IMHO - what is this in youth slang? Decoding, translation, features of using the abbreviation

In this article, psychologist Anna Evlitskaya answers the question “What does mmm mean in correspondence with a girl?”

“Hmm” and “mmm” are sounds that indicate that a person is thinking about what you said. At the same time, “hmm” is most often associated with the fact that he is somewhat surprised, and “mmm” - that he understood what you were talking about and was pleasantly surprised.

“Hmm” and “mmm” - this is how people who, in my opinion, write, are underdeveloped.

Mmm, this generally reminds me of the bleating of a sheep, an animal.

These people have forgotten how to communicate in Russian.

There are those who can’t even write letters, only emoticons.

Mmm - the person is interested in you, licks his lips in anticipation.

Hmm, who the hell knows. You need to ask these degenerates.

Hmm means “I’m wondering,” “I’m surprised,” “I’m puzzled.”

And mmm means “I feel good”, “I enjoy”, “I want this”, “This is tempting”.

Mmm they say when they tried some food and found it very tasty.

On the Internet, this is usually said when they see something tempting or tasty (for example, a photo of food).

What does MM mean in Roman numerals?

In addition to the widespread Arabic numerals, which are now used almost everywhere - from mathematics to computer science - in certain areas Roman numerals are used, which are nothing more than letters that have been assigned a certain numerological meaning. In particular, Roman numerals are used to write in such cases:

  • Divisions on the watch dial;
  • Centuries and millennia in European chronology (for example, the 19th century, not the 19th century);
  • Number of the monarch in the dynasty;
  • Book volume numbers;
  • Designation of the month when recording a date, etc.

The Latin letter M stands for the number 1000, as it comes from the word mille

"(cf. the word "
" - millennium). The number MM thus stands for 2000 in Arabic notation.

Roman numerals

Modern dialects in Internet correspondence

It's no secret that all modern teenagers who have social networks have long known some dialect words. They were invented on the Internet, basically they just simplify some lengthy phrases or words that are long and sometimes you’re just too lazy to type them in their entirety. Most of them were borrowed from English, so they simply began to be written in transliteration. There is a small list of such words:

  • Shk - school;
  • Rd - parents;
  • Др — birthday;
  • Ng - new year;
  • Go or go - let's go;
  • Please - please;
  • AIF is an Apple iPhone phone.

Who is Marilyn Manson?

American performer, world-class star, Marilyn Manson (or, for short, MM) was born in the worst corner of his country, in a town whose population does not even reach one hundred thousand. His father, a German, was engaged in the furniture business, which brought in a relatively good income. However, for Brian Warner (that’s the singer’s real name), his childhood years were not a time of fairy tales, but of horror - and all because of the perverted addictions of his grandfather. All this greatly influenced his subsequent work and the content of his songs.

Warner chose his pseudonym as a combination of the name of the socialite Marilyn Monroe and the surname of the maniac Charles Manson. The artist's posters and logos contain clear references to horror films and thrillers. The concerts are full of unconventional antics with pyrotechnics, nudity, and liquid that looks like blood. All this appealed not only to the American audience, but also to millions of fans around the world.

Marilyn Manson is the leader of the musical group of the same name, which traces its history back to 1989. Although at first the group did not have a distinct frontman, after some time Marilyn eclipsed everyone thanks to his unique charisma.

Marilyn Manson in life

Mm – abbreviated name of the unit of measurement

But mm, as a mathematical unit, can also be different:

  1. mm water column is a unit of measurement of pressure, this is the pressure that a column of water 1 mm long exerts on a plane at a temperature of 4 ° C;
  2. mm of mercury is used in metrology, vacuum technology and in measuring blood pressure, 1 mm of mercury is equal to 133.322 pascals or 1.332 * 10 -3 bar;
  3. In metrology, mm, in addition to millimeter of mercury, is used when measuring precipitation, and then a combination of mm of precipitation is used.

What albums did Manson release?

Over the years of activity, Marilyn Manson managed to release nine albums (translated titles in Russian):

  1. "Portrait of an American Family";
  2. "Anarchist Superstar"
  3. "Mechanical Animals";
  4. "Sacred Forest (In the Shadow of Death Valley)";
  5. "The Golden Age of the Grotesque";
  6. "Eat Me, Drink Me";
  7. "Edge of the Low";
  8. "Born Villain";
  9. "The puny emperor."

Total sales amount to fifty million copies. Several albums were awarded platinum and gold titles, and Manson himself was recognized as one of the greatest personalities from the world of hard rock.

Marilyn Manson's first album

Origin and decoding of the abbreviation IMHO

IMHO - what does this mean, and where did this abbreviation come from? Perhaps this is one of the most popular abbreviations used on the Internet when writing comments, reviews, and personal messages. What does this mean IMHO?

The abbreviation IMHO came to us from America, where it became popular many years ago. Despite the fact that there are fundamental differences between the English and Russian sound of the decoding of this abbreviation, in Russia they decided not to change anything - simply rewrite the abbreviation in Cyrillic. Thus, in the comments you can find both the original version IMHO and the domestic version - IMHO.

