What to do if messages in the VKontakte application are not loaded?


  • It happens that, having accumulated a thousand or more messages in their history, users decide to get rid of them. Some people take a long time and methodically delete one at a time, others look for programs to remove all messages at once. Often the walls are also cleared of texts.
  • But a completely different story turns out when you yourself did not intend to delete anything, and in the “My Messages” tab, out of the blue, an announcement appeared that you no longer have a single message. Neither incoming nor outgoing.

Not only that, you could still have some significant information in the messages you sent and received (although we wouldn’t recommend storing it there).
The trouble is that in this situation, you often cannot send a new message to a friend. Or rather, the message “Your message has been sent” will appear, but in fact the friend will not receive it. And you also won’t be able to receive messages from other users. If VKontakte messages have disappeared, try first contacting the site's technical support. True, it is not a fact that the explanation received there will differ in detail. The answer may be: “Temporary problems.” Messages (as well as video, audio recordings, photographs) disappear when the VKontakte website, for example, updates its databases.

Despite this uncertainty, there is no need to worry. You have not been hacked and in almost 100% of cases your messages will be returned to you within a period of a few minutes to 2 - 3 days.

What to do if VKontakte messages are missing

  1. In rare cases, changing the browser helps correct the situation. Opera is not very friendly with VKontakte, so sometimes problems occur with its use.
  2. However, in the vast majority of cases, the problem is not the browser. All information associated with our VKontakte profiles is stored on servers in the social network database. If there are any problems on the server where your particular profile is located, similar “glitches” may occur. So the best option in this situation is to just wait a little.
  3. A slightly different situation arises when there are no messages, but the number indicating their number still stands. Most likely, the meter is showing incorrect information. Go to “My Settings” (“General Settings”) and click “Recalculate Indicators”. The page, of course, needs to be updated. If you don’t mind the time, any message can be marked as unread and read.

Hello everyone, dear readers of the AFlife.ru blog! Most users of the social network VKontakte registered a profile many years ago. Of course, during this time a lot of dialogues arise with friends or on business. Sometimes old correspondence has to be cleared. But what to do if you accidentally deleted your message history? We will tell you how to restore VKontakte correspondence in our article.

Instant Recovery

If you were clearing the chat history in your account and accidentally clicked the delete button for an important message, it’s okay. As long as you haven't refreshed the page, you can return it. Just click on the “Restore” link for the message to appear in its original place. But if you close the page, the possibility of recovery immediately disappears. However, it remains available as you navigate conversations with users.

Please note that VKontakte has the ability to mass send messages to the trash can. But you will have to get them back one at a time. If you decide to completely clear your correspondence history, its subsequent restoration will take a lot of time.

You need to remember that an instant way to return deleted conversations on VKontakte is not available in the application on a smartphone. Quick recovery is provided only when using a browser or mobile version of the site.

It will also not be possible to return the conversation if, when deleting, you did not enter the conversation itself, but got rid of it through the “Messages” menu. Although the likelihood of accidentally sending an entire correspondence with a user to the trash bin is minimal. The fact is that before this the system will ask for additional confirmation of the action. If you agreed to the destruction of correspondence, there is no way to return it.

Methods for restoring correspondence

Unable to get active action from technical support? Do not despair! There are several clever ways to restore personal correspondence in VK. They cannot be called simple, and none of them gives a 100% guarantee of success. Sometimes it requires special computer skills, but more often it requires patience and time. However, if correspondence has real value to you, it's worth a try:

A multifunctional addition to the VK account greatly simplifies the life of many users. The popularity of the extension has contributed to the emergence of a large number of fakes, so you should only download the application from the official website. If the installation asks for personal data, a password or other suspicious actions, it is better to refuse. Otherwise you will end up with a hacked page!

How to recover deleted VKontakte messages using Vkopt? After installing the add-on, the inscription will appear on the right under the main menu of the page. Next, open the messages and select “Statistics” in the “Actions” menu. Set the required parameters and click “Let’s go!” After some time, the extension collects your conversations with all users. Having selected the one you need, click on the date and time on the right side of the sign. As a result, you will be taken to the beginning of the conversation with the user, even if he was deleted.

