Let's find out how to find out your link in VK: useful tips and recommendations

Social networks in the modern world have become an integral part of virtual communication and even work. In Russia, the VKontakte service is extremely popular. This site has a simple and intuitive interface. Some people think about how to find out their link in VK. This is a simple operation, but not everyone knows how to obtain the relevant information. What tips will help you cope with the task?

Methods for obtaining data

How to find out the link to a page on the VKontakte social network? There are various options for the development of events, but even a novice PC user will be able to achieve the desired goal.

Users can find out the link to the page on VK:

  • by looking at it in the address bar;
  • by examining the user profile settings;
  • using third party sites.

The last option raises many questions. It is not the most reliable, but you can use it if you wish. The main thing is to know which web resources do not deceive users.

Possible further development of Internet addresses

The main problems of modern URLs:

  • certain encryption problems;
  • little flexibility;
  • indicating the path to unreal resources;
  • unsatisfactory work with hypertext structure;
  • imposing a hierarchical structure on Internet resources (noted by the creator of the URL).

Due to these reasons, another interpretation of the URL has been proposed, which is called PURL. According to the new standard, a slightly different approach will now be used. At the core there will be a PURL information base, where the paths and names of the required resources will have to be located.

The system will constantly check these resources and then update or delete links to them. As a result, most of the problems described above can be solved. To eliminate the remaining shortcomings, experts are still engaged in a thorough search.

The video provides useful information about the Internet. As a result of viewing it, you will be able to find out in more detail what a URL is, as well as what role it plays in the global network.

Address line

How to find out your link in VK? The first and simplest scenario is to study the address bar of the browser. It displays the page the user is currently on.

Instructions for obtaining information about the address of a profile on the VKontakte social network look like this:

  1. Open vk.com.
  2. Indicate the data from your profile in the authorization log.
  3. Click on the “My Page” menu item.

After this, an address like vk.com/id***** will appear in the address bar of the browser, where id***** is the user ID. The entire line together is the address of the user's profile.

How to copy a link to VK from a computer

If a person wants to share some information from the Internet, then he needs to know how to copy the address of this page. A link is a unique set of symbols that leads to specific information on the World Wide Web. The VK website belongs to the same category, therefore it provides the opportunity to share music, a public post or a photo through a short URL. To do this, you only need access to the Internet and any of the following browsers:

  • Chrome from Google;
  • Yandex browser;
  • Opera;
  • Edge from Microsoft;
  • FireFox.

To your profile

Each page on a social network has its own unique ID or letter signature. In one of the updates, the administration allowed turning a numeric address into meaningful words. One option is to write to the person what appears in the address bar of the browser after vk.com/. There is an easier way to copy the link to your profile from VK:

  1. Launch any browser, open your page.
  2. At the top of Internet Explorer, in the address bar, select all content.
  3. Right-click and select “Copy”. You can use the combination ctrl+C for.
  4. Next, open a communication window (mail, contact, Skype, etc.) and paste the link.

To post

Groups and public pages often post interesting news and materials that they would like to share with friends. In addition to the usual repost to your page, you can send an active link to this post. This will allow you to send it by mail or other messenger. To do this, you need to copy the link address using the following algorithm:

  1. Open VK through a browser.
  2. Go to the group or public page with the required post.
  3. Under the title of the post there is a hyperlink in the form of the date of publication, click on it.
  4. The post will open in the additional interface.
  5. Copy the link from the address bar and send it through a program convenient for you.

On the picture

VK users post a lot of photos every day, and some of them deserve the special attention of your friends. There are 2 ways to copy a link to a photo. The first one is done like this:

  1. Open the photo album with the desired photo.
  2. Click it, then find the “Open original” hyperlink below the photo.
  3. The image will appear in a new tab in full size. Click on it with the right mouse button.
  4. Select "Copy URL".
  5. Send it in a convenient way using ctrl+V.

