How to find out what number a page is registered to on VK

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Many social network users, for various reasons, are wondering how to find out a phone number by VKontakte ID? This is not always easy to do. You must have certain knowledge. Information is difficult to find, but you shouldn’t despair, you need to use any possible options. Today we will talk about popular ways to search for a number by ID in VK. You will learn about some other methods of obtaining the information you need.

Illustration on the topic How to find out a phone number by VKontakte ID: popular methods

Find out the phone number of a person’s VKontakte page.

Would you like to find out the phone number of a person on VKontakte? There is nothing easier than looking at it if he indicated it when filling out his page.

From computer:

We go to the person on his page, click “ Show detailed information”.

Open information about a VKontakte user's phone number
In the full version of VKontakte from a computer

Next, among other information about the person, you will see his number.

Open phone number of VKontakte page
The VKontakte user number is visible from the computer.

From your phone in the VKontakte mobile application.

In the VK mobile application, find out the numberFrom your phone in the VKontakte mobile application.
Through the browser in the mobile version, the number will be displayed immediately.

And so this is the easiest way, then we will consider the options if the person did not indicate his number on his page.

How can I find out what number my friend’s page is registered to?

The situation is no simpler when it comes to clarifying the mobile phone used when registering the accounts of friends and acquaintances. Users have only 2 options:

  • ask the person they are interested in personally;
  • visit his profile and look at the necessary data in his personal information.

It should be emphasized that the second method does not always help, since the cell phone number recorded in personal information may differ from the one associated with the page. But there are no other answers to the question of how to find out what number a page is registered on on VK.

Even if you gain access to someone else’s account and open the settings, you will not be able to obtain the necessary data. The basic information only shows the last 2 digits of the mobile phone, which can rarely help in solving the problem.


Yandex.People service to find out a person’s page number on VK.Try entering the person’s first and last name in the Yandex.People service, and you may be able to find the phone number of the page on other social networks.
In fact, in the example in the image above, both the name is rare and the obvious publicity of a person who is present in almost all social networks. networks, allows you to easily find her number. Try this method, perhaps the person you are interested in has indicated their number somewhere.

If the number does not appear anywhere, then try to find out the email address , we will need it for the following methods. We can also find out the cell number we are interested in by finding out its Skype .

Spying apps for iphone

  • StealthGenie. This is an IOS program with a wide selection of tools. The iPhone application is sold in two versions - Gold and Basic. The basic version offers a standard set of functions. The features of the gold version allow you to view photos on your smartphone, emails, notify you when you replace your Sim card, and create backup copies of your data.
  • Flexispy. An equally advanced program that includes all spy functions, including Spy Call. The Spy Call function allows you to listen to telephone conversations in real time.

Spying on your phone using OS Android or iOS (Iphone)

How to find out a phone number on VK?
How to spy on other people without installing third-party paid applications? This is possible using the built-in functionality of IOS and Android systems. For example, the necessary information is obtained by the Google Maps program, which is available in any devices based on IOS and Android. Google Maps has added a “Show where I am” feature. In order to monitor a person in this way, you need to activate it on yourself and on his smartphone, and have access to the e-mail of the target of surveillance. In the function menu you need to select the tracking period, contact information, and the object of surveillance.

The “chronology” service, available for any mobile device, works in a similar way. To obtain information about a person’s movements for a selected time period, you need to log into his Google account through a browser and go to the “chronology” page.

GPS trackers: An alternative to tracking via phone

GPS tracker is electronic equipment designed to determine the position of objects using satellite navigation systems. The tracker has a receiver that determines the coordinates of an object and an information transmitter. The transmitter operates using GSM technology. Location data is transmitted via the GPRS Internet channel in the form of text messages. The device is also equipped with a battery or removable batteries, an antenna and a memory unit. Modern tracker models are small in size. Now they can be built into bracelets or keychains.

We track a person’s location through popular instant messengers

The most popular messengers that have the function of determining a person’s geolocation remain Watsapp and Viber.

