How to send messages on VKontakte, TOP-7 auto-mailing services

The article has been updated. First published: January 18, 2021

Hello. Today we will take on a complex topic: “How can an ordinary entrepreneur launch mailing lists on behalf of communities on VKontakte and benefit from it.”

Newsletters on behalf of communities are a legal and completely official way to send personal messages to users. However, recipients do not necessarily have to be community subscribers.

In our article we will launch a newsletter with the help of Ibrahim. Remember him? He is from Lipetsk, runs a healthy lifestyle business, sells pink hamsters and runs a fitness club.

Two articles to get to know Ibrahim:

How to sell your product on social networks How to find a target audience concentrate


Ibrahim has several public pages on VKontakte. Previously, Ibrahim did everything through the public: he sold hamsters, informed about delivery, sent checks and accepted reviews. All work was carried out manually.

When Ibrahim learned about the new opportunity, he connected the Happy Santa newsletter application to the public. I made a public post with an invitation to the mailing list, with a proposal to send out “Discounts and Promotions.” Within a month, 90 people signed up for the newsletter—90 contacts. Now Ibrahim wants to use this database and send messages through it.

Let's imagine that after Ibrahim collected a subscriber base, he turned to some SMM specialist for advice, and therefore was able to properly prepare for the mailing. You don’t have to seek advice, because this article is there.

To start a successful mailing, Ibrahim needs:

  • Decide on the objectives of the newsletter - why does he need it, why do subscribers need it?
  • Choose a platform for mailings - you can send them manually, but why?
  • Collect a mailing list - there are already 90 people, but you can’t earn much from them, you need to increase the volume.
  • Send the first letter - we write the first letter and send it out.
  • Analyze your actions - look and study the numbers, what did they give us?
  • Plan further actions: create a systematic mailing list, create a white book and distribute it for subscription, create a chain of trigger letters.

How much to pay per newsletter subscriber

First, let's do the math and find out why a newsletter subscriber costs more than a community subscriber.

  • The open rate of the most unsuccessful mailing is 2/3, that is, approximately 67% is the minimum. More often the open rate is higher.
  • The average reach of posts in the commercial community is 10%. Approximately 15% of this coverage is the rate of openness of articles in the VKontakte editor. I don’t even want to think about cutting the coverage of longreads.
  • A typical post has an expected read rate of about 20% of all those who saw it. Of course, we cannot find out the exact statistics on VK posts if they were not made in the editor. In any case, the percentage of completions is much lower than in the newsletter.

Total: the coverage of the post is 10%; of this coverage, the post will be read by 20%, which means that of all community members, only 2% will read the post. Not enough.

Let's take an average of 45 posts per month and 2 newsletters per month. The difference in the number of publications is 22.5 times.

And if a subscriber to a commercial community costs from 12 to 20 rubles. – a subscriber to the direct advertising mailing list can pay 40 rubles. and higher. Moreover, this price usually pays off, because newsletter subscribers are easier to close with a sale + good coverage, which I already talked about above.

Mailing goals

Only the lazy don’t talk about goals. We are not like that, so let us remind you that the best results can be achieved when you understand what you want to achieve.

Ibrahim identified two global goals for his newsletter:

  • direct sales - messages owe money;
  • building loyalty - there should be more positive reviews about how good Ibrahim is, how cool the hamsters are, and what a cool fitness room.

The main beauty of newsletters is their reach. You send a message in PM. If they expect you to receive a message, they will open it and read it. Therefore, you can choose goals such as: branding, customer retention, increasing the customer life cycle, increasing the frequency of purchases, increasing the average check, increasing content engagement, reactivating old customers, generating traffic.

The Write and Sell course from tells in detail about how to promote a business using mailings and correspondence.

Ibrahim subscribed to several mailing lists to see what others were doing. And I noticed that some mailings, they read and do not miss messages. And he opens other messages, resets the counter of unread messages and closes them without reading them.

Ibrahim decided that to actually read the messages he needed to:

  • do not infuriate with frequent messages;
  • do not send only the content that is posted in the group;
  • send only good and useful content;
  • write about people and recipients.

Ibrahim doesn’t want to “just sell,” especially since the social media manager told him that he needs to know his clients well, solve their needs and provide value. Ibrahim understands why and how he will use the newsletter, he even imagines why recipients should read his messages - that’s enough for now.

What is considered spam?