Contact VK technical support service

If you go to the “Help” section of the VKontakte social network and try to find the answer to our main question, it will be disappointing. After refreshing the page, it is impossible to restore the correspondence in any way. However, we remember that according to the new law, social networks are required to store user conversations for six months.

That is, purely technically, it is still possible to return deleted dialogues. Whether administrators have such powers is another matter. But it’s still worth trying your luck by contacting support. How to do it:

  1. There is a small avatar icon in the upper right corner of the page, click on it and go to the “Help” section.
  2. Choose the question that best applies to your situation.
  3. Click the contact VK technical support button. Write a message describing in detail what happened. Then all that remains is to wait for an answer.

There is no guarantee that deleted correspondence will return to its original location. And even, most likely, the administrators will refuse. However, in the text of the letter, inform that you deleted the dialogue completely by accident and cannot restore it in another way (for example, by contacting the interlocutor). Don't forget to mention that the letters contained information that was very important to you.

Why does correspondence disappear?

Of course, deleted correspondence may be the result of a page malfunction or a bad joke from your friend. But most often, users themselves leave chats and delete all messages - as they say, “burn bridges.”

The reasons vary. The most common is that the conversation became irrelevant, and the person decided not to waste time on it. Or perhaps one of the messages seemed offensive to him. Or a new member has been added with whom the user does not want to correspond. But over time, he may want to return to the conversation. Conversation deleted? It doesn’t matter - you can still add to the chat.

Instant Recovery

You can get back an erased VKontakte message very quickly. The easiest way is instant recovery. But it can only be used if you accidentally deleted a message and immediately decided to return it.

Immediately after you have selected one or more messages and clicked on the trash can icon, a deletion notification and a link will appear in place of the erased message and a link by clicking on which you can return the message back.

Please note that you can mark several tens, hundreds and even thousands of messages at once and erase them with one click, but you will have to restore them one at a time, since VK does not provide a mass recovery function.

There is a very important point - the recovery link will disappear as soon as you go to another page, or refresh or close the current one. At the same time, you can move to other conversations and dialogues - in this case, the link will remain in place.

This method has a couple more features:

  1. It does not work in VKontakte mobile applications. You can use quick message recovery only from the full and mobile versions of the site.
  2. If you deleted not several messages in a dialogue, but all correspondence with the user at once, then you will not be able to return it. The recovery link will not appear, which means it will be impossible to undo the deletion. There is a small plus in that when you delete all correspondence you receive a warning notice, so the likelihood of accidental deletion is minimal.


Here is another quick and interesting development of events. It will definitely help you find out how to read deleted messages in Contact. For example, you can restore what was deleted. True, this must be done in a very short time. How? Let's figure it out.

So, if you notice that you accidentally deleted a message, you can return it to your history. The main thing is not to navigate away from the page or refresh it. Leave everything as it is. After clearing the correspondence, you will receive a message about the successful completion of the operation, as well as the line “Restore”. If you click on it, all conversations and phrases will fall into place. You can read messages, sort them, and then remove unnecessary information. That's all.

To be honest, this option is not particularly popular. Probably due to the fact that it just needs to be turned instantly. Indeed, in another situation, understanding how to read deleted messages in Contact will be several times more difficult. Let's see what other methods exist to solve the problem.

Contacting technical support

If a friend also deleted messages or for some other reason did not send you the correspondence history, then you can ask technical support for help.

In the “Help” section there are entries on restoring dialogue, photographs and other materials from the page, in which the question of how to recover deleted messages is given an unequivocal answer - no way. However, the Internet is replete with articles about how technical support still helps with solving this problem. Let's try to figure it out.

According to information published by the VKontakte administration, the social network is included in the register of organizers of information dissemination on the Internet. This means that VK falls under clause 3 of Article 10.1 of the Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”. The law states that the organizer of the dissemination of information on the Internet (in our case, the social network VKontakte) is obliged to store the correspondence of Russian citizens for six months.

