How to hide a photo on VK: instructions for computer and phone

If you are looking for how to hide a photo in VK - an entire album or individual frames, then you don’t want to be too open in the virtual world and this is completely normal. Social Networks today occupy a significant part of our lives - we communicate there, work, study, and keep in touch with friends. The need to hide pictures arises for various reasons: from the desire to hide from a specific person to the desire to simply limit publicity.

In this article we will look at how to hide photos from other users in VK, we will analyze all possible situations: depending on where the frames are located, how many need to be hidden, what settings are allowed to be used.

#1 Pictures from your page

We are talking about a block that is located on the main profile page and is available to all guests. By default, 4 pictures are displayed here, sorted by upload date.

  • To hide files from here, hover your mouse over them;
  • Click on the pop-up cross in the right corner;
  • Click on the “Hide” command;

  • If you click on the “Cancel” button now, the action will be reversed. After updating the page, this will no longer be possible (you will have to delete the photo and upload it again).

Please note that in this block you will have to hide frames manually, one at a time. There is no special function that would allow you to perform the task “in bulk.”

By the way! Among other things, at any time you can. It's not difficult to do this at all!

New photo editor for the online social network VKontakte.

Since October 1, the online photo editor on the VKontakte social network has added new functions. Previously, in my opinion, there was only framing and rotation. Now they have added an auto-correction function, which contains several effects at once. I love this function, as the image immediately changes significantly, although not always for the better.

And in general, I like online photo editors for images. This is very convenient and saves our time significantly, which is why they are so popular among people.

What new functions can be used in the online photo editor VKontakte.

  • Add text
  • Edit brightness
  • Change contrast
  • Add sharpness
  • Adjust color saturation
  • Make vignetting
  • Apply sepia
  • Add blur
  • And try 16 more ready-made filters

The edited photo is saved in one copy, but you can restore the original at any time.

How to start using the online photo editor VKontakte.

But you won’t find it right away, especially if you’ve never used it before. In order to start using this tool, you need to click on the photo you are editing so that it opens to full page. And at the bottom, find the inscription Edit, click on it and select Photo Editor.

And by selecting functions on the right, you can insert text into the image, crop, blur, rotate the photo, or apply auto-correction.

Unfortunately, you can only insert text at the bottom, the color of the text does not change, there are only two styles, small letters in italics and large letters with a black outline. To change the text, click on the text image.

And this is what happens.

We crop the image and select an area with the mouse. Cancel – crossed out circle, save – check mark.

The blur area can be adjusted using the slider.

Next comes photo rotation and auto correction. And below there are 16 ready-made filters. Each of them is edited with a slider. Here's an example.

And to get to the section where you can manually edit, you need to click on the word Settings.

And there, each parameter is edited using a slider.

But that’s not all; the most interesting thing is that the image can be returned to its original state at any time. To do this, go to Editing -> Photo Editor again and click Restore Original.

And to get a link to a photo on VKontakte, you need to click on the words Open original under the image. After this, the picture will open in a new window, copy the link.

And now you can watch everything in the video tutorial

In this article, I talked about the updated online photo editor on the VKontakte social network.

Sincerely, Tatyana Chironova

Save the post to your wall on social networks

And here you can publish announcements of posts on the topic:

Previous article: How to sort YouTube subscriptions on your channel by topic. YouTube subscription manager. Next article:

#2 From the album

Now let's look at how to hide photos in VK from my page from the album - frames previously uploaded to the folder. There is no way to hide an individual image, but you can apply privacy settings to an entire album:

  • Go to the “Photos” block;

  • Click on the “Show albums” button;

  • Hover over the folder, click on the pencil icon that pops up;

  • Inside the section, click on the “Who can view” link;

  • Select a value: allow access to everyone, only friends, individual users, or only yourself.

By the way, if you are on the other side of the barricades, and you need to look at the hidden photos of your friend, then our other instructions will help you! Be sure to check it out!

Which albums cannot be hidden

If you were wondering whether it is possible to hide all albums, then the answer is as follows: it is impossible to make two folders inaccessible, these are “Photos from my wall” and “Photos from my page,” that is, the folder in which the avatar is saved. All visitors to your page will see them.