Is it considered spam to recommend a cool public page to a friend by writing him a message with a link to this public page? Of course not). Do the same thing, but share the link with a stranger? This already looks like spam. What if you first add this stranger as a friend? We see that not everything is so clear here)

In fact, the goal of the owners of any social network, oddly enough, is to make money. And VK in this regard is not an exception, but a very illustrative example. This means that any attempts you make to get some free traffic will be regarded as a direct threat to their wallet. “We came up with 2 types of advertising: targeting and a market platform! Buy traffic for your health.”

From the point of view of VKontakte, spam is advertising for which you did not pay

Don't get me wrong - I have nothing against purchasing advertising, even on VK. Moreover, I sometimes practice this myself. The main problem with purchasing traffic is a very high risk, which is inversely proportional to your experience. In fact, you just need to be able to afford it. I'm saying that this should not be the last money, but only some part of the turnover. But that's not what this topic is about. Some other time I’ll tell you about the so-called crops (this is paid advertising in communities).

So, when the VK anti-spam algorithm considers your activity to be unwanted mailing, you will get your account frozen. Further, if the circumstances are bad - a ban. This is not a death sentence, but restoring your account will be difficult and slow. And this is even though you have prudently linked your phone number to your account and your profile photos match your passport (yes, they will check that too!).

Let me tell you that if you decide to take this difficult but profitable path, you will have to put up with regular bans. At the end of the article, I will tell you how you can protect yourself as much as possible.

Or they might complain

Another way to recognize you as a persistent offender is complaints from other users:

The recipient received your message, for some reason he was very upset, and reported you by clicking the “This is spam” button. One complaint is enough and your page will fall into the clutches of manual moderation, and it depends on your luck. Most likely, it will be female students who check your page for suspicion (this is the majority of the manual moderation group). Due to lack of sleep, they may not notice a couple of identical messages sent and an advertising post with a referral link on the entire page)

The VK administration is actively fighting all types of spam. Both automatic methods and manual moderation are used. Punishment – ​​account freezing or ban

The moral of the social network owners is simple - you have to pay for advertising. But personally, in my experience, in terms of the quality of social traffic (and therefore the highest CR - conversion rate) there is nothing more effective than competent VKontakte mailings via personal messages.

Mailing platform

Sending emails manually is not an option for smart and educated SMMplanner readers, so we will look at several services that will do everything for us.

Happy Santa

“Standard” and free application from VKontate partners. This is where the advantages of the application end.

The application can:

  • get people to subscribe
  • upload database to ID
  • send messages with attachments on a timer
  • create multiple subscription lists

You can create separate mailing lists and give them different names.
The “Mailouts from Happy Santa” application can be connected in the group settings. Find the application tab, then “Distributions” and connect to your group.

But we recommend any of the three mailers below. They know how to create chains of letters that, after subscription, will be sent to recipients automatically, they know how to address people by name, provide an unsubscribe button, and much more.


The first application with advanced features. It has a buggy interface and is shareware.

It has a wide list of features:

  • auto message that is sent after subscribing
  • chain of letters
  • unsubscribe button
  • separate link to the subscription sheet
  • group message widget
  • substitutions by first names, last names, cities and much more (paid)

Allows you to customize the subscription form
Gamayun was the first to create a separate application for newsletters, and thanks to this he gained a good audience.

Gandy Mail

They position themselves as a service for sending non-violent messages. Apparently, due to the fact that they implemented an unsubscribe button in every built-in template.

Message templates are a special advantage compared to other mailers. After registration, you already have messages ready to send to your subscribers. Whether this leads to simplifying the work of the SMM manager, or to fooling all SMM managers, is up to you to decide.

Differs from most services with green buttons

The service has a nice control interface, more intuitive than Gamayun and Happy Santa.

Paid, developed by SMMers for SMMers. From the public it is clear that the application is constantly updated, and the creators have also launched a training course on mailings.


The most technologically advanced and developing mailing service, with excellent technical support. They helped me with my problems at three o’clock in the morning, and when I asked to implement my message templates, they made an additional button in 4 hours.

It will be difficult to list all the capabilities of the service, so we will list the main ones:

  • Unique cover design for subscription sheets - you can attach a video or your own picture to decorate the subscription form.
  • Changeable text of subscribe and unsubscribe buttons.
  • Cool statistics showing in detail who clicked on what and what they read.
  • The newsletter can be sent only to a specific segment based on age, gender, city, whether a letter has been read or not, and a host of other parameters.
  • Subscription by keyword, you can ask your target audience to write you some keyword in the group’s private messages and they will automatically be included in the list of subscribers.
  • He can identify the recipient by gender and give different texts to these groups, for example: “here you are sitting like this, drinking coffee” and “here you are sitting like this, drinking coffee.”

