The article has been updated. First published: January 18, 2021 Hello. Today we will tackle a difficult topic:
We block from the user’s page Black List (ES) - a list of pages of those people you
The social network VKontakte has personal recommendations. This is content selected taking into account the interests of each individual
We make your page interesting and encourage subscribers to visit your page more often or
A phone number is inextricably linked with a huge amount of information about each person. It is enough that
Rules and features that need to be taken into account The huge social network VKontakte has a special section
Updated September 24, 2021 Hello, dear readers of the blog. Quite often when communicating in
Back in 2021, VKontakte developers introduced the “Voice Messages” function, which literally changed the use
Live broadcast on VK is a popular option that gradually began to be introduced in 2021
December 7, 2021 Social network VKontakte If you are the owner of your own community, you have probably heard