We use scripts to boost messages on VKontakte

Popularity on social networks has become a very important aspect of the lives of a large number of modern young users. They want to receive thousands of likes and reposts, type comments under each of their messages, thereby causing envy among others. But competing with famous representatives of show business, professional athletes and politicians is incredibly difficult for an ordinary person. That is why some people resort to various types of cheating in order to appear more famous than they actually are. Today it is even possible to cheat VK messages via phone.

Cheating messages on VKontakte

Among regular users of social networks, it is considered very fashionable and prestigious to have a large number of unread messages. This in some way demonstrates their status and emphasizes their popularity. Receiving a large number of messages can also demonstrate your social relevance.

Cheating VK messages in 2021

In the case of promoting accounts for sale, such parameters increase their cost. After all, the more messages you receive, the more active the profile is considered, which means you can earn more from it. Social demand generally has an extremely positive effect on the commercial value of the page. For such purposes, it is possible to cheat messages.

Go to the moon for an idea!

Of course, first of all it was necessary to draw up an action plan and describe the idea. Due to the fact that people have become more shy and are not always ready to trust just anyone, the choice fell on writing a fashionable and convenient bot for VK, which has a familiar interface, will always be at hand, and the anonymity of messages will be hard-coded in the program code. Unfortunately, in addition to all the advantages described above, communities have two disadvantages: low throughput (number of messages per second) and a ban on starting a dialogue with a random user (the user must be the first

express your consent to receive messages on behalf of the community).

So, we have a user who is ready to send a Valentine card to his significant other, a recipient and an intermediary in the form of a chatbot. The interaction scheme is simple, the bot must: suggest sending → find out the recipient → save until February 14 → deliver → repeat.

But this, of course, turned out to be not enough for the imagination-hungry mind, and, in order to increase the activity and involvement of the audience, a different interaction scheme was thought out, allowing people to get acquainted within the system by sending messages to random people. These "random valentines" can be appreciated, and if two people's valentines like each other, we give them the opportunity to chat.

How to create messages on VK without a script

There are many ways to cheat without specialized software. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  1. Communities for fake DMs
    - you can always resort to the services of one of the thematic communities on the social network. The main principle of the work of such groups is collective mutual assistance. By joining them, you send a request to receive private messages. Of course, you will have to send them back.
  2. Job exchanges
    - many sites on the World Wide Web allow you to post tasks on their pages that are similar to sending personal messages. You can carry out similar orders, receiving the internal currency of the exchange, which you will later spend on promoting your account. And you can always easily find performers who are ready to literally spam your account for a small fee on freelance exchanges.

How to make a bot for sending messages?

Owners of pages with a large number of subscribers are often faced with a situation where they need to congratulate people on their birthday or send out information about current promotions. In such a situation, a bot will be useful for sending messages to VKontakte groups. There are several ways to create it, which we will discuss in detail.

Using built-in methods

The easiest way is to use a mailing app.

Go to the VK mailing creation page, select the group and people to whom you want to send the message.

Set up a widget in the community (to do this, click on the “Subscribe” button).

Before sending, download the subscriber database by clicking on the appropriate button. The system loads all users who wrote to the community. It takes up to several minutes to collect information, depending on the number of dialogues. In the future, new public members will automatically be included in this list.

After downloading, a form appears in which you must specify a message. In a special window you need to enter standard data for the VK bot - the name of the participant, a link to communities, as well as personal variables (can be set on the bot page). You can attach attachments - photos or videos. In this case, you can use a link from media files that are on the page or wall. To upload a new image, log into the group’s LAN, upload the picture, open it and copy the ID from the browser window, then add the image in the following format - photo-YYYYYYY_YYYY (the copied code is installed together with Y).

Before sending, click the “Send to me for verification” button, where you will see the final form of the shipment. If everything is fine, confirm the input, and the bot in VK for sending messages will do its job. After this, you can see how many texts were sent and how long it took to complete the work.