The bomb Senler subscription form
has also received our recognition: we at SMMplanner use it to organize our mailings.

SMMplanner has several chains that are sent to subscribers

Let's look separately at the statistics of subscribers and messages. Here you can monitor the dynamics of subscriptions, unsubscribes, clicks and registrations using UTM tags (as of January 14, 2018, unsubscribe statistics were under repair).

Based on the dynamics of subscriptions, you can understand how to work with a newsletter subscription

We recommend taking a look at the Senler videos - all the training videos on managing the sender are collected there, it’s very useful.

Ibrahim chose Senler, but that doesn't mean you have to do the same. Study the services, check how their technical support works, compare their capabilities. If you decide to try Senler, register using a special link, then you will receive a gift from SMMplanner - 500 rubles to your account. This is enough for three months of work with a database of up to 1,500 recipients.

It doesn’t matter which mailer you choose, you can download the collected database from any of them, and then upload it to another mailing service. The operation is quite simple, but if any difficulties arise, contact technical support.

What is the difference between PM spam and other types of mailings?

VKontakte spam can be divided into several main types according to the methods of its distribution:

  1. Posting in groups with open walls
  2. Commenting on posts in groups
  3. VKontakte newsletter via personal messages
  4. Spam in conversations
  5. Spam to albums
  6. Other sophisticated methods

Each method is worthy of a separate article. Personally, I tried all of the above methods, and on a fairly impressive scale. Based on the results of four years of work, my verdict is the following: sending to VK in private messages is the most controlled and most effective method of spam on VKontakte in terms of quality. And there are several reasons for this:

  1. Messages are sent only to the target audience (TA) that you have selected yourself;
  2. There is an opportunity to “put the squeeze on the client” if a dialogue has started;
  3. Possibility of deep analysis of target audience.

Sending to VK in private messages is the most controlled and most effective method of spam on VKontakte in terms of quality.

This may not seem obvious, but it is the manual selection of the target audience that is the most significant advantage in this approach! You yourself determine which users to send messages to, and who in the end is more likely to bring you the long-awaited profit.

Collecting the first database of recipients

Let's look at all the ways to collect a database of recipients that both you and Ibrahim can use. VKontakte rules prohibit sending messages to users without their consent, but if the user himself wrote to you in private messages, this is tantamount to consent to messages from the community.

The first thing you need to do is enable the application display. Most likely, the mere fact of having an application will not gain many subscriptions, but it will not be superfluous.

You can connect up to three applications to one group on VKontakte; if you have already filled three slots with the applications you need, but have not used mailings, then you can use Senler without connecting it to the group. It will send messages to the database you have collected, but will not be able to subscribe new users, unsubscribe and monitor the group for keywords due to the capabilities of the VKontakte API.

The “subscription” button can be called not only “Subscription”; experiment with names, offer an offer, for example “Get a 10% discount”.

Enable proper app visibility

Make a separate publication with a call for subscription to the newsletter. Or even better, a series of such publications so that people remember that you have a newsletter. It is better to provide separate content in the newsletter that is not in the group. In this case, subscribers understand why they should subscribe.

Remember that they subscribe to the newsletter not because they can, but because they want to receive some benefit. Regular VKontakte users do not understand that if they subscribe to a group, this does not mean that they will see the group’s content, so posts in the style of “Follow us to receive group news” will not work. If Ibrahim promises in his newsletter to help consciously choose fitness products, but instead sends promotional materials, they will unsubscribe from him.

If appropriate, pin this post to the community
Start giving away free but useful content in exchange for a subscription. In email marketing, this is called a “lead magnet,” but if you don’t want to embarrass yourself in front of marketers, say “white paper” or white paper. White paper is the name for high-quality content that your target audience really wants to receive. To receive it you need to subscribe to the newsletter.

However, it does not necessarily have to be a book. This could be a selection of resources, for example, Ibrahim can share his notes on fitness, or promotional codes for iHerb, where you can purchase dietary supplements and vitamins for sports. These can be checklists, specifications, templates and much more. For each segment of the target audience, you can come up with several white books.

Install the newsletter subscription widget. A widget is a separate block for an application, created on a group page. He is large and noticeable. Together with the App Builder widget, you can make it more unique.