Decoding the abbreviation IMHO

How does IMHO stand for? To find out, you need to turn to the original language. In English, the abbreviation IMHO stands for In my humble opinion. Translated into Russian, this abbreviation translates as “in my humble opinion.”

Remarkable. As we noted earlier, there is no Russian equivalent to the IMHO abbreviation. The abbreviation in English “in my humble opinion” sounds like IMHO due to the peculiarities of decoding the abbreviation. If you come up with a Russian equivalent, it will sound like PMSM. Agree, the option is not as harmonious as IMHO.

Despite the above information, there is another way to interpret what the IMHO expression is on the Internet. This variation is more suitable for those who like to argue on forums or on social networks with other participants in the dialogue. Used in an offensive context and in an arrogant, peremptory tone.

So, what else does IMHO mean on social media? The second decoding of this abbreviation is “I have an opinion, you can’t argue with it.” As you can see, this abbreviation is interpreted differently by each user. Now let's find out why, how and where this letter combination is used.

See also:

  • “What are proof and prooflink” link
  • “What is a bot and how do chatbots work” here

Who is Marshall Mathers?

However, it was not only Marilyn Manson who usurped the abbreviation “MM”. Under these letters lies another musician, at least as important as him. We are talking about the legendary star of the 2000s - Eminem. Detroit rapper Marshall Mathers took his pseudonym directly from the first letters of his first and last names, and the result was “M&M” - pronounced “Em-and-em”, which was later shortened to “Eminem”.

The popularity of this performer is truly extraordinary - his significance is recognized not only by crowds of fans around the world, but - no less important - by a reputable expert community. He is the winner of the prestigious Grammy Award in the American music industry, and has been crowned with laurels by journalists from Billboard and Rolling Stone. He is called one of the hundred greatest living artists.

The reasons for this success are simple:

  • Eminem is a master of versification; it costs him nothing to change a word so that it fits perfectly into a rhyme;
  • Before acting as an independent creator, Mathers thoroughly studied the work of other hip-hop artists: this allowed him, on the one hand, not to reinvent the wheel in terms of music, and on the other, to develop his own unique style;
  • Eminem's lyrics are full of humor, satire and self-irony. He casts an ironic light on both public problems and his own, sparing neither the President of the United States nor his wife.

Marshall Mathers or Eminem

What is mm yy on a Sberbank card?

The designation “mm yy” on the Sberbank card indicates the expiration date of the payment instrument. “MM” is the month, and “YY” is the year when the card will become invalid and will no longer be accepted at ATMs and cash desks of financial institutions.

Why is it necessary to indicate the end of the action?

“Mm yy” of plastic is necessary to know. Inattentive holders are often faced with the fact that they want to make a payment transaction, but discover that this is unrealistic. You have to waste time visiting the bank and figuring out where it would be more convenient to withdraw funds from a credit card account whose service life has come to an end.

What does mm mean? years?

Most cards are issued for 36 months. There is also plastic that will last 5 years. Deadlines are set based on considerations of safety and practicality. With frequent use, plastic tools quickly become unusable.

The means of payment indicate mm yy so that the owner can worry about reissue in advance.

If you go to the bank at the right time, you won’t have to go back to cash, which almost all debit card and credit card holders have gotten used to.

Fundamentally: the phrase “VALID THRU”, which can often be seen next to the month and year, means inclusive, in other words, during the indicated “mm” you can continue to use it. This is exactly the month during which you need to order a new credit card.

Where on the map are mm placed? years?

Card holders who have many years of experience using them know where mmy is located. For beginners, finding a suitable mark is often problematic.


The brainchild of the Soviet automobile industry

A car from the Gorky Automobile Plant, produced in the 30s and 40s of the last century, had the “MM” marking. Its carrying capacity reached one and a half tons, fuel consumption was 20 liters per hundred. Thanks to its unpretentiousness, ease of maintenance and relative ease of repair, it has earned the affectionate nickname “Gazik” among the people. In total, about a million cars were produced, and more than a hundred thousand cars went through the entire Great Patriotic War, which makes “MM” one of the symbols of Victory.

In more than ten years, the following modifications of the popular car have rolled off the assembly line:

  • The main model produced until 1941;
  • Dump truck;
  • Version with wood-burning engine;
  • With an engine running on liquefied gas;
  • With a “caterpillar” instead of wheels;
  • SUV;
  • Bus;
  • Ambulance.

GAZ MM - first photos

Rules of etiquette for written communication

In modern society, Internet communication, unfortunately, has become much more than in real life, so the so-called etiquette of communication within the Internet was created. These rules are absolutely simple, they will help you to rewrite easily. One of the important rules of communication on the Internet is that if a person has not been online for a long time, then it is better not to write him a huge mountain of messages and hope for his quick response. In such cases, it is advised to immediately call the person by phone.