— How to track geolocation data via viber This function in Viber is provided for exchanging location data with your interlocutor or a group of subscribers in a chat. Viber cannot determine the user's position without his knowledge. This information is provided at will only by the subscriber himself. In the dialog window, to enable the location, you need to activate the arrow symbol next to the send message key. If the user wants to find out the location of the interlocutor, he will need to perform a similar operation on his mobile device.

— How to receive geodata via watsapp Only the subscriber himself can provide geodata in WatsApp, as in Viber. To do this you need:

  1. Go to the settings of your smartphone.
  2. Open the "Applications" section.
  3. Select the WhatsApp application.
  4. On the page dedicated to the application, select the “Permissions” section.
  5. Allow the app to determine your location.
  6. In any WatsApp chat, click on the “paperclip” symbol.
  7. Send a location to your interlocutor by selecting a suitable address from the list.

What does the law say? Liability for surveillance without consent

Establishing control over a particular person in some situations is vital. Especially when it comes to young children or elderly parents. But obtaining hidden information in Russia is strictly punishable by law. It is strongly recommended to carry out such activities only after obtaining the personal consent of the control object in paper or electronic form.

See our instructions for setting up devas on YouTube!

Find out a person's phone number on VK using their Skype, Facebook or Instagram.

Some people can fill up their Skype and still not fill out their VKontakte phone. Try to recognize him, then go to Skype yourself and add such a nickname.

Skype VKontakte to find out the page number

Launch Skype, in the top menu, Contacts -> Add a new contact -> Search in the Skype directory... This way we can click on the nickname and see information about the person, perhaps there will be a link to the Facebook , where in turn the required number can be written phone.

Accordingly, a Facebook page may also be indicated; here we go and look at the profile to find a phone number that you did not find on Vkontakte.

Instagram - if it is listed in a person’s profile, it can help us find out their phone number.

Person's location. We break through on a special website

Enter the number in a special line, and the site displays information about the registration of the number.

Specialized services have been created to identify spam. A lot of them. For example, one of these is who-calls.rf.

It will provide information about a possible spam call, as well as where the SIM card is registered.

Service data from who-calling.rf. Operator, region where the SIM card is registered, reviews.

Enter the last 10 digits (without +7) in the special field on the site. The service will display: the operator, the region in which the number is registered, reviews of other users who have previously encountered it.

It is unknown where this service gets its data from. Therefore use at your own risk .

Find out your VKontakte page number.

Today, you can only find out the last 2 digits of the number. This is enough to, for example, determine which number of your relatives your page is linked to, grandmothers, sisters, for example.

If the page initially did not belong to you and you want to find out what number it is attached to, then use the same methods that we discussed above; it is possible that the person indicated it in other places. Change the VKontakte page number, this will take 14 days. You don’t have to wait, just to do this you need to have access to the old number and be able to receive an SMS to it.

How to find out what number a page is registered to by id?

Users who encounter difficulties should think more seriously about which SIM card they used, since there is not a single way to find out using the social network. It will not be possible to cope with difficulties even by id, since such information does not have serious practical value in this case.

Getting the required information and contacting support will not help. Consultants and operators do not have the right to provide such information and will not be able to clarify whether the number is registered. The exception is when they are contacted by the owner of a SIM card who wants to link it to an account.

If it is already being used by a stranger, the applicant will have to prove that he is the real owner of the SIM card. Only then will the operators be able to help.

How to check the balance on someone else's phone?

In general, only its owner can access the balance of a mobile number - this is stipulated in all rules and legislation. But telecom operators have a special service that allows you to share such information with a close circle of people. This is exactly what we will use to obtain the necessary information.


The mobile operator MTS has a service that has received the interesting name “Friend’s Balance”. As you can understand, with its help you will be able to share data on the amount of money in your account with other people specified separately. In this case, the option works exclusively on the Mayak tariff. If you decide to take advantage of this offer, then use the following methods to connect:

  • USSD request *111*422# and call button;
  • mobile application or personal account (tab with all services).

