How to change the VKontakte theme on your computer and phone

Is it possible to change the VKontakte background from your phone?

Users of the social network VKontakte carefully searched for a button where they could add a background image that would look great against the background of correspondence or scrolling through the feed. Unfortunately, such a magic button does not exist.

Users cannot take and put in the VK application the background that attracts them, that is interesting to them

The conclusion is this: if the user wants to use the built-in functions to independently change the background so that his correspondence “sparkles” with new colors, then he will not succeed, because it is impossible to change the background on VKontakte from the phone using the built-in functions.

You can change the background image only with the help of additional utilities that are downloaded from official resources, and then play the role of an additional utility that interacts with the main one and complements its system functions.

We will talk in more detail about such additional programs below.

Applications with a dark theme for VKontakte

If for some reason you cannot find the options described above, you can use alternative applications. The most popular is Kate Mobile. The client allows you to use various functions on your page that are not available in the original VK. For example:

  • Choose the background color yourself (and not just black);
  • Use VK from different accounts simultaneously;
  • Login to the page unnoticed (invisible);
  • Choose your own letter size;
  • All other functions that are available in regular VKontakte.

You can download Kate Mobile only for Android for now. More information about the application can be found on the official website To enable VK dark mode:

  1. Download the client from the Play Market and log in to your account;
  2. At the top, click on the three dots and select Settings ; Select Settings from the menu
  3. In the next window, click on the line Appearance ; Select the Appearance settings item
  4. Now in the window you need to select Night Theme or Design Theme, where there will be more colors. Select Night theme for VK

All these methods will help make your VK dark on any device. And if you have any difficulties, describe them in the comments. Or in the corresponding section of our group. The video shows how to change the background on PC.

How to install a night theme on VK from your phone

Quite recently, such a fashionable feature as a black theme has appeared. Most applications almost instantly adapted the interface of their systems to this mode, giving the user choice and the ability to change the theme depending on his preferences

Initially, the black theme was exclusively health-improving in nature. Many complained that it is inconvenient to sit on the social network at night, since the white theme irritates the eyes, it becomes unpleasant to look at, thereby deteriorating vision.

Now the black theme is also being put on because it is fashionable.

The social network VK relatively recently introduced such a topic into its interface. Many users found it interesting and unusual. Initially, only a trial period was intended, but now this background has been introduced on a permanent basis.

In order for the user to use it, a special button was introduced that resembles the moon. You can see what a black theme is in VK in this video

If you figure out how to install it, you can use two methods. The following algorithm is quite simple. It is responsible for the standard way to install the black theme:

  1. First, you need to make sure that the VK application is updated to the latest version. You can do this in the Play Market. If the update is not final, then you need to fix it and install the latest version, since the algorithm may simply not work on older ones, because they did not have such a feature as a black theme;
  2. After that, go to the application itself and log in;
  3. After this, the user needs to go to the three stripes section, which is located to the right of all on the bottom panel;
  4. After that, click on the gear, which is located in the upper right corner. This will open the settings that the user needs to open;
  5. The top line is the activation of the black theme. We simply move the toggle switch to the activated state, thus activating the dark theme.

Note! If a person wants to go back to the white topic. Then he can simply switch the toggle switch to an inactive state in the same settings, thus changing the settings and disabling the theme.

The second method is also quite simple. For it, you just need to write “Dark theme” in the comments under any entry. It is worth noting that in this situation, the dark theme may not work. This is a backup option that is also popular among users.

Important! It is necessary to write “Dark theme” not in quotation marks, since if written this way, the system simply will not understand what you require of it. She will regard this as a normal comment.

How to make a dark background on VKontakte in a browser on a computer

This can be done using various extensions.

