How to find out and see who a friend added to VK: current methods. My friends in contact: how to do, how to close VK friends? How many VK friends can you have: applications

Is it possible to see what another person likes?

The desire to see other people’s hearts on another person’s account arises for a number of reasons, for example:

  • Do you want to find out who exactly is rating his posts?
  • Whether your friends or certain users like it.
  • Which posts do you like best?
  • When there is good activity.
  • Real hearts and people evaluate the recording, or fake ones.

You can see all the likes from a friend or another user on other people’s profiles, but the methods may differ. It all depends on each individual case. This can be done through special applications or services, through news and updates from friends, or by going in and manually viewing selected publications.

how to see a friend's like on VKontakte

The easiest way is to download applications that display complete statistics, even about strangers (since you only need a link to your account). You can manually go through some posts or go to updates. But information from hidden pages or blacklisted profiles will not be visible.

We recommend using a computer, as the process will take longer on a phone, and not all functions are there.

How to quickly find out who a person liked

One of the services offered by the VK-FANS.RU service is counting likes given by a specific person. The service analyzes all friends’ photos in 1–15 minutes and visually presents the results:

After the results have been found and calculated, you can see in more detail which photos or posts of a particular person were liked by the person you are interested in.

You can also see not only who your “suspect” likes most often, but also who likes him most often. This way you can find out who has sympathy for him, although it may turn out to be one-sided, but this information can be quite useful for you.

Tools for tracking your friends' likes

The easiest way is to use special “gadgets” in the form of applications and services that will show other people’s likes on the pages of friends and left-wing users. After all, you must admit that manually delving into each person you are interested in is not comme il faut at all.

  • VK LikeChecker will find all posts that were rated by a certain person during a specified period. The analysis involves the wall, albums, avatars, walls of groups and friends. Just enter a link to the page.

VK LikeChecker application for searching likes

  • “Who gets likes on VKontakte” will help you find out what your acquaintances and friends like, when they are active, and whose pages they visit most often. The main advantage is complete anonymity, free basis and analysis in a couple of minutes, even on the phone.
  • “VK Spy” will tell you who gives hearts to whom, writes comments, and adds them as friends. The analysis is carried out for a specified period or for the period of the page’s existence. Allows you to analyze even closed profiles or those who are on the blacklist.
  • VK Scan can analyze the activities of a selected person or all your friends, their subscriptions, likes and new friends.
  • Searchlike is the most popular online service that will tell you about the activity of other users including likes and provide statistics.

search for VKontakte likes via Searchlike

  • “VK Statistics” is more suitable for those who analyze activity on other people’s pages to improve their own account, promotion and promotion. Since you can see user activity, likes, posts, the most popular posts and user response.

Please note that most applications are designed for computers, although there are also mobile versions. Also in VK itself there are programs for viewing other people’s hearts, especially on friends’ profiles.

There are also mobile apps that you can use to increase the number of likes.

How to find out whose photos a person likes on VKontakte

There are two services - the VKontakte application Who does my friend like and SearchLikes. The first service specializes only in finding marks I like in your friends’ photos. The principle of operation is simple - a user is selected and the application scans all friends’ avatars and shows those “liked” by this user. The second service has more extensive functionality. I already wrote on the blog about searching for likes and comments using SearchLikes, but I’ll add a little more. SearchLikes, just like Who does my friend like, searches for likes among the friends of the user (any person) you are interested in, but in addition to this, it is possible to scan for friends of his friends - the process is time-consuming, you will have to wait for the results to be completed. Externally it looks like this:

After checking, you can sort the list of photos with the desired like by time.

Both services check only photos among avatars, since if a person likes your suspect, he is more likely to like the avatar. Scanning all the albums for each user will take many times longer, since a person may have thousands of photos. So, we've sorted out the photos. Let's move on to the posts.

Step-by-step instructions on how to track your friends' likes

If you don’t want to download additional extensions or applications, you can find your friends’ hearts in another way through the VK functions:

  • Go to the news.
  • Scroll up, click on the arrow and select "Updates".

VKontakte updates to search for other people's likes

  • A list will appear of what your friends have liked recently, who they have added, including photos.

instructions on how to see your friends’ VKontakte likes

By the way, on a PC and a phone it is equally convenient to view the list of things rated by your friends. But it’s impossible to see what other users have liked on your friends’ profiles this way.

If friends or strangers give you hearts, this will appear in the notification line, plus a blue heart will pop up and a notification will be sent to your mobile phone. But recent actions will be shown. Activity from communities is also indicated there - the start of a broadcast, friend requests, comments.

You can also go to the posts you are interested in, click next to the heart below and open the list of raters. After scrolling through it, you will see a heart from a friend. Although his name is listed right next to the like. This technique is not relevant in the case of closed pages or when a person is blacklisted.

How to find out from your phone

Unfortunately, mobile applications have limited functionality. Therefore, it will not be possible to obtain information about new friends using the method used on a computer. But there is another way to determine who a friend has added as a friend.

To do this you need to use the following algorithm:

  1. Go to the VK application on your smartphone.
  2. There are three horizontal stripes in the lower corner of the display. We click on them.

  3. Next, go to your profile and click on the three dots located in the upper right corner of your avatar.

  4. Select the “Open in Browser” tab.

  5. After this, a tab with the mobile version of VK should load in the browser.
  6. Click the rectangle in the lower left corner of the screen and go to the “News” block.

  7. Next, go to the “Updates” tab.

Since the mobile version of VK does not have the ability to disable filters, the search for the necessary information will have to be done manually. Scroll through the feed until you find information about adding new friends.

You can also switch to the PC version in your phone browser. For this:

  • go to the main page of the mobile version and click on the three bars located at the top of the screen;
  • Scroll down the tape, selecting the last item “Computer version”.

Now you can use the PC instructions and find out who a person has added as a friend.

How to find your likes?

If you need to find posts where you put your heart, you can go to the news, then to the “Like” section. There will be several categories (to narrow the search, just remove or check the box), select a specific one or view the general result. But only current events are stored in the news.

category liked VKontakte

Also liked is stored in bookmarks if you previously added a heart and saved it for yourself. There is a division into categories - recordings, podcasts, products, articles, links, and at the top there is even a page of interesting people. Information from here does not disappear anywhere and is stored as long as necessary.

To search for your likes, use the programs described above, since similar functions are included. There you will also be able to remove hearts or monitor the activity of your profile, making it better, cleaning and finalizing the content. And this not only satisfies interest, but also allows you to earn money and increase the number of subscribers.

In more detail, how to find the publication you like is described in the article: “Several options to view your VKontakte likes.”

How to see views on VK

As we have already said, it is impossible to see on VK who watched the recording; below we will explain why you should not trust the promises of third-party applications, and what sad experience we had when we decided to try at our own peril and risk.

  • So, the application counter is located under each community or personal profile entry in the lower right;
  • It is visible to all users who have access to the account;
  • Views cannot be disabled or hidden;
  • It is impossible to find out who watched a post on VK by any means;
  • Only posts have views (you won't find a counter under a photo or video unless the media is accompanied by a note);

  • Views are displayed both on the desktop version of the site and on the mobile one. On a smartphone, the post must first be opened;

  • Posts published before 2021 (before January) cannot see views;

  • The counter appears only for those posts that were published by the owner of the page (posts on the wall posted by friends or guests of the profile will not have it);

  • To find out the exact number of people who managed to view the post, you need to hover your mouse cursor over the peephole or tap on it with your finger (on a mobile phone);
  • Please note that if you use programs to increase likes, monitor the situation. There cannot be more likes than views.

Let's sum it up

Now you can find everything, everywhere, since the possibilities of the Internet are unlimited. A simple user can view his own, other people’s likes, and even his mother’s friend Galya. You will need a little patience, basic computer skills and a couple of services. VKontakte makes it possible to track the activities of only friends, but manual search and surveillance will help you find out absolutely everything (some master this skill perfectly and without programs). Use it and make your life easier!

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How can you find out who exactly watched a post on VK?

Despite the fact that VKontakte has not provided official tools for displaying users who have viewed your post, there is a way to do this. This option consists of using VK applications that display a list of guests on your page.

Application launch button

The most famous application of this type is the VK application “My Guests and Fans”. After launching this application, close the two windows in it that offer to post a post on your wall and move to another group, and all the functionality will open to you.

In the “Guests” tab you will see users who have visited your page on VK and read your materials. Since the operation of the application nominally starts from the time it is launched, it is recommended to launch the application from time to time in order to track visitors to your page.

Guests tab

The “Guests” tab displays the users who visited your page

According to user reviews, this application shows good results in displaying guests of your page. Although there is an opposite opinion, which believes that the program simply chaotically displays your friends in visitors, plus those who liked your posts and comments. If you wish, you can experiment with the application yourself and make your own verdict.

How the algorithm works

The operating algorithm is not completely clear. Unknown is counted as viewing a post if the user quickly scrolled down. How many seconds do you need to hold your gaze on the recording for the counter to work? How are views of content posts counted when clicking “Show Full”. There are more questions than answers.

There is an assumption that there is a simple counting algorithm, and at the same time, you can observe the appearance of a counter for posts made in January 2021 (older ones do not have a counter). This means that the algorithm began to be implemented and refined three months ago. For those interested in the question of how to see who watched the recording, we can give the answer from an official source: it is impossible to do .

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