before—> Updated — August 29, 2021 at 08:30 p.m., blockquote1,0,1,0,0—> p, blockquote2,0,0,0,0—>Uploading photos to
The social network “Vkontakte” is an integral part of the daily life of young people, modern teenagers, and the reason for this
Passwords are the main means of protecting information and are used everywhere on a computer - from login
Logical chain: why is mnemonics so important? So, if you have forgotten your password, then your first
Until recently, the opportunity to publish community stories on VK was available to only a few groups,
Hello, dear readers of my Blog! Just recently, such a wonderful one appeared on the social network VKontakte
Continuing to tear off the veil of Photoshop, in this lesson we will create a VKontakte website. Of course, not all
How to change a message in VK 1. If you need to change a message from the full version, then
When enabling login confirmation (2FA), VK warned that no one should be linked to the page.
Tricks with messages Dialogue with yourself - it would seem, why might this be needed?