How to check a blogger for increasing followers and views on Instagram

Understanding the numbers in sports betting

People make money on sports betting

Thousands of people bet on a regular basis, whether it be parlays every week, supporting their favorite team, or betting to try to make a consistent profit.

Casual bettors (those who stick to the weekly parlay, or those who bet to support their favorite team) don't worry about the numbers involved at all.

They either dream of the “jackpot” or hope that their team will win, believing blindly no matter what. Our article today is dedicated to those who are trying to bet for profit . We will try to help in understanding some of the things that need to be taken into account when betting.

We'll look at odds, percentages, commissions and the importance of studying the markets. All of these factors will help you on your way to making a profit on sports betting . Less than 2% of people who bet make a profit from it, and today we will look at ways to include you in this small percentage of professionals.


Finding the best odds is the key to achieving success in sports betting.

Kushvsporte tipsters are experts at finding these odds, and if you look at their earnings, you will see that this knowledge really helps to be successful in this industry.

The principle of finding the best odds is that you are looking for probabilities of winning that are better than what you might expect.

Some use numbers and algorithms to find their “ideal” probabilities, others rely on intuition. For example, you have done some calculations and determined the best odds for a particular game, and you are now confident that the home team will win with odds of 1.50.

You look at the market offers and find probabilities of 1.65. So, you see that the potential profit is greater than what you calculated, which means this is your ideal inflated coefficient .

Every bet carries some risk, even those priced at 1.01, but to manage to become a successful bettor, you need to learn to understand the levels of risk and reward, and grab your luck when the reward is much more likely and there are more risks. As an obvious example, let's give you the following:

ManCity play Kidderminster Harriers and you know Manchester are likely to win. After doing some calculations, you believe that they will be valued at 1.05 to win. If the bookmakers are offering 1.12, you might as well bet on them because the reward is much more likely than the risk!


They follow the coefficients and are inextricably linked with them. It is always important to know what the odds mean in relation to the percentage of success. Simply put, probabilities of 2.00 offer a 50% chance of success.

Understanding this relationship between numbers will be useful to you when deciding which bet is best to choose. Probabilities of 1.25 offer 80% success, 1.50 - 66%, and 2.50 - only 40%.

There are all possible values ​​here - and you can calculate them like this: Chance of success = 1 / Probability .

For example, 1 / 2.50 = 0.40. Understanding this concept doesn't take much effort, and we've found through our own experience that applying it can often help you choose the best bet.


Very often the best places to get good liquidity and good odds are betting exchanges such as Betfair, Matchbook and the like. Exchanges are built on sports bettors betting against each other on very low or no margins.

It sounds great, but we must not forget that exchanges pay money for service - somewhere around 1-5%, and you should take this percentage into account when making all your calculations.

If you have a base price for a particular bet, check to see if you have subtracted the commission from your potential profit before deciding whether the bet still makes sense.

For example , you bet $100 on a team to win at odds of 2.00 on the Betfair exchange. If you win, you make a profit of $95 - this implies an "ideal" odds of 1.

95, but before you place your bet, make sure you will still be happy AFTER paying the commission.

In some cases, your new odds will still be better than either bookmaker's, but it's still worth checking.

What can you do with your subscriptions?

In this case, you act as a subscriber. In the subscription section and on the Instagram user page, you can:

  1. Send messages.
  2. Be active on the blog. For example, like, comment, view stories and feeds.
  3. Restrict access.
  4. Add to the "Close Friends" list.
  5. Set up notifications for user actions.
  6. Hide posts and stories.
  7. Block.
  8. Cancel subscription.



To find out if a person is mutually subscribed:

  1. Go to his page.
  2. Select the “Subscriptions” section.
  3. Enter your nickname.

Instagram is a social network whose number of users is regularly growing. We looked at the difference between subscriptions and subscribers, and what you can do with them. Apply your knowledge and become popular.

What do subscribers see on your page?

They can see exactly as much as any other users of this social network who are not on your friends list see. Therefore, it all depends on the publicity settings on your page. How to find this section with these settings - follow the instructions:

  • Click on the ▼ button next to your avatar in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Select “Change settings”.

  • Go to the “Publicity” tab.

A section with a table will open in front of you, the first column of which lists information blocks, and the rest contain marks about who these blocks are available for viewing. What your subscribers see on Odnoklassniki: only what is marked opposite in the “Generally everyone” column.

How to find out who I'm following

To find out who I am following on Odnoklassniki you need to:

  1. Open the “Friends” section.
  2. Click on the “More” button.
  3. Select “Subscriptions” from the drop-down menu.

On the screen you can see a tile of avatars of Odnoklassniki users whose updates you are subscribed to.

