How to hide your hometown on VK. How to hide your VKontakte page from prying eyes

How to hide your friends in VKontakte?

If you have a lot of friends, then it won’t be possible to hide them all. VKontakte has a limited number for this function, so it is possible to hide only 30 people from prying eyes. For this:

  1. Go to the "My Settings" section.
  2. Click on the "Privacy" tab.
  3. In the “My Page” section, find the field “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.”
  4. In the window that appears, enter the names of the people from the list.

Moreover, you can hide your friends from the eyes of just a few people, rather than a complete list of all your subscriptions.

Method one

In order to find the information you need, you first need to copy the first and last name of the person whose age you want to know.
When using this method, the person may not be on your friends list, unlike the second method. Next, go to people search. Here you must enter the name of the person you need. After all the above steps have been completed (if you know the city in which the person you need lives), then indicate this city. If not, then it will be more difficult to find this person. However, the key action will be to select the age. That is, you must choose the number of years gradually. To begin with, set an approximate age, and as you refine it, the list of users will change. Thus, if the age is set correctly, the person you are looking for will be in the list of users with the same name and age.

How to hide the city on VKontakte

As I already said, hide the city in the “Settings” section, “Privacy” tab:

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  • Opposite the column “Who sees my basic information” select the desired value;
  • By the way, in this case only your hometown will be hidden;
  • It is impossible to hide the city of residence;

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Recently, another field has appeared in the questionnaire with the user’s personal data. Section "Hometown". To fill it out, go to the “Basic” tab and fill out the appropriate column.

Click on the “Save” button again.

Additional features

Before removing a location in a group on VK, you should first familiarize yourself with the additional functions. The location can be configured:

  • Leave open for visibility. Each visitor to the community will be able to view this information if necessary.
  • Restrict to group members only.
  • Turn off, that is, close for viewing by users of the social network.

You can change your geolocation both from your computer and from your phone. If you encounter any difficulties during the process, you can contact the social network support service.

We indicate our address

Go to your page and click on the "Edit" button.

Now go to the “Contacts” tab, and click on the “Specify location” link.

A form will open in which you need to indicate your home address. Select your country, city, etc. here. Also give a name to this point on the map. When you fill everything out, click the “Save” button.

There are several large video hosting sites on the Internet where they upload videos from all over the world. This is done by ordinary users and those who want to show off their creativity. The largest platform is YouTube, where millions of people flock. However, there are a number of regional restrictions that prevent you from viewing any content on this site.

“How to change the country on YouTube?” - a common question from users who were the first to visit YouTube. In fact, the procedure for changing the region itself is quite simple and is available to anyone with an account in the Google search engine. It is important that video hosting does not require you to fill out any special forms or applications. Changing the country will take a couple of minutes, but no more. It's worth remembering that if your channel has any advertising installed, then regional changes may affect its content.

How to change the country on YouTube

The entire procedure of how to change the country on YouTube can be briefly described in several points:

  • authorize your profile in the YouTube system or register a new one;
  • next to the “Add video” icon we find the “Control Panel” tab;
  • On the left side of the screen we find the button responsible for setting up the channel. Go to it in the “Advanced” menu;
  • A list of countries where the YouTube system operates will open. Select the country you need and save the settings.

Now you know how to change the country on YouTube in just a few clicks. Despite its simplicity, there are small pitfalls that the user may encounter. So, many decide to change the region by going to the bottom of the main page and selecting the country there. Indeed, in this case you will be able to view the most popular videos of another state. However, your account will remain in your home region.

How to change the region on YouTube

Before asking the question of how to change the region on YouTube, you need to understand why this is even necessary?

Sometimes, even such international services can make mistakes, so your real country is displayed with an error. In this case, the user may be registered in any region. To improve the situation, you will need the ability to go to the control panel. Similar cases include the account owner moving to another state. The system may not automatically change your region.

A huge number of current filming and news videos are published on YouTube. If the service thinks that you are in another country, this will limit the flow of important information.

How to find out where the user is using VK?