If you need to hide a photo from a certain person, then put him on the blacklist. This way he won’t be able to visit your page and therefore won’t see your photos. To do this, click on the three dots under the avatar of the selected person, and in the menu that appears, click “Block”. This will transfer the user to the Black List. But before following the instructions, remove him from your friends list, otherwise the action will not work.

You cannot make some photos from an album inaccessible; this can only be done with an entire folder.

#3 Saved images

If you want to hide saved photos on VKontakte from specific people (by default, this album is already visible only to the owner of the profile), and open access to everyone else, follow these steps:

  • Click on the small icon with an avatar in the right corner of the screen, select the “Settings” line;

  • Inside the section, find the “Privacy” block;

  • Find the line “Who sees the list of saved pictures.”

  • Change "Only Me" to "Everyone But" or choose another option.

  • Select the people who will have limited access.

  • Once you have selected them, you need to save the changes.

Remember that if you are not sensitive enough to constantly look at the same images and no longer feel the need to keep them, then it is best to get rid of them forever. Moreover, deleting saved photos in VK is not difficult!

Ways to hide photos on VKontakte

There is no need to explain for a long time why this is needed. Everyone has their own reasons for not sharing this or that image with subscribers or random guests of the page. Almost everyone has a need for privacy, and the creators of the social network have provided for it.

So, what methods does the VK website offer? Let's look at the options available for use from a computer or laptop.

Hide an album

It is more convenient to store VKontakte pictures in albums. This creates a certain structure, and it is more convenient to manage them than if they are all piled up in a big pile. Albums are usually made thematic (for example, “Photos from my sister’s wedding,” “How we fished in the summer,” “Hiking in Altai,” and so on), or distributed by time (“All shooting in June,” “All shooting in August,” and so on) Further). Limited only by your imagination.

It's easy to assign privacy settings to each album. For example, make it visible only to certain friends. After this, all the photos in the album will become visible to these pre-specified people.

This is how it should be done. Click on the “Photos” item in the left menu. A list of your albums will open, below them there will be a list of downloaded photos in a continuous ribbon. Expand the top block (link “Show all XX albums”).

Illustration on the topic How to hide a photo in VK: in an album, from the main page

Now hover your mouse over any of the thumbnails. A pencil icon will appear in its upper right corner. Click on it. You will be taken to the album editing page. Pay attention to the two lines “Who can view this album” and “Who can comment on the photos”.

Illustration on the topic How to hide a photo in VK: in an album, from the main page

The default value is “All users”. You should click on any of these links, a drop-down menu will open, you should select the access option:

  • All users.
  • Only friends.
  • Friends and friends of friends.
  • Just me.
  • Everything except...
  • Some.

As you can see, there are many options. It is possible to flexibly adjust the visibility of your images. Two or three people from among your friends will be able to see them. Or vice versa, all but two or three people.

Hide from home page

This is the only place where it is possible to remove individual photos from viewing. If you go to your VK page, at the top, immediately below the main profile information, you will see a horizontal bar with images. The block is called “My Photos”. The most recently downloaded pictures are displayed, regardless of the album.

Illustration on the topic How to hide a photo in VK: in an album, from the main page

So, often there is no need to shine them here. Removing them from the block is very easy: you need to hover your mouse over one of the pictures and click on the cross that appears in the upper right corner. The photo itself will not go anywhere, it will remain in the album where you uploaded it, it will simply stop being displayed in the “My Photos” block.

Hide photos you've been tagged in

Among the other pictures present on your page, there may be others. That is, uploaded by someone else to their page, on which you were recognized and tagged. Moreover, these someone may not be your friends - they may not be on the list of friends. Such photos will still come to you; they will be presented in the “Photos of Me” album. This is a virtual album and cannot be managed. What if you don’t need to show these images?

To do this, you will have to open Profile Settings. Click on the small round avatar in the page header on the right. Select Settings from the drop-down menu. On the page that opens, go to the “Privacy” tab.

