How to hide friends in VK: detailed instructions for users

Many users are interested in how to hide friends on VK so that other visitors to the page do not see with whom he communicates. Sometimes it is necessary to hide only a couple of people, and even then, only from selected users; in other situations, you need to hide the entire friend list.

The developers of the social network are well aware that people have different situations - a jealous guy, a strict dad, a vigilant boss, so they have officially introduced the ability to hide up to 30 contacts. Thus, if you are interested in how to hide a friend from other friends and users on VK, this possibility legally exists and the algorithm of actions is extremely simple.

From Computer

  • Go to your profile and click on the small avatar in the upper right corner of the screen;
  • Select “Settings”;
  • Inside, find the “Privacy” tab;
  • Scroll to the sections “Who is visible in my list” and “Who can see hidden contacts”;

  • Open the tabs and set the desired values.

Now you know how to hide friends in VK, but only within the established limit. If you are interested in how to hide all friends in VK, more than 30, in the new VKontakte in 2021 - below in this article we will tell you how to do this. Stay with us!

Please note that if you hide information about your loved ones, then users will have to work hard to find out who you are adding as friends.

How to hide VK friends in privacy settings

I once tried to hide a couple of people myself, and then I had the desire to hide all my friends, but the fact is that there is a limit of up to 30 people, which is a shame. Previously, this function was limited to 15 people.

Go to your page and click on your name and avatar at the top right. A menu opens where we select the “Settings” item. On the right, go to the “ Privacy ” section.

A section with privacy settings will open. You need to click on the item “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.” By clicking on it, you can select the friends you want to hide. Just select them and they are automatically transferred to the top field, then saved.

On the service you can order friends and subscribers to your page at a cheap price.

Now you know how to hide friends on VKontakte. If you are interested in other privacy settings, you can study them yourself, there is nothing complicated there.

How to set the visibility of hidden friends

As I already said, we can configure who will see our hidden friends, go to the advice item and click on the button next to it.

As you can see, everything is intuitive there; you choose what you need.

If you are interested in how to delete posts from a VKontakte wall, then here you go.

From phone

Hiding friends on VKontakte from everyone except me via a computer, as you understand, is very simple, but from a mobile phone it is much more difficult to do. Unfortunately, today neither the mobile version of the site nor the application for Android or IOS support such a function. The only thing you can do is open the desktop version in your mobile browser and follow the algorithm of the previous instructions:

  • Open the search engine and find VK for the mobile version there;

  • Sign in;
  • Click on the three dots on the right side of your browser and select “PC Version”

  • Above the “Exit” button, click “Desktop Version”;

  • Then follow the instructions from the first section.

Thus, it is much more convenient to hide a friend in VK from a computer; phones are not provided for this task, but anything can happen in life, so keep the method of switching to the computer version in mind.

You can hide users from other visitors to your page, but this will not help you remove them from important friends. For this purpose you will have to use other means.

Why hide your friends on VKontakte

The creators of VK know that not every user is ready to show off their personal life. There are several reasons why users begin to hide their VKontakte friends. This could be the banal jealousy of a loved one, or a reluctance to put contacts on display.

Previously, the functionality of the social network allowed you to hide the full list of friends. However, the creators changed the VKontakte policy to increase the level of communication among users.

The developers believe that hiding data prevents people from meeting and communicating. Therefore, the administration introduced a restriction.

A user can hide no more than 30 profiles on VK.

How to hide more than 30

According to statistics, almost every user has at least once encountered the need to hide friends in VK - that is why the developers took pity on the public and allowed this to be done officially. At first they allowed you to hide up to 15 friends, now the threshold has been doubled. However, if the friend list contains several hundred, or even thousands of contacts, the number “30” seems ridiculous.

That is why people are looking for the opportunity to hide a person on VK as friends through applications, thereby greatly risking falling into the network of scammers. We will not recommend spyware to you, since we have not encountered any software that actually works and is 100% safe.

We will show you one method for removing restrictions, so that from now on you will not be tormented by the question of how many friends you can hide on VK.

We immediately warn you that the method does not work, as it was blocked by the developers. But you can rely on your luck and try. If it doesn’t work out for you, we suggest you use official methods and accept it.