It turns out that the message will be stored on the social network server for 6 months, even if you delete it. From this we can conclude that you still need to contact technical support with a request to restore messages. Perhaps the social network does not have the functionality to return the correspondence back to the dialogue, but a support agent can send messages stored on the server, at least in a text file.

VKontakte settings

Sometimes these actions are enough. But if you still cannot recover deleted messages, use standard social network tools.

1. Click in the “Settings” menu, go to the “Alerts” tab. If the “E-Mail for notifications:” column is set to “Always notify” (including the “Private messages” and “Wall messages” options are enabled), go to the mailbox specified when registering in VK. Surely, in the list of incoming letters you will find a deleted dialogue.

2. If you deleted a separate message from the correspondence and immediately realized that you had acted recklessly, click the “Restore” link next to the words “Message deleted.” The text of the message will immediately return to its place.

3. Contact the user with whom you corresponded with a request to send copies of messages (in a personal message on VKontakte or to a mailbox). Your messages may have been deleted, but his messages may not have been deleted (i.e., he did not clear his message history).

4. Write a letter to VKontakte technical support with a request to restore the dialogue: click on the main “help” link in the lower menu and enter the text.

Cache check

Each browser caches some files from the sites the user visits. This process of saving data to a computer allows you not to download information from a web server each time, but to use existing files. This significantly reduces site loading time.

You can use this feature of the site to find messages that are not very old. This operation can only be performed if automatic cache clearing is not enabled in your browser settings, and you have not deleted it yourself recently.

The process of searching and viewing the cache in different browsers has significant differences, so this is the topic of a separate article. Now we will briefly analyze the process of reading cached pages using the example of the popular Google Chrome browser.

First of all, you need to turn off the Internet. This will prevent the browser from overwriting the cache. After that, go to the page with experimental settings (chrome://flags/#show-saved-copy) and in the “Show Saved Copy Button” item, set the switch value to “Enable: Primary”. This option adds the ability to view cached pages when there is no Internet connection.

Still not turning on the Internet, go to the page with a list of VKontakte dialogues. Since your Internet is turned off, you need to copy the link in advance. You can also use this URL - https://vk.com/im?peers.

On the familiar page with the dinosaur and the notification about the lack of Internet, you will see the “Open saved copy” button. Click on it and you will be taken to the dialog page, which is stored in the browser cache. The absence of a button on the page means that it was not cached and there is no saved copy on your computer. In this case, try using any other method given in the article.

Archive with VKontakte profile data

As I mentioned above, the VKontakte social network, like other social networks operating in Russia, collects information about its users and stores it for 6 to 12 months from the date of receipt. The current legislation of the Russian Federation obliges them to do this. This means that the incoming and outgoing message will be stored on the VK server for another six months from the moment it was sent, even if the recipient and sender deleted this message.

In November 2021, against the backdrop of some dissatisfaction among users that they cannot find out what information about them is stored on the social network server and transferred to third parties, VKontakte has the opportunity to obtain all your profile data that is on the social network.

You can read detailed information about the information collected and download an archive with all your data (including messages) on a special VKontakte page. Scroll through the text about how to manage data - under it you will find the “Request an archive” button. Click on it to submit a request for the necessary materials.

A window will open in front of you in which you need to check the data that interests you. If you only need messages, then uncheck the remaining boxes and click the “Send request” button. VKontakte is concerned that information about you does not fall into the hands of intruders, so the action will need to be confirmed by entering the password for your account.

Despite the fact that the window for sending a request indicates a waiting time of about 10 minutes, the link to the archive with the data usually arrives within several hours. You will receive a notification and a personal message from the social network administration when the download link is generated. For security reasons, the download time for the information file is limited - after a few days the link will become inactive.

After downloading, unzip the archive. All folders and files have English names, but to understand what and where to look, basic knowledge of the language or skills in working with an online translator is enough.

You can view a list of all your dialogues and conversations in the “messages” directory. The names of the folders correspond to the ID of the person whose correspondence is stored inside. At the bottom of the list are directories whose names begin with the numbers “200000” or others that clearly do not correspond to the VK user ID.