How to find out who is following you

The necessary functionality is also located in the “Friends” section. How to find out who follows me:

  1. Let's go to the section.
  2. Click on “More”.
  3. In the drop-down menu you will see the “Subscribers” item. The number opposite the name is the number of people in this section. To view subscribers in Odnoklassniki on your page in more detail, click on the name.

We have prepared a separate article on how to remove people from this section.

What can you do with your subscribers?

Followers on Instagram are your interested audience who evaluates content, leaves comments, and views stories.

Removal and mutual subscription are made from the “Subscribers” section. Perform the remaining actions after going to the user page:

  1. Mutual subscription.
  2. Delete. You can remove any person from your subscribers. To do this, you need to go to the specified section, enter the user’s nickname, click on the ellipses and select “Delete”.
  3. Access limitation. This represents a complete restriction of access to your Instagram account. To deny access to a follower, you need to go to his page, select the ellipsis in the upper right corner of the screen and click on the “Restrict access” button.
  4. Blocking.
  5. Sending messages.
  6. Hiding your stories.

Who are subscribers on Odnoklassniki?

What are subscribers in Odnoklassniki? Subscribers are people who subscribe to updates on your page on this social network. Updates mean various events - adding new photos, comments, likes, gifts, etc. The scope of available updates may vary (more on this below).

What does Odnoklassniki subscribers mean as friends: this is the second name of your friends on this social network, and not some separate category.

Where do they come from

How can people become your subscribers:

  1. Targeted subscription.
  2. Because you rejected their friend request.
  3. Due to the fact that you removed them from your friends list, but did not block them.

We will tell you below where to see your subscribers on Odnoklassniki.

What information do they see?

Often, users subscribe to other people for a reason: they are interested in what’s new in a person’s life, where they go, what they think about. So if someone follows you, then all the information that concerns you will be displayed in their feed: what gifts they received, who they added as friends, what photos and videos they downloaded, etc.

If you don’t want outsiders to see all this, you need to regularly clear your list of subscribers.

So now you know who subscribers are, how to open this list, how people become subscribers, and what information they see about you. Some people think that they affect the popularity of the page, while others don’t need them at all. Well, decide for yourself what you will do with them.

Subscriptions - what they are and how to manage them

The word “subscriptions” on Instagram refers to the profiles that the user has subscribed to. Posts by the owners of these profiles are displayed in his feed immediately after publication.

It’s easy to subscribe to someone else’s Instagram blog:

Follow on Instagram

  • open the profile of the user you are interested in;
  • Click on the blue button with the inscription “ Subscribe ” located under the profile header.

After this, the button will change color to white and the name to “Subscriptions” . When you click on it, a small menu will open, which will list possible actions with the “friend” :

Close friends Instagram

  1. Add to " Close Friends " list. This will make it possible to publish some entries not for public viewing, but only for those who have been added to “close ones”.
  2. Hide user content from the feed. There is a small submenu here in which you can choose whether to remove only the “friend’s” new posts from the feed, or also the Stories published by him.

    Access restrictions

  3. Restrict access to your account. This will prevent the owner of the selected profile from sending messages from subscriptions. And the blogger himself, when publishing a new post, will be able to decide whether to show it to “friends” with limited access, whether to allow them to read and leave comments, etc.
  4. Cancel subscription. That is, unsubscribe from the profile.

Most often, subscriptions are used as a way to promote your Instagram page. The blogger goes through the profiles of other users and subscribes to them. Most often, in response, they look at his page and look at the posts, they can leave likes and comments on them, or subscribe in response. Bloggers later unfollow accounts that do not follow each other. This is, of course, not the best promotion method. But in the initial stages it works well.

Instagram has a limit on the number of subscriptions - no more than 7,500 accounts.

How much do votes cost in VK in rubles: price table

The most frequently asked question on forums is how much does 1 vote on VKontakte cost in rubles? The price for all subscribers of the VKontakte social platform is the same in all countries and regions - 7 RUB per piece. The user also pays a commission for enrollment separately.

The resource pricing table looks like this:

Quantity Total cost (in Russian rubles) - current for 2019
1 7
2 14
3 21
4 28
5 35
6 42
7 49
8 56
9 63
10 70
19 133
20 140
50 350
100 700
1000 7000

How does a person become a subscriber?

People get into this list after clicking on the “Subscribe” button, which is displayed in some profiles instead of “Add as friend”.

Or if, after going to your page, a person clicked “Add to feed”.

Here are also those users who sent you a friend request, but you rejected it. And also all the people you remove from your friends list.

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