How to change your place of work in contact from your phone?

Additional workplace settings

After you add your place of work, a tab for this group will appear on your page. If I click on this tab, the user will be able to go to this group.

In addition, now other users who see you in their friends list, or in the main people search list, will be able to immediately see where you work.

Searching for employees through VK groups in Moscow

Time passed. The area of ​​our activities has expanded a little and we decided to enter the Moscow market. A couple of times we sent guys from Ryazan on missions to the MSK, but they quickly became exhausted, because driving 400 km back and forth, doing quite hard physical work in between, is still a pleasure. We started looking for guys locally using the same methods.

We found a fairly lucrative offer for advertising to find employees in several public pages in the Moscow region. It seems like there are 10 different ones for 1,500 rubles. We agreed. Appeals have begun.

Muscovites turned out to be much lazier than Ryazan residents. They responded to the ad willingly, but they whined a lot about the fact that there was little money and the conditions were quite difficult. As a result, we found two guys on the same machine who worked for 1 day completing a test task, completing it instead of the required and expected 100% by 30% at best. Then we went about, etc. We started looking for backup options. Half of those who initially expressed interest in the job simply fell off without responding to messages. As a result, we finally found one guy who completed the job to the end under the conditions that we offered. At the moment, activities in Moscow have been slightly suspended. We seem to be cooperating quite successfully with two guys from Ryazan.

How we looked for workers in VK

I started by searching through friends. He made a sensible announcement, where he seemed to outline everything in detail and asked all his friends from Ryazan to repost the post. The total coverage of the post exceeded 2,500 people, but we didn’t find anyone smart. There were applications, but people simply dropped out at the interview stage. Either we were not suitable for them in terms of working conditions (although everything was described in such detail that I don’t know how else), then they (optional, answer after 2 days, or don’t answer at all, ask a thousand stupid questions with obvious answers to them and etc.).

It was a sin to start thinking about targeting in VK. Well, why not? Take the audience of Ryazan institutes and superimpose it on the audience of the largest group of motorists in Ryazan. But somehow I quickly lost interest in this idea.

We started looking through the “Work in Ryazan” groups. There were 2 main ones, where we paid for accommodation and began to wait. Different people wrote, some wrote in comments, some wrote in private messages. Based on the results of the first advertising cycle, we selected three job candidates and gave them test tasks. Two of them completed it quite successfully, one did not work very well, we placed him in reserve.

The most interesting thing is that the remaining two guys worked on a couple more tasks during the month and successfully merged. The “reserve” simply did not pick up the phone.

We repeated our search and found three more candidates. One of which fell off quite quickly, we are still cooperating with the rest.

How to set up an action button in a VKontakte group

The action button is a button for quick communication. Call, message, purchase or go to the site.

To set up an action button in VK, go to the settings of your community and scroll down. Opposite the line “Action button” - click enable.

How to set up an action button in a VKontakte group

Below, in the “Action Type” item, select one of the options:

  • write by mail;
  • make a phone call;
  • call VK;
  • open the website;
  • open the community application;
  • open the mobile application.

Select the desired item. For example, select “Open website”.

Action type

After this, you need to specify the site address and select the name of the button. On our button there is the inscription “More details”.

Action Button Name

Depending on your choice, you may need to specify a phone number, administrator, email, website or mobile application address.

Specify the community in the field PLACE OF WORK on VKontakte

Hello! At one time, the largest public VKontakte “MDK” held a campaign among readers, asking them to enter the address of their public page in the place of work field. The result in terms of traffic growth was very good. On average, the average daily attendance increased by 3-5%.

Setting a link to the community in the “place of work” field can also make it clear what organization you work for or what group/public administrator/editor/moderator you are.

Now I will teach you how to set the name of the community in the “place of work” field. First of all, you need to go to the VK.COM website and click on the “edit page” button. It is located just below the avatar.

Edit VK page

Next, go to the fifth tab, it’s called “career” or just click on the link – Now hover your mouse over the “place of work” text field. If you are a member of any community, a drop-down list should appear containing all the groups/publics that you have joined and subscribed to.

Also in the text field where it says “specify the company” you can enter the name of the community you need and the list will be loaded automatically:

How to add an address in a VK group

Go to the menu item of the Management group.

Go to the Addresses section.

How to add an address in a VK group. Step 1

In Addresses, select Enabled .

To display your address on the map, leave the Show map .

Click Add Address .

Enter a detailed address or select a point on the map.

How to add an address in a VK group. Step 2

Click Save .

After adding the address, cells for entering phone number and opening hours will become available.

How to add work time in a VK group

Under Opening Hours, select your option. The most common answer is “Open during stated opening hours.”

Select this option and you can specify the days and hours that your office or store is open.

How to add a lunch break in a VK group

To specify a lunch break time, click on the plus next to the work time and the Break .

If you have several addresses, click the Add address and make similar settings.

Be sure to click the “Save” button at the very bottom of the window.

This is what the address and map look like in the VK group.

What does an address look like in a VK group?


Why do people set up a group or public VK where they work?

