Friends, good luck to everyone at! We probably use VK most often. And sometimes I want
How to send a file via VKontakte. Go to messages and click on the paperclip on the left
When the user has a guess that his phone is blacklisted, then
LIVE recording is pinned Video viewing history It is now possible to view a complete list of all videos for
It’s no secret that the list of VKontakte friends can be divided into various categories, for example, highlighting the best
Why is this necessary? Indeed, why add (read: make) friends? There may be several reasons.
Telegram channel Programmer and business. Every day there are interesting stories about how a programmer builds a business. How to hide
Updated – July 22, 2021 at 06:47 pm p, blockquote 1,0,0,0,0 –> p, blockquote 2,0,0,0,0
It's hard to please everyone. And if some people are too lazy to type text, preferring to leave audio messages, then
Users of the domestic social network often ask how to remove a person from important friends on VK and