In this article you will learn how to promote your Instagram account using automatic likes.
How to get a lot of likes on Instagram ? Almost every user of this social network thinks about this, especially those who want to promote and promote their account.
How to put automatic likes on Instagram?
Probably everyone knows that on Instagram it is possible to expand your small business, attract numerous clients and advertise products. But to do this, you need to make your account popular so that it is visited by as many other users as possible. It is advisable to spend a minimum of money. Is it possible?
In this review we will talk about how to put automatic likes on Instagram on behalf of your account. We will also learn how to avoid getting banned for all our activities.
What are the ways to like on Instagram?
There are many ways to give automatic likes on Instagram . Various programs and services are used for this. In this review we will consider the following options:
- Application for gadgets " InstaFlow "
- Gadget app " Followers Assistant "
- Computer program " Leongram "
- Service " "
Let's talk about each of these methods in order.
Mobile application "InstaFlow"
The most convenient way to give automatic likes to subscribers is to use a mobile application. You install it on your smartphone and can use it at any convenient time. You can monitor the operation of the application around the clock, while on a minibus or on the street.
InstaFlow will help you with this. The application does not steal accounts; it is downloaded and functions for free. But the free version has some restrictions, for example, on the number of mutual subscriptions - no more than 1,000. With a certain payment, these restrictions will be lifted.
The program can automatically like the pages of other users. To use it you need to click on the yellow icon in the lower right corner. But even if you put your phone down, the program will work independently through its Internet service.
The application also has disadvantages. For example, you will only be able to use one hashtag, and you will have to constantly restart the program to continue working.
download the InstaFlow from this link .
The SMM specialist is resting, the programmer is working. Automatic liker on VKontakte
The idea was to write an automatic contact liker that would like everything itself and not require our presence at the computer. Professional SMM specialists will understand, and for the rest, I will explain why this is necessary at the end. What were the successes?
We managed to write a post-coverer for a user/group page without a ban, in large quantities. We managed to write a news feed coverr. And one more interesting implementation, but it is more often relevant to users with a large number of subscriptions > 1000: only newly arrived news is liked in the news feed.
How it works?
We manually go to the victim, scroll down until the required number of posts are loaded and insert a small js code into the console. Or we go to news, run the code and it likes only new posts or all downloaded ones, if necessary.
Code (we only like new posts in the feed):
(function () { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.src = '//'; document.getElementById ('system_msg').appendChild(e); }()); var func_prevClass = ", func_checkPostTimer; func_checkPostTimer = setInterval(function() { var func_curOb = $("#feed_rows .feed_row:first"), func_curClass = func_curOb.find(".post_like.fl_r").attr("onclick"); if (func_curClass != func_prevClass ) { func_curOb.find(“.post_like.fl_r”).trigger(“click”); } func_prevClass = func_curClass; }, 45000);
What's going on here?
First, we load the jQuery library, and with different inserts; if we do this in one insert with the rest of the code, then the library will not have time to load, and the jQuery code will already start executing and will not work.
Next I will tell you how to get around this. In the main part of the code, a timer is started, which every 45 seconds checks for the presence of a new post, if there is a post, likes it using a forced call of the $.trigger("click")
, clicks on the element on which the contact developers have already kindly added onclick event processing - calling the like method, the wall object with the necessary parameters.
It is worth noting that 45 seconds is only suitable for me and depends on the activity and number of users you follow. In my case, it turns out that some posts are not liked, i.e. More than one of them appears in 45 seconds, and only the first code is liked. If you like all posts, you will be banned due to performing the same type of actions, verified! And that’s it, you can leave the program running for the whole day, there will be no ban.
Aggressive licking
The next method can probably be called more aggressive. It likes all posts on a user’s or group’s page at once, but in a different order and not instantly, but with different delays. This is especially fun when the victim is online. Code (all user/group posts):
function shuffle(o) { for(var j, x, i = o.length; i; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i), x = o[— i], o
= o[j], o[j] = x);
return o; }; var workArray = shuffle($("#page_wall_posts .post_like.fl_r")), curTaskElement = 0; function triggerCurElement() { if (curTaskElement >= workArray.length) { alert("Clicking has ended!"); return false; }; var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (4100 - 1550 + 1)) + 1550; $(workArray[curTaskElement]).trigger("click"); setTimeout(function() { curTaskElement++; if ($(“.box_body .captcha”).size()) { var me = $(“.box_body .captcha”).parent().parent().find(“. box_controls_wrap .button_blue"); { triggerCurElement(); }); return false; } triggerCurElement(); }, rand); } triggerCurElement(); Half of the code here is aimed at combating the ban. We collect an array of posts, mix it using the shuffle function, then call all the elements of the array, all in the same way. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that there is a different time between clicks, this was also done in order to combat the ban. By the way, I almost forgot. It turns out that with a large number of likes, a captcha may also appear and here it is taken into account. When a captcha is detected, likes stop, and an event is attached to the check captcha button, which again launches the varnish function.
