5 ways to view a private VKontakte account in 2021

It often happens that a user of the VKontakte social network himself does not realize that access to his page is completely closed to outside users. He tries to post interesting materials and invite people to participate in competitions, but there is no response. The reason may be hidden in the privacy settings of the page, which do not allow strangers through. In this case, you can and should open access, especially since you can independently choose what will be shown to everyone and what not.

How to open a VKontakte page
How to open a VKontakte page

Using user ID

Each VK user is assigned a personal ID, which consists of a specific set of numbers. It usually appears in the address bar when opening a person's page.

If access to page data is closed, then you can use a certain trick. You need to open a browser and enter a link in the address bar, for example, https://vk.com/photos.php?id=***, where the asterisks are replaced with ID numbers. This will allow you to view the user's photos.

The links https://vk.com/notes.php?id=*** and https://vk.com/apps.php?id=*** will give you the opportunity to view the wall, as well as the person’s applications.

How can I add a user to the blacklist?

If you do not want this or that person to be able to view your page in principle, you can add him to the blacklist.

To do this, just add a link to his account in the appropriate section.

Once added to the blacklist, the user you “banned” will not be able to send you private messages.

Also, when they visit your page, they will not see anything except the information that they have limited access to your page.

At any time, the “offending” person can be removed from the blacklist.

Black list

Is it possible to hide some of your friends?

In the old VKontakte design there was such an opportunity, but after the redesign, alas, it disappeared.

Special services

There are many services on the Internet that make working with VK easier.


A simple and easy-to-use service that is very popular among Russian-speaking users.

It intuitively creates all the necessary links to view information of interest on a closed page.

Working with the interface will be clear thanks to detailed tips.


The service is not very different from that described above, however, it appeared a little earlier. To gain access to hidden information, you need to enter the ID address in a special line and click on the “Generate” button.

Then the service will automatically provide all the desired information. Its advantage is its wide functionality, which allows you not only to view, but also to download videos.

How to work with settings

To get to the privacy settings page, you need to click on the button located in the upper right corner of your page.

This button has a thumbnail image of your main profile photo and your name.

How to get to settings

How to get to settings

After this, a small window will open in which you select “Settings”. Then select the “Privacy” section (on the right side of the page).

After that, select the option that suits you and change the necessary settings with a tick.

Setting up privacy

Setting up privacy

You can find out how other users see you (look at your page through the eyes of a third-party user who is not on your friends’ lists) by clicking the hyperlink at the very bottom of the page.

Checking page availability

By selecting your friends from the pop-up submenu, you have the opportunity to see what your page looks like for each of them.

Checking privacy

Contact the hackers

There are many advertisements in which people offer help with hacking someone else’s VK page. However, they often require upfront payment but offer no guarantee of success. Therefore, there is a high probability that the money will simply be wasted.

Confidentiality of information on the Internet is difficult to maintain, especially on social networks. People often follow the lives of friends or family through updates to their profile, new photos or notes. Closed accounts can also be viewed, even without their owner's knowledge.

VKontakte page: how to restrict access

Why might this be needed?

Not everyone likes their personal life to be exposed to the public.

For such people, VKontakte developers have provided the ability to restrict access to those parameters that the user does not intend to show to everyone.

For example, you don’t want anyone to be able to view your photos, much less leave comments on them.

Everyone looked at your photos and had the opportunity to comment on them.

To do this, you just need to know what to change in the privacy settings so that only your friends can comment on the pictures.

What exactly is it possible to hide?

The social network Vkontakte allows you not to advertise personal information in the following categories:

My page

This item allows you to hide basic information, photos and videos in which you are tagged by other users.

You can also hide your groups, audio recordings, gifts, cards on which your photos are marked, the list of your subscribers and friends.

VKontakte page settings

VKontakte page settings

In this settings section, you can control VKontakte users’ access to posts on your wall that were left by other users.

You can also limit who has the right to leave posts on your page, as well as the ability to leave comments both on your posts and on the posts of other users.

Contact me

Contact me

Here you have the opportunity to block or allow individual users, or a certain group of users, to send you messages, make invitations to public pages, applications, communities or groups.

In addition, you can prevent sending friend requests.

Other prohibitions (item – “Other”)

Other prohibitions (item – “Other”)

In this settings section, you can limit the resources whose users can see your page.

That is, will search resources (Google, Yandex, etc.) or only VKontakte users see your page?

Setting up page visibility

Setting up page visibility

Why do people make their VKontakte profile private?

The first reason is people's right to privacy. Not everyone wants information about them to be publicly available. In 2011, users were outraged that they could no longer close their pages. Some are open to the world, others are not.

Seven years later, the VK administration heard them and returned the closed accounts. The second reason is more serious. VKontakte management was forced to introduce closed profiles by criminal cases. Perhaps you have heard about how people were arrested by the police for posting anti-patriotic videos and images? This is a common practice of intelligence services, which regularly monitor open suspicious VK pages. Private profiles protect users from such observations and unexpected arrests.

Video instruction

In the video you will learn how you can view any private profile on the VK website in 2021.

Closed VK profile in 2020

Ask friends for help

Another option to open a private account in VK is to contact friends (acquaintances) who have the owner of the private profile as a friend. With a sufficient level of friendly relations, they will send you all the necessary information from a closed page, while maintaining your anonymity. Remember that you should only make such a request to people you fully trust. Otherwise, your request may become the property of the author of a closed profile with unpredictable consequences.

Ask your friends for help

Ask your friends for help

I recommend: How to pin messages in a conversation on VK.

Visit the desired user in person

If there is a trusting relationship between you and the owner of a private profile, you can visit his location under any pretext. Get access to his PC and view his private profile in VK 2021. Despite the low probability of this method, you should not completely reset his accounts.

Phishing sites

There are a sufficient number of services on the Internet that promise quick and convenient access to a closed page. Usually they offer you to indicate the ID of the closed page (this ID can be found, for example, using the regvk.com service), and pay some amount for their services. They also require you to enter your username and password (for allegedly accessing the desired page). You enter your data, click on the access activation button, after which nothing happens.

Phishing sites do not have any effectiveness

Phishing sites do not have any effectiveness

This procedure helps attackers obtain the login and password for your VK account. What they will do with these identifiers next is a rhetorical question. Some block the user’s page and start demanding money for access. The latter merge the received data into some user databases. Still others simply plant a virus on such an account, and it sends out various “chain letters” to all his friends on behalf of the hacked user. Other services of a similar nature (for example, the well-known vkontakte.doguran.ru) simply do not work with closed profiles, so the effectiveness of their use is deeply questionable.

Resources at the vkontakte.doguran.ru level do not provide any tangible results

Hacker help

On the Internet you can find many advertisements promising to hack any VK page and view a private VK 2021 profile for a certain fee. In most cases, it is quite difficult to verify the qualifications of such “traditional craftsmen”. In this case, it is impossible to guarantee a 100% effect, as well as a guarantee of the return of prepaid funds in case of failure. Therefore, as in the case of phishing sites, you act at your own peril and risk, and it is quite possible that the money you paid will simply disappear without any tangible result.

The help of imaginary hackers may not give any result

The help of imaginary hackers may not give any result

How to view a private VKontakte profile? Add as a friend

Add as friend on VKontakte

The easiest way is to add the person you need as a friend. After the application is approved, all private information will be available. But not everyone has trust in virtual strangers. You will have to act based on the specific situation and person. Study the life and interests of the subject, analyze what could hook him.

Option: register a profile with an attractive photo of a man/woman. Create an interesting profile and it is possible that the “victim” will make contact and approve the application.

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