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Why can't I add a person to a VKontakte conversation?

  1. Conversation is full (limits exceeded);
  2. The person himself forbade sending himself invitations to group chats;
  3. The creator or administrator of the dialogue has prohibited participants from adding interlocutors;
  4. The person you want to add is not your friend on VK;
  5. The creator has canceled the invitation link;
  6. This user has previously been a member of this dialogue and was forcibly excluded from it;
  7. Members of a closed or private VK community cannot invite other people to a general conversation. If the group is open and the administrator has allowed access, they can;
  8. Only its subscribers can join a conversation in a closed or private community using a link.

As you can see, the list above clearly demonstrates that the answer to the question posed at the beginning depends on the following variables:

  • Your status in VK chat: creator, administrator, participant;
  • Where is the dialogue located: in the personal messages section or in the VK community;
  • Dialogue settings and the person himself;
  • Limits.

Why is this necessary?

Indeed, why add (read: make) friends? There may be several reasons. Here are the simplest examples:

  • This way you can popularize your page.
  • Boast to your real friends that you have added a huge number of friends to VK.
  • Play games that require a large number of users. Do you still remember the well-known game “Happy Farmer”, where you could go to your friends and help them grow vegetables?
  • The most important reason is the opportunity to start making money on your page.

Using the instructions, you can understand how to get not only friends, but also subscribers to your page (in some cases).

Adding friends using communities

This is the simplest and most effective method at the moment. The point is this: VK has a large number of communities in which users are looking for friends (or subscribers).

Finding a community is easy: type the phrase “add as friend” in the search, select the “Communities” subsection and you will see a list of groups.

Which community is worth using is up to you to decide. You can use several groups at once. The main thing is not to forget about the limits: you cannot add more than 50 friends to knocks.

We go to the group, add ourselves if we wish and write a message. For example, “I’m adding everyone as friends!” In some cases, you can add a comment to existing messages. It doesn't matter. The main thing is to leave a request.

We are waiting for friend requests to start coming in.

How to understand who should not be accepted as friends

There are several categories of users, among which profiles created for specific purposes stand out. This could be trading, spreading spam or fakes, which deliberately create large contact databases. Their goal is to create a community based on their page to sell products or launch a group on some topic.

Also, you should not add as friends those who have a fake account. You can recognize it by the following signs:

  • there is no avatar or it does not match the profile;
  • lack of personal information;
  • a lot of advertising or spam.

Such users can pursue a variety of goals, so access to personal data and their page should be closed for them. After deleting the request, they can remain as subscribers, thereby seeing available photos, videos, and other data from your account.

Social networks are a great place to collect information about each of us. Even if you don’t have an active account there, interests, reposts, and other things are still displayed, which can tell you a lot about you. Therefore, you should not add strangers to VK as friends, and also close your profile from everyone else except those you trust.

Adding as a friend

The second option is much more complicated. The point is that you yourself add a person as a friend. The only question is whether he will reciprocate your feelings.

To do this, go to the user’s page and click on the “Add as a friend” button.

It would seem, what could be simpler? The problem is that today many users use the “Subscribe” button, which our site already talks about.

In this case, the user you subscribe to may not see the notification, and therefore will ignore the request, leaving you as a subscriber.

What methods should you not use?

Of course, first of all it is spam. If you write a personal message to a user like “Let’s be friends,” rest assured that the page will soon be frozen for suspicious activity.

As for all kinds of programs and services for getting friends and subscribers, you need to use them extremely carefully. Why? VK has an excellent security system that will certainly detect cheating. What will happen in this case is anyone's guess. Perhaps the fake subscribers will simply be removed from the list, or perhaps the page will be frozen. In any case, we would recommend using the simpler methods listed above, but the decision, of course, is up to you.

PS The friend limit on VKontakte is limited to 10,000 users, including submitted applications.

How to add more friends on VKontakte? If you are just a sociable person or have decided to advertise this or that product, or maybe just show off a huge list to your friends, then we will tell you how to implement this. We will consider several options, some of which do not require any investment, while others are paid.

Method 1. How to add more friends on VKontakte

Refer to the list of "Possible Friends". It is located in the “My Friends” section, then “Friend Search”. Several pages will appear in front of you where you can see those people who are on the list of your friends and acquaintances. If desired, you can easily add them to yours. To do this, you just need to press the appropriate button. Using this method, you can add no more than 20 people per day (the limit is set by the VKontakte website for outgoing applications). You can also independently go to the pages of those users who are already your friends and add people of interest to you.