  • Go to your profile and go to the “My Contacts”/”Friends” section;
  • Place the cursor on a free field and press the key combination CTRL+Shift+I;
  • A console will open in which you need to enter the code;

function adder(user,list,add,st) { var o = user;

o[6] = parseInt(o[6]);

add? (o[6] & 1 << list || (o[6] += 1 << list)) : (o[6] & 1 << list && (o[6] -= 1 << list)) ;

setTimeout(function () {"al_friends.php", { act: "save_cats", uid: user[0], cats: o[6], hash: cur.userHash }, { onDone: function() { var el=document.querySelector(“.left_label.inl_bl”); el.innerHTML=el.innerHTML>=1?(el.innerHTML-0)+1:1; } }); },st||0) ; }

function itr(list,add){ function fn(start){ for(var i=start||0,len=cur.friendsList.all.length;i adder(cur.friendsList.all ,list,add,i*50 ); } } fn(); }

  • Tap the Enter key;
  • Now enter itr(30, true);
  • “Enter” again;
  • You will see the counter rewind, which will end at the number corresponding to the number of your friends;
  • When the counter stops, the job is done.

Now you will be able to not only add a friend to hidden friends in VK, but also try to hide the entire contact list from the “curious Barbarians”.

We recommend that you think carefully before using the script! In our opinion, it is better to hide some friends on VK - the very, very secret ones, allowing the rest to think that you are an absolutely honest and open soul.

Hiding friends by closing the page

Since August 2021, social media users networks can close their pages from other users. Your VK account will be visible to those on your friends list.

To close the page you must:

  1. Log in to the social network.
  2. Open the main page.
  3. Your name and profile photo thumbnail will appear in the top corner. You must click on the “Down” arrow. A menu section will appear. From the list you need to select “Settings”.

  4. Options will appear on the right, from which you need to select the “Privacy” section.
  5. Scroll to the very end of the page. Find the “Other” section, select “Profile Type”. Click on the “Closed” option.

  6. A window will appear asking you to confirm the settings.
  7. Make sure your privacy settings are set. To do this, you need to go down to the end of the list and find the line “You can see how other users see your page.”

  8. If the settings are set, the VK page will be closed. As a result, other users will not be visible in the list of hidden friends.

Did you manage to hide it?

  • Go to Settings—Privacy;
  • Scroll to the end of the block and click on the link “See how other users see the page.”

Pay attention to the section under your avatar - if you managed to hide your friends on VK, the friends block will not be there.

To see the list of your hidden friends yourself, go to the Privacy section and scroll to the “Who is visible on my list” section. If you need to hide all friends from everyone except friends, in the “Who can see my hidden friends” section, set the value to “All Contacts”.

Well, we have studied the topic of hiding contacts - we hope everything is clear to you. In conclusion, we once again warn you against using third-party spyware utilities - they are, however, not safe! Believe me, most often 30 legal opportunities are enough to lead a second life absolutely unnoticed!

Why VK doesn’t allow you to hide a large number of users

VK's policy regarding closing the list of friends was constantly changing. If earlier it was possible to hide an unlimited number of people, then later the number was reduced to 15, and then slightly raised to 30. This is due to the proclamation of the VKontakte administration’s policy to increase communication between users, which blocked lists in a certain way interfere with.

In order to hide those with whom you communicate on VK in 2021, you must do the following:

  1. Go to your VK page;
  2. Click on your avatar at the top right and select “Settings”;
  3. Next, on the right, select the “Privacy” section;
  4. Select the option “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” there and click on “All friends”;

    Click on "All Friends"

  5. In the list of friends that opens, check the boxes next to the friends you want to hide (no more than 30);
  6. Click on "Save Changes" at the bottom;

    Hide VK friends
    Check the boxes next to the friends you want to close

  7. Now set the “Who can see my hidden friends” option to “Only me”.

However, the number of 30 users cannot satisfy everyone. After all, some people need to hide a significantly larger number of friends from prying eyes. What to do in such a situation? Let's look at a method that allows you to block more than 30 of your friends on VKontakte in 2021.

This is useful to know: How to listen to music on VK without restrictions.

How to check your friends list

Sometimes VK algorithms malfunction, which is why changes may not be saved. In this case, a check must be performed.

This can be done using some methods:

  1. Go to settings. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the line “You can see how other users see your page.” The main profile page will appear on the screen. The window “This is how a stranger sees your page” will pop up at the top. If you wish, you can select another person from your contacts. The main thing is not to indicate hidden friends.
  2. Through a friend. The user must go to the friends list and check its availability.
  3. Create a new page. This will take a few minutes. From the outside, the user will make sure that hidden users are not displayed in the contact list.

If necessary, the settings can be returned to their original state.

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