It is not recommended to rush an unfamiliar interlocutor too much with an answer; this is incorrect. In order for your pen pal to better understand the meaning of the text, it is better to write short messages and to the point, then unnecessary questions will not arise. Also, before sending your message, you should definitely check the punctuation and grammar, because no one will want to communicate with an illiterate person for a long time. None of the interlocutors will be happy if their friend takes too long to respond to a message. About the rules of etiquette, on the Internet it is best to give an answer to your pen pal within one day, even if he is not “online”.

What does mm mean in correspondence?

Sometimes, when sending each other online messages, we cannot find the words to explain our feelings and emotions. For example, when we get mm instead of an answer, how should we react?

Here are some possible interpretations:

  • The interlocutor writes to you that the recipe for the dish that you suggested to him turned out to be wonderful: “Mm, thanks for the recipe, the dish turned out to be what I needed!” It means: “I eat, I smack my lips with pleasure, and I like it.”
  • You suggested going for a bike ride to your neighbor, he understood you, heard you, ponders the information received: “Um, now I’ll weigh everything and decide.”
  • You are unexpectedly distracted from an interesting activity, conversation, reading a book and need to suddenly switch to a message from a friend. It's difficult to do this at once. Then you have the right to write: “Um, wait, I’ll appreciate what you said,” and pause.
  • A man is lying on the beach, there are beautiful landscapes all around, the vacation has just begun, you need to share the moment with friends, the list of contacts opens: “Mmm, how nice and beautiful it is here, life is a great thing!”

Girls sometimes give a different meaning to “mm”, their own:

  • When communicating with a friend, when they are discussing a new boy in class, they write: “Mm, but he’s okay, dear!” Something like: “Delicious,” only in relation to a person.
  • If a guy invites her to go to the movies, or makes a more serious proposal, and she responds: “mm,” this means that most likely the answer is positive, but since girls cannot agree right away, they need to think, take time: “ Mmmm...”, “I guess so!”
  • If you told her something incomprehensible for a long time, then in a personal meeting she would simply look at you with wide open eyes, but in the case of online communication it turned out: “Mm, very exciting, I seem to understand everything, let’s talk about beautiful things.” .

The text that preceded or appeared later than the treasured “mm” can sometimes explain an incomprehensible situation, re-read everything again.

So what does "mm" mean? These are the pseudonyms of popular singers, the make of a Soviet military car, and even a number. The number of meanings of this abbreviation is truly extraordinary. But more often, the meaning of these letters in correspondence strongly depends on the intonation and context of the message. You can read about other meanings of these letters here.

The girl writes to the guy:

What is MM/YY (MM-YY) on the map: identities and application

Interested in what MM GG is on your card? Then our little answer:

MM – month of the act

YY – year of validity

In the international format you can often see MM – YY

But here’s what we’re talking about and a couple of tricks and points for use, read in this article below.

Duration of action

The expiration date of the card is one of its most important details besides the number. Typically, when purchasing online, the following information may (or may not) be required:

  1. The card number is a must.
  2. Validity period (exp, mm-gg, mm-yy) – required for online payments.
  3. CVV/CVC code is optional for payments, it is almost always found, but it is possible to do without it.
  4. Full name – not verified in Russia.
  5. The index is not verified in Russia.
  6. The address is not verified in Russia.
  7. 3DSecured code (SMS) – at the discretion of the store, it is possible to do without a code.

What is it used for?

You see, we can already distinguish a couple of functions for the duration of the act:

  1. Payment (issuance of money for some obligation)
    on the web.
  2. It's just convenient to know when to change the card.

Remember that after the expiration date, the card becomes invalid and must be replaced.

MM-YY – where can we meet?

And again, based on last Fri, we can distinguish 2 main places where you can meet this mysterious abbreviation MM-YY:

  1. Web stores when paying (paying for a purchased product or service received)
    (it doesn’t look very good, but it’s completely understandable, it’s used in almost all stores along with other indications of the validity period).
  1. On the front of the card. Identical for debit and credit.

How to write?

Let's return to our abbreviations. On a bank card, MM-YY is usually indicated as follows: 09/21. Where 09 is the month (September), and 21 is the year (2021). Another accepted form of inscription on a credit card is “VALID THRU”.

But in web stores there are several options, but usually the payment form itself gives a hint on how to create it correctly:

  1. MM-YY - this is usually written - MONTH and YEAR on the 2nd - 09/21 in our example.
  2. MM-YYYY - here the month is already written on the 2nd, and the year on the 4th. In our case - 09/2021.

Note! The months from January to September are written with the number 0 in front: 01, 02, .., 09.

Expiry date on Sberbank card

Another exciting addition is that the month and year can be entered either on one line or in separate fields - this depends on your specific store.

That's all! Let's summarize again:

MM-YY means the expiration date of the card. Used for online payments. Example: 09/21, where 09 is the month (September), 20 is the year (2021).

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