Blacklist - how to look in your phone, add/delete a number

Instructions for Samsung devices

Many users use devices from this manufacturer, so it’s worth learning more about the procedure for viewing emergencies in these smartphones. It's simple, follow this path:

Settings/Calls/Call Rejection/Blacklist.

This is where the subscriber numbers you sent to this special section are located. If necessary, you can always check and clean.

How to use the blacklist on Xiaomi smartphones

In order to add a phone number or contact to the blacklist on Xiaomi as quickly as possible, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the call log.
  2. Click on the number you want to block and wait a bit.
  3. Select “Block” from the drop-down menu.

Thus, the number is moved to the blacklist. You become unavailable to the subscriber from the “black list”. When trying to call, he will hear short beeps, and messages from him will not be received.

How to view the blacklist on a Meizu phone?

The algorithm here is slightly different, so we’ll look at it separately:

  • We are interested in the "Phone" application. At the bottom of the display, look for a button in the form of three dots, click on it to open a menu;

  • here you select “Settings” and “Spam Blocking”;

  • in the list that opens, find the item “Black list of users”, everything opens.

It doesn't have to be full, sometimes it's completely empty. Using such instructions, you can check emergency conditions on other devices, for example, Lenovo, Xiaomi, Fly, Alcatel and others.


There are usually pages of those users with whom a person does not want to communicate. If the user is on this list, then neither write, nor look at photos, nor even go to the page of the one who blocked him.

Kate Mobile also has the ability to add a user to the black list and block him. First we will talk about how to do this, and then we will talk about how to see who is on this very list. First things first.

Blocking a user

First, let's try to blacklist the user. This is done very simply. There is nothing complicated about this, since the functionality of the social network itself is used to carry out this process.

It is worth noting that there is no need to be afraid to do this. After all, unblocking a user is very simple. However, we digress. Let's try to add a person to the black list. Here are detailed instructions on this matter.

  1. Launch Kate Mobile using the corresponding icon on the main screen of the gadget.
  2. Now we look for the user we want to add and open his profile.
  3. Then click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the window.

  4. In the menu that appears, tap on the item “Add to blacklist” .

That's all. The user is now blocked. He will not be able to view information from your page, look at photos or write messages. The blocking is complete. The system does not make discounts. Now let's move on to another chapter.

View content

If you have blocked a lot of people and have already forgotten who is there and who is not, then it’s time to refresh your memory and look at the black list. This will give you an idea of ​​its fullness. Besides, what if you want to remove someone from there?

Viewing the blacklist in Kate Mobile is no more difficult than adding a person to it. To do this, you will need to use the application settings. Here are detailed instructions telling you what and how to do.

  1. Launch the application using a shortcut on the main screen of your smartphone or tablet.
  2. In the main window, click on the button with three vertical dots again.

  3. Tap on the item “Settings” .
  4. Then select "Page Settings".

  5. And tap on the “Black List” .

There you will see all those who at one time fell out of favor and were blocked. It is worth noting that the black list on VKontakte is dimensionless. You can add a huge number of users to it. So there can be a lot of them there.

Unblocking the user

If you suddenly decide to change your anger to mercy or have simply forgotten why you blocked this or that user, then it is possible to remove him from this list. Moreover, you can do this directly in the application.

We will need Kate Mobile settings again. But now there will be a little more action than in the previous chapter. However, there is nothing complicated even in this process. Here are detailed instructions that will help in this matter.

  1. “Black List” item again .
  2. Now select the desired user and click on it.
  3. Select an item "Remove from blacklist".

That's all the work. Now the user you selected is completely rehabilitated. But if he starts to misbehave again, then no one is stopping him from being put back in his original place. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process.

Managing a special section

If you wish, you can not only add an unfamiliar or annoying number here, view it, but also manage it. For this:

  • in the “Calls” mode, go to the call parameters (simple or long press of the options button on your mobile or a button on the screen);

  • in “Settings” look for the desired item;
  • here in the section there is a huge number of options for setting up emergency settings (enabling/disabling blocking of unwanted calls and SMS even by keys, list of subscribers, etc.);

  • to add a contact from the phone book here, go to the “Emergency Numbers” section;
  • tap “Add”;
  • click “Select contact”, after which you are automatically taken to the phone book, where you can easily select the phone to block by checking the box next to it.