Reasons why VKontakte subscribers are not visible

First of all, the reason may simply be that the user simply has no subscribers. In this case, you can go to the “Friends” section through the left menu and make sure that no people are actually displayed here. At the same time, the user simply loses the section with “Subscribers” in his profile, where there should be information about the number of people who are on this list.

If the user knows that previously this or that person was in his list of subscribers or friends, and then he disappeared from there, this may indicate that this person independently removed himself from friends or unsubscribed from the page of this user. In this case, you can ask the person about it yourself to find out the reasons for unsubscribing.

It is also worth noting that if the user has added a person who has subscribed to him as a friend, he will be automatically transferred from the list of subscribers to the list of friends. At the same time, you need to understand that other people are never automatically removed from the list of subscribers, even if the user’s page was blocked by VKontakte.

Also, the user could independently remove other people from his list of subscribers if he added them to the Black List. Only in this way can you independently remove people from your subscribers, and then they completely lose access to the user’s page. At the same time, if another person has added the user to his Black List, he will again be removed from his list of subscribers. This means that any such actions related to the operation of the Black List may change the list of subscribers and friends.

If a user cannot see someone else’s list of subscribers or friends, it is likely that another person has simply restricted access to this information in the privacy settings of their page. The fact is that here you can hide both your favorite friends and those people who are subscribed to the user’s page from other visitors to the page.

At the same time, subscribers may disappear from public pages, which is most often due to the fact that the audience independently unsubscribes from this community. Also, the public administration, for its part, can simply block such a user, and after that he will no longer appear in the general list of subscribers.

Method 2. Use special publics and groups

How to add more friends on VKontakte? In the vastness of the social network there is

There are many groups and communities that allow you to search for comrades. Their principle is as follows: you visit a public page, leave your friend request (that is, just an inscription on the wall or in a document) and wait for other users to send you requests to add. In these communities, you can independently search for friends, and also add them yourself based on their suggestions. However, it is more effective to use both of these methods. You shouldn’t limit yourself to groups only, and it makes sense to install applications (offered on the site) that will help you with similar actions. The advantage of this method is that there are no restrictions on the number of friends you can add. Of course, you yourself can only send 20 applications, but you can accept as many as you like.

Why are strangers added?

It is convenient to communicate in this social network, since the number of contacts is not limited; they can be divided into groups, creating albums for each of them. This is used by people who need VK communication not to ask how you are doing. Their goal is to expand their audience to do the following:

  • offer goods or services;
  • offer membership in various thematic communities and groups.

From a logical point of view, there is nothing wrong with this - he is engaged in trade or is looking for new clients. But there is one important disadvantage in all this: after adding to you, if the page is hidden, he gets access to your contact list. He may start spamming them the same way he spams you, which will cause a negative reaction from his friends. Therefore, it is better to refrain from adding people you do not know personally as friends.

On a note!

VK can be separately hidden from all specific people.

Method 4. Paid

Contact special SMM agencies. You will have to pay for the services of a third-party company, but you can choose how many friends you need. When choosing an agency, be guided by its size and popularity in order to avoid deception and cheating non-existent users. The disadvantage of this method is the fact that agencies have restrictions on the number of added users. Minimum of 5,000 people. It’s wiser to use services of this kind when it comes to getting subscribers into communities.

How can VKontakte add more friends without attracting the attention of the site administration, which can ban your page for adding multiple users in a short period? Try to pause between sending and accepting applications.

Most likely, this article will be relevant for those users who have just joined the VK social network. However, given the changes that have occurred over several years, the article may also be of interest to regulars of the site.

In order to add a person as a friend, you need to go to his page. Under the avatar you will see two buttons - “Send message” and “Add as friend”. Click on the last one.

Please note that you can immediately send a message to the user. This is done, for example, in case the user does not recognize you.

In some cases, the “Send Message” button is simply missing, so there is no choice.

Some time ago it became available on its page and many users took advantage of it.

This means that in this case you will only be able to subscribe to the user, but you will not be able to send a message if the button is hidden. Moreover, the user will not receive a notification about new subscribers and the likelihood that he will ignore you is extremely high.

How to invite a friend to a community you are subscribed to

You can add a person to a group not only if you created it yourself. If you are subscribed to an interesting group and want to invite your friends to it, then this option is also available.

Open your list of communities and find the one you need. Enter it.

Please note that under the name it says “Open Group” and not “Public Page”, otherwise you will not be able to add users, but we will talk about this in the next paragraph.

Open group

To send an invitation to the selected group of your friends, click on the “You are in a group” button and select “Invite friends” from the list. Then do everything exactly as described in the first paragraph.

We invite friends

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