Well, firstly, almost all users on VK indicate their location. The city, at least.

Just open the desired profile and study the information to the right of the main avatar. Interestingly, even if the account is closed from outsiders, information about the city, if marked, is displayed. This information also appears in searches.

However, it is not always so easy to find out where a VK user is, because some mark fake cities or do not indicate the location at all.

This leads to the second and third... In a word, we will further consider how to find out where a person is based on his VK page, even if the necessary information is not on the surface.

  1. Try studying his photographs. Often geotags are also uploaded with the images;
  2. Carefully study the communities to which the page owner is subscribed. If there are city public pages there, it won’t be difficult to understand where this person is located on VK;
  3. Subject all existing information on the page to a similar analysis. If the user indicated the place of study or work, the Internet will help find out where the institution is located. Do you have any posts or photos from a recent rock concert? And again Google to the rescue. You just need to find out where these performers toured during the approximate period of time;
  4. Study the list of contacts, you should be especially interested in best friends (first on the list) and close relatives (brothers, sisters, parents, significant other). It is easy to assume that people from these circles are clearly close to the person of interest. Next, try to find out their location by following the previous instructions.

Well, above we told you how to use VK to calculate where a person is. All proposed methods are based on one variable: the user’s page is open.

What to do if there is no access to the account content? If you only have the person’s first and last name, and it’s not a fact that they are real? How can I find out where this person lives based on his VK and is this possible?

Officially and legally, alas, it is impossible. But with the help of various services that help you find out the IP of a computer, and then figure out where it is located, it’s easy.

IP is the unique address of a personal computer on the global network. Some IPs cannot be penetrated. Only law enforcement agencies or advanced and fearless hackers have the technology and access. Others you can try.

So, how can you find out where the person from VK is by IP?

  • First, copy the link to the desired user's page. Find it through the VK search and take the information from the address bar;
  • Open the website;
  • Scroll the page a little and find the “Internet resource IP” section;

  • Go there. In the special field, insert a link to the person’s profile. Enter the captcha;
  • Click on the “Check” button;

  • The result will be the treasured combination of numbers - you managed to find the person’s IP via the VK link, then you need to find out where his device is located;
  • Copy the IP;
  • Go to the website;
  • In the “IP Location Finder” field, paste the IP and press Enter;
  • The result will appear below. My pleasure. By the way, if you wish, you will be able to determine exactly where the person from VK is located by the coordinates that will be displayed there. Google Maps can help you.

You were able to find out where a person is based on his VK. We have provided only two resources, but you can use any others, there are plenty of them. However, if the user is on VK through a VPN or an anonymizer, or knows ways to hide the IP, it will not be possible to find out where he is.

How to change the city in VK

If the user has indicated their current city of residence, information about this in their profile will be displayed next to their date of birth and education information.


This city is used as the main city when searching for a user's profile on a social network.

On the phone

To change the city in the official VKontakte mobile application on your phone, click on your avatar in the top left menu.

Go to the “My Profile” section.

Select “Edit” next to your profile.

Next, go to the “Contacts” section.

Here, in the “City” section, click on the currently installed option.

A list of cities will appear, select the one you need.


If not only the city, but also the country has changed, you must first select the new country, and then the city. Otherwise, you will not be able to find the desired city in the list.

Next, click “Done” in the upper right corner.

After this, the new city will be displayed in your profile.

On the computer

On your profile page, click “Show Details” under your date of birth and other profile information.

Hover your mouse over the title of the “Basic Information” section and click “Edit” on the right.

In the right menu, switch to “Contacts”. Here you can select the city that is indicated in your profile.

After making changes, do not forget to click “Save” at the bottom.

How to change your hometown on VKontakte

1. Go to the “Edit” section.

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2. In the first tab, fill in the column “Hometown”.

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3. Save the changes.

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Now on your page you can see your hometown and the city in which you live now (it can be the same):

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  • If users do not see their hometown, then you have hidden it in the VK privacy settings;
  • You can write any phrases in this column (Moscow City, the city of which does not exist, etc.);
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