That's all. Our API
To get rid of multiple insertions and working with a lot of code, I put my code and the jQuery library in one file and got something like my API: (function () { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.src = '[REQUEST]'; document.getElementById('system_msg').appendChild(e); }()); requests: // likes all uploaded posts on the wall or in a group // likes all uploaded posts in the news feed /feed // only likes the first post in the news, // when a new post appears in the feed, it also likes it and so on ad infinitum
Why all this and how did I come up with this idea?
I showed my work to several friends and they all asked the same thing: “What’s the point, why?”
Although no, one of my acquaintances, he is the most programmer of all the people I showed this to, he was very surprised and did not know how such an idea came to me, how such ideas even come to mind. I also have an idea, here is a game in 0xy 0 lines of JS code I understand. I will respond with this article to the last surprised person.
The devil pulled my leg and I went to a course for aspiring entrepreneurs from yurylifshits Earlydays in my city, Kaliningrad. By the way, I don’t regret it, I got a lot of useful information and met a person there, an SMM specialist, who gave me the idea of writing a JS liker for contacts.
In general, such likers can be written, as it turned out after the first implementation of the code, for any site, it’s very simple! The main thing is to understand the goal.
So, that SMM guy told me about how they promote companies on Instagram. Using the API, they like, for example, 10,000 users; according to statistics, 25% subscribe to the public page from which the likes came; this is, of course, all abstract. And I wanted to make such a tool for myself, VKontakte, and I wrote it, or rather, I took the first step towards writing it and have already achieved a lot.
The entire code was written much faster than this article; I received my first ban 30 minutes after I started writing the code. For me, as probably for many programmers, writing in a programming language is much easier than expressing my thoughts in such articles.
All of the above is not so useful yet and is more of an entertainment, in the future the code itself will go through all the pages, look for like codes, accumulate them and call them later, this will be more useful. Thank you for your attention.
At the request of the downvoters, I changed the operating principle of delay. I replaced mine, which was really not justified, with setTimeout. Thanks mayorovp for the note.
"Followers Assistant"
Mobile application "Followers Assistant"
Another mobile application with which you can put automatic likes on Instagram . Unlike the previous program, " Followers Assistant " does not have free features that would be useful to you. In this, this application, of course, loses to its counterpart. But it also has a significant advantage.
The paid version of the application can automatically perform all necessary tasks with minimal settings. You can automatically find all the publications and accounts you need using a large number of hashtags. Recall that the previous program can only search for one hashtag. That is, if you don't mind spending some money, " Followers Assistant " will be more useful as a mobile application for automatic likes.
download the Followers Assistant from this link .
Automatic registration on Instagram
To create more accounts on Instagram, we will also need a separate application. It's called IG Regger. You can download it completely free of charge. Let's understand the principles of operation.
The creators of the social network Instagram have provided protection against frequent actions. Therefore, you will not be able to register profiles indefinitely - after a while you will be subject to a temporary ban. To bypass this protection against suspicious activity, you will need IG Regger. The program uses proxy servers to avoid being caught by the security system.
Computer program “Leongram”
Now let’s talk about the program for computers and laptops. Of course, it will be very useful for users who do not work with Instagram via phones, remaining good old adherents of stationary digital equipment.
The program is also available in paid and free versions. On the official website (link below) you can become better acquainted with it and start using it. We will only add that you will have to select hashtags according to certain rules, which will be discussed on the official website.
download the Leongram from this link .
How to rate a photo on VKontakte (second method)
In this method, while viewing photos, move the mouse cursor up to the photo and click on the heart that appears. The photo has been marked as liked. If the information helped you, click Thank you!
The first option: you write an iframe (console or windows form - it doesn’t matter), put it on Dedik, and forget about it. Second option: using hosting (putting it on cron and forgetting about it altogether). Third option: use the repository (, and don’t worry about hosting and other things, just install it on Dedik and forget about it.
