Why is VKontakte slow? What to do if VKontakte takes a long time to load

The social network Vkontakte is so actively used by Internet visitors that a huge number of popular queries are associated with the name of this site.

In particular, many are interested in why VKontakte is slow, and there may be several explanations for this.

We will look at all the important points why VK slows down, even if the others are working fine, and also why VKontakte videos or music take a long time to load . You should not call a specialist or ask for help from professionals; in most cases, all problems can be solved on your own.

VKontakte slows down

Internet speed check

Providers do not always work stably; they also have glitches. Make sure you have paid for your internet service and also do a speed test. Special services have been created for this, such as Speedtest.net. Just go to the site and click the “Start” button, the measurement lasts a couple of minutes, after which the result appears:

internet speed check

To view videos in 720p, you must have a speed of 5000 kbps (5 Mbps). If just to open pages, then less is possible. Games also require a high-speed connection. These problems must be resolved by the provider.

operating system

Another reason why VKontakte does not work well is the computer itself. The thing is that the operating system is that area of ​​​​the “mechanical friend” that needs to be looked after all the time. If you don’t do this, then over time it will begin to overload and lag.

So, for example, the space on your hard drive decreases with each new job, leaving unnecessary files (for example, downloaded movies) in its memory. If they are not removed in time, the computer will begin to slow down on its own. What can we say about working with web pages.

In such a situation, you can often find a huge load on the central processor and RAM of your PC. So, even turning on the operating system can take about two minutes. Naturally, it is necessary to correct all such problems immediately. To do this, just clean your computer. CCleaner copes well with this task. In a few clicks and seconds of waiting, everything will return to normal. True, “clogging” is not always the reason for poor performance of the VKontakte website. There is one more unpleasant news for those who have not achieved high-quality work on the social network.

Why is the VKontakte page unavailable?

If you find that the administrators have blocked your profile and your page is “frozen,” this may be for several reasons: due to spamming, posting prohibited content on your or other people’s pages, due to your suspiciously high activity, use of profanity, insults , participation in dubious groups, etc. If you have not done anything like this and are at a loss why the VKontakte page is inaccessible, perhaps your profile was hacked by attackers for some of their own purposes.

First of all, you need to send a message to the technical support service, detailing how your page behaves suspiciously by filling out a fairly detailed form. The data that it asks for cannot be known by insidious hackers, so there is hope that the site administration will return your page to its legal status. In addition, you should try to immediately change the password to log into your account. If your efforts are in vain and the page is still frozen, you will have to wait three months for the administration to consider your case or create a new profile for yourself.

VKontakte slows down when reading news and sending messages

If the VKontakte social network loads on your computer and works, but even basic functions - reading messages and communicating in groups - are very slow, then you should carefully check your browser settings. Using the Chrome browser as an example, we will show how to optimize it for working with VKontakte:

  1. Disable unnecessary plugins.
  1. Delete temporary files.


Temporary files should be deleted carefully, and if you often use data autofill functions or save passwords for various services and resources in the browser cache, then uncheck the corresponding boxes in the data clearing item.

  1. Disable unnecessary extensions.

If you were unable to get rid of VKontakte slowdowns when performing basic functions after optimizing your browser, you should carefully check your computer for viruses.

VKontakte works slowly

  1. Internet speed has dropped. It is possible that the overall speed of the Internet connection has decreased, and loading a large amount of information on VKontakte takes a lot of time. In the article, we described several reasons why this happens and also presented solutions to the problems.
  2. Browser problems. If other sites load normally, check your browser. The easiest way to do this is to access Vkontatka from another browser. Are changes in loading speed obvious? Then return to the old browser and carry out the necessary steps that we described in the article. Before performing any manipulations, just try clearing the cache.
  3. Problems with multimedia. When music and videos take a long time to load, and on other sites too, you need to look for problems in the Flash player. Read why, in this article we described step by step what needs to be done so that videos and music start loading normally. Even if you have a different browser, visit this page to understand where to look for the problem.

In general, VKontakte slows down for other reasons.

This could be technical work, as in social media itself. network and on the line of your Internet provider.

If the site has recently started to slow down, then it is better to do nothing at all and wait until the speed is restored, and if there are no changes, then solve the problem using one of the described methods.

Today we will talk about a problem that arises more and more often. Many Internet users who regularly visit the VKontakte social network may experience this problem. And then the question arises: “why, in fact, did VKontakte take so long to load? What is the problem and what to do about it?

In general, if a frantic cry arises in your head: “Durov, come back!”, then this article was written for you. Today we will talk in detail about what to do if the VK social network takes a long time to load.

