What to do if I can’t add a person as a friend on VKontakte

How to view someone else's profile on VK if it is closed

If you like a girl or become interested in a person, the first thing everyone tries to do is find information on social networks.

VK user information

This way, without outside help, we can find out details about a person, his marital status, age, full name, date of birth and, if we’re lucky, phone number.

Private VK profile

But disappointment sets in almost immediately when information is displayed on the screen on VKontakte that the profile is closed. The most we can find out is the name or see the person’s face on the avatar.

Since it became possible to close your account from prying eyes, many have been tormented by one question: is it possible to somehow view detailed information in a private profile? If we talk about full access, then the answer, of course, will be “No”. It is almost impossible to view a private profile freely. But there are ways to access individual data in a private profile. For example, if you want to open images, you can try to find a backdoor to them.

This is done like this:

  1. You need to copy the user ID in the address bar. Go to his page and copy only the address (ID);

    VK user ID

  2. Next, in the line of the new browser tab, you need to enter the following address: https://vk.com/photos.php?id= “User ID without space”;
  3. Go to the received address and photos of your private profile should open there.

There are other ways, one of them is based on adding friends to a private profile. Since all users from the friends list can receive all the information on the page. You can create a fake profile and ask to be a friend of a user whose account has been closed.

We recommend reading: Confirmation of action has been requested for your page - what does this mean in VK?


    Make sure you really like this guy and he's worth your time.

    If you're looking for specific traits in someone, ask a friend or try to see for yourself whether a particular guy has what you're looking for. You don't want to waste your time on people who don't meet your requirements. What's the point of this?

    Try to get to know him better!

    Spend some time talking to him: make it your goal at least once every two days. You shouldn't seem intrusive, but you also shouldn't be afraid to talk to him.

    Find common interests.

    Do you both like rock music? Basketball? It's always good to know what a guy is interested in, and even if you can't find anything you have in common, try to find out what he likes. Who knows, maybe it won't end in mutual love, but you might get a new hobby.

    Always joke - it's funny.

    Make him laugh and feel comfortable around you. However, avoid any jokes that might offend him.


    You shouldn't stay away. Sometimes, just sitting next to him or giving him a compliment or two can have a huge impact.

    Ask questions.

    This is the best thing to do during awkward silences. You can also start a conversation, especially if you want to close the topic and start another.

    Find out if he is free on weekends.

    You can go with friends (so that he doesn't think it's a date) to a movie or a gallery, or to a pizzeria (this way you can show off).

    Give him gifts.

    Give him gifts on his birthday or Christmas. But no expensive gifts!

    After some time (2 to 3 weeks), start flirting with him a little more.

    Touch him on the shoulder while talking or look him straight in the eyes. (But don't look into his eyes with an obsessive or intense gaze, otherwise he will misunderstand you.)

    Once you start communicating more often, ask more personal questions about him, and answer honestly when he asks about your life (unless it's something personal you don't want to talk about), and be open with him. Let him get to know you, but not too quickly. Don't tell him everything about yourself. Let him nibble on the cheese gradually, and you show him your little tidbits. This way, you will always have new topics to talk about and you will never be bored. Boring topics are a direct path to retirement! And don't lie. The truth will always be revealed, and in the end, everything will end in unpleasant moments for you.

    Make him feel comfortable around you.

    You need him to know that he is comfortable with you in any situation. This is a great way to make him your boyfriend. And always be there when he needs you. It's not easy if you want to be a couple, but it's good advice.

    If he had a girlfriend, find out how he feels about her.

    The first thing you should find out is whether he still has ardent feelings for her. (If this is the case, you shouldn't think of him as a boyfriend). To clarify the situation, ask him about it unobtrusively. Make him talk about any feelings he has for her, whether they are good or bad. Find out if they have seen each other recently, if they are still in a relationship, etc. If you realize that he still cares about her, move on to the next step.

    Tell him about your ex.

    Let him know that you are 100% over the feelings for the person who broke your heart. It's very easy to scare guys off if a girl is still obsessed with her ex. Don't be one of them. This is the fastest way to make sure that the guy you like will remain only your friend.