Options to find out the subscriber’s balance on another MTS phone

The next step, when the service is successfully connected, is to configure it. To do this, open the “Phone” application and enter the code *111*422#, and then press the call button. And then you just have to follow the instructions and add so-called trusted numbers. Remember that their maximum number is only nine pieces. And now, to get information about your balance, another person just needs to enter the USSD request *140*#.


The mobile operator Megafon also has a similar service that allows you to find out the subscriber’s balance on another phone. As in the previous case, you will need to determine the list of trusted users in advance. To do this, just send the command *438*1*your number#, and then click on the call button

It is important to remember that the list can only contain three numbers - this limitation is not removed

How to check the balance of another number on Megafon

And when it’s time to check the subscriber’s balance on another number, you should use the USSD request *100*number of a loved one#. On your smartphone screen you will see all the necessary information regarding the selected account. This service is provided absolutely free of charge and does not require additional connection or disconnection.


The Beeline telecom operator has a service that allows you to check the accounts of trusted people. These can be either close relatives or complete strangers. The only thing is that you will need to obtain the subscriber’s consent to process his data. To do this, another user just needs to enter the command *131*1*# and press the call button.

How to find out the subscriber's balance on another Beeline phone

And in order to find out the subscriber’s balance on another phone, you will need to do the same - send a USSD request *131*6*#. In this case, you can manage all the settings through your personal account or the Beeline application. For example, you can block receiving information or add a new number to the list of trusted ones.

How to hack someone else's WhatsApp

How to find out who owns a landline or mobile phone number using the Internet and databases

Each person chooses his own way of obtaining information. Some people are simply trying to talk to their opponent and find out the truth. Well, someone resorts to more harsh methods and wants to hack the correspondence. Everyone decides for themselves which method to use. The main thing is to know that hacking someone else’s correspondence does not have favorable consequences for you. Therefore, be sure to think twice before engaging in illegal activities with other users' chats. This may negatively affect the emotional state of both parties and your destiny in the future. Try to live lawfully, and if you resorted to the above-described methods of hacking WhatsApp, this was probably vital for you. Good luck!

In what cases does it become necessary to find out the owner by card number?

There are situations when it is necessary to find out the owner by the Sberbank card number. This is often due to the discovery of a payment document, fraudulent actions (operations carried out by the plastic holder) or erroneous money transfers. In the last two cases, it is better to contact law enforcement agencies. The police will deal with illegal activities and identify those responsible for them.

A wallet with bank cards was found

If you find a wallet and are trying to find the owner, bank cards are not the only source of information. Try searching through your belongings for a student ID card, driver's license, or other identification documents. Rarely does a person who carries bank cards have nothing else in their wallet. If a payment document is the only thing you have, you can find out information about its owner, but there is no guarantee that this will work. Post an ad about the discovery of a wallet to increase the chances of finding the owner.

Need to find the scammer

If you find yourself the victim of an attacker, contact the police immediately. You can go to the bank for help only after you write an application. Then, with a copy of this document (the original and all additional papers: checks, printouts of correspondence, if any), go to Sberbank. Both institutions will review the application and try to find the scammers, but there is no guarantee of a refund, even if you did everything correctly. Be prepared that the proceedings may take more than one month.

Wrong translation made

If you mistakenly transferred money to the wrong person, it is not necessary to find out his name, surname and other personal data. To solve the problem, call the Sberbank hotline (or contact the branch directly) and explain the situation, providing detailed information about the transaction and all statements. The institution's consultants themselves will send a message to the right person asking for a refund. If the recipient refuses to do this, you can write a statement to the police, claiming the sent amount in court.

How to recognize a person

1. Notice the details

Every day a person performs a huge number of routine actions: buying food, traveling in public transport, talking on the phone, etc. A person's actions can shed light on his personality and also help predict how he will behave in a given situation.

Example A.

If a person chooses the same dish in a cafe every day, then he probably avoids change and does not like the state of uncertainty. Such people can be faithful and devoted spouses. But on the other hand, it will be extremely difficult to convince him to make risky investments or move to another country.

Example B.

