Program for increasing subscribers and likes on VKontakte for free. My experience

Hello my dear readers. Social networks are extremely popular. In particular, the Vkontakte site, which is the first most visited in Russia, fifth in the world. Making money on social networks is a very attractive and uncomplicated way. One option could be to create a VK group and make money from it. Unfortunately, the reality is that no one will want to join an unpromoted community with a small number of subscribers. Against this background, groups with a high level of activity and a large number of posts will seem more attractive. To actually make money this way will require a lot of effort and time, but it’s worth it if you do it right. And today we will look at which program for getting subscribers on VK works best.

Advantages and disadvantages of getting likes through programs

The program for getting likes on VKontakte has the following advantages:

  1. After downloading and installation, a lot of functionality is available. In addition to likes, you can get subscribers, views, reposts, and so on.
  2. Ease of use.
  3. Some programs do not require an Internet connection.
  4. They are free.
  5. Automatically updated.
  6. No data collected.

  7. Additional bonuses and terms of cooperation are available.

There is only one downside - you run the risk of installing a virus on your computer along with the program, which can spread throughout the system and completely destroy all data or, at best, cause the device to malfunction.

How to download and install

You can always get the application for free on the official website. It is better not to download from third-party resources to avoid further problems with viruses and profile hacking.

  • Go to the developers website at
  • In the top menu there is a “Download” button, highlighted in blue. Click it and save the installation file to your computer.

  • Unpack the archive and install the program in the standard way.
  • After installation, VKduty will be added to startup and will automatically launch every time you turn on the computer.

A selection of programs on PC for getting likes on VK

Let's consider 3 programs:

  1. VTope – in addition to generating hearts, it helps to get votes for polls. The program supports VK, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Everything happens automatically, you only need to create a task. A big advantage of VTope is the function of control over cheating. When you start to exceed the limit, the program will issue a ban on actions. In addition, she has a ban on promoting groups that contain prohibited materials.

  2. VkDuty – there is no charge for receiving likes, but to use the program you will have to pay a subscription fee or be content with the limited functionality of the free version. There is a limit control function that prevents you from getting blocked by the system. In addition, it does not collect or store your personal data from your account, and all actions are protected by a special protocol.

  3. Meganakrutka – spins hearts, friends, group members. But it is not recommended to use it, since most users who installed it received in addition a virus, changes in browser settings, additional unnecessary programs and simply a system glitch.

  4. VK Likes is an application that helps promote groups using hearts and subscribers. In addition, the program is available for iOS phones. VK Likes is free, has a menu in Russian and quickly completes its tasks.

In addition to programs, there are quite a few ways to get VKontakte hearts; you can learn about them in the article: “Real ways to get likes for free.”

Promotion of the VKontakte group

There are several ways to promote a group. Of course, you can invite users yourself, choosing people from your friends list or your country, but this is ineffective.

There are such ways to promote a VKontakte group:

  • Contacting specialized services for increasing VK subscribers;
  • Exchange of posts, advertising of other groups on the wall;
  • Using special applications and programs to cheat users.

It is worth considering individual methods in more detail, choosing the most effective and fastest.

So, for the first time, you may want to contact promotion services. In this case, our “subscribers” will be bots, that is, non-living. They will simply be listed in the subscriber column, but will not be able to create any activity or communication within the group. This option is suitable for a newly created VK group to attract real readers. This is a paid promotion, because the services charge a certain fee for their services. The amount will depend on the number of users in the group desired by the customer. However, promoting the group in contact in this way will not be too expensive.

Exchange of subscribers, as well as advertising of other groups, is a moderately effective method that never hurts, but alone it cannot give the desired result.

Placing friendly links on the right side of the group panel, as well as reposting posts, will help to slightly gain new readers. The method is effective if used after completing the first point.

Targeted advertising is one of the most effective ways to promote a VKontakte group, but also the most expensive at the same time. This option is considered correct from the point of view of developing groups on social networks, but not everything is so simple, because in addition to the high cost of such advertising, the conditions for its use are also quite strict. Not every group can undergo moderation and gain access to targeted advertising, and the promotion of the group will depend on the topic. Website promotion may also involve this method.

Cheat everything

Service 1 – VkMix

The tool is positioned as a “place for sharing social activity.” The principle of promotion is based on the collection of points by users, which can be spent on promoting a community or account.

The functionality includes auto-liking, creating artificial activity in the group through comments, subscriptions, reposts and even polls. Registration is not required to get started.

Service 2 –

Cheating friends on VK, as well as subscribers, likes, reposts and other elements is implemented on the SocLike service.

The main advantage of the tool is the quality of the attracted audience. Here it is several times higher than that of competitors. There is no auction or points system. Cheating is done for a fee. One hundred subscribers costs 130 rubles, 100 likes – 120 rubles.

Service 3 –

A simple service with fixed prices for individual services.

Getting 200 likes costs 21 rubles. Reposts – 250 rubles per 1 thousand pieces. 500 subscribers to a group costs 110 rubles, if quality is not important, and 495 rubles for quality subscribers.

Service 4 - Olike

VK promotion is carried out using an auction system. You earn or buy points and then exchange them for specific services.

The advantages of the service lie in high-quality technical support and the ability to interact with performers.

Service 5 – Ad-Social

You can work on the service without investment, earning internal currency by completing tasks. The service itself has a simple and user-friendly interface.

The speed of promotion depends on the price set for the task.

Service 6 – Cashbox

Another “social activity” exchange with an auction system. The advantages include high-quality technical support and ratings of performers.

The higher the price for the task you specify, the faster you will receive likes, subscribers and reposts. The published comments will be of higher quality and more organic.

Cheat likes – is an excellent service if you need to increase likes on VK. You can only get free likes if you earn points for completing tasks. The official website of the tool has a nice interface. Technical specifications are added regularly. You can buy VIP status so that your tasks are always at the top.

Tasks are carried out according to the auction principle, and therefore there is no fixed price for markup.

Cheat subscribers – VkTarget

If you are faced with the question of how to get subscribers on VK, then VkTarget is an excellent option for solving the problem as quickly as possible. On the main page of the tool’s official website it is indicated that it is allowed to increase subscribers and likes on VK. However, it is not. The service only allows you to get subscribers, friends and reposts.

One of the nice additions of VkTarget is a boost with tasks. Here you can not only promote your community, but also earn money by completing simple tasks.

There are no fixed amounts for certain types of cheating. You set the cost of one task yourself, after which you participate in the auction. The higher the price for the task, the higher you will be on the list of customers and the faster you will get the finished result.

Cheating comments – Qcomment

If you need high-quality, non-uniform comments that are relevant to the content of the group, then the best option would be to use Qcomment. The service operates on the principle of an exchange. There are customers and employees. Some order the writing of reviews, comments and reviews, others earn money by completing tasks. The exchange has a rank system that allows you to move up the career ladder.

You register as a customer and create technical specifications. Leave a link to individual posts or to the community, formulate requirements for comments and set a price for the task. There is an auction: the higher the price, the faster and better the result will come.

Inviter - adding as a friend or inviting to a group

This tool allows you to add friends and invite VKontakte subscribers to a group or event. You can send a friend invitation to no more than 40 users per day. For example, you can parse users from your target group (for example, let’s take the “Race of Heroes” group) and then add potential subscribers as friends with the text: “Hey, did you also participate in the Race of Heroes?”

If you want to send an invitation to a group or event, then such mailing can only be done to your friends who are mutually subscribed to you.

Now you can take the friends we added and send invitations to a similar event.

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