Hosts file is damaged

If the VK website does not load or does not work only on a PC, there is a possibility that malicious programs have filled a special Hosts file in the operating system

This is a file with domain names and types of their transmission to the network. Malicious utilities can penetrate it and change data. As a result, the person does not load VKontakte. Sometimes, he is redirected to another page, where extortion for unlocking begins.

What to do if VK does not load and does not turn on on the computer?

  1. Open My Computer and paste the path into the address bar: C:windowssystem32driversetc;
  2. Find the Hosts file and open it with Notepad;
  3. The last line in the document should end with "localhost". Everything that comes after is mercilessly deleted;
  4. Save your changes. This may require administrator rights (log in as admin).
  5. Ready.

Restart your computer, log in to VK and change your password.

VKontakte video slows down

The VKontakte social network contains a huge number of videos downloaded from third-party players or directly. If the VKontakte video slows down or does not start, you should check several points on the operation of your computer and browser:

  1. Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet at a fast enough speed to view streaming video.
  2. Check if you have hardware acceleration enabled in your browser.


To play VKontakte video and audio without problems, you must have the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player plug-in installed in your browser.

It is unlikely, but there is a similar chance that VKontakte video or audio slows down due to problems with the social network servers. Most often, if technical work is carried out on VKontakte servers, not only the video is slowed down, but the entire social network, in particular, messages are not sent.

If, when you launch an audio recording on VKontakte, a message appears that it has been removed from public access due to an appeal from the copyright holder, it means that you will not be able to listen to this track, but the error has nothing to do with your computer.

Even if you do not use VKontakte regularly, the social network should be kept operational on your computer, since it may be urgently needed for work purposes or to search for rare video material. We looked at the most common VKontakte errors that the user can correct on their own so that the social network works flawlessly.

You have some free time, and as usual, you decide to stick to VKontakte. You come in and try to log in: access is denied - VK doesn’t work. Or another situation: we have passed authorization, but everything works so slowly that from the outside it seems that it is not working at all. Why VK does not load and what to do about it - we will tell you further.

Having become accustomed to the constant presence of a social network in one’s life, its absence or problems in work are felt especially acutely. This recently affected Ukrainian users: the authorities banned mobile operators and providers from providing access to Vkontakte (in Russia there is a similar problem with Telegram). The blocking is bypassed using a VPN, so there would be a desire.

In other cases, the reason why VK does not work lies in one of the points described below.

Types of errors

The following types of errors are distinguished:

  1. Problem with VKontakte servers: nothing loads or loads poorly, authorization is impossible.
  2. When logging in, the VK start page requests information from a paid SMS - you have become the owner of a ransomware virus. Where there is one SMS, there are 10, and the mobile balance is not rubber.
  3. Malicious applications have filled the hosts file, hence the inability to log into your account.
  4. Browser cache is full. Sometimes the viewer itself reacts to changes and produces a bunch of squiggles and the text “Clean cash and restart your browser”.
  5. Antivirus software blocked the social networking site.
  6. Problems on the provider's side.

What to do if VK does not load, but the Internet works

There remains the last reason for possible problems with VK - temporary files accumulated in the browser, slowing down its operation and limiting access to sites.

Solution: Clear the cache of the browser you are using. In the settings there is an item “Delete temporary files” or something similar - it’s different for each browser. Select it, the process may take about a minute. Restart your browser and try logging in again.

If a couple of hours ago you were scrolling through the news feed, listening to music and watching videos, and now VKontakte is not working, you don’t have to immediately try all the suggested options, including reinstalling Windows in desperate attempts to gain access to the social network. Wait a little: if the problem is on the VK side, it will be resolved soon. If after a couple of hours VK does not load, contact your provider, and only after that start manipulating the computer. This does not apply to clearing the cache - the procedure is useful at any time.

Quite often, users of the popular social network are interested in why VKontakte is not working well for them. This is a very important question. There can be many reasons for such a problem. Right now we will begin to understand why VKontakte does not work well and how to deal with this “case”.

Why the contact does not work (reasons)

One of the most common causes of problems with access to the VKontakte social network is a virus attack.
Its main goal is to steal money and passwords, which can also be sold and become significantly richer. So, if you find a file called vkontakte.exe or simply vkontakte on your computer, you should know that this is malicious code. Its main task is to modify the C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts file, which allows you to replace real social network pages with their exact copies. You open your browser, go to the VKontakte main page, enter your username and password, and easily give away all your personal data and codes to computer scammers.

Is there no mini-copy? Are they asking you to send an SMS to a four-digit number? Don't rush to grab your mobile phone! This is another trick of scammers.

Not even this? Is your web page simply not loading? Don't be surprised, it could also be a virus.

And one more reason is the banal reconstruction of the site, carried out by managers and specialists of the social network. In this case, all you can do is just wait for it to complete.

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