    Give him a hint that you are passionate.

    Let your friend know how much you appreciate him and how someone will be very lucky to have him one day. He's probably so used to his ex's constant nagging, humiliation, and overprotectiveness that it will be a breath of fresh air for him to hear what you think about what a fabulous boyfriend he could be.

    Ask him out on a date, but don't call it a date.

    Invite him to the cinema in the evening as a friend. If he asks you out next weekend and then you ask him out again, the next one will be a date.

    Send him an email.

    Send him a funny message or email. This is a fantastic way to build your friendships and future relationships. Guys want to be with girls who they can be themselves with. Giving a guy the opportunity to have fun lets him know that you're both fun and cool.

    Once you know a lot about each other (but not everything), ask a question:

    “How about a photo together?” Do this when you are alone, otherwise there is no guarantee that you will hear a truthful answer. A lot of guys say no if there are a lot of friends around because they don't want to attract the attention of others. They feel pressured to say yes and that their friends will make fun of them later.

    If a guy says:

    “I feel like I'm not ready to take it to the next level right now,” he means that you're great (as a friend), but he's just not ready to be your boyfriend yet. Respect his choice and remain friends. Don't act like you're disappointed, because tension will arise between you and the conversation will start to feel like a conversation between almost strangers. And if one day he says, “Hey, how about going to the movies with me? It’s a date!”, smile (you’ve been waiting for this for so long!) and say: “I already thought that you would never ask” and bite your lips. When you bite your lips, you look nervous and anxious, which is a good look from the outside, and the guy understands that you are nervous too.

    If a guy says yes for the first time, take it in stride.

    Bite your lip. And, if he wants to kiss you, enjoy every moment. But don't kiss him first, let him do it. You can take the first steps only after several dates.

    If he doesn't like you, don't take it personally.

    There are a lot of guys around, and someday you will definitely find the one you need.

  • Pay attention to what he says and don't forget important details. Doesn't it irritate you when you tell someone your date of birth, and the next day that person asks you when your birthday is?
  • Just be honest and open. In a relationship you should always be honest and open. Tell him how you feel. That's all.
  • Don't be afraid to say something stupid. If he likes you, he'll realize that you're probably just really nervous.
  • Tease him and smile. When he teases you back, you can gently nudge him and laughingly say, “That's not me,” or something similar. It's gentle and unobtrusive.
  • If you are very shy, then ask one of your friends to help. You shouldn't look desperate. The main thing is not to act as if you don’t want to talk to him.
  • Don't ask questions that can be answered with a yes or no, or you'll never have a good conversation.
  • If he asks if you like him, say yes softly and only when there is no one else around, especially your friends or his!
  • Just relax and enjoy your date.

How to add as a friend if your profile is closed on VKontakte

Closing an account on VKontakte does not cancel the ability to add it as a friend. The “Add as a friend” button remains on the panel under the avatar and is available even to closed profiles.

Add friend button

To add a user, go to their page and click on this button. Once a user allows you to become their friend, you will have access to all the information on their page. You can also cancel the request, write a message in which you can indicate who you are and why he should add you as a friend.

Options for canceling an application and creating a message

The private user page has other additional functions that can be used for their intended purpose. If they often write to you from such an account, threaten you, or bother you, you can close it.

Menu open button

When you go to such a page, click on the three dots next to the “Add as a friend” button. And select “Block user” or “Complain” if he violates the rules of the VKontakte site.

User blocking point
Select "Block user"

Moreover, upon review, the administration may delete his profile if it considers the violations to be significant.

You can also add a user page with a private profile to your bookmarks. This feature can be found by clicking the dotted button.

User's date of birth

And if you select the user’s date of birth with the mouse cursor, a list of people whose date of birth coincides with the selected one opens.

Users with the same date of birth

Popular people who have more followers than others are listed first.

User's date of birth

Comments on photos

I just want to note that your comments should contain humor, flirting, and also show your relevance to the opposite sex .

“In theory, it’s easy to say! But how can this be done in practice?” - you say.

Write socially appropriate things, but at the same time, make fun of the girl. To do this, carefully evaluate all her photographs.

