How to find out how old I am in VK: little tricks for users

The social network VKontakte does not allow you to easily find out the date of appearance of an account - your own or another participant. However, it may be necessary to “scout” the time of profile creation. For example, if someone asks you to be your friend and you need to determine whether this is a real person or a fake account.

Exact information about the date of appearance of the accounts is available on the official web resource of the VK social network. You can obtain information yourself or using services that allow you to determine the creation date of even blocked or deleted accounts.


How to see the creation date of a VK page

How to see the creation date of a VK page? To determine when a person’s page was created, you need to:

  1. Go to the website, indicate the address of the user’s page in the appropriate field and click on the “Determine registration date” button;

  2. After which the site will display the date the page was created, as well as a lot of interesting information, such as the period of use, and, in addition, will build a schedule for adding friends.

Now you know where to look at the date of registration in VK for yourself and another user using a link to the page.

How to find out how many years you have been in VK

How to find out how many years you have been in VK ? To do this, you can use another free service - In principle, today this is the easiest way to find out how many years you have been registered in VK.

To do this you will need:

  1. Go to the website, enter a link to your or someone else’s VKontakte page and click on the “Determine registration date” button;

  2. After which this service will show when the VK page was created.

It should be noted that each of the two services listed here often have problems determining the registration date of users who have changed the ID number of their page. In this case, you can simply find out the real ID number of any user and determine the date of his registration, that is, you can check the date of creation of someone else’s page in VK . Now you know how the VK page is checked on the registration date.

Special Applications

Surely you have heard about third-party services like shostak ru vk - you can find out the registration date of a VKontakte page with their help, but since the method is unofficial, we will not claim that it is 100% safe. And we'll tell you about it a little later.

We do not recommend using third-party applications, as in some cases accounts are hacked this way by scammers, or a virus gets onto the device. Of course, there are proven resources, but the risk still remains.

There are a great many applications on the Internet, we will focus on two of them: “YAVKontakte” and “I’m online” (“Who visited”).


The YAVKontakte mobile application has quite good reviews - it is freely available on the Internet, here is the link: But it looks quite strange, so the positive reviews of it are somewhat confusing.

Immediately after logging in, in the right corner of the screen you will see a counter that will show how many days you have been a user of this social network. This method, of course, answers the question “how to find out when a page is registered on VK,” but it does not provide information about other people’s profiles. Is this data reliable? You will have to trust the developers of YaVKontakte, who assure that the numbers are accurate and truthful.

“I’m online” (“Who came in”)

“I’m online” (its other name is “Who came in”) is an application that you can find on the VK website itself. So the moderators of the social network are responsible for its safety. To find it, you need to start entering the phrase “Who came in” in the game section in the search bar.

  • To start, click on the icon;
  • On the page that opens, click “Run”;

  • After you close a bunch of advertising blocks, you will see on the screen the date of registration of your page in VK.
  • If you want to find out the registration date of a friend’s VK page, then click on the “Check VKontakte date” button and enter the link (or select a friend’s account).

  • All the necessary information will be displayed on the screen.

How to view the registration date in VK through a browser

To use this method, you will need to go to the source code of the social network page using any familiar browser on a PC or mobile device. This method requires somewhat more effort compared to the previous ones, but at the same time it allows you to find out the registration date of a user’s VKontakte page without the need to use third-party sites and applications.

How to find out the registration date of a VKontakte user through the source code of the social network page:

  • Copy the link below and paste it into the address bar of the browser, while inserting the identifier (id) or the address of the page of interest instead of brackets ID);
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  • Next, you need to use a hotkey combination that opens the source code of the page. To do this, press Ctrl + U;
  • In the source code that opens, you can see the registration date of the VKontakte user, indicated in a line similar to the one shown below.

Unfortunately, this method does not allow you to find out the registration date of a deleted VKontakte page, and in general, it does not always work and requires additional time-consuming manipulations. Don’t despair, one of the proposed methods will show the necessary information anyway.

How to independently determine the registration date

There is an option with which the user can independently determine the number and time of registration on the VKontakte , without resorting to the services of third-party services. This method may require additional knowledge and time as it is more labor intensive.

All resources determine the date of page creation through a special file with personal information about the account owner. This document is located on the official website of the XML file with FOAF information. In order to view the registration date, you must indicate the ID number of the account owner in the appropriate place. Let's look at how to do this:

  1. First of all, you need to open the link >Ctrl + U .
  2. There is a line in the code where YYYY-MM-DD is the year, month and day, HH:MM:SS is the hours, minutes and seconds, and +HH:MM is the time zone. This is the exact date and time of creation of the user page.

There are situations in which it is not possible to determine the account creation date using this method. For example, this is not possible if the person deleted the account. However, it will still be calculated based on data about neighboring user IDs whose registration date is known.

Third party services

The social network “ VKontakte ” does not provide its clients with the opportunity to see the registration date of their page or friends’ profiles. However, this information is stored on network servers. This allowed people to create many third-party services to determine the exact number and time of creation of VKontakte . The operation of these services is based on determining a unique client id number.

Today on the Internet there are many different services for determining the registration date of a VK . They differ from each other in the set of additional features, but the principle of their operation is the same, and it is closely related to the client identification number. Basically, such services do not allow one to determine the date of registration of various publics and groups on the VKontakte .

How to find out the group registration date

There are similar services for this purpose, for example,

Here you need to enter a link to the community and press the Find out button. We checked - the program works honestly, although it responsibly warns that with old groups that are more than 6 years old, it may make mistakes.

If you are wondering whether it is possible to change the date of registration on VKontakte, we will answer - it is impossible, any offers received to you with a promise to perform such an action should be considered as potential fraud. Be careful!

So, summing up all of the above, we will draw the following conclusion: the best way to see when a person registered in VKontakte is to go to online services with proven reputations (indicated in the article - that’s what they are). The action is free, fast and correct. We hope the article was useful to you and you were able to find out the birthdays of the profiles of each of your friends.

On the site

Many users block access to their contact lists, hobbies and other data, but rarely does anyone hide a wall. According to statistics, the vast majority of people publish a note or post-greeting on the day of registration in VK. Therefore, theoretically, if you scroll down the wall to the first publication, you will be able to find out the registration date of the desired profile.

What are the disadvantages of this method?

  1. If your candidate is actively fasting on the wall, you will have to scroll down for a very long time, and the end of the thread may not be found;
  2. It is quite possible that the person published their first note on a different day - that is, you will not be able to know whether the information you received was accurate;
  3. Some people don’t post anything on their wall at all, which means this method won’t work in this case;
  4. Or the person could have deleted his first post—you have no way of knowing about that either. Or he could have cleaned the wall altogether.

By viewing the VK page code

How to find out the VKontakte registration date using the page code

The method may seem complicated, but in reality it does not present any difficulty even to a person far from such things. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions below:

  1. open the user page you are interested in;
  2. in another browser tab, enter (“your_ID” replace with the person’s ID from the link to his profile);
  3. You will see a page with just one line containing the last name and first name of the account owner;
  4. now right-click “ View page code ” or call it with the key combination CTRL+U ;
  5. the new page will contain encrypted user information, you need to find the line containing " created dc:date" ;
  6. the numbers after this inscription will be the exact moment the person appeared on VKontakte, for example: 2010-04-02T06:13:59+03:00.

This means that the account was created on April 2, 2010 at 06:13 am. The good thing about this method is that it allows you to quickly obtain reliable information without resorting to outside resources.

Remember, if you receive an offer to change your VKontakte registration number, this is fraud. The fact is that no one has the right to make adjustments to the social network databases. The registration date remains for the entire duration of the account and even after it is blocked.

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Find out the age of your profile

All information regarding the moment of registration of a VKontakte user is stored in a special database of the social network. Anyone can see when their friend created a page. To do this, you only need an ID number, we discussed how to find it earlier, or a direct link to the account you are interested in. The requester receives absolutely reliable and accurate information: date and time of appearance on the social network, age of the page.

If the profile is already blocked by then, the data received will be approximate. The system will determine the likely registration time based on adjacent ID numbers.

A simple way to see when your own VK account was created:

  1. go to your page;
  2. install the Tool 42 application;
  3. click “Registration date”;
  4. the date of creation of the social network account, the number of years and days will appear on the screen;
  5. If you wish, share the information received on your wall or in your VKontakte story.

Please note that this application has many additional features. Using the service, you can check who added you to the blacklist, history statistics and walls. It is also possible to see who has visited the site recently, get lists of friends, etc.

It is worth noting that this method only applies to your own page. It will not be possible to check when another user registered. There are other methods for this, which we will discuss below.

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