Second option:

  1. Open the image.
  2. Next, you need to copy the content from the browser's address bar.
  3. Paste it into a message to the right person.
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To music

You can send a song to another VK user through the functionality of the service itself. If your friend is not registered on VK, you will have to make an effort to copy the link to the music. Follow the following algorithm:

  1. Open the page with the audio recording through your browser.
  2. Next, you need to right-click and select the option to view the source code of the page. In the Opera browser, the line is called “View element code”, Edge – “Check element”, Yandex Browser – “Examine element”, Chrome – “View code”.
  3. An additional menu will appear on the right or bottom; you need to select the panel tab called “Network”.
  4. Start the required audio recording.
  5. In the “Network” field, press the Ctrl+F button combination. An additional search bar will appear on the content page.
  6. Enter “mp3”, the line of code that is a link to the song will be highlighted.
  7. All you have to do is copy the address of the audio recording and send it to the right person. To do this, right-click on the highlighted line, point to “Copy” and click “Copylinkaffress”.

VK group link

Links to public pages have the same appearance as to a personal profile. The VK address is written, and then the digital ID or letter name of the group. The algorithm for copying a link is as follows:

  1. Open your browser and go to the group you are interested in.
  2. At the top of Internet Explorer, copy the content from the address bar.
  3. Paste using ctrl+v and send in a way convenient for you.

Profile Settings

How to find out your link in VK? The second technique is working with the user profile settings. This technique is only suitable for obtaining information about your page. You won’t be able to check other people’s profiles in this way.

To view the address of a page on the VKontakte social network, the user is recommended to:

  1. Go to your page on vk.com. To do this, you need to use the authorization log.
  2. Click on the downward arrow in the upper right corner. It is located near the person’s avatar thumbnail and is responsible for opening the functional menu.
  3. Select “Settings” from the list that appears.
  4. Switch to the "General" section. It is enabled by default.
  5. Scroll to the very end of the page and look at the “Page Address” block. The necessary information will be displayed here.

If desired, the user will be able to come up with a unique name for his profile in Latin in the appropriate block. It will be displayed instead of the ID page.

How URLs came to be

To obtain information about what the structures in question are and for what purpose they were developed, you should familiarize yourself with a little history.

From the information presented above, you can find out that the URL is the address of a specific Internet resource. It is necessary to search for it on the global network. For the first time, close attention to URLs began to be paid in Geneva. It was created in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee.

Initially, the URL was used to indicate the location of specific files on the global network, and only then was its maximum convenience assessed. With their help, most of the Internet resources used were designated. After time has passed, the URL has been replaced with a URI. In specialized literature, this construction also helps determine the location of a resource using symbols.

The URL contains not only the name of a specific site, but also its location. URNs are also used, which are just the name or address of a specific resource. URI includes URL and URN. This design was also created in the same 1990.

Work on it was completed only in 1994. A more modern version of the URI only became available in 1998. In 2002, information appeared that the term URL was considered not entirely modern and it was advisable to use URI instead. This designation for the location of files on the network began to be used in Geneva, namely at CERN.

Third party services

How to find out your link in VK? You can use third-party services with social network databases. For example, to the VKFaces website. With its help, you can view your profile on the mentioned social network for free.

The best way to do it is like this:

  1. Open any search engine. For example, Google.
  2. Type a query in the search bar consisting of the data of the person you are looking for and the command “Watch VKFaces”.
  3. Review the search results and click on the appropriate link.
  4. Examine the user ID.

As soon as the user knows the page ID, he can imagine what the profile address looks like. Namely - vk.com/id*****.

URL address - what is it?

“URL address” is the location of a specific Internet resource. It means a document, image or website that is located on the Internet on a server. While the “server” is a remote storage where various information is located. It has a kind of cabinet in which you can place personal items for storage, and then take them out for use at any time. Using the same principle, information is placed on the server and, if necessary, can be obtained from it.

Using a URL address on the global network, you can find a specific resource. For example, to display the URL of a specific page on the Internet, you will need to find its primary file, namely the code. Thanks to the URL address, users can quickly find out in which “closet” their “things” are stored in the form of a site.

The same goes for the URL of any document or image. These files are saved in a certain place, and more specifically on the server. Using a URL, you can easily find out the address of the required server. Each of them has its own and completely unique structure.

That is, a URL can be deciphered as a universal resource locator, namely a Universal Resource Locator. It denotes the address of the server on which a specific Internet resource is located.

In the figure you can trace the hierarchy from the end server to regular user computers. At the top there is a server with the required resource, and at the bottom there are computers. In between there are additional servers.

Encoding and Decoding

So, you understand perfectly well what a website URL is and how important it is for it to be readable, but what to do if you receive a link from someone with a sequence of percentages, zeros, E, B, D and other letters, and you need normal way?

In such a situation, decryption is required, for which there are special online services. Just go to one of them and:

  1. Paste the sequence of characters into the appropriate menu window.
  2. Click on the “Decode” button (or something similar) and you get a beautiful CNC, already written in Cyrillic.

If you are developing your blog, know that Runet users prefer it when the text in locators is in Russian, but only a few users will specifically translate “…/%D1%A3%D0%C0%D3%…”, especially through third-party services . Therefore, it is better to create all links in Latin, for which the CMS provides transliteration plugins.


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How to find out a friend's ID? How to find out someone else's ID?

Go to this person's page and you will see his ID in the address that the browser shows. If the address is not visible on your phone, you can click on the address bar at the top, select the entire address and paste it somewhere (for example, into a new note). We have already figured out that an ID is part of the address of a person’s page on VK. For example, if the address of someone else's page is like this:


...then here id126494354 is someone else’s ID. By the way, we know how to find a person by VKontakte ID.

To find out a person’s ID in the VK mobile application, you can go to his page and through the additional menu (usually looks like an ellipsis) select “Share”, and then open it in the browser or copy and then paste it somewhere and look.

Types of URLs

Knowing what a site URL is, you need to understand what its options are in principle:

  • Static - the content of the page is not expected to change in the future.
  • Dynamic - generating various information based on sent requests; The closest analogy to help better understand its role and meaning would be a navigation tool or a search form.
  • With a session identifier - with a counter, the readings of which increase with each new visit (download of content).

The simplest and most common is the first type: it is used by novice webmasters, and in this review we mainly consider it.


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After the “copy-paste” operation, you may see not a CNC or a short link, but a set of characters (sometimes a whole canvas for a paragraph) like “https://ru.imgbb.com/%D1%A3%D0%C0%D3%... " You already know how to find out your URL and how to get someone else’s, but what does the URL presented in this form mean? This is also an address, it’s just that non-standard characters were used when writing it, and the Internet recoded them in its own way so that the computer could contact the server and download the necessary information. And he did it in two steps:

  • first encrypted characters, numbers and letters into Unicode;
  • then converted this sequence of bytes into hexadecimal.

Modern browsers also perform encoding (automatically and in advance) in Base58 - precisely so that users immediately copy correct and logically understandable links.

Website URL - what is it?

URL is the location of a specific (relevant for you) web resource on the Internet. A set of documents, images and other data located on a server, that is, on a remote storage and available (received) at the user’s request.

Why is it needed? To use it to find an online store, a blog post, a profile on a social network. It’s the same story with individual photos, text blocks and other files - you can download them to your computer, laptop or mobile device by specifying their location on the Internet.

The situation becomes even clearer if you look at what a URL means, or rather, how the abbreviation stands for. Under these three letters lies the definition of Universal (Uniform) Resource Locator, that is, the Universal Resource Locator is a link to the server containing the necessary data. In addition, the URL allows you to visually trace the entire existing hierarchy - from the storage to the PC (or other equipment) of a specific user, and vice versa.




How URLs appeared

Let's take a look at the history of its origin. This will help you understand what the URL is. It first became the subject of discussion in 1990 in Geneva. A group of programmers was led by the now famous Tim Berners-Lee; they were looking for an ideal solution - how to make it possible to quickly and conveniently set the location of files on the Internet. The solution was found in the URL.

Over time, developers began to designate the location of all created web resources with other identifiers. In 1990, the URI was introduced - a universal pointer that performs the same function as a URL, but using characters and with a URN particle, that is, with a name construct. Debugging and improvement of innovations continued until 1994; in 1998, a modernized version of URI appeared; in 200, the term was established at CERN as the most accurate. But it is the URL that remains in wide use.

What information does a URL contain?

In general, it contains information that allows you to accurately determine the location of the desired file (or a set of files), as well as the features of access to them. These are the requested data characteristics, indicators sent to the server, and a link to some part of the documents. They go in a strictly defined sequence.

A clear structure has been introduced to ensure that each individual link is, firstly, working, and secondly, easy to read and understandable not only for the webmaster, but also for an experienced user. This is why a limited set of characters is allowed.

Page URL parameters are...

Let's figure out what a URL consists of - it is formed by the following identifiers:

  • <method> - network protocol, that is, a list of instructions that opens access to the current resource;
  • <login> - the account (name) of someone who visits the site and wants to obtain certain rights;
  • <host> - server location in the DNS system or, alternatively, IP;
  • <password> - a set of letters and numbers to confirm your login;
  • <port> - specifics (slots) of connection to the host;
  • <path> - specifies a specific location for the required files, with a complete hierarchy based on the “user-server” principle;
  • <parameters> - functions responsible for the availability and safety of internal data.

You should also separate the “query string,” which contains what the user enters, and the “anchor,” which refers to a particular part (collection) of documents.

URL structure

Let's look at what a page URL is from a site-building point of view. This is a set of indicators, the first of which is perhaps the most important - the protocol that allows access through a browser. There are several families of them - TCP/IP, MPLS, ATM and others - but hypertext HTTP is considered the most popular, although in recent years they have increasingly been switching to HTTPS with its secure connection (it is especially relevant in the situation with online stores, specialized forums and other portals working with the transfer of personal data).

After https:// or a similar identifier comes a domain name - the unique name of a web resource, indicated both with www and without it. It is important to remember: if you implement both options, search engines will perceive the two sites as mirrors of each other, which will somewhat complicate the SEO promotion of each of them (not to mention the possible uneven distribution of the link mass from donors, but we will not delve into the nuances).

In general, the domain is the host. Well, what comes after it is the CNC, that is, the human-readable URL of the page, and what is it from the point of view of website building? Nothing more than a clarifying path to the file. If it is not freely available, to obtain it you will need to enter a login with a password and, possibly, a port (if it is not the standard one specified by default).

After all the sections that determine the location of the required resource, the generated locators are written with GET parameters separated by “&”. To improve navigation, to refer a forum or blog visitor to a specific paragraph of text or functional block, an anchor with a hash is used.

For clarity, to better understand what a page URL looks like, what it means, and so on, we present you with a diagram of its formation:

<method>:[//[<login>:<password>@]<host>[:<port>]][/]<path>[?<parameters>][#< anchor>]

The link corresponds to it:


Using special characters in URLs

Not all elements can be entered in the universal index; the following are allowed:

  • letters of the Latin alphabet (English alphabet);
  • figures and numbers (the maximum length of which should not exceed 255 positions);
  • some punctuation marks (in particular, underscores and hyphens);
  • slash, that is, “/”.

The fairly common ligature originally from Germany or the superscript Spanish tilde are not used. But it is possible and even useful to indicate:

  • ? - separates blocks,
  • & - delimits parameters,
  • : — emphasizes the end of the protocol and the beginning of the next locator,
  • # - helps to access a specific location in a file,
  • = - allows you to see the difference between a variable and its value,
  • @ - required for entering registration data and transferring using the mailto method.

What does a site URL that has “%” every 2 characters mean? This is an example of partial (modified) use of Cyrillic or other alphabets, rather than Latin or English.

URL format

In the vast majority of cases, a tree-like system is relevant, the key headings of which are nested with smaller subsections, and the last element (of the smallest order) is usually the necessary content.

Let’s analyze the situation using an example (and at the same time we’ll fix the structure).

Let's take std17.com/blog/pochemu-nuzhno-delat-sajt-na-wordpress:

  1. std17.com is the domain that leads to the main page;
  2. blog is a strictly defined section of a web resource (here a blog with interesting posts), structurally subordinate to (1);
  3. pochemu-nuzhno-delat-sajt-na-wordpress is the final article nested in (2), to which the full link leads.
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