People who enjoy gambling and other risky activities are more likely to take risks in other areas of their lives. For example, such a person may quit his job without finding another one and without thinking about financial security during unemployment.

Example B.

A person who always looks both ways when crossing the road is likely to be prudent and cautious. He will carefully consider every detail before making any decision, and will only take well-calculated risks.

That is, if you analyze a person’s actions in one area, you will be able to understand how he will behave in other areas.


Pay attention to how the person communicates. How does your interlocutor behave in communication? Does he try to build relationships with each person, or does he single out those who are close to him in spirit, and holds the rest at arm’s length? Does he talk without a clear plan, on a whim, focusing on impressions, or does he constantly analyze, try to be objective and do not trust his intuition?

How does your interlocutor behave in communication? Does he try to build relationships with each person, or does he single out those who are close to him in spirit, and holds the rest at arm’s length? Does he talk without a clear plan, on a whim, focusing on impressions, or does he constantly analyze, try to be objective and do not trust his intuition?

Is a person more of a thinker, relying on concepts, images, diagrams and ideas, or is he more of a practitioner, living in a world of measurable quantities, tasks and facts? If you observe everyday words and behavior, you will be able to trace a general line.

3. Talk to the person about relationships with mutual friends and contacts at work.

Many people believe that gossip is an empty activity, devoid of any meaning. However, the main thing in this matter is what qualities the interlocutor gives to other people, how he explains their behavior. Often, when we talk about other people, we unconsciously notice what is present in ourselves.

These conversations will help us understand what we value in the people around us, who we want to be like, and also what we want to change in ourselves. The more we say that others are emotionally stable, happy, kind-hearted, or polite, the more likely we are to have these characteristics ourselves.

If a person says about another that he is pretending to dig a hole for someone, then this may mean that such a person is calculating and builds only relationships built on momentary gain.

4. Probe existing boundaries

When a person wants to build a relationship, he sees the good and ignores the bad. However, sooner or later, the illusions will still dissipate, and the person will appear before you in all his glory. A person who knows how to communicate correctly will, first of all, look not for the good in his interlocutor, but for his boundaries.

If the opponent is nice, where does the niceness end? He wants to help, but where does this desire stop? If he is sincere, then when will it start to get dark? Until what point is he tolerant of his subordinates’ mistakes? Are you honest with your clients? What if we are talking about a sum with a lot of zeros?

Adequate, sober-minded, understanding, reasonable? Where is his limit, beyond which he turns into a madman?


Pay attention to the person's behavior in a critical situation. When force majeure happens, a person shows himself in all his glory, he simply cannot play or be disingenuous

He doesn’t have time to put on a mask, so he begins to behave as his instincts want.

When force majeure happens, a person shows himself in all his glory, he simply cannot play or be disingenuous. He doesn’t have time to put on a mask, so he begins to behave as his instincts want.


At a time when mobile phones were beyond the realm of possibility, people actively used telephone directories. From such a source of information it was possible to find out not only the telephone number, but also the residential address. Few people pursued selfish goals, and therefore such information was publicly available. The advantage of those times was that there was one landline telephone for the whole family, by which you could contact any family member living in an apartment or house.

Telephone directories usually contain information from subscribers located in the area of ​​the city in which it is published.

If the person you need lives in another city, you will need a different directory. You can find it on the Internet and use the already familiar method, using alphabetical order to find the required number. In order not to resort to such a huge number of manipulations, you can do it much simpler. Find the telephone number of a specific city on the Internet and call there. There, upon presentation of the person’s last name, first name and patronymic, the operator will provide a telephone number. In some cases, the subscriber's residential address may be requested.


To search for a mobile phone number, it is better to immediately discard the option of searching in telephone directories. Because such resources only contain landline phone numbers.

This search is still used because many apartments still have home landlines installed. Only the reference book itself has changed. The information resource was converted into electronic form, which simplified the use and content of information. The disadvantage of searching through a directory is only the availability of landline phone numbers. Information about mobile numbers is not contained there. Since a mobile number is a personal number, each subscriber independently decides whether to give his number to someone or not.

