Search for people on VK: by phone number, photo, name and ID

How to find a person on VK by phone number

It is best to search for a person on VK by phone number through the official application on a smartphone. The main thing is to add the person’s number to your phone book before doing this. Searching on a computer is done through a search engine in the browser.

On the computer

In a browser via a computer, there is no possibility of a full search by phone number. But you can use search engines: Yandex, Google or others, for example, DuckDuckGo.

1. Open a search engine in your browser, let’s take Google as an example. Enter in the search bar - and the phone number of the person you want to find (see picture).

2. If a person has not hidden his page from being indexed by search engines, then it will be found using the entered data.

Interesting! The numbers of users you already have as friends can be viewed on the phone book page, in the “Friends” section -

On the phone

1. Add to your mobile contacts the number of the person you want to search for on VK. Open the application in Contact, go to the “Services” section and open the page with friends.

2. Click on the “Add friend” button and in the next window click on the “Contacts” button in the import block. Allow the app to access your phone book if necessary.

3. A list of users who have it set in their account settings that they can be searched by phone number (this feature is enabled by default) will be displayed in the list.

Interesting! This function works equally well on iPhone and Android smartphones; there, if you wish, you can send invitations to a social network to those who are not registered in it directly to your mobile phone.

Find people who are nearby

In order to find contacts with people who live nearby, there are several special applications. So, to search for users nearby, you can use the following services:

  • “Day Around” is an application for finding users who live nearby. In order to start such a search, you need to enter gender, age, interests and, of course, based on geolocation. The program shows the page owner information about who visited his page, and the people he liked are bookmarked;
  • “Tinder” - with this application you can find users who live near you. You will be offered a map based on your geolocation. You can approve the card or express your dissatisfaction;
  • Another popular service is Blendr. This application is quite numerous, because about 80 million people use it. This program offers to find people who are nearby and have similar interests. This service is available on a mobile device. The rating of this program is 4 points;
  • "Dating on VKontakte." This service offers to search for friends in vk, based on the specified parameters. The audience of this application is also quite large and this program has been downloaded about five hundred thousand times. The system has pre-prepared notifications, messages and other communication tools;
  • "Life 360". This program is a family locator for tracking the route of movement of certain users. It displays changes in dynamics over several hours and if the location of another user is incorrect, you receive notifications. In addition, users have a free chat and messages are also sent to their mobile device. The program also makes calls to the subscriber's phone. In the event of an emergency, selected users receive information with the coordinates of the person you want to find;
  • "Nearby." This application allows users to quickly find people who are registered in the same social network and live in the same area. Here you can view the profiles of people who are currently online.

In addition to these popular programs, there are many more ways in which you can find your friends, relatives and acquaintances. The use of all services is completely free, which is why these programs are so popular among users.

How to find a person on VK by photo

The social network itself currently does not have the ability to search by photos. But, this can be done through search engines: Yandex and Google. The main thing is that the user’s profile is open for indexing by them.


1. Go to the address - In the data entry line, click on the camera icon and upload the photo by which you want to find the person or enter his URL address.

2. On the next page, in the left column, a list of sites where this image appears will be displayed. In the right column you can see similar pictures. Look at those located on the domain


1. Go to the address - Click on the camera icon in the data entry line, upload a photo or provide a link to it.

2. On the page that opens you will find a list of sites where this image and pictures similar to it are found. Find among them those located on the domain

How to find a person on VK by ID

On the computer

1. If you know a person’s ID on VK, then it will be very easy to find him. Just paste this ID into the address bar of your browser immediately after specifying the domain so that it all looks like this -

If you only have a numeric user ID, you need to write the word “id” in front of it, it should look like this:

Interesting! If you want to search for a community by ID, also insert its value immediately after the domain. If it is numeric, then before the number you need to write the word - public, so that it looks like this -

On the phone

1. In the official VKontakte application, go to the “Services” section and click on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right part of the screen.

2. Switch to searching by people, and in the data entry line, simply enter the person's ID. The user will immediately appear in the list.

How to find a person on VK by first and last name

On the computer

1. Go to the friend search page on VKontakte - Enter your first and last name in the space provided and press Enter. You can also additionally enter your middle name if you know it.

2. In the column on the right you can set additional parameters: country, city, school, year of birth, university where the person studied and others. Use them if you wish.

A list of found users will be displayed in the middle, with information about the city and university where the user studied.

On the phone

1. Open the official VKontakte application, go to the “Services” section and click on the search icon in the upper right part.

By clicking on the additional filter icon in the search bar (see picture), you can specify additional parameters: age, city, education, university and others. All found users will be immediately displayed in a list.

Without registering on VKontakte

Through VK people search

1. Go to the VK search section at

2. Type your first and last name in the top line and press Enter. On the right side, enter information you know about the person to narrow down your results.