Subscription widget promising a discount made using the Community Widget app

Think about how you can encourage your target audience to write something to you. SMMplanner has a test, upon passing which you receive a message inviting you to the mailing list.

The last method is parsing. Use it carefully. Theoretically, you can collect all those who wrote to you in the group into one database and send out a newsletter. This is legal because VKontakte users, not the group, are the first to write to community messages. But unexpected mailings can anger recipients. If you abuse this, you can lose the function of sending messages. To collect everyone who wrote to your group, install the “Who wrote to the community” extension for Google Chrome and download all messages from the community.

What is VKontakte messaging and how does it work?

If the community is large, then it is physically impossible to send news personally to each member (at least due to the VKontakte limit). And mass mailings help you reach an unlimited number of people at once, spending almost no time or effort. A smart feed on a social network means that participants do not always immediately see new posts; a newsletter can help with this.

The process is carried out through special applications. Studies have shown that in the case of traditional e-mail newsletters, only a fifth of users open the letters - and on VK, readability increases many times over. This is due to the psychology of a VKontakte user - he is used to reading the messages that come to him.

That is why it is so important to create a high-quality and attractive newsletter that will not irritate, but will stimulate action. In the newsletter you can make a targeted appeal, which always causes a positive response.

First mailing

Ibrahim has goals, he figured out the mailing rules, set up Senler, and decided to launch the first message.

The first thing Ibrahim decided to send was an invitation to participate in a reposting contest. But the base of 90 people seemed small to him, so Ibrahim scrapped everyone who had ever written to Dialogues. The result was 310 people. He added the collected participants to the mailing list.

If you gather all the group members and send a mailing to them, most of the messages will not be sent. You should send only to those who wrote in group messages.

After this, Ibrahim must write a letter and invite subscribers to participate in a reposting contest. To avoid any problems, Ibrahim added the signature in the first letter:

“%username%, you received this letter because you once wrote to us in a personal message. If you do not want to receive our emails, you can unsubscribe %unsubscribe%."

%username% is a special code that will warn the service that instead of this code you need to substitute the name of the recipient, and instead of %unsubscribe% you will need to substitute a link to unsubscribe from the mailing list.

Automatic email that arrives immediately after you subscribe

After the “Save” and “Activate” buttons are pressed, you just have to wait until the messages are gone throughout the entire database. After this, you will need to wait and analyze the results.

Analysis of results

The most important stage in mailing is counting the results. Ibrahim sent 400 messages. A day later, the number of open messages was 360, 100 clicks were made on the link in the group, and another 60 reposts. Thanks to this, the scope of the competition has increased significantly. Not bad.

Senler counts almost everything that can be counted

Now our task is to understand the principle of counting. The first message to a small base will always generate more reactions, clicks and sales. This is where the effect of novelty comes into play: the larger the base, the lower the effect.

Ibrahim paid 150 rubles for the mailing service, and within a month he can send 1,500 messages per day.

  • 400 messages sent
  • 360 opened
  • 100 clicks
  • 60 reposts + new reposts from friends of new reposters

Ibrahim is happy with this. He understands that mailings in his field work and can be beneficial. Now he plans to send a “content” letter in which he will tell what to look for when preparing for a diet.

He will have to study the intricacies of the mailing service in order to understand when and in what cases it makes sense to send certain letters.

For example, you can send messages only to those who clicked on a link in a previous message. If a person bought a product from you yesterday, then the likelihood that he will buy another one from you today is much higher.

Setting up targeted mailings

Further actions

The mailing gave excellent results. What's next?

We plan further actions, allocate time and resources for their implementation, so that the mailing does not die before the start.

Mailings are a fairly simple tool, but in order for the tool to be sharp and efficient, it must be constantly practiced. You can do this yourself, you can delegate it to an employee, or hire a specially trained SMM specialist. We decide who exactly will handle the mailings.

We create a content plan for messages that should be sent to subscribers after subscribing. And we plan those letters that we will send manually to “everyone”.

Fragment of the mailing chain for the Stories marathon from SMMplanner

Pixel Animation School , co-founder Pavel

The newsletter helps us notify group subscribers about the upcoming lesson - we conduct free broadcasts on the school’s YouTube channel, animate something, and communicate with subscribers. Such classes are held free of charge so that beginners can get to know us and animation better. Compared to email newsletters, the open rate of newsletters on social networks is much higher.