If you wish, you can schedule a newsletter. To do this, click the Schedule button, select a date, or click the Repeat every day checkbox. After completing this work, the mailing is carried out automatically. The specified data can be changed at will.

Independent writing

The social network VK has a whole section that describes how to make a bot for VK for messages. To create the script you will need:

  1. the group on behalf of which the VK bot will work;
  2. a server that receives information about events that have occurred;
  3. program logic (reaction to a particular event).

First, you need to understand the functionality of the chat, make a list of commands and actions. It is important to understand that when sending messages, errors may occur when forming commands and typing text.

To complete the work you will need to use one of the programming languages. Detailed instructions on how to make a bot to respond to VK messages are given in detail at the link vk.com/dev/bots_docs. To write a script yourself, go to the Management section, then click Products and Communities. There, find the Chatbots section.

The section that appears contains detailed instructions, tips and technical documentation.

Using special services

The easiest way to make a bot for VK and send messages is to use special services for this. Let's look at the instructions for two popular platforms.

Robot chat

To create a bot for VK on robochat.io, follow these steps:

  • Go to the website, select VK and click the Connect button. Activate the Community Messages option in advance.

  • Select a group and join it. Due to changes in VKontakte rules, you do not need to use the Reply to non-subscriber function. Bots are also prohibited from demanding that you subscribe to a group, making likes or reposts, sending advertisements, or violating other rules of the social network.

  • On the left, find the control panel, select the Chatbot section and click Basic.
  • Set up data for the bot that writes messages on VK. This is the first answer, which should contain data on the capabilities of the script and the features of its use. Here, specify the keywords that the VK script will respond to, and indicate the sequence of answers and questions. If desired, the program can be used for mailing, responding to a subscription or unsubscription, or replying to a message.
  • Create a dialog, enter keywords and click Add.
  • Specify the words that the script should respond to and go to advanced mode. After that add dialogue.
  • Click Add a message and include text or a picture.

At the final stage, check that the VK bot responds to messages and works correctly. In the future, you can think over a strategy and add functions for the program.


Another option is to use the BotVK constructor. Using such a program, you can send newsletters, respond to messages, collect information about users, and block rude words. In addition, Wikipedia search is available, widgets for groups are provided, and much more.

To create a bot, follow these steps:

  • Log in to the service for creating a bot for VK.
  • Click on the Create a bot button now. The system requests permission to access the account and authorizes the user. In your personal account, you can go to the bots section and see information about the number of connected scripts, commands, balance and other data.

  • Connect a group by selecting it from the list. When you sign up for a free plan, the site will test the bot for three days.
  • In the bot settings, specify the following data - name, response to a message, message when unsubscribing or a found command.
  • Make other settings - bot status, add templates, etc.

The cost of the bot per month for one group is 100 rubles. The newsletter is purchased at one time for 500 rubles.

Cheating messages VK script

On the Internet you can find a number of resources that provide scripts, which, according to the developers, must be inserted into the body of the site page through the console. Here is an example of how to generate messages through the console: https://pastebin.com/Sv0Q9yn0. According to the creators, this should lead to large volumes of unread messages. However, the administration of the social network regularly records all sorts of vulnerabilities that previously made it possible to manipulate statistics through the console. So the performance of such tools today is in question.

Cheating VK messages in 2021

It is strongly recommended not to thoughtlessly use the script to boost VK messages on your main account. Automated security systems may well ban them, considering them malicious. In some cases, pages are not unblocked at all.

Learning to listen to VK

There are two ways to receive notifications about events from VKontakte: Longpoll requests

Callback server
Your own server is convenient because it does not require any special movements to use, and also allows you to receive missed notifications (for example, when the server is rebooted). Such a server can be written in a few lines using the native http.Server

All this creates an ideal ecosystem for program logic that is convenient to use.