This refers to conversations you have ever participated in. To read messages, open the folder with the desired ID and run the file located inside.

Creating a backup using VkOpt

To avoid a similar problem in the future associated with accidental deletion of VKontakte correspondence, try using the VkOpt browser extension. Among its many features is a tool for creating a backup copy of messages on your computer.

After installing the add-on, new options will appear in the dialog control menu. Go to the conversation or conversation you want to back up. Hover your cursor over the three dots and select “Save Conversation” from the pop-up menu.

There are two formats to choose from for saving messages: text format (*.txt) and web page format (*.html). I recommend saving in html - this format is more convenient to read, and you can open images and listen to music from the saved dialogue.

VkOpt will take some time to prepare the array for downloading. After a few seconds, you will be asked to choose a file name and a location to store it on your computer. After saving, you can open and re-read the document with your correspondence at any time.

The disadvantages of creating a backup using VkOpt are that you cannot create a backup copy of all dialogues and conversations at once - you have to save each correspondence separately. You will also have to regularly update the downloaded file to add new messages that appeared since the last backup.

Each of the methods described above has been tested to work, but not each of them will suit your specific case. Therefore, try each of the recovery options one by one until you get to the one that will return the missing messages.

Delete a message completely and permanently

From computer

So far, VKontakte does not allow you to delete sent information from you and your interlocutor whenever you want. At any time, you can eliminate correspondence only in your dialog interface. After such manipulations, your interlocutor retains the data.

But if 24 hours have not passed since the moment of sending, the situation can be corrected. Moreover, if the user does not have time to read the message within 24 hours, he will never read it - it will completely disappear. At least on social networks.

For any formats - text, voice, photo, video - the following scheme of actions works:

Step 1. Go to the desired dialog and click on the sent message that you want to delete. Regardless of when the correspondence took place, a panel with a basket will appear at the top.

Step 2: Click on the cart. If 24 hours have already passed, the data will immediately disappear and you will be able to restore it. But in this case, you only play with one goal - the other user will have the data.

If the day has not yet expired, the dialog box will be slightly different. VK will ask you to choose whether to delete it for everyone or only on its side. Check the box so that the message disappears from the user on the other side. After this, recovery will remain possible for some time - until you close or refresh the page.

A day doesn’t seem like much. But it was impossible to do this before. And the simplicity of the scheme allows you to quickly send a thoughtless message to the trash, even if the user is online.

From phone

If you use the VKontakte application, then you will not be able to get rid of the letter from yourself and your interlocutor - the social network does not yet provide such functionality. You will be able to remove information only on your page. Perhaps the functionality will be expanded later.

The solution is simple - use a mobile browser. The actions are similar - select a block, check the box next to “Delete for everyone” and confirm your intention. The slight difference between the desktop and mobile versions is only in the interface. To get to the liquidator button on your smartphone, you need to click on the ellipsis.

Questions on the topic

Despite the simplicity of the scheme, in some situations you may have some difficulties and questions. We answer them in advance.

  • What if you deleted a message without checking the “For everyone” checkbox?

In this case, you need to find, select deleted messages and click on the “Recover” button. After this, the data will appear again - now you can repeat the procedure, but according to all the rules.

This method works if you immediately came to your senses and did not close the page. As soon as the page is refreshed, the ability to restore anything will disappear.

  • What should you do if you click on the trash can, but there is no “Delete for everyone” option?

If this item is not present, it means the message is old - sent more than 24 hours ago. To clear the email field for yourself and another user, you can try the spam scheme. There is no other way yet.

  • Will the recipient know that the email has been deleted?

In the recipient’s dialogue itself, after your manipulations, there will not be even a hint of the previous data. If the user has not read the letter, then there is a chance that he will not know about it. But perhaps the person has incoming notifications set up - either by email or SMS. Therefore, you shouldn’t hope to completely cover your tracks.

  • Will correspondence disappear after the VK account is liquidated?

No, it doesn't work. Even after deleting your account, all your messages will remain visible to another user. Only in front of your avatar there will be a dog, and the recipient will no longer have the opportunity to correspond with you.

