4 services and programs for downloading music from VKontakte

The VKontakte social network is not only a place for communication, but also a gigantic catalog of music and other content presented in audio format. However, constantly keeping a tab with the corresponding site is not always convenient, and sometimes you just don’t want to be online on social media. networks, while there is a desire to listen to your playlist. To listen to music from the VKontakte network without logging into it, you can use special applications, the most popular of which will be discussed below.

Music on VKontakte

Why now? Are these all some new rules?

No, not new. Mass seizures of VKontakte audio recordings at the request of copyright holders began back in 2012. Since then, the functionality of the music service in the iOS application has been gradually limited, until it was completely disabled in 2015. Negotiations with the giants of the global recording industry resulted in agreements with Sony Music, Warner Music, and Universal Music. We managed not only to restore the section in the iOS application and many of the seized tracks, but also began to increase the functionality of the music service.

Zvooq - a collection of the best playlists from Vkontakte

Users who don’t want to appear on VK to listen to the track can be understood. There are different situations in which you need to remain anonymous. Usually, in VKontakte search, people look for popular music from the latest hits. If you want to find something similar, use the Zvooq music service.

Zvooq service

The link will open collections of the 10, 50 or 100 best tracks according to certain parameters from VK. For example, only new products that appeared on the social network, hits of 2021 or a collection of Russian performers.

Here you can not only listen, but also download the track you like. Or rate it using the appropriate button.

Zvooq playlist

And also share any composition on other social networks. Including your VKontakte page. At the top of the portal there is a search bar used to search for any new music. Or a classic track in a certain genre. Select filters from the menu and open music by artist, genre, radio station or collection.

Why pay for a subscription if you haven't done anything new?

This year we launched a large-scale update of the music service. We completely redesigned the design and navigation, added playlists and albums, track and album covers, and launched personal recommendations. Now the catalog is regularly updated with new products from all major music studios - tracks can be listened to in high quality, with correct names and covers. A large number of artists publish premieres of works exclusively on VKontakte - earlier than on other platforms. This is just the beginning: we continue to work on other opportunities for listeners, improving the structure of the music catalog, search, and recommendations.

How to listen to VK music offline

AIMP with the specified plugin does not support playing music from VKontakte offline (that is, without an Internet connection). To play audio that you have previously listened to on a device that does not have access to the network, you will need to use one of the extensions for the Chrome browser. There are two of them: OnePlayer and “VKontakte OFFLINE Music Player”.

OnPlayer app

OnePlayer is an almost complete application with many functions and capabilities, from which you can play VK music without going into it. In particular, it can and allows:

  • Listen to music on VK from anywhere (from a personal playlist, groups, microblog entries, from friends’ pages, etc.);
  • Count the number of plays;
  • Display album covers and tags;
  • Search for similar compositions;
  • And, of course, discreetly save (cache) the music being played for later playback offline.

This application can be expanded to full screen and used as a full-fledged player. Using it, you can even play music that is present on the hard drive of your computer/laptop.

Music player OFFLINE

The next extension for Chrome is “VKontakte Music Player OFFLINE”. Unlike OnPlayer, it doesn't have as many features. It has only what you need: listening to your own playlist and searching for music. The application can be launched from any browser tab.

In addition to directly caching songs for later listening to them offline via Chrome, using this extension you can download the music you like to your hard drive.

I still think you're just greedy. I'd rather pay for other music services!

We understand your pain, because everyone is used to the fact that there are no restrictions in VKontakte music, but now they appear. But even with them, VKontakte music has a number of advantages:

  • all main features of the service are available for free on desktop and mobile applications;
  • the largest music collection - including many songs and bands whose work cannot be found anywhere else;
  • here you already have a music collection with all your personal playlists, and thousands of music communities create their own collections on different topics and genres;
  • for free listening, VKontakte offers the most lenient restrictions; for paid listening, it offers the lowest cost for an individual subscription among music services.

AIMP audio player and a special plugin for it

AIMP is one of the most popular audio players. It not only has a user-friendly interface and ample customization options, but also supports official plugins and add-ons from third-party developers.

AIMP VK Plugin Application

To listen to music from VKontakte without going to the social network site, you will first need to download and install the application itself. This should be done on the official website of the product.

When this is done, you will need to install a special add-on, which can be found on the forum of the official AIMP website. The corresponding forum topic provides a description of the plugin's capabilities, as well as clear instructions for installing and configuring it.

It should be noted that having the appropriate plugin, you can not only listen to VK music from your playlist, but also:

  • Listen to audio recordings from groups;
  • Play music from other social network users;
  • Search for new tracks and play them.

What deserves special attention is that with the help of this application you can download the audio you like to your computer.

If the composition is unknown, but the artist has been found

Write the artist in the line and set the search to him. If you remember a line from a song, also write it in the search bar next to the artist. It happens that users post compositions not with an official name, but with one or even several lines in the title.

I heard the melody, but I don't know the artist

Also write a line from the song, preferably from the chorus. Enter the words correctly - just one mistake and the site will not be able to show you the results.

Songs in English

Write the name in Russian - that is, in Russian letters, but with maximum accuracy. Many users write the names of foreign compositions in Cyrillic, since they may also not know English or another language in which the text of the composition is written. If the song is popular, then in any case you should get in the search results what you were looking for and, perhaps, no longer hoped to find.

If you don't remember a single line

Don't despair ahead of time. Remember where you heard this song before. Perhaps this composition is from some popular TV series. Often the title of the composition indicates which film or TV series this track is from. In this case, it would be logical to enter the name of the series or movie.

Finding the desired audio recording on VKontakte is quite simple. You can always use the search by composition or artist. Searches can also be carried out in groups. You can find a composition recorded in the studio in the official artist communities.

How to listen?

First of all, you will be shown the songs that you already have in your playlist, then there will be a list of artist communities, and then audio recordings throughout the system. To add a song to your audio recordings, hover over it in the list and click on the plus sign. To delete a song, click on the cross.

To start playback, click on the Play button (the round button with a triangle in the middle).

Hover over the audio recording. Additional icons will appear. With them you can:

  • Add to group.
  • Show similar.
  • Play next.
  • Add to my audio recordings.

If you know that a song was on some friend's playlist, you can find it there. To do this, open its audio recordings through the list on the right side of the window and start typing the name in the search bar.

Playing tracks using a headset

A headset is any headphone with a built-in microphone. Today, almost every such device can be called a headset, since only budget options do not have a microphone. There is another tricky way that allows you to listen to your VK tracks without interference.

To do this you need:

  1. Open the application and go to the music section;
  2. Select one of your songs and pause;
  3. Play it again using your headset.

This prevents the application from triggering the listening restriction. Try it yourself to see for yourself.

Search VK without registration through search engines

If you still don’t want to create an account on a social network, and using the tools available on the VKontakte website did not produce results, then you should try searching using the most famous resources - Google and Yandex. They have more modernized and functional search algorithms; they will be able to do what could not be done directly on the site.

These systems make it possible to use different operators in the process of entering a request, allowing you to limit the search area to one or several sites at once (for us this is vk). To do this, you will need to enter the following construct into the search bar:

First name Last name site:vk.сom

After this, you will have access to the pages of users whose data matches the registered full name.

Search for VK users in Yandex

If this option seems difficult, then you can use the advanced search form available from Google and Yandex. The following fields are filled in:

  • Request – personal data of a person;
  • Website – where the “search” work will take place;
  • City;
  • Language;
  • Time interval (for what period to display results).

Yandex advanced scanning parameters

Mobile device screen lock settings to remove restrictions

The VKontakte mobile application activates music restrictions based on the locked smartphone screen. If you disable it, these restrictions will not be applied. But there is another side to the coin - your device’s battery will lose charge much faster.


  1. In Settings, select "Display" and select "Sleep Mode."
  2. It needs to be set to “Disabled” if the settings allow this. In any case, select the maximum value here.

    Sleep settings
    Set the desired sleep settings

  3. Often the settings display the maximum sleep time - 30 minutes. You can periodically tap the screen to extend the timeout. This must be done before the screen goes into sleep mode.
  4. Also open the screen brightness settings and turn this setting down as much as possible. This will reduce battery consumption.

Using the mobile version of VK in a browser

Every smartphone has a browser, which was among the pre-installed programs. You can use it or any other web navigator on your phone. We will need it to open the mobile version of the site. There is no magic in this; the WAP version is provided officially. Enter the following address in the address bar of your mobile browser: https://m.vk.com/. Open music and listen as much as you want, without any advertising or anything else.

VK mobile version address

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