You can find out your mobile phone number for free using the electronic telephone directory. The advantage of such a system is that the data is updated quite often. Even a recently registered user will quickly be included in the lists of names in such a directory.

How to track by phone number

If you wish, you can track a person by phone number. This is very convenient when you want to know the location of a specific subscriber. Such services are provided by the Russian Big Four operators - Beeline, MTS, MegaFon, Tele2. When activating such a service, the subscriber’s smartphone receives an SMS message with a request regarding the tracking function. You can monitor a person only if he gives consent to the surveillance.


To activate the mobile phone tracking service, you should send an SMS message to number 684 with the text “L”. This function is activated only once, and each time the subscriber’s consent to surveillance is required.

You can call 068 499 24. The cost of the phone number tracking service is from 2.5 to 5 rubles. You can only track a subscriber during a call.

The tariff allows you to connect up to 5 subscribers at once, but only with their consent. You can activate the service for free yourself or in a company communication salon. To connect, send a blank SMS message to number 4770 or call the short number 0665. The first week you can use the service for free, then the monthly fee is 1.7 rubles per day.

Here . Parents use it to know where their children are. To activate the service, you need to send the word MOM or DAD to number 7788. The first days you can use this service for free, then the cost is 50 rubles per month.

After the request, a unique code is sent, which is needed for identification. To register the desired phone number in the system, you should send a message with the following content to number 7788 CHILD.

MTS offers a tracking service for large companies. You can track passenger and cargo transportation, as well as the movement of individual employees.


This mobile operator offers its customers several services that allow them to track phones by number. A service called Radar will help monitor subscribers not only within the network. After activating this option, you can monitor MTS, Beeline and Tele2 subscribers. First you need to set up a tracking zone; this can be done on the website Data on the object’s movements are stored on the site for three months.

Activation of this service requires the consent of the subscriber who will be monitored. This is done one time; you do not need to obtain consent each time you view the phone’s location.

You can also track your spouse by phone number through the Navigator service from MegaFon. Activation is performed on the website or in a proprietary mobile application.

Tele 2

This operator offers a service called Geosearch. This service helps track the location of any mobile devices, from feature phones to modern smartphones. Information is transmitted in the form of SMS messages or through the program interface.

To activate the program, send a USSD request *119*01#. Connecting the desired number is done using the command *199*phone number#. You can monitor a smartphone only with the consent of its owner. A connection request is sent to him in advance.

How to find out your number using the VKontakte support service

If the user, under any circumstances, using the methods described above, cannot remember his own phone number, the only way out is to contact support. The user must contact the moderators and explain the current problem. To do this you will need to take several steps:

  1. First of all, log in to your own account using your username and password. Next, you will need to contact the support service, therefore, you need to find an open contact form using a special link.
  2. The next step is to create a small title with a short but clear description. It must indicate that there are problems with your mobile phone number. For authenticity, you can take a photo of the problem and send it as a file along with a description.
  3. It may take from several hours to several days to resolve the problem. Ultimately, the moderator must send all the necessary information in private messages.

After solving the problem and clarifying the number, it is recommended to write down the combination of numbers and save it in a safe place.

Users often have problems, so it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the most common incidents and methods for solving them:


For several years he worked in mobile phone stores of two large operators. I understand tariffs well and see all the pitfalls. I love gadgets, especially Android ones.

Ask a Question

Question to the expert

What should I do if, when entering my login, the system shows that the number entered is incorrect?

Typically, this problem only happens if you entered one or more incorrect numbers. Under such circumstances, I recommend rewriting the entire number and repeating the entry. If the system still gives an error, then you will need to find the “forgot your number” inscription at the bottom of the screen and click on it. The service will offer you a list of actions to restore your login, that is, your phone number.

How to avoid losing your mobile phone number?

To do this, I suggest you take several steps. First, it is recommended that you write this phone number down in a notepad or save it as a digital file on your computer. This way, it will always be in a safe place. Secondly, you can use a special browser function that automatically saves your phone number and password within the system.

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