How often to send

There is no need to be frequent with mailings. It is optimal to send out 2-3 times a month to one audience. Let's say at the beginning of the month you throw out general discounts on all products, and in the middle you offer something specific, for example, a competition. Of course, a lot depends on the niche and topic of the project; sometimes it’s worth writing letters more often. The digest can be sent every week.

If the newsletter doesn't provide enough value, people will start unsubscribing. As a rule, a lot of benefits do not come too often, so less often is better, but more useful.

That's all. I wish you more sales from VKontakte newsletters. Save the article for yourself and share with friends if it was useful.

If anything, you can apply for hype SMM from TexTerra.

What affects email open rates?

Expert on chatbots and newsletters, Alexey Ushakov

Let's figure out what factors influence the open rate of your newsletter.

The open rate of mailings will depend on 4 factors: the niche, the volume of the subscription base, the subscription method and the relevance of the mailing texts to the topic to which the user subscribed. Let me explain with examples.

In the learning niche, the open rate of mailings reaches 80–90% of the number of messages sent, and the “reachability” of a specific target action (for example, clicking on a link to watch a video) is up to 50%. Of course, the data is taken one day from the moment of sending.

And, for example, in the cosmetology niche, the conversion to the target action will be approximately 5–10%. For example, from a mailing list of 700 users, 8 requests were received for the procedure proposed in the message.

The size of the subscription base. Everything is simple here - the larger the base, the lower the percentage of conversion to the target action. After all, as the number of subscribers grows, the audience becomes colder. Yes, if the user has subscribed to the newsletter, then this already indicates his interest in the product or service. But nevertheless, it is worth considering that with an increase in the number of subscribers, the “average temperature” will fall.

And, of course, now there are a variety of ways to collect a subscription base. And only when the user directly subscribes to a certain newsletter, good conversions are achieved. Naturally, if a user subscribes to lessons, but only receives advertising in the newsletter, then you should not expect loyalty.

If you send mailings too frequently (more than 1-2 times a week), the percentage of unsubscribes increases. Moreover, the more often the mailing goes, the more people will unsubscribe. For volumes of 5,000 users or more, you can expect approximately 0.1–0.5% unsubscribe rates for any mailing.

In general, an increase in sales is always observed if the tool is used, and not just put on a shelf and forgotten.

Security and ban protection

Yes, account freezing awaits you if you do not take all the necessary precautions! It is important to understand one thing: VK algorithms are constantly being improved and, therefore, 100% protection does not exist. Sooner or later, all your spam accounts will be banned - it's inevitable!

Sooner or later, all your spam accounts will be banned - it's inevitable! The fact that you know this is your advantage. Focus on extending the life of your accounts!

Having accepted this postulate, it will be much easier to move on, believe me. Therefore, we must do 2 things:

  1. We consider the economics of the project
  2. We take measures to maximize the life of accounts

By economics I mean planning expenses for spam and assessing the expected positive effect - money earned, image indicators, etc.

Those. knowing that an account costs 25 rubles, you can spam 200 people from it (in 10 days), two of whom, according to statistics (see the statistic in the CPA affiliate - there is information about this here ) should take a targeted action (subscribe to some resource or place an order) and bring you a total of 500 rubles. Net profit = 475 rub. The example, of course, is a vacuum one, but it is intended to show that bans need to be taken into account in the economics of the project, and not just lament their presence.

Okay) Made me sad) Now about the good stuff. Here's what you need to do to ensure that mass mailings on VK don't cost too much:

Purchasing accounts

No matter how great the temptation is to quickly try to spam from your main account, DON’T DO IT. You know how it will end. Hence, rule number one:

Sending to VK in private messages is done only from accounts purchased/created specifically for these purposes!

You can buy accounts in special online stores. You can go to a special site - Deer . This is a type of Aliexpress, but for the sale of accounts and other things for spam. In short, a store aggregator.

Enter “” in the search for the Deer service and you will receive a list of all products associated with VK accounts, grouped by seller. Don’t be afraid - there will be so many search results that you won’t be able to scroll through to the end. We search through the contents of the browser page (Ctrl+F, if anyone has forgotten) using the word “retrieving“. There is no need to go into the meaning of the term yet - this is just a type of account in VK. All you need to know now is that retriever accounts are accounts of real people restored to other email addresses.

