How to read correspondence in another person’s Contact: basic methods

The popular Telegram application provides users with many functional tools for communication, entertainment, and doing business. Its main options are exchanging messages and files, creating chats, and the ability to conduct secret correspondence. In addition to the main functionality, Telegram has a huge number of bots that are useful and entertaining. Every messenger user can create them to suit their needs.

Telegram ID: how to find out and why you need it

You can find out the Telegram ID using a special bot.

How to find out "Telegram" ID

The main functionality of the messenger does not allow you to find out the chat ID or your own; the developers do not provide this option. In early versions of Telegram, you could see the identifier in the community invitation link, see the ID of the group creator, as well as the user who made any entry in the chat. Now the developers have removed this oversight, because the messenger positions itself as the most secure, and the coverage of such personal information that anyone who wants to know is not welcome.

However, sometimes you may need to get your own ID or bot conversation ID numbers. To obtain this information, users created special bots. In addition, if we know the token, we can get the chat id using a third-party service.

  1. Add the bot @MyTelegramID_bot to your contact list.

    Add a bot
    Start a dialogue with him with the command /start, in the response message you will find out the identifier numbers.

    Find out id
    You can also use the @GetMyIDBot or @my_id_bot bot for this purpose.

  2. You can also get a chat id using third-party resources, such as the cmsru/kak-poluchit-chat-id-telegram/ service. To do this, you need to send any message to your bot and indicate the bot token in the appropriate field.
  3. Use the getUpdates method to get the chat ID. To link the API bot to your account, when creating it, copy the key token that Botfather will send you. Then write the first message to your robot, the ID is generated when it is sent. Next, write in the address bar of your browser:, where this is your key. If the request is sent correctly, after all the manipulations you will receive an array in response that also contains the ID. When the identifier is received, you can continue further work with it, for example, try to send yourself a message using the sendMessage method.

Most users do not need information about the identifier, which is probably why the option was not included by the Telegram developers. But if you ever need an ID, now you know how to get it.

What is id in telegram

Telegram ID is an identifier that is not used for people, but for the service. Using it, the system performs functions such as:

  1. Setting up a chat between you and another user;
  2. Communication between you and conversations (groups);
  3. Pairing between you and the system bots.

Unlike an invitation link or phone number, which you can easily change whenever you wish, the chat ID is issued once and cannot be changed in any way.

How to find out the ID of a group, public or meeting on VKontakte

Here you can also immediately find out the “ID” from the address bar, or again stumble upon a “beautiful” address - instead of, where the last digits are the number you are looking for, you will see

Good day, dear friends. Today we will find out the identifier of various pages on the social network VKontakte (id). After all, as you know, each VK page, be it a group or a person’s personal page, is assigned a unique number. Now we will figure out how to recognize it.

How to watch from your phone

Statistics show that users rarely access social networks via a personal computer - most of them prefer to use mobile phones.

To find an ID through your phone, all you need to do is:

  1. Open the desired page through the official application, click the three dots and select “Copy link”. This can also be done through the browser version.
  1. Paste the copied value into any empty field. For example, in a message field, in notes or in a browser. The ID will be in its place.
  1. This operation can be carried out with any photo or record (if the id has been replaced).

We looked in detail at how to find out the page ID in VK using various methods. Let's move on to some conclusions.

What is ID and why is it needed?

Telegram uses protocols for social networks, where personal accounts and communities (chat rooms, channels) are recognized using a special numerical identifier. A unique ID (id) is necessary for the system to accurately identify the user. Even programs inside the messenger use a set of certain numbers for ease of use of the service. Thanks to the unique number that is assigned when creating the page, the system sees which user data and which correspondence to display. Data exchange begins immediately after identifying the profile, that is, when logging into your account by entering your login and password.

When you create a group, whether private or public, an ID is also generated; it is needed to access it. You may need information about the identifier to configure and correctly operate the bot that communicates with users and chats. To send a message via the Telegram API, the bot will need the ID of the chat in which it will write.

IMPORTANT. If you want to link the robot to send notifications to your own profile, you can use the getUpdates method. It is easy to determine by ID the account of the user in front of you or the group by the symbol before the numeric code; the chat ID begins with a minus sign (“-”).

What is ID needed for?

Knowing the code can be useful for creating a group, setting up a chat, setting bot parameters, and organizing spam mailings. To send messages using the Telegram API, the robot assistant must know the ID of the subscriber to whose address the newsletter will be sent.

Most Telegram users who do not use the application in business projects never feel the need to find out the IDs of their interlocutors. If one day you need such information, you should use one of the methods given in this material.

VKontakte group id

In principle, the approach here is exactly the same as with pages. On the main page of the group we need to find some element and click on it. These can be posts on the community wall or discussions:

Hello, blog site readers! How to find out ID in Contact - I was recently asked this question by mail, so I decided to make detailed instructions on how you can see your ID in Contact. ID is the identification number of your page on the VKontakte social network. It is assigned upon registration. Also in this article, we will figure out how to find out the IDs of friends in contact.

Now, with the introduction of the innovation regarding ID, if desired, everyone can assign a special address to their page, understandable only to them. It's quite convenient. You can, for example, use your nickname, last name, or a beautiful, memorable combination of numbers. Many, having taken advantage of this opportunity, later, when necessary, cannot remember their digital ID and do not know where it can be seen.

In this article we will talk about how you can see your ID in contact. In fact, finding out your ID is quite simple.

Why it might be needed

The Telegram ID is of interest to software developers. With it you can:

  1. Set up bots 1) “Teach” them to send messages to the desired dialogues or groups. 2) Interact with other application functions.
  2. Service-to-service interaction (API); 1) This means that your website or other programs will be able to work with the messenger.
  3. And many more other possibilities

For the average user, this information is of no value. If your interest has not disappeared after this, read on.

This is interesting: How to completely hide your phone number in Telegram

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