All emoji codes for VKontakte: from emoticons to Japanese ideograms

Hello, dear readers of the blog. Now the use of emoticons in dialogue on social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter) and chats, sending messages through various messengers (Skype, Viber, WhatsApp) is considered quite common.
  • Codes and meaning of emoticons in Contact, sorted by category
      VKontakte emoticon codes for copying
  • This is understandable, since emoticons allow you to quickly express your emotional state or attitude towards your interlocutor, or even replace a sentence or even an entire fragment of text with a well-chosen picture. This will diversify communication.

    If you are already aware of what we will talk about today, and you just need codes with the meanings of all the emoticons that you want to use in various places on the VKontakte social network, then you can immediately go to the appropriate section , where all the emoji are sorted by topic.

    How the emoji code is formed

    Most Internet users, which until recently included me, do not distinguish between a smiley and an emoji, considering these words to be synonyms. This is not entirely true.

    Smilies, also known as emoticons, are just a special case of emoji; their goal is to convey an emotion using a small drawing. An emoji can depict anything: from a tree to an ancient Chinese character. A smile can be obtained using ordinary typographical characters, but for emoji you must use a special code from the Unicode standard.

    In most cases, the code begins with an ampersand and a hash and ends with a semicolon. Between these characters is a combination of four, five or six numbers. For example, you can get a regular smiley smile using the following code: “

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