What are “easy” and “reel tok”? What do these words mean, why are they used?

Author: Oleg Maltsev

The Russian language is rich in borrowed words. We take them and adapt them to make it more convenient. Social networks and computer games, as well as all kinds of instant messengers, play a big role here. People write messages, but doing this by pressing small buttons is not so easy. Thus, many words are taken from foreign languages, they are shortened, acquire Russian endings and are used. Below we want to talk about one of them, what “easy” is. Today the word is heard, but its meaning is not clear to everyone.

Sources of word formation

As you know, adolescence is the age of rebellion and protest. A young man forms his own individuality and contrasts himself with adults. He considers his position advanced, and the worldview of adults (parents) archaic and outdated.

An important role in shaping one’s worldview is played by the creation of one’s own slang, which is sometimes incomprehensible to adults. Such slang is a consequence of newfangled trends that directly influence the culture of the environment in which the young man (girl) finds himself.

In today's Russian society, Western culture is considered the most progressive, including the English language, technical innovations, the computer games industry and popular musical styles. Faced with these aspects of Western culture, young people pick up the terminology available there (for example: IZI), and actively introduce it into the Russian language.

This is how the popular words “hype” (from English hype – active advertising), “gamat” (from English game – game), “donate” (from English donate – give, donate) and other popular analogues appear.

Modern message slang

The most popular Russified words, which we have already become accustomed to as our own, are “okay” or “high”. People have probably already forgotten where they came from and how they are written.

In general, with the development of technology, our language began to change a lot. We are losing beautiful ornate Slavic dialects, replacing them with foreign ones. And for ease of writing, we also shorten it by pressing small buttons.

message slang appeared , here are some concepts from it:

  • Pls (please) – please;
  • Ths (thanks) - thank you;
  • B4 (before) – before.

And even whole phrases:

  • IDC (I don't care) - it doesn't matter to me;
  • BRB (be right back) - I'll be back soon;
  • MU (I miss you) - I miss you;
  • F2T (free to talk) – I can talk.

Modern correspondence looks like an encrypted document. Not everyone can read it; you need to devote time to study all the abbreviations. And they appear new every day.

What does easy mean?

The word “easy” is often found on rap and gaming forums, and is derived from the English “easy” - “easier, easier.” English-speaking native speakers often use it in the context of “calm down, cool down” in the context of various conflict situations. It is also used in the context of light games, light exercises, and other things that do not require much effort from a person.

In Russian youth culture, the peak use of the word occurred in the period after the rapper battle Oxymoron against Gnoyny. There, Oxy often used the expression "easy, easy" to calm down his opponent. Battle was incredibly popular among young people, and the use of this phrase became part of youth slang.

Thus, if you come across the word “easy” in VK or other social networks (messengers), then it is usually used in the meaning of “easier”. It is also used to describe an easy task (game) that was completed without any problems.

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“Dratuti, easy, faino”: how to decipher what a teenager is saying

Each generation has its own teenage slang. Once upon a time we said “math teacher”, “TV and video”, but now we hear “dratuti”, “easy”, “go!”. As modern teenagers say and even more often write, mother of three children Svetlana Zagorodnikova found out.

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The idea to write this text came while accidentally watching my son’s correspondence with a classmate:

- Dratuti, go play!

- Easy.

“Wow,” I thought. “A whole encrypted message, and almost in alphabetical order!” Thoughts began to spin, the alphabet was written out on a separate sheet, and the son was carefully questioned. In a couple of days, my fifth-grader son and I put together our “ABC of Teenage Slang” and share it with you. Many words, as it turned out, originated from English words or computer games, while others were simply a distortion of the Russian language.


(English unboxing, Russian unboxing) - unpacking a purchase or parcel, filmed on video or photo.


(English brother, Russian brother) - a friendly address to a familiar interlocutor.


(English vapour, Russian steam) - a smoker of electronic cigarettes (vaporizers).

Go, go

(English go, Russian go) - let's go, let's do it; invitation to action.


- greetings.


- email, e-mail.


(from the word “reap”) - a concentration of a large number of people in a small space; crowd, crush.

Shut up

- shut up, stop.


(English easy, Russian easily) - easy, simple.


(English yep, Russian yes) - consent; yeah, yeah, yeah.


- a combination of ketchup and mayonnaise.

Let's play

(English let's play, Russian “let's play”) - a walkthrough of computer games with comments from the author, recorded on video.


- May be.


- Fine.

Yell, yell

- laugh out loud, very funny.


(English prank, Russian joke, joke) - a joke.


(English roof, Russian roof) - an extreme sportsman who jumps on roofs, climbs high structures, often at the risk of his life.


(English skill, Russian skill, skill) - the level of ability to play a computer game, skills acquired in games.


(English true, Russian truth) - an expression of approval; truthful, beautiful, real, vital.

Google it

- find a large amount of information on the Internet, get confused in what you find, get tired of searching for information.


(English fine, Russian excellent) - good, excellent.


(English hate, Russian hatred) - someone who hates something or someone, condemns someone else’s work, criticizes everyone, most often anonymously.

Tsimes, tsimus

(from Yiddish) - something very good (necessary, suitable); what you need.


(English challenge, Russian challenge) - a proposal to take some action on a dispute; call.

Cher, cherit

(English share, Russian share) - share with someone, give access to pictures, films, files.

Cabbage soup

- face, head, cheeks.

Y, yyy

- loud laughter.