First, let's figure out why people put a group at their place of work on VK. In fact, everything is very simple, there are 2 reasons why this is done.

The first reason is that a person wants to show off in front of his peers, and set up a place of work, for example, the large scandalous public MDK or any other

For example like this

The second reason is more banal but occurs more often: a person has his own group or public and thereby attracts new people to it. Many people think that this no longer works, however, from personal experience I will say that if you add 10,000 friends, set up a group at your place of work and periodically repost from your group on your wall, then from 10k in a couple of months to a public or community it can go up to 1-1.5k Human.

A trivial example from a friend list:

Adding groups to the “place of work” section

Also, when adding a place of work, you can indicate the country and city of this company, as well as the position you hold. If you are still working for that company, you can indicate the year you started working there. However, if this is a previous place of employment, you can also indicate the year it ended. Thanks to this, after a while, your former colleagues will be able to easily find you in a people search engine. When completing the settings, click on the “save” tab.

Install using a computer

In order to set up a place of work via a browser on your computer you will need:

  1. Click on your name at the top left
  2. Select "Edit"
  3. On the right select “Career”

How to put a place of work in VK

  • In the point of choosing a place of work, indicate the enterprise group (there exists), if not, then you can create a group yourself.
  • Indicate the city, country, year of start of work
  • If necessary, indicate the position
  • You can also specify a second place of work by clicking on “Add another place of work”
  • Click "Save"

  • This is what the completed settings for a place of work in VK look like

How to change the place of study in VK? Education column on VKontakte

Adding music to VKontakte

Hello! We continue our express tour of the fields that you can fill out on your VKontakte page. Today we will talk about the “education” column and how to correctly enter the necessary information there.

If someone remembers the history of the creation of VKontakte, then initially it was a social network. the network was created for university students and only then grew to its present size. It is not surprising that the priority was to create a database with all educational institutions, departments and specialties. Now VK has the largest database of educational institutions in the CIS countries.

So, identifying your university, vocational school, college, etc. will not be a problem, and it doesn’t matter whether it will be Moscow State University or Tula State University. So how do you fill out the required fields in the “education” line on VKontakte?

For this:

So how can you fill in the required fields in the “education” line on VKontakte. For this:

1. Go to page editing mode (

2. Open the education tab.

3. 2 sub-tabs will open in front of you - SECONDARY EDUCATION AND HIGHER EDUCATION

Secondary education. Here you can indicate the educational institutions where you studied or are studying. If you say you changed schools, then you can add another educational institution by clicking on the “Add another educational institution” button at the very bottom. Don't forget to enter the start and end years of your studies.

In general, on this tab you can fill in the following fields:

  • A country: . We indicate the country in which we studied.
  • City: . Here we indicate the city.
  • School: . There should be the number of your school, lyceum, gymnasium, etc.
  • Year of start of study: We write the year.
  • Year of graduation: . Likewise.
  • Date of issue: . The year you graduated from school with a diploma.
  • Class: . Letter class “a”, “b”, etc.
  • Specialization: If there was any direction of training, then we indicate it here, for example, “information technology”, “chem-bio”, etc.

You can add a maximum of 10 secondary schools.

Higher education. Here you can indicate your primary and additional higher education. By default, there can be one main higher education, and several additional ones. You can always add an item by clicking on the “Add education” button. This is true if you received 2 or 3 higher degrees, or completed any advanced training courses.

Higher education VKontakte

Main fields:

A country: . The country in which you studied at the university. City: . The city itself. University: . Name of higher education institution

Please note that it can be either full or abbreviated. Faculty:. The faculty is indicated here. Department:

Here, accordingly, is the department. Form of training: . Indicate day, evening or part-time. Status: . here the list is extended, you can select – “Applicant”, “Student (specialist)”, “Student (bachelor)”, “Student (master)”, “Graduate (specialist)”, “Graduate (bachelor)”, “Graduate (master) )”, “Graduate student”, “Candidate of Sciences”, “Doctor of Sciences”. Date of issue: . everything is very clear here.

Once all the required fields are filled in, you need to click on the “save” button. As soon as you do this, an education column will appear on the main page of your profile, where all this information will be reflected.

By the way, you can fill in only part of the fields, for example, indicating only the university, without the department, etc., and the school without the year of graduation.

User profile

If you have any questions, ask.

How to indicate your place of work on your VKontakte page

If the user fills out all the information in his profile, this will give him some privileges. For example, pages that have all the information completely filled out have a higher ranking and will appear closer to the top in searches. Now we will look at how to fill out one of the sections - place of work on VKontakte.

So, to indicate your place of work, click on your avatar in the upper right corner and select the “career” section. In this section there is an item “specify the company”.

By clicking in the “specify company” column, a list of groups to which you are subscribed will appear. You can select the group of your company in which you work. If you are the owner of your own group, then you can also choose it, and this will even be an additional way of promotion, since your friends and page visitors can follow this link and subscribe to your community. If you want to select a group that you are not subscribed to, enter its name in the line. In addition, you can choose more than one place to work. Below there is a tab “add another job”. By clicking on this tab, you will be given the opportunity to select another group in the same way as the first.

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