  • Is it possible to destroy correspondence if you are on the interlocutor’s blacklist?

No, in this case you will be able to remove the message only on your side.

  • What if your message was forwarded to someone else?

Correspondence between you and your interlocutor will be lost. The third recipient will keep the letter. For it to disappear, it requires the efforts of the user with whom you personally corresponded.

  • Is it possible to delete an unsent message?

Sometimes, due to technical glitches, the message does not reach the recipient. If this happens to you, you will know about it by the red circle with a white exclamation mark next to the letter.

To ensure that the information subsequently does not end up in the hands of another person, click on the round icon and do what is true for a normal situation.

  • Are there special applications or services for removing “stale” messages?

No, there are no working tools - neither from VKontakte nor from third-party developers. If you are offered to use the help of any program, be on your guard - it may be a scam. At this point, it is impossible to completely remove messages that are more than a day old.

It’s easy to remove information from correspondence from both you and the recipient. But you need to hurry - 24 hours after sending, the possibility of cleaning disappears. If you don’t have time, the user will be able to read correspondence at any time. All other methods either do not guarantee results or do not work.

Have you ever deleted a message sent by mistake? Did you manage to do it before the other party read it? Share your story with blog readers.

The social network VKontakte provides the ability to create a conversation. This is convenient because it allows you to send important information to multiple users at the same time. Each participant can leave the chat and join it again. But how can you return to the conversation if the dialogue is deleted? In this case, it will not appear in the message window. But, fortunately, this is still possible.

Follow the link: first method

The first option is not very convenient, since the user needs to wait for a response from the chat participant. There is an easier way to return to a conversation if the dialogue is deleted. In this case, we will not need outside help.

Enter the link https://vk.com/im?sel=2000000001 in the address bar of your browser. Your first chat will open - it doesn’t matter whether you are currently a member or not. Put 2 as the last number and you will be taken to the second conversation. This way you can select the number of the desired conversation. When you find it, add it in the usual way - through “Actions”.

Up to number 9 the link works well. But it won’t work further if you just insert “10”. The fact is that after the “=” sign there must be 10 digits. Therefore, you should write “2000000010” - that is, remove one zero after the two.

View messages

So, we figured out how to return to the VK conversation. If a user deletes a conversation by mistake, they will most likely want to access the messages again. But here he is disappointed: the correspondence does not appear. Communication with participants will begin from the moment they are added again. Everything that was written before cannot be returned.

However, there is no need to despair. Yes, you can't preview the dialogue from the very beginning. But if you just want to re-read an important message, ask one of your interlocutors to forward it to you. You can also create a second account and add it to the conversation. Then all correspondence will be revealed to you.

We've looked at three ways to return to a conversation if the dialogue is deleted. Be careful when leaving the chat, the number of places in it is limited. Even if you really want to leave the conversation, think carefully before deleting the correspondence. It may contain important information, access to which will be lost.

How to restore dialogue in VK? And what should you do if you want to return individual messages on a social network? In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. Even a schoolboy can cope with the tasks. The main thing is to prepare for operations in advance. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to restore correspondence in VK. We will look at the most convenient, successful and effective techniques aimed at saving and restoring letters in the mentioned social network.

#4 Using email alerts

You can also use the social network settings:

  • Click on the avatar icon on the top right panel;
  • Select the “Settings” menu item;
  • Go to the “Notifications” block on the left panel of VK;
  • Scroll down the screen and find the “Email Alerts” section;

  • Enter a correct email address and select the frequency of receiving information.

Please note: if the volume of the requested data is very large, the data will only be partially restored. In the same way, you can recover photos from a dialogue on VK or other lost information.


We found out how to restore dialogue in VK. To do this, it is recommended to set up an alert system in advance and install a special extension. Otherwise, the operation will cause a lot of trouble.

Sometimes users really cannot return deleted conversations to VK. This is a normal, albeit sad, phenomenon. You should not believe those who offer to return dialogues for a fee. It's all a lie.