Illustration on the topic How to hide a photo in VK: in an album, from the main page

Here, find the section “Who can see photos I’ve been tagged in.” Select the setting you like from the drop-down menu. For example, this screenshot shows only some of the list of friends.

#4 All pictures

To hide all photos in VK, you will have to move them to an album, and if there are frames on the page that are not attached to any folder, they will need to be added there.

  • For a new upload, in the block with photos, click “Add photo”;

  • Select a frame from your computer and click “Open”;

  • When the picture appears in the VK interface, select “Add to album” instead of “Publish on page”;

  • Find the desired folder, click on it;

  • Now follow the steps in the instructions for hiding a folder.

And yet, there is a way to do something radical - find the “Close profile” item in your privacy settings and enjoy communicating exclusively with friends.

#5 Several pictures

If you want to block VKontakte photos from other users, and to impose restrictions only on a few pictures, then:

  1. Create a separate folder for them and keep it private from other people.
  2. Another way to solve the problem is to get rid of these images. Moreover, you can immediately delete an album with photos in a couple of clicks.
  3. Unfortunately, there are no other ways; VK developers have removed the option to selectively close pictures.

#6 Photos in which you were tagged

If you are tagged in someone's picture, you will receive a notification about it. It happens that a VKontakte user does not like the fact that strangers on someone else’s page will receive information about him through someone’s marks on the uploaded frames.

  • Go again to “Settings” - “Privacy”;
  • Find the item “Photos I've been tagged in” and select the desired command, for example, “Some friends” or “Only me.”

In a situation where someone has uploaded your image to their album and you don't want others to see it, write to your friend and ask them to remove it. If a person refuses, contact the VKontakte support service, state the essence of the problem, and remind them about the copyright on your own photographs.

How to find out that my photos are being reposted on VK

With basic settings, VKontakte users can repost other people's publications and photos.

Moreover, previously the number of reposts and the names of the users who made them could be easily viewed in one click. But due to the tightening of legislation on the protection of personal data, the function was limited.

You can find out the number of reposters and their names in the “Share” column, which is located next to each publication.

The list will open immediately after clicking on the line “Publication shared by a person.” Next to the “Shared” section you can see the “Rated” mark. It opens access to the list of users who liked the publication.

Is it possible to hide a photo on VK from your phone?

We will answer this question positively; all the same instructions work on a mobile device as were given above for a computer. The only thing missing is the ability to hide frames from the block with photo previews on the main page.

To hide some photos in VK, edit the settings of those in which you were tagged, or perform other actions, you just need to know how to find the necessary sections in the mobile application:

  • To go to your privacy settings, double-click on the “Profile” icon (shaped like a person in a circle) on the bottom right side of the screen;
  • Find the gear icon at the bottom;

  • Find the "Privacy" command.

  • Make changes in the necessary sections.

Select the desired settings.

  • To hide a folder, go to the “Photos” - “Albums” block;

  • Click on the three dots on the desired folder, select the “Edit” command;

  • Stop at the desired parameters;

  • Don't forget to click on the check mark at the top of the screen to save your actions.

Thus, from your phone you can easily close saved VKontakte photos, hide an entire folder, and open access to files to individual users. As you can see, all manipulations in VKontakte are very simple and understandable - this is one of the main advantages of this social network over others.

How to hide some photos from others

At the moment, the social network VKontakte does not have a function that would allow you to hide individual photos; you can only make albums invisible.

In this regard, I recommend that you create a separate one, which will be called “Hidden Photos” and move the desired photos there. In order not to mix everything up in a pile, you can make several such albums.

I have already discussed the process of creating a VKontakte album. So follow the link and read how it's all done.

Now let's figure out how to hide a separate album. Go to “My Photos” and go to the “All Photos” tab:

Find the album you want to hide and click on the pencil in the upper right corner. This button means “Edit Album”:

Opposite the item “Who can view this album”, set “Only me”. This means that no one except you will see the pictures that are stored here:

In order to transfer a photo to a hidden album, you must first find it, and then click on the “Actions” link under it and select “Move to Album” from the drop-down menu:

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