The first and second options are solved using VK api, and the first and third options are solved using negezor/vk-io.
Option VK api, designed using hosting: 1. You receive your access token. To do this, you create an application here: You specify any name, and the type is standalone. Then you receive a code on your phone, you insert it, and the application is created.
2. After creating it, open it, go to “Settings”: You only need the application ID, copy it:
3. Create a request:
Where is the SAME_ID
— the same application ID. Then you will see an access token in the address bar. Copy it from the equal sign (=) to the ampersand sign (&), and save it somewhere in your notepad, or better yet, the request itself, so that if you change the password on the page, you can create a new token.
4. You receive all posts of the group in json format. Where is GROUP_ID
— this is the ID of the group you need. Where ACCESS_TOKEN is the token that you receive in the 3rd point. If the hosting does not support interaction between file_get_contents and https, then you should use curl, you’re just too lazy to write now.
5. Create a link for the subsequent request: ID_GROUP
&v=5.60&item_id=..In total you should get something like this:
$group_id = "GROUP_ID"; // in which you plan to like posts $token = “ACCESS_TOKEN”; // which was received in the 3rd paragraph $posts = json_decode(file_get_contents("".$group_id."&access_token=".$token. "&v=5.60″)); $length = 20; for ($i = 0; $i response->items[$i]->likes->can_like == 1) { $item = $posts->response->items[$i]->id; $post = json_decode(file_get_contents("".$group_id."&access_token=".$token."&v=5.60&item_id=".$ item)); if ($post->error) { echo $item.": error [".$post->error->error_id.", ".$post->error->error_description."] "; } else { echo $item.": Liked successfully! Total likes: “.$post->response.” "; } } }
6. You bet on crowns with repeats per minute (why less?), and enjoy life. I wrote from the knees, and wasted 20 minutes of my worthless personal life, so here it is.
If I don’t understand anything, then I can write it for 200-300 rubles (the money will be spent on the chrome extension).
You're summing it up incorrectly. You write @ Then nickname Gradually reveals the nickname of the person you want to sum up:
Click to expand...
He most likely didn’t know how to spell your nickname correctly because only Ilita knows about it. And as for what I wrote, thank you, I’ll delve into it because I’m interested in it myself =)
Most users of the VKontakte social network not only use this service as a means of corresponding with friends, but also read some groups, view photos of other users, etc. Naturally, you may like some records and not others.
I wouldn't be me if I didn't provide you with some theory before we started practicing anything. So let me be a little smarter this time too)
If we really like a photo or post, we click on the heart-shaped icon under it and thus LIKE it.
Sometimes these likes accumulate so much that some users become interested in seeing what posts they liked a month or a year ago (find out their entire like history). The social network has such a function, and it is very easy to use.
But to be honest, I myself once became interested in what I had liked there in my entire history of being on the VKontakte social network. I took advantage of this function and plunged into memories for half an hour. I have been studying such a dossier on myself over the past few years. Well, okay, enough with the water, let's get down to business...
Service ""
The Internet service “ ” will help you automate all the work to promote your account. You will save a lot of time.
You just need to create interesting and attractive content, publish it and then look for potential subscribers by automatically liking a large number of other users. You just need to determine in advance who exactly you want to find, plan all the tasks, and then the service will do everything for you. After that, all that remains is to wait for the response likes.
access the “ ” service using this link .
Is it possible to get likes for free and quickly?
I admit, I was surprised to learn that you can get large numbers of likes on VKontakte on a post or on a wall without programs.
It works as follows. There are special services. For example, With the help of this site you can easily get a large number of likes on your profile picture. You can try it, it's actually free. A dozen or two likes will be given to you instantly.
But this is not very convenient. After all, each like must be received manually, and this takes a lot of time. But I must tell you that it’s actually real people who like it, at least the profiles of those who liked my page are very similar to real people. All of them are either online or have been online recently, their pages are full, and in general, they don’t look like bots.
Honestly, I don’t know how it works, but this method really works: they give likes, and it’s free.
But, as usual, there is a catch, not just a catch, but a small clarification. If you need large numbers of likes, such as one hundred or two hundred, you will have to pay. But there is good news: a hundred will cost only 35 rubles. You can also buy subscribers on this site. They are more expensive - 70 rubles per hundred people.