Using “VKontakte” we are always in touch with friends and family and we can correspond everywhere if there is Internet. For greater convenience, during correspondence we can forward, copy, search or delete messages. Is it possible to recover SMS after intentional deletion?

1. Return one message 2. How to restore a dialogue in a contact 3. New ways to restore correspondence 4. Conclusion

Recovering one individual message

To correspond with a friend, you need to go to the “My Messages” tab in the main menu on the left. Here are dialogues with users. Open the chat and see the correspondence. To delete a letter, you just need to select it and click “Delete”. The request “Are you sure you want to delete 1 message?” will appear, click “Yes” and it will instantly disappear. In its place a blue field with the word “Restore” will appear. Click and the deleted notification will return to full access. But this method is valid as long as you have not buried the dialogue.

How to restore a dialogue in contact

To delete the entire history, you need to go to the “Messages” section, highlight the chat and click “Delete”. In this case, the application warns that it is impossible to resume correspondence and asks you to confirm your actions. Yes, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to return the entire conversation on your own, but in fact, the user can regain access to deleted correspondence. While the interlocutor has this message history, you can ask him to forward the SMS and you will be able to see them as incoming messages. If you need full access to notifications, you should contact the VKontakte support service. Open “Help” and type “Recover deleted messages” in the search field. Click “This doesn’t solve my problem” and go to the help “I still have questions.” You will be taken to a page where you will personally describe the problem in the notification and send it to support for review. As long as the interlocutor has not deleted the correspondence, the entire history is in the database, and administrators can return it. It’s better to write that the dialogue was not deleted intentionally. Click the “Submit” footnote and you will see the time it takes for a response to appear. View it in the “My Questions” tab.

New ways to restore correspondence

If the email address is linked to the VKontakte page, then you can use it to read the deleted SMS history. Go to your VK profile and enable the email notifications function. This is done in the “Settings” section in the “Alerts” tab. In the list above, select the notifications that you want to receive by E-Mail. You can go to your email and see interesting information from the “VKontakte” page and a remote chat. It may not be restored completely - it depends on the size of the correspondence history. You can use the VkOpt extension. This is not an independent program or application, it is just an extension of VKontakte. With its help, we have more options on our online profile. It's quite easy to use. Install it in your browser and log in again. At the bottom of the account you will find the inscription “VkOpt” - that means everything worked out. Go to messages and next to the “Dialogues” section, select “SMS statistics”. Using the extension, we find the user whose correspondence interests you and by selecting the date of communication you can return deleted notifications. Remember: you must install this extension from official programs!

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to solve this problem. The most reliable action is to contact a friend or support service, as this does not require additional applications. Better yet, just don’t delete your messages without making sure you don’t need them.

You have the opportunity to delete both individual VKontakte messages (see), and all correspondence with the user (see). But what if you suddenly need it?

Now I will show you how you can recover all deleted messages in contact.

Message recovery program

There are sites and forums that offer their visitors to download special programs with a virus built into them. By downloading such malicious software, you can not only lose your profile forever (the owner can insert a code there that will transfer to him all the data you entered)

, and also create many other problems for yourself.

Fraudsters take advantage of gullible people, thus luring them out of access to pages on social networks, start sending spam from them, and the system blocks such an account without the possibility of recovery.

If you still have questions about this topic, ask them here in the comments, and we will definitely solve your problem!

The article was updated and supplemented: 03/20/2019.

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Purposefully or by accident, many of the VKontakte users clicked on “Delete” and “Clear message history.” It seems that after this the dialogues disappear forever.

However, there are several safe ways to return them. If you haven’t taken any action, and the dialogue with a certain interlocutor suddenly turns out to be empty, then try the following:

  1. Check your internet connection. Such grief can often happen due to the low speed of the communication channel.
  2. Try accessing your page from a different browser, application or device.
  3. Ask if other users have this problem - perhaps the problem happened on the servers, and after repair work everything will be restored by itself.
  4. If you have an antivirus on your computer, temporarily disable the web filter and reload the page with dialogs - the OS defender could easily “eat” the necessary components of the code.
  5. Turn off filter extensions like NoScript and Adblock in your browser menu, which sometimes interfere with the correct operation of the social network.
  6. Clear the cache and browser history, exit your page and close it. Then log into your account again.
  7. Try to find the correspondence through a message search - enter in the appropriate box the words that it is guaranteed to contain.

