable, you need to fill out as much personal information as possible - full name, address, interests, etc.

To do this, open the page and click on the “Edit” button, which is located just below the main photo.

Editing a VKontakte page

Here, on each of the available tabs, fill in the appropriate fields.

Fill in personal information

Be sure to complete the following sections:

  • VKontakte activities;
  • Interests VKontakte;
  • About me VKontakte;
  • Favorite music VKontakte;
  • Favorite quotes on VKontakte.

Creating a visual and semantic component

The next step is description. When you create a community, the settings will open where you need to act. Public pages are indexed in search engines, so write a meaningful post about yourself, your services and what the reader will find on this resource. For example, this is what information about Semantica looks like.

This is a window in which the name and other data are changed. There is one more way to get into it. In the top right corner, find three dots, open the drop-down list and select “Manage.”

Then upload your avatar and cover photo. The images you choose should be unique, eye-catching, and relevant to the theme of the blog.

  • First image: 200*500px; thumbnail: 200*200px.
  • Second: 1590*400px.

Change the necessary settings. In “Sections”, check the boxes next to the tools that you want to see in the public: photo albums, links, products, audio recordings, contacts and others. Also in this menu there is a transition to your personal account, where you can connect advertising.

How to properly lead a group in contact: tips for beginners

Groups, publics and events - communities of this type are created in VK. The third format is suitable for those whose income is related to lectures, seminars, concerts, master classes, and trainings. The first two types differ from each other only slightly. A public page cannot be hidden - it is visible to all visitors and you cannot leave documents on it (there is no such section). But this is what they most often choose to run a business page. Otherwise the functionality is similar. You can add various media files, connect discussions, polls, and write longreads.

To get started, go to your account, go to the list of groups and click “Create a community”. Select an action from the list. Six options will appear in front of you. The first three are essentially a public page with the same capabilities. Open the item that best suits your purposes, enter the name and fill out the line provided. By the way, if you already have a representative office on this site, then you can also choose a category to attract targeted visitors.

Now you have a ready-made template and you can start designing and filling it out. This is an important point, since the reaction of users largely depends on visual perception. This is where maintaining a group on VK and promoting it begins.

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