How to find and invite friends to the VKontakte website?

VKontakte allows you to search for new friends nearby by geolocation

The social network VKontakte has updated its application for Android, adding a function for quickly adding nearby users as friends.
This is stated in the Live Express community on VKontakte. VKontakte offers to find friends nearby

The social network has updated its mobile application for Android

The social network VKontakte has updated its mobile application for Android, adding a number of new functions. One of the main innovations is the option to quickly add people nearby as friends – “Friends Nearby”. To find a potential friend, you need to go to the “Friends” section and click on the “Friends nearby” button. As a result, all users located within a radius of 2 kilometers will be found, provided that they are also searching for friends using this service.

The “Friends Nearby” feature also offers you to find the right person using a QR code, that is, when you are nearby, you just need to bring the camera up and read it. The service will instantly find the right person. In addition to the new friend search function, the Android application now has an updated photo viewer, the ability to download community avatars and use stickers while chatting, full support for two-factor authentication, and support for the Portuguese language has been introduced.

In the Crowd: find out who's nearby

Developers from FlySoft write to us.

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Often attractive people of the opposite sex pass by. We look at her/him greedily, we want to come up, somehow start a conversation... But either the words run out, or the heart sinks into our heels, or it is generally inconvenient to speak (especially on the bus or subway). In general, there are a thousand reasons why the acquaintance did not take place. But it could!

An easy way to find out what's happening near you

How often do you lack information about events in your city? It’s good when friends warn that there is a traffic jam on such and such a street and it’s better to bypass, they invite you to the opening of a new cafe or talk about discounts in the store. What if we expand this to a general exchange of news, not only among friends, but among all the residents of your city who go to the same establishments as you, drive on the same roads, and maybe even live in neighboring apartments? It turns out that this is possible, and even very easy.

It takes a lot of people to collect all the news about what happens around you every day that might be interesting and useful. And who better to write about what is happening in the city than its residents? All that remains is the desire to tell and learn about the latest events, and a tool that will help you view all this news.

The desire appears when you think how great it is to find out current information about what is happening in the city, and the tool already exists - this is the NYRBY application.

What is especially pleasing is that it works not only in Moscow and other large cities of Russia. It will work in any area, and the only requirement is the desire of people to create a wide network of events and news, help others and use it themselves.

How to get started with NYRBY

This app is free and has versions for iOS and Android. However, there is one “but” - you will not be able to use the application if less than 100 people in your area are connected to NYRBY.

But this does not mean that we should passively wait for this to happen. You can invite people yourself without even leaving the application. Sign up for NYRBY via Google+ or Facebook, add all the friends you have, and wait for them to download the app.

As soon as you reach 100 people, you log into the application and start using its capabilities to the fullest. First, you can write a little information in your profile, put a photo (if you registered via e-mail) and even change the color scheme of the application in the settings.

Now all that remains is to share your events and read news about the places you visit most often.

To create an event, you need a minimum of actions:

  • click “add”;
  • choose what it will be: event, complaint, question, incident, etc.;
  • write what it is about, briefly or in detail;
  • add a photo or video.

The application itself determines your location and adds it to “my places”. They can be viewed on a map or in a list, and it depends on your places which news will appear in the application feed.

"Smart" NYRBY and news without information junk

Intelligent event search works like this: you install the application, it determines your location and tracks where you appear most often, where you go and what you are interested in. For example, you commute to your office every day, go to the gym near your home, and on weekends you like to hang out at a pub on the other side of town.

NYRBY notes your preferences, and if one of the users writes that the shower does not work in your gym, you will immediately see it in the news feed, and if there is a promotion in a cafe near your office, you can have lunch cheaper.

You'll also see people who frequent your favorite establishments, perhaps living or working near you. And this is a great way to expand your social circle.

New acquaintances, useful and simply pleasant

In your feed, you see news tagged “Events from places you frequent” and the people who create them. This way you can find out, for example, that your boss would also like to hang out at your favorite pub, and an old friend is going to the cinema to see a cool film.

Or you can create an event and recommendation yourself - invite everyone to an event, find company and meet new people. Did you like someone else's idea? Write a message to the author directly from the application, arrange a meeting, or simply say “thank you” for the useful information.

By the way, to mark useful information, you can simply click on the “helpful” icon under the post. You can also mark useless posts if you didn’t like something or the information was inaccurate.

Who is this app for?

For everyone who is interested in news and wants to know what is happening nearby every day. For those who want to share information useful for everyone, or simply their impressions and life events.

At its core, NYRBY is just a handy tool with a nice, intuitive interface that will help you and your friends create a large news network about your city and those who live near you. And how useful it becomes depends on each user. Why not try it?

The app was not found in the store. :-(

Go to store Google websearch

How to find and invite VKontakte friends in the application?

The official mobile application also has this function. To find it, you must first click on the button with a magnifying glass in the bottom menu in the application, and then click on the button with adding friends in the upper right corner of the screen.

Here, in addition to the standard search by name, there are also special functions that are not available in the full computer version of the site. For example, by clicking on the “Find near me” button, you can see the pages of those people who are in close proximity to the user. To do this, the person you are looking for must also go to this page and select this item, after which the two people will appear on each other’s screens with their profiles. By clicking on the “Add by QR Code” button, you can generate a special code that another user can scan to find their page. Using this same function, you can turn on the scanner on your own to check someone else’s code. If you go to the “Invite via link” item, you can generate a special link and send it to another person in any convenient way (via another social network or via SMS), thanks to which this person will be able to log in and register on VKontakte. The “Import Friends” section also has special functions. So, for example, here you can find your friends through “Contacts” on your phone (which is also not available in the full computer version of the site).

By clicking on the corresponding button with a green tube, the user will receive a special warning that VKontakte will open access to contacts. If the user is satisfied with this, he can click on the “Yes” button.

Next, the user will see a list of those people from his “Contacts” who are already registered on VKontakte, and they can be added by clicking on the corresponding button next to their profile.

You can also invite your friends from other social networks here. To do this, you must first select the icon with the required service from which contacts will be imported (for example, Odnoklassniki).

If the corresponding service application is installed on the device, the following page will open in it. Here you will need to allow access to your personal data for VKontakte.

After VKontakte analyzes the user’s friends, a new list will appear with those people who can be added as friends. You need to act in the same way with all other available services.

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