Epic, epic

- an exciting moment, cool or simply memorable, something very large-scale, large.

Yuppy, Yuyuyuppii

- joy, delight, positive emotions.


- I love you; I love you very much.

What is this easy skating rink?

After we have figured out what kind of word easy is in youth slang, let’s look at another popular expression that sounds like “easy skating rink.” You can often find it when watching “game” Russian-language videos on YouTube. The word itself comes from the slang of players of the popular strategy game “Dota 2”, and literally means “play”. One of the meanings of the word “roll” is easy sliding. Therefore, a number of players used this expression for exciting gameplay.

Accordingly, the phrase “easy rink” means an easy game, a game without any effort, ending in an easy victory for the player.

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The next concept of the expression is “easy skating rink”. What does "skating rink" mean? First of all, it is associated with the word skating rink. But not an ice paver, but an asphalt paver. And this is partly true. This word is used in several contexts.

  1. “Roller”, “skate”. In the slang of DotA players - one match. “I’ll go play a couple of matches in Dota,” the person implies that he will play several games.
  2. On the other hand, “roll out” - in the same “Dota” means to completely destroy an opponent without feeling any resistance.

If you combine the second point and the previous paragraph, you can get an understanding of the concept of “easy skating rink”. What does this expression mean? It implies an absolute, unconditional victory of one team over another, and combined with a negative connotation, it serves to have the last laugh at the vanquished.

TOP 20 youth words of 2021 that will help you better understand your child

Maria Belova
Unusual and often incomprehensible words such as “kringe”, “zhiza”, “rofl” have become an integral part of our lives. We hear them on the street, near educational institutions, on TV or on the Internet. It is difficult to keep up with new trends, so we have collected the TOP 20 words of youth slang, the meaning of which is difficult to catch and understand the first time, but they are still happily used not only by teenagers, but also by adults.

Flex (flex).

From English “flex” means to bend, bend. In its original version, this word meant “dance, move,” but later the meaning changed, and now flex is most often used in the context of “showing off, showing off” in front of someone.


In English, “rave

means a massive party. Previously, the word meant an organized party with DJs, but a modern rave can take place anywhere: in a club, in a stadium or outdoors. The main thing is that the event should be fun and have music.


In youth slang, this is an apartment or house where people are going to a party, or the party itself. Previously, this action meant a mandatory overnight stay, but now it is more of a bonus than a rule.


From English “cringe” - to be shy, embarrassed, awkward. This word is used by young people to feel ashamed about something. You can often hear the following phrase: “to catch a cringe,” that is, to feel shame.

Every company has its own slang. My friends and I don’t make up words on purpose, we just relax, talk, and that’s how new expressions appear. People at work don't always understand. I once said: “bazaar-station”, and they didn’t understand me. Sometimes they don’t understand, if it’s very narrow slang, not widespread

Konstantin, 20 years old, 3rd year student
at Krash.

From English “crush” - to break. At first glance, the explanation of the word seems strange, because crush in youth slang is a person with whom one is in love (most often secretly and unrequitedly). But if you make a comparison, it becomes clear that crash is a person who “breaks” someone else’s heart.


From English “aggress” - to attack, to begin aggressive actions. This is how the verb became entrenched in our speech. Now it means to be angry, angry.


There are two versions of the origin of this word. Some believe that it was formed from the word greaves (burnt pieces of food). And some associate it with criminal slang. In general, the value remains virtually unchanged. The word means shame or an act for which one is ashamed.


From English abbr. “rolling on the floor laughing” - chuckle (lie on the floor laughing). In youth slang the word means a joke. It can often be heard in the form of a verb - to raffle, that is, to make fun of someone.

I love these words and use them often. The family is already accustomed to this and understands what the word is and what it means, and sometimes all this slips through their minds. Sometimes people ask what this or that word means. I explain and the questions disappear. One of the family members even once said: “Teach me your slang, I want to be on the same wavelength!”

Anastasia, 16 years old, 10th grade student
Chill (chill).

In English, “chill” means coolness. Accordingly, chilling is usually used in the context of resting, chilling out. But it is often used to mean having fun with friends.

It came (to come in).

In youth slang, “to come in” means to evoke positive emotions.

Drop (drop).

Currently, it is a popular word in various circles. It is used by artists, fans of Japanese anime cartoons, and IT workers. And for each, the word means different types of action.

• For IT workers – disconnect the connection, delete the program;

• For anime fans, they don’t watch the series to the end and quit at some point;

• For artists - to publish, release some new material.

Shame (shame).

From English “shame” - shame, to shame. Shaming means publicly condemning, shaming, disgracing someone for something.


From English “voice” - voice. With the advent of social networks and instant messengers, it has become popular to record voice messages to your opponent. This method of transmitting information is called voice.


From English “vibe, vibration” - vibration, the same as atmosphere, energy or mood. This word is used, for example, when talking about impressions of communicating with other people. Can be used with absolutely any adjective.


A life incident, a situation that the speaker personally encountered.

My classmates and I don’t often use youth slang in our speech at school, so our teachers rarely hear it from us. There are times when we use it involuntarily, but it must be said that the reaction of teachers is most often neutral. I believe that this is how it should be, they should not condemn the current generation for using “newfangled words”, but there is nothing special to praise here either

Yana, 16 years old, 10th grade student

The same as having fun at something, laughing out loud.

Toxic (toxic).

From English “toxic” – poisonous