Cheating messages through a bot

All kinds of free and paid bots can free you from numerous routine tasks necessary for successful page promotion.

  • The program is able to send mass invitations to friends based on the specified parameters. For example, you can send applications to all members of a certain community or set more flexible user search settings.
  • Send invitations to the group. Targeting allows you to very accurately select the audience that suits you.
  • Give mass likes. This is usually done on a mutual basis and you will not have to spend long hours completing such tasks yourself.

    Cheating VK messages in 2021

  • Mass mailing of invitations. You can easily gather participants for any type of event.
  • Anti-captcha - many modern bots include a captcha bypass function. This way you will save quite a lot of money.
  • Cleaning/Filling Accounts - Removing unnecessary content or adding new content in an automated manner will make your life much easier. A number of bots are equipped with integration with file storages, from which they can collect fresh photos and videos for high-quality content.
  • Anti-ban system - allows you to cheat behavioral factors and imitate the actions of a living person. Any effective bot should be equipped with such tools. Otherwise, you may simply be blocked.

Fireworks at the end

Actually, that's all! If you do not take into account some difficulties in understanding the logic of the VK API, as well as with confirming your account with one of the providers, everything went even too smoothly.

Javascript bot for VK
At first it will seem that this is not possible, but believe me, you just have to start and everything will work out. Since we will be making a bot in the community, we need to create it or use an already created one

Javascript bot for VK
After we have created the community, go to settings, then go to the Messages section and enable this function; without it, our bot will not work.

Javascript bot for VKWe now have a section called Settings for the bot, go to it and enable it; if you wish, you can activate the ability to add to conversations. Next, go to: Settings -> Working with API -> Access keys

and create a key with the following parameters:

Javascript bot for VK
This will be enough, since we will work with messages, we get this big code (token)

Javascript bot for VK

This token cannot be shared with other users, otherwise you risk losing access to your community; in my case, after writing the article, I will delete it and it will become inactive. Save the token in a notepad, we will need it.

We’ll finish with the community settings for now, but we’ll need to return to this section later, now let’s start writing code for our future bot. Of course, in this article I will not show the main functions of my bot, but only a small part, you can do the rest yourself if you wish, this is only the initial stage of creating a bot, keep this in mind.

We will write the bot in PHP.

For ease of writing code, I recommend downloading Sublime Text

, one of the best editors, most importantly convenient and practical.

Create a file with a .php extension, for example bot.php. Open it with any editor and start writing code. Along with the source code, I will put the library, the bot will not work without it, the library is public, it can be found on the Internet, it was created by a very good person, you can download it only after registering on the site, it requires little, but it’s worth it Library simplifies working with VK API code and methods.

We connect the library: Now we create constants, they are needed for convenience

Javascript bot for VK
They need to be filled out. In quotes we insert the same long code (token), we skip the second constant for now, and in 3 we write the version of the API that we will use. Let's take 5.81. We also need to specify ACCESS_KEY, which we take from the community.

Javascript bot for VKIn my case it is:
You will have another one, copy and paste it into the second constant. You should get something like this:

Let's continue. Now we need to create an instance of a class for working with the api, receive and decode the JSON that came from VK and inform VK that we accepted the callback, all this seems complicated, but in reality everything is very simple and clear.

We get the following code:

Javascript bot for VK
Now let's get to the fun part, processing messages and creating commands. First, we need to get the new messages object for further processing:

Reading messages:

The last script is aimed at reading personal messages that it pulls from the database.
/** * User number */ $u_id=1; /** * Get the message number. We cast it as an Integer */ $id_mess=(int)$_GET['id']; $db_user='db_username'; $db_name='db_name'; $db_pass='db_userpassword'; $db = new PDO('mysql:dbname='.$db_name.'; host=localhost',$db_user,$db_pass); $db->exec("SET CHARACTER SET utf8"); /** * Retrieve the message. In addition to the message number, we also focus on the user id * This will exclude the possibility of reading someone else's message by selecting the message id */ $sql=”select * from messages where u_to = :u_to and id = :id_mess”; $sth=$db->prepare($sql); $sth->bindParam(':u_to',$u_id,PDO::PARAM_INT); $sth->bindParam(':id_mess',$id_mess,PDO::PARAM_INT); $sth->execute(); $res=$sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); /** * Set the flag that the message has been read */ $sql=”update messages set flag = 1 where u_to = :u_to and id = :id_mess”; $sth=$db->prepare($sql); $sth->bindParam(':u_to',$u_id,PDO::PARAM_INT); $sth->bindParam(':id_mess',$id_mess,PDO::PARAM_INT); $sth->execute(); /** * Displays the message with the date it was sent */ if($res['id']<>"){ echo ' '.$res['message'].' Sent date: '.$res['data']; }else{ echo 'This message does not exist or is not intended for you.'; }

What answer scripts should be prepared in advance?

Welcome script

It is important to maintain the company’s communication style on social networks:

  • This can be an original address, such as “Hello, sir (madam)!” in the well-known “Teremka”;
  • So is the standard regulation that the greeting uses the respectful “Good afternoon/evening” or, conversely, the “Hello”, which smooths out official communication.

You can also use a greeting script indicating useful information - these can often be heard when calling the hotline of a large company. Include useful links in the welcome message - this will allow the user to immediately understand whether the manager needs help, or whether he can solve the problem himself.

Script “specify data”

It is used, for example, when a client writes that he did not receive the product he ordered.

In order not to waste time preparing answers to questions that require the client’s personal data, prepare a data clarification script. As one of the options: “Hello! Let's check your order right now. Please write your order number (you can view it by mail), your full name and email. the email you provided when purchasing."

Delivery script

Let’s imagine: a client writes to you: “Why is it taking so long for my order to be delivered?”

Another common question you may receive. If this is the case, be sure to create a response script for it as well. For example: “Hello! You can check the status and location of your order yourself using the tracking track - we sent it to your email after making your purchase. If you don’t know him, please write your order number (you can look it up at the post office), your full name and email. the email you provided when purchasing."

“Leave a review” script

It happens that a user simply writes to you when he received an order. The truth is that users often write about their joy and share photos. Be sure to thank them for such actions and ask them to leave an honest review in a designated place - in a discussion, on a website, or simply on your page.

Thank you script for your review

It's always nice to receive feedback on your work. But do not forget that the client should respond to each such review.

Thank him for his feedback, share useful information if you have any promotions related to reviews. For example, some cafes provide a discount or compliment from the chef for reviews on aggregators or map applications.

Script for assessing the quality of customer support

To evaluate the real quality of managers’ work, at the end of the dialogue you can ask the user for feedback: whether he received the necessary answer or help.

We suggest sending a message at the end of the dialogue asking you to evaluate the work of customer support. Let the user simply respond with a number from 1 to 10, where 10 means the dialogue went well, and 1 means he did not receive the expected help.

Users with answers above 7 points can be thanked for their good feedback (see previous paragraph). And for those who answered with fewer points, write to find out what mistakes you made and what the client really expected from you. This will help you improve and show the client that you care about their opinion.

Why write dialogue scripts?

Firstly, it significantly saves the manager’s time.
He does not need to think every time what to answer the user, because response templates will already be prepared for different standard situations. This will allow you to respond faster to each specific client, and to respond to a larger number of requests in general during the working day. Secondly, this will allow the company's management to be confident that managers will not answer incorrectly. The script is a clear response regulation that should be followed. This will help avoid the human factor - the answer will be the same, regardless of the mood of the manager or the mood of the client.

Thirdly, this allows you to regulate truly effective responses and receive better feedback from customers and better conversion into the expected target action from the user. As a rule, the script for all managers is approved after it has actually proven itself in successful dialogues in practice.

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