The above algorithms do not work on all versions of the Android OS. In some cases, the location and names of the items are different, but the principle of operation is approximately the same, it’s worth a good look.

What to do if the emergency does not work

The answer to the most common question can be simple inattention. Those. If you still receive a call or message from an unwanted contact, first check whether it is on the black list and the restrictions that are set for it. You can find out how to do this by reading the section of this article “Where to find the blacklist and how to enable it.”

The second problem may be a problem with the number prefix. Let’s say you enter the number +7 (921) *** ** **, if you didn’t succeed in blocking the contact in this way, try entering through the figure eight: 8 (921) *** ** **.

I learned the third problem by reading thematic forums. Quite often the blocking for the number you entered does not work. However, if you first add him to contacts and then block him as a contact, everything will work.

Are there alternatives to the built-in blacklist? Of course yes, on the play market you can find applications for every taste and color. Personally, I used to use a simple Blacklist application. Simple and clear menu, excellent software. But still, my personal opinion, the built-in Xiaomi function covers all the needs of the average user and installing third-party software simply does not make sense.

We use third-party software

In Google Play you can find a huge number of applications that will help you create and manage an emergency. Just download what you like and use it. Most often, the interface of such programs is clear, and sometimes there are even hints. This could be, for example, “Call Blocker”, “Backlist” and others.

Although this option is available in all mobile devices, both in expensive flagship smartphones and in budget ones.

Another option for adding a mobile phone to the block

There is another way that is also worth talking about. The call menu is used here:

  • go to the “Calls” mode (click on the button with the handset);
  • go to the menu of the desired contact;
  • tap “Block”.

After this, the person you blocked will not be able to call or send messages to you until you unblock him in a similar way.

Now you know how to view the blacklist on your phone, so you can do it yourself if necessary. Good luck!

How to find out whether a person is online or not if he is using Kate Mobile?

no nameSeptember 2021.162385How does it work?LifehackInternet TechnologiesWhy did I know this?”
class=»question__header-menu»>ReplyReply45Comment1 Subscribe4012 repliesPhil Podolski3 years agoUpperclassman Just go to the list of interesting pages to which he is subscribed or groups. Open the list of members of the selected group, check the box “currently on the site”; if there are many participants, then use the filter to find a friend. If he is currently using this application, he will be shown as a “person online”, but without an icon. When you go to its page, you will see that there is no “online” icon, but the date of the last visit through the official application or the website itself.

OTHER AUTHOR ANSWERS How to figure out whether it is love or a habit? And why does love subside after 2 years? How will “signa” be, in our usual sense, in English? 127-24" class="answer__menu">Kirill Andryushchenko3 years agoIT student, I love smartphones and gadgets

This of course does not answer the question, but I will add it to general information.

For those who didn't know:

The “invisibility” function is also available in the official VK client.

To do this, you need to go to the application settings / about the program, click on the dog three or more times and enter this combination in your phone: *#*#856682583#*#*.

This will enable VK debugging, which will include the “Invisible” function. There you can also disable advertising.

If it doesn’t work for someone, there is a Secret Codes program that opens debugging mode in different applications.

Relevant for Android.

  • Be invisible - how to be offline in Kate mobile

OTHER AUTHOR ANSWERS What are some useful applications that few people know about? Why has the Minecraft game become so popular and what has the new generation found in it? How does an expensive quadcopter differ from a cheap one? 90-6" class="answer__menu">Dolgikh Maria3 years agowithout superpowers

As easy as pie.

Add this person to your bookmarks, go to the same section, select those who are online - and voila!

It will show even those who do not have an “online” marker.

OTHER ANSWERS FROM THE AUTHOR What are the funniest phrases uttered in a dream that you have ever heard/said? Recommend interesting series with meaning. Has your perception of the world changed after watching them? Can you tell me a time when you were on the verge of death? 15-2" class="answer__menu">Lyosha Sergeev3 years ago I’m sitting here, yes

Log in to APIdog, users with any identifier are displayed there, even Kate, or, as mentioned above, through VK Coffee (only on Android).

6" class="answer__menu">Violetta Ustinova3 years ago Secondary school graduate, gaining experience as an artist with a diploma as a pianist

It is now very popular among teenagers to save pictures. So, it happens that they forget that they are sitting with Kate with this function turned off and saving pictures. Therefore, under the picture there is a time and date. And if a person doesn’t do this, then I don’t know any other way :o

14-11" class="answer__menu">

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