There is one trick that will help you come up with original comments on some photos. First, read my article “how to comment on photos of girls.” Then look through all her photos. Set yourself a goal to come up with something funny and interesting for every photo of her.

You won’t be able to do this on all the photos, but you can come up with great comments on some. Choose literally the 3 best ones from them, and send them to the photos you have chosen. Well, then you can use any of two options: start communicating and add yourself as a friend, or continue to wait and comment on photos without correspondence without adding yourself as a friend.

Is it possible to write a message to a person if his profile is private?

Often, users not only close their VKontakte profile, but also cancel the ability to write to those who are not friends. That is, you will not only not be able to add such a person as a friend, but also write to him. In the “Who can write messages” settings, they often indicate: “Friends and friends of friends.” And this is really enough so that no one else can disturb the user through private messages. But now you can find out how to bypass this limitation and write a profile with these settings.

We already know the first method: you need to add a private profile as a friend and press the triangle next to the button. There will be a “New message” item, which you need to click on and create a message for the user.

Item new message

There is another interesting way to contact a user who has closed his profile and messages to others.

Message entry window

To implement it, you need to find out the user identifier (ID), go to his page and copy it after the slash in the address bar. By default it looks like: /id1111111111. Or a word in Latin letters if the user has changed his identifier.

User ID

After this, in any group or on your wall, you need to write a message in the text and add the following construction to it: @id1111111111. That is, the identifier and the “At” sign in front of it without a space. Such text anywhere on the social network will create a notification for the user that his name has been mentioned. And he will be able to read your message. Notifications do not arrive to the mentioned user immediately, but over a period of time.

Never act needy

Although this seems obvious, thousands of guys completely forget about this rule when they see a beautiful girl. Don't act like your life depends on this message. Conduct your dialogue easily and naturally.

In addition, try not to drag out correspondence and send only short messages. You don’t need to jump from topic to topic to seem like an interesting conversationalist and keep the conversation going.

Make it a rule to only do one topic at a time. Constant flirting can also work against you.

Therefore, know moderation in everything, don’t act as if you haven’t seen a girl for two years. First of all, strive to create a high level of comfort.

Never poke a girl online unnecessarily. It seems annoying and immature. Don't force her to write to you or meet with you. This will create a bad impression of you. Respect her decision and give her the space she needs.

Privacy settings on VKontakte

All VKontakte users have access to the privacy settings of their page. To open them, click on the avatar icon at the top and select “Settings”.

Item Settings

In the section block, select the “Privacy” line.

Go to the "Privacy" section

The settings on this page control access to your profile, as well as what other users can do with it. In the first block of settings, you can specify who will see the data on your page, your photos, list of friends, groups, audio recordings, gifts and other things.

Privacy settings

The next block with privacy settings in VK will help you configure who sees other people’s posts on your wall and who can leave their posts. If you do not want anyone to comment on your posts, photos, or anything else on your wall, apply the appropriate settings. If you are often invited to play games by friends and acquaintances, disable the “Who can invite you to apps” option.


Set this item to “Nobody” and you will not be disturbed again.

Instructions on how to close your VK profile

We have already touched on the topic of privacy settings, so we will look at how you can close your VKontakte account from being viewed by other users so that they can submit friend requests and nothing more. The page will remain open only to those who are currently your friends on VK. They will still be able to see posts on your wall, comment on them, and like them.


  1. Go to your profile page and click on your avatar thumbnail in the top right;
  2. Select the "Settings" button;
  3. Select the “Privacy” line again;

    Privacy section

  4. Scroll down the page with privacy settings and find the “Other” block;

    Section Other

  5. In it you need to click on the value in the “Profile Type” line and select “Private”.

The privacy settings in this block allow you to customize the visibility of your page on the Internet. If this item is set to “Everyone,” then anyone can find it from any search engine and country. If the posts on your page match his request. Or he will enter your first and last name in the search bar and try to find you.

Page visibility settings

If you are interested in keeping your personal data that you entered on the VKontakte page secret, it is recommended that you carefully read each paragraph. In the “Privacy” settings block, every item is important. Especially those related to mobile phone numbers and other users’ access to the page.

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