The most popular and stable extension is VK Helper. To install it, follow these steps:

  • go to the official website (in the screenshot below you can see what the site looks like);
  • go to the “Download” menu and select your browser to download the extension (the extension is available for such popular browsers as GoogleChrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex.Browser);
  • then you will be prompted to go to the extension page in the store, where you will need to click the “Install” button (the name may differ for different browsers);
  • after installation, the extension icon will appear in the browser toolbar (most often it is located at the top of the screen) and will look like a standard VK icon;
  • click on this icon and log into your account by entering your username and password;
  • after authorization, you will have access to the “Settings” menu, which can also be opened by clicking on the extension icon;
  • use the settings search, enter “night theme”;
  • as a result of the search, a line with the found query will appear;
  • Check the box next to “night theme” to activate the black background for VKontakte.

After you complete all the steps, your VKontakte theme will noticeably change. The very next time you log into a social network, the background color will become dark.

Another option that will allow you to transform the appearance of VKontakte in the browser window is to install an extension that automatically changes the color scheme of all sites opened by the user to dark. This extension is called Dark Reader. It is currently available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari browsers.

To install the Dark Reader extension, do the following:

  • go to the official website of the developer;
  • select which browser you want to install the extension for;
  • the site will automatically redirect you to the store, where you only need to click on the “install” button;
  • after the installation is complete, all website designs that were originally created with a predominance of light shades will automatically become dark (VKontakte too).

How to set a background image as a theme in VK

You can set a background image as a theme in VK only using the only Kate Mobile application. This utility is primarily known for the fact that you can do a lot in it that cannot be done in a standard VK. You can see more details about how this program works in this video.

First you need to download the application itself and register in it. This is necessary in order to open access to the settings. After successful authorization, we go to the settings item, and then to a special section called “Appearance”, which is responsible for how the application looks, what background the correspondence will be colored in and other additional functions.

After that, go to the “Background Images” tab and click on the checkbox. After this, the user can choose his own image or blur.

Note! The user can only see the image when the transparent background is enabled. This is a feature of the program.

Method 2. How to make VK black on your phone using the Night VK application

I write the simplest option first. This is the Night VK application.

To install the application on your phone:

  1. Go to Play Store;
  2. In the search bar, type Night VK;
  3. Install the application.

It looks like this, but I think you can’t go wrong, since this is the only application with that name.

How to make a dark background in VK

How to setup

There is no need to make any settings; the black theme is enabled by default.

What I liked

  • It simply performs its function - it makes the VK design black. Download, install and use;
  • Nice interface;

What I didn't like

  • There are advertisements that are embedded in the feed. That is, in addition to Vkontakte advertising, you will also watch Yandex Direct advertising;
  • The background is only black, there are no others yet.

How to make a background on your phone in VK using a special application

Although you cannot create a background using built-in utilities, you can download additional applications that are available to every user.

When you need to quickly change the background, you can use many applications, even try additional ones to understand which one best fits the criteria, which ones are more convenient to use, and so on.

Among the most popular are the following:

  • Night VK;
  • Kate Mobile;
  • Orbitum Browser;
  • VKFeed.

The latest program is extremely convenient, since it is an alternative client of the popular network only with additional features. Almost all programs work the same. The user needs to test which utility is more convenient for him to use. You can even find special servers that help you create a background not only for messages, but also for groups in VK and other sections.

All programs are adapted to one algorithm. They all have almost the same set of functions, so if the user understands one of them, he will automatically begin to understand all the others.

Thus, any user can quite simply and quickly change not only the theme in VK, but even change the background image, that is, so that in the correspondence there is a cute photo of him or just an interesting animation in the background of the text.


For several years he worked in mobile phone stores of two large operators. I understand tariffs well and see all the pitfalls. I love gadgets, especially Android ones.

Ask a Question

Question to the expert

Is it possible to always stay in dark mode?

Yes. It is available on an ongoing basis, even if the user does not like white solution at all. It is worth noting that this function is available only to the latest versions of the social network, so you must first install the newest version and then edit the settings.

Which background app should you choose?

Each person decides this for himself. Some people find it convenient to use one application. For some, something else is relevant and will almost always be convenient. Everything is purely individual. A person can be guided by reviews, however, it is best to focus on their own feelings when choosing a particular program.