  • Sorting. If a person has been registered for a long time, leave “By popularity”, and if recently, select “By date of registration”.
  • Region. Select your country and city of residence.
  • School/University. If you know which educational institutions the person studied at, then select them from the list. But keep in mind that many people do not include this information.
  • Age. Exact or approximate age.
  • Floor. Male or female.
  • Family status. The status of a person, but many do not indicate it.
  • Life position. Worldview, the main thing in life and people, attitude towards smoking and alcohol.
  • Job. Place of work and position.
  • Military service. Country and year of service start.
  • Additionally. Year, month and birthday.

Advice. If you can’t find it, uncheck the “with photo” box. And also try different search options: without country/city, age - people do not always indicate this data. And they are not always reliable.

Through the Yandex.People service

The Yandex service has a people search function. It is convenient because it searches not only on VKontakte, but also on other social networks: Instagram, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Service address:

Type your first and last name on the top line, and enter other information below. Any of these fields can be left blank.

  • Age. Exact or approximate age. You can specify a range or year of birth.
  • Accommodation. City of residence.
  • Study, work. Where did the person study or work?
  • Instagram/VKontakte/Odnoklassniki. Selecting a social network to search on.

After clicking on the “Find” button below, Yandex will show the results.

By first and last name

In Yandex and Google

You can also search for people directly in the search engine. To do this, go to the Yandex website ( or Google ( Enter your first and last name into the line and press Enter. Additionally, you can specify the city and age. To limit the results only to the VKontakte social network, type the code

Example of a request in Yandex:

Example of a Google query:

On a note. If you can't find it in one search engine, try another. They have different databases and results may vary. In addition, you can remove the command - then the system will search the entire Internet.

By phone number

Yandex and Google can search not only by first and last name, but also by phone number. True, only if it was left in communities or on the wall.

How to search:

  1. Go to the website or
  2. We type the phone number and code in the search bar.
  3. Press Enter.

Example in Yandex:

Example on Google:

Via profile link

The easiest way to find a VKontakte page is if you know its ID - profile address. This number is unique and is assigned to each registered user. Usually it looks like this: id562953318. But some people change it to a nickname in the settings - then it will be English letters and/or numbers. For example, umeka15.

To open a page by ID, you need to type it in the browser line after the address and press Enter. Example: or

By photo

There are special services on the Internet that can search social networks using photos. Let's look at two of the most popular sites as an example.


1. Go to the site and register on it.

2. After registering in your personal account for the service, click on the camera icon.

3. A window will open to upload the photo. We select a picture through it.

4. The service will show the results. By clicking the VK icon to the right of the photo, the user's page will open.


1. Go to the website to the “VKontakte Profile Photos” section.

2. Click “Download”.

3. A window will open in which we click the “Select file” button.

4. Select a photo.

5. Click “Download”.

6. If necessary, indicate additional information: gender, age, country and city. Click “Find”.

The service will show matches and similar photos.

Read more about searching by photo in this lesson.

Looking for possible friends

On the computer

If you do not know either the name or other data by which you could find people, then you can use the search function for possible friends. The contact algorithm itself searches for those with whom you may be familiar.

1. Just go to the address - and immediately in the list you will see those with whom you might already be familiar. Those users with whom you already have mutual friends.

2. In the right column you can search for friends through Google services and the social network Odnoklassniki, if you are already registered there.

On the phone

1. In the official VKontakte application, open the “Services” section and go to the “Friends” group, scroll down the page a little to the “Possible Friends” block and click on “Show All”.

2. The list will be displayed immediately, just open the profile you are interested in and, if desired, add the person to yourself.

Standard version of VKontakte from the developers at

To switch to the mobile version of VK for gadgets, you need to add the letter m (short for “mobile”) to the standard address of the VK website, so we get the address of the mobile version:

After logging in to the specified address, you will see a mobile version of the resource, which has somewhat limited functionality. But at the same time, it is faster, more ergonomic, with reduced traffic consumption, which is especially convenient on weak PCs and a slow Internet connection.

The start screen of the mobile version is generally no different from its desktop sister. You will also be asked to log in or enter your username and password for an existing VK account, log in through your Google or Facebook accounts, or install the VKontakte application on your mobile device.

Login form for mobile version

Search without registration in VK

At the moment, without registration, you can only search through search engines. For example, enter the phrase in Google or Yandex - first and last name, and the name of the city.

It is important that the user does not prohibit indexing by search engines in his profile settings, otherwise he simply will not be found. Previously, without registration, you could search through -, but now they will ask you to register immediately.

The material describes how to register on VK without a phone number; it describes in detail and with pictures how to create a new account without a number. Do this if you need to find someone, but there is no page on a social network.


All the methods described above work and you can use them. Write in the comments what helped you in finding friends on this social network.

tell friends

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