Retrieving is a type of account in VK. This is the name given to the accounts of real users who have lost access to them. Such accounts are especially good for spam because they have good behavioral characteristics and a real history. This means that spamming from them will take longer than from other types of accounts.

You need to understand that retrievals are accounts of real people, and they may contain personal data. This is not a completely clean topic. I do not encourage anyone in any way to use stolen accounts! All information is provided for informational purposes only!

If you haven’t yet linked your personal account to your phone and you have a primitive password, you’ll soon find your account on Deer)))

Choosing a seller on the Deer platform

Now, based on the search results: we look at two points:

  1. Store deposit. The higher, the more reliable the seller
  2. Price and number of accounts with the seller. For starters, it’s better to charge up to 35 rubles per piece, women’s

Choosing a Deer account seller
Go to the store and carefully read the terms and conditions. We make a purchase. First, take 1 account to understand the procedure. Payment is accepted only by Qiwi and sometimes Yandex.Money, therefore, we create wallets in advance and top up with a minimum amount.

After payment you will be sent a text file with your account login and password. WE ARE NOT IN A HURRY TO DO ANYTHING WITH HIM YET!

There is an important point when purchasing accounts - the likelihood of marriage. Those. the account you purchased may be frozen, banned, or your login and password may not be suitable. Often, sellers give only 20 minutes for verification from the moment of purchase - then claims are not accepted. Therefore, when purchasing, we MUST write down the order number and time of purchase. If the account turns out to be invalid, we immediately write to the seller and in the message indicate the order number and other data that the seller asks for (for this we read the terms of the store BEFORE purchasing)

If you are buying an account for the first time, you can simply log out of your VK account and try to log in with the purchased account. Were you able to login successfully? Congratulations - you have an account that can be spent on spam) Otherwise, write to the seller.

When you put the matter on stream, it will no longer be safe to simply log into your account. Now is the time to think about proxies.


The essence of the problem is this: on the global Internet, your computer has a specific IP address (sometimes dynamic, sometimes static, depending on the agreement with the provider). When the VKontakte antispam algorithm begins to block accounts for mass mailings, it records the IP from which these mailings are carried out - i.e. your main IP for accessing the network.

After several similar precedents, they will put the IP under a filter and can immediately block all accounts from this IP, including your main account, the account of your wife, parents, etc.

order newsletterIf you don’t have the time and great desire to go the whole way on your own, you can order a newsletter via PM from me!
Just write, we’ll discuss everything. SEE PRICE LIST
To prevent this from happening, you need to spam only through purchased proxies. I described in detail what proxies are and where to buy them in this article . Personally, I always buy from Proxy6 - it’s a reliable seller and I’ve never had any problems with replacement.

Install the extension “Best Proxy Switcher” or similar in the browser (I use Chrome):

Best Proxy Switcher extension
“Best Proxy Switcher” extension

Add the purchased proxy there in the format:


For example, it might look like this: HrC8N2::9586. When you buy your proxy, you will have all these parameters. I hope you didn’t try to type in my example)) Don’t forget to click the “Enable Proxy Server” button.

Now you can open VK, log in with the purchased account and spam for good measure, without the risk of blocking your IP.

It wouldn’t hurt to stick to a good rule: 1 proxy – 1 account. The proportion must be observed if the accounts are expensive (more than 60 rubles/piece). For cheap ones (less than RUB 30/piece), you can use the following scheme: 1 proxy – 3 accounts.

User Agent

We took the minimum measures. Go ahead. Let's say we have already bought 5 accounts (and, accordingly, at least two proxies!). Those. 3 accounts are on one proxy and 2 on another. To prevent the VK robot from thinking that we are starting mass mailings, we need to make sure that 3 accounts (which are on the same IP) log into VK from different devices.

Those. we need to create the appearance that different people are using the accounts - this is a natural scenario and for the antispam robot it causes less suspicion. Some logged in from a phone, others from a PC. And this information is precisely carried by the User Agent. This is, in fact, the identifier of our device and browser from which we access the Internet. It is enough to replace this data, and all sites will think, for example, that we are logged in from an IPhone 7, although in fact, we are using a PC and the Chrome browser.

