How to make VK invisible on iPhone? How to enable stealth mode on VKontakte on iPhone?

VFeed is an alternative client for VKontakte, which includes various interesting additional functions: - Selecting navigation in the application - Bulk forwarding of messages - Spoken messages in the voice of Robot Maxim - Determining the hidden age of the user - Changing accounts - Spying on friends - Password to enter the application - Thematic selection of publics by topic - Ability to create your own thematic collections from publics - customizable font - design customization - ability to leave messages unread and hide typing Regarding the invisible mode: We would like to say right away that invisible in the sense in which it was previously works more Nor will those applications that promise you full-fledged invisibility - they are simply deceivers. Because now, whenever you send a message, or reload the news feed (as well as many other actions), you will appear online. This does not depend on us, so there is no point in giving bad ratings, VK just changed their policy regarding invisibility and now you won’t be able to be completely invisible. What modes are there in our application: 1) Invisibility In which, every time you updated the feed, you sent a message - VK will give you the “Online” status, after which we will immediately set you to the “Offline” status, so if someone opens your page at this moment, it will indicate “visited 1-2 seconds ago” 2) Standard Standard mode - normal mode, as in the official client. In addition, in the online settings you can configure whether to read messages or leave them unread, and whether the interlocutor sees that you are typing We are on VKontakte

Stealth apps for iPhone

Now let's look at other applications that are created specifically for this purpose. They are similar in operating principle; if there are any differences, they are minor.

Swest Feed

This program is very well executed, and at the same time very simple. You download it from the App Store, log in, log in, and then you need to turn on the switch to select invisible mode. After this, you will be hidden from others and almost all functions will be available to you. There is one drawback - you will see the most popular news and correspondence, but music and videos will be completely unavailable. But overall, the application meets the requirements and is liked by many.


This application is very similar in design and interface to the standard vkontakte client for iphone. You download it from the App Store, log in and use the client as usual. The advantages are the Dating section, the ability to create multi-accounts, and you can quickly switch between them. There are also a lot of creative and interesting design solutions.

Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that if someone visits your page, they will see the inscription “Online just now.” Also, in the regular version, when you repost, you will be shown advertising. The news block also looks a little different than the original. But basically the program fully meets the expectations and required tasks.

Working with this application is no different from those discussed above. You install it, log in, and use incognito mode. The downside is that only the most popular dialogues will be available here.

Part 1: What is iPhone incognito mode

Incognito mode is a private browsing experience that leaves no trace of your site browsing. When Incognito mode is active on your iPhone, website records, cookies, and anything related to your privacy are not saved. It can erase temporary data captured by iPhone while browsing.

Incognito mode offers one easy way to prevent Safari or Google Chrome from saving any web pages, images, or cookies on iPhone. This is an easy way to avoid logging your browsing history. Not all privacy modes are created equal. Most private browsing settings do not save browsing history, cookies, search records, passwords, personal information, etc. But there are differences between Safari's incognito mode and Google's browser.


Developer/Publisher: Alexey Alabin Version: 1.0 iPhone + iPod touch: Free

The last messenger for today is called Segreto. Among all the safe and secure applications of this kind, this is the most original. The fact is that no one else will see your correspondence with a friend or girlfriend that takes place within the framework of this program. She just doesn't make it into the social media story. The implementation and the issue of privacy are interesting.

There are also standard features: startup password, invisibility mode. The interface is simple and quite pleasant. Overall, a great messenger, unless you're worried about your messages getting past the social network's servers, although that's still questionable.

This concludes our tour of messengers for the VKontakte social network. Of the six applications reviewed, I would like to especially note Swist and VChate - these are the most comprehensive and comprehensive communication solutions. Moreover, one of them is free, and the other will require 99 rubles. Both options have their advantages and special features that you may need. Note that only one application offers iPad support - VSecurity. In addition, it would be appropriate to say that the official client of the social network performs the functions of a messenger quite well, but with some reservations, which the applications discussed above do not have.

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