How to recover deleted messages in contact

When we try to delete a dialogue with a user, VK informs us that after this we will not be able to access this correspondence.

But there are some tricks here.

Even if you completely delete the dialogue, the user with whom you communicated will retain all correspondence. All you have to do is ask him to send you the whole story. This is the fastest and most convenient way.

An alternative option is to contact the VKontakte support service (see). Of course, if the story is saved by the second participant in the conversation, then it is stored in the VK database. And if desired, support specialists can restore deleted correspondence.

Go to the “Help” section. Here in the search bar we type “Recover deleted messages”.

You will be taken to a form where you need to indicate the nature of your problem. Describe the situation - state that the correspondence was deleted accidentally, and it is extremely important to restore it.

After the form is completed, click the “Submit” button. The question will be sent. You can always see the response from the administration. To do this, review your question in the “My Questions” section.

As you understand, the best way to help you recover deleted messages or conversations in a contact is to ask another participant in the correspondence. In a couple of minutes, he can send you the whole story, or individual messages. You can read a description of other recovery methods, as well as the results of these attempts.


Not only that, you could still have some significant information in the messages you sent and received (although we wouldn’t recommend storing it there). The trouble is that in this situation, you often cannot send a new message to a friend. Or rather, the message “Your message has been sent” will appear, but in fact the friend will not receive it. And you also won’t be able to receive messages from other users.

If VKontakte messages have disappeared, try first contacting the site's technical support. True, it is not a fact that the explanation received there will differ in detail. The answer may be: “Temporary problems.” Messages (as well as video, audio recordings, photographs) disappear when the VKontakte website, for example, updates its databases.

Despite this uncertainty, there is no need to worry. You have not been hacked and in almost 100% of cases your messages will be returned to you within a period of a few minutes to 2 - 3 days.

Let's start with a separate message

So, first let's talk about individual messages in dialogues. We may have several situations - let's look at them in order.

Deleted but still on this page

Let me quickly remind you how this is done.

You wrote several messages to the person. Then you selected one of them - with the mouse cursor, or by clicking on the screen if you are working from a mobile phone. After this, you will see a menu where you need to click on the “Delete” button. In the full version of the site, this corresponds to an icon in the form of a basket. And when working from a phone - the menu item of the same name. This can be seen in the picture below.

We delete a separate VKontakte message. On the left is the version from the computer, on the right is from the phone

After confirming the deletion, a “Message has been deleted” notification will appear in place of our message. And the “Restore” link.

Link to restore message

If you want to restore the message, click on this link. The text will be returned in its original form.


This function does not work from the phone. There will be no recovery link. In the case of the full version, the link will be available until you refresh or leave this page. This moment is shown in the video insert above. In the first option, the link is available. In the second, we refresh the page and it disappears.

Updated or left the page, the recovery link is not available

Now let's see what to do with a message that was deleted some time ago. We won't have a recovery link? Is it possible to watch it in this case? Yes you can.

Your interlocutor still has a copy of the correspondence. All you need to do is ask him to send you the desired text. Pay attention to the picture below. On the left is our version of the dialogue - one message has been deleted. And on the right is our interlocutor. All the text is there.

A copy of the message from the interlocutor

All you need to do is highlight the desired message, then click the “Forward” button in the menu. Find you in the list of users and send a message with a copy of the desired text attached.

When will a message fail to be returned?

If you have tried the delete function, you probably noticed that in the pop-up window where you are asked to confirm the operation, there is an option “Delete for everyone”. This is a new feature that allows you to completely delete a message in a conversation. If you check this box, the text will be deleted from your interlocutor as well. You can read more about this function in the article - deleting VKontakte messages.

"Delete for everyone" option

If you use this item, the message will be completely deleted and it will not be possible to restore it.

Please note that this function is only available for 24 hours after the text is published. It is not possible to completely remove earlier messages this way.

Recovering messages on VK.com

By sending a personal message to a registered user, you can track such things as whether the subscriber has read the sent letter and can see when they write a response to it.

Any sent message can be deleted and for this you do not need deep knowledge in the field of WEB technologies. To delete your text from, you can use the “Delete” button, which is located on the dialog control panel. The message to be deleted must be selected by clicking on the left mouse button and then delete the forwarded message
(the button in the form of a trash can).
After this, you need to check the box “Delete for everyone” - this means that if a person has not yet read it, then he will not see it at all, but if he has read it, then the message will simply be deleted and he will receive a notification about it. That is, you can delete an unread message, but you need to do it very quickly, since the system delivers it instantly and the person will receive a notification about the incoming letter.

Thus, you can destroy empty text, containing a file, or unnecessary text for the subscriber, as well as read or unread messages.

Any message that you have destroyed cannot be restored. If several of them were allocated, they will also be lost forever. It is important to understand that after what has been done, there will be no turning back and no one, not even the moderators of the social network, will help you return anything - this is stated in the rules that every person agrees to when starting to use the site.

If you deleted from friends and cleared your correspondence history

If you deliberately deleted a person from your friends list, and then just cleared all messages on VK, you will need ingenuity and some time to get back the entire chat history.

To recover lost SMS, you need to ask the person to forward everything that you once sent him or take a screenshot (remember that images uploaded to file hosting services can be accidentally or deliberately seen by other people).

The sender can do this quite easily by sorting by date or highlighting something specific.
Only in this way will it be possible to view deleted messages.
Often, this is problematic to do, but not because of the complexity of the process, but because users simply do not delete correspondence without good reason. Most likely, you no longer want to communicate with this person. But, if you turn to mutual friends with a promise, if you wish, they will be able to assist you in receiving the story from the desired subscriber and transfer it to you. There are simply no other ways.

Contacting support with a request to restore correspondence

There is an opinion that technical support specialists can restore your messages. In theory, the data should be stored in a database. And if desired, you can view and use them. But in our experience, there has not been a single case when a positive response was received to such a request.

Let's see what comments are in the official VKontakte help.

Let's go to the social network. Open the menu in the upper right corner, then click “Help”. On the next page we find the “Messages” section. And here we click on the link “I deleted messages. How to recover?".

View VKontakte help

The official position of the administration is that deleted messages cannot be restored!

Quote from background information

But nevertheless, you can send your request to technical specialists. Read the material - how to write to technical support on VKontakte?

To go to the form for creating a new question, use the link below.


Fill out the form fields and submit your request by clicking on the “Submit” button.

We send a request to support service, asking to recover deleted messages

After this, a new tab “My Questions” will appear. There will be an answer from the experts here - wait for it.

We are waiting for a response from support

You may need the user id with whom you corresponded. How to get it, see.

Existing ways to return deleted messages to VK from a computer

  1. Instant recovery
    if the page has not been updated. To do this, you need to act very quickly, because even if the page has not been updated, but a lot of time has passed, the situation is irreversible.
  2. Through the interlocutor
    with whom correspondence was conducted. The second party with whom the correspondence was conducted may not have resorted to such radical measures. And there is a chance that the interlocutor will forward you the text messages. But there is also a chance that he doesn’t need it and will refuse.
  3. Via the enabled
    email notification option If in your settings you have the notification option turned on with a valid mailbox, then you can view and restore incoming correspondence. But you should keep in mind that the number of characters is strictly limited, therefore, if there are a large number of messages, then you will not be able to return everything, but only the last part.
  4. Using specialized software
    . Among other things, there are software that can be used to expand the functionality of the application and, as a result, return lost information.
  5. With the help of an experienced programmer.
    A specialist in his field will always come to the rescue for a small fee. Therefore, if you do not understand programs at all, take advantage of his help.
  6. With the help of technical support
    . Ask for help on a social network through the “My Questions” tab, ask what you need and wait for a response. Go to messages. Click on the arrow under your icon in the upper right corner. Select help, then “Messages” and the item you need.
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