Install another browser extension – “Chrome UA Spoofer”:

Extension “Chrome UA Spoofer”

Before using it, clear your browser cookies. Then, we randomly select in the extension the browser from which we supposedly log in and... everything is ready)

For each account you will have to open your own instance of the browser with extensions installed, enable proxies and configure a different User Agent for everyone

Here's what you should have at this point for 5 accounts:

VKontakte newsletter via personal messages
Safe scheme for manual spam on VK

Once again, the basic rules for a safe work environment are:

  • Each account has its own browser instance (in Chrome you can create as many users as you like and open browsers at the same time)
  • Best Proxy Switcher and Chrome UA Spoofer are installed on each browser
  • One proxy – for no more than 3 accounts (in our example – 3 browsers with one proxy, 2 with another)
  • User Agent – ​​unique for each account (i.e. in each browser)

Now we are completely ready to go! Further, the speed of blocking your accounts will be proportional to the degree of aggressiveness of spam.

Randomization of message texts

The first step to reducing the degree of aggressiveness is randomizing the text. If you send messages with identical text one after another, you will quickly get burned. Therefore, we strive to ensure that the texts of your spam mailings are never repeated.

I strongly recommend not to be lazy and randomize your mailing texts 100%. This increases the survivability of your accounts!

A good online tool will help you here - Bookvarix . Namely, one of its utilities is the Word Combinator. What you'll need to get started:

  1. Come up with a list of greeting phrases, for example: “Hello!”, “Good afternoon!”, “Hello!”, “Greetings!” and in that spirit
  2. Come up with possible options for continuing messages, for example: “I saw your page,” “Yesterday I came across your comment,” “I noticed that you are interested,” etc.
  3. We push the list of phrases from point 1 into one column of the Word Combinator, and the second list into the second. Click the “Get” button

The service will generate all possible combinations of phrases from two columns:

word combinator

The resulting 12 options are inserted again into the first column. In the second, add possible continuations of the dialogue (for example, 4 options). Multiply again and you get 48 different options.

At this stage, it’s worth getting creative so that the messages are relevant to your goals and do not scare off your target audience. Social engineering has not been canceled!

Links in the message body

Surely, you didn’t start the spam mailing because of a lack of communication) If you are applying to some offer, then most likely the message will contain a link to the landing page (if you don’t understand what I’m talking about, read this article - there’s a good example of a scheme for making money on PP).

VK is especially interested in links in messages. People get banned for links much more often than for identical texts. Therefore, regarding links, I always make 3 requirements:

  1. There should be NO MORE than one link in one message. This is really important!
  2. All links must be sent through a redirect
  3. Links also need to be randomized

If everything is very clear with the first point, then the rest should be clarified a little.

Link redirect

A redirect is a redirection. Those. you insert a link that leads to a more or less clean site and VK makes no claims against it. When the recipient of the message clicks on the link, our “clean site” will redirect him to your landing page (offer landing page or whatever you are referring to).

Many domain names of partner services are so denigrated in the eyes of VK that if a link to such a domain is found, they are immediately banned. This may not apply to your case. One way or another - at this stage, it is important for you to understand that there is such a thing as a redirect and it would be good to use it.

There are different ways to organize a redirect: on ready-made platforms, on your own hosting, sometimes you even need to do a little coding. Due to the vastness of the question, I will put it in a separate article (the article is available here !).

Randomization of links

Here as with the text. It’s also better to randomize the links. Since the issue is resolved using the same redirect, we will also consider it separately.

Redirecting and randomizing links significantly extends the life of your accounts. These questions are non-trivial and require some preparation, therefore, they will be discussed in a separate article.

Let's summarize

Mailings on behalf of communities on VKontakte are a powerful tool for promoting your products and services. But newsletters are not a panacea. People won’t subscribe just like that, and if you annoy them with frequent messages, you can get banned from the community.

Like any tool, mailings require attention and care. Mailing lists should be taken as seriously as content and advertising of groups.

Messages from communities resemble channels in Telegram. I subscribed and you always see when messages are sent. At the same time, they can be incredibly annoying. The worst thing that can happen is not unsubscribing, but opening your messages, only to reset the number of unread messages. Worse than a ban, honestly!

Without statistics and analytics there are no real newsletters. Count it!

How to send a newsletter to a VK group?

As you know, the administration of the VK site does not like spam and fights it with all possible means. This is why using third-party spam software sometimes leads to a ban. And sometimes, even without programs, particularly “active” users can get their account frozen.

The VKontakte developers even invented their own mailing tool, which differs from the ones we are used to in that it sends messages only to those people who have subscribed to it.

As a result, the management of the public can carry out the mailing in two ways:

  • legally (using VK widgets);

How to send a newsletter in a VK group and get the maximum return?

  • illegally (using third-party services).
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