To register on a social network, you will almost certainly need a mobile number, but not all users
Features VK is the largest social network in the CIS. It is especially popular among young people.
The social network VKontakte may not provide the group the user is looking for. By clicking a hyperlink that leads to
The main activity of free time on VKontakte is viewing the news feed, namely the content published
Many of us have our own VK page. Here we communicate with friends, read
How to change the main photo in contact via phone? Once upon a time, you could change the home page using a smartphone
Theme for the social network VKontakte: what is it? The VK theme is the design of a social website
Who are the subscribers in Contact on the page? Previously, in order to somehow contact
Setting marital status on VKontakte, or simply SP for short, is a common practice for the vast majority
It is advisable to remove unsuccessful or low-quality videos from your channel. They just collect bad grades