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How to change the theme in the VK mobile application: 2 ways

Official application

There are much fewer opportunities to change the design of a VK website on a phone than on a computer. Theme designers and ready-made templates are powerless here.

However, for owners of gadgets on both Android and iOS, there is some consolation: in one of the latest updates to the VK mobile client, it became possible to change the standard theme to “dark”. This is done directly in the application settings.

Just switch to the dark theme and see how the appearance of the site has changed:


The ability to change the design of the mobile version of the social network is also available in the alternative VK Contact client for Android.


  • Install the application from Play Market.

  • Launch it and log into your account. In the Settings section, go to the Appearance tab.

  • In the next section, you can customize the color palette of the page, including choosing the shade of the fonts and the main screen panel.

In addition to the services and applications presented in the article, there are others. Many of them offer even more features, but we do not recommend trusting everything that comes to hand. Under the guise of an innocent program, malicious files can be hidden, with the help of which scammers will gain access to your VK account. If you are not 100% sure that the application is safe, do not install it, because personal data is much more important than a beautiful picture on the screen.

Other articles on the site

  • 5 ways to view deleted VKontakte messages
  • How to quickly identify a person by VKontakte ID
  • Why can’t I log into VK from my phone or computer?

The easiest way

The last update of the official VKontakte application took place in April 2021. Thanks to it, everyone can install a dark theme for themselves. For this:

  • go to the main menu;
  • select the “Settings” icon;
  • in the list that appears, click “Appearance”;
  • Click on “Dark Theme”.

How to launch a dark theme in VK on Android devices

VKontakte developers proposed the following regulations for activating the black interface.

It consists of the following:

  1. Install the latest version of the VK mobile version on your phone;
  2. Go to the official VKontakte group on Android;
  3. In the comments to the last post in the group, write “Dark theme”;
  4. The dark theme will be activated and you will see a notification similar to the following;

  5. Click on “Enable dark theme”;
  6. Switching to a dark theme will be available above the “Notifications” option in the settings of the mobile version of VK.

This method works not only with the official group, but also with other groups on VK. Therefore, in the last few days in many communities you can see a lot of “Dark Topic” comments that have gone viral.

Changing the VK background in Mozilla Firefox

In the Mozilla Firefox browser you need:

  • enter Stylish in the address bar;
  • then click “Add to Firefox”;
  • then you should install the utility and restart the computer;

To get to the “Add-ons”, you need to use the design code of the downloaded file from the site. After this, go to Stylish and click “Create a new style”, and then “For”.

You need to paste the text from the file into the window that appears. In the “Name” line you must enter the name of the topic. After this, you should restart Firefox. To change or delete, you need to right-click on the program icon, select the name of the topic and the actions that you want to perform with it.

How to change the VK interface on a computer

Most likely, you already know that in the web version of VKontakte you also do not have the ability to change the theme. But here we use a browser to open the profile. This means that you can still change the background. And for this you will need browser extensions. The list of installed extensions is in the menu. For example, in Google Chrome you can find them like this:

  1. Click the three dots at the top of the toolbar;
  2. Select "More tools";
  3. On the left side of the window, click “Extensions”;
  4. Here you can remove it if you no longer need it;
  5. In the same window at the top, select the three stripes with the cursor and the “Open store” link will appear at the bottom.

Clicking it will take you to the Chrome extensions market. In the line at the top, enter “VKontakte Background”. And opposite the extension, click the “Install” button.

Installing the extension in Google Chrome “VKontakte Background”

A small VKontakte icon will appear at the top of the browser panel. By clicking on it, a block with application settings will appear.

You can:

  • Set the time for automatic VK background change;
  • Adjust the outline of the site, add blur, stroke thickness, etc.;
  • Add transparency to the main page so that the background underneath is visible;
  • Change the pictures that are offered for the background. To do this, you need to select one of them with the cursor.

    Settings for the VKontakte Background extension

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