Make VK mutual friends. How does the “Possible Friends” section work on VKontakte?

The social network VKontakte is exactly the place where we correspond with friends, listen to our favorite music, watch various videos, and also find new acquaintances, friends and even a soulmate. There are even some unwritten rules about who should write to whom first, who should be added to whom first, and so on.

After meeting a person again, the first thing we all do is go to our favorite social network and try to find his or her profile. But, unfortunately, this is sometimes quite difficult to do. The most reliable way is to search through mutual friends. And in this article we will tell you how to find mutual friends on VKontakte and how to do it correctly and as quickly as possible.

Mutual friends on VK

If you see a list with mutual friends on another person’s page, this means that you and he have the same people as friends.

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When you open this list, you will notice several of your friends who are also friends of this person. Everything is very simple and clear.

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It is mutual friends in VK that form the “Possible Friends” section.

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This way you can find possible friends, that is, those who are not on the friends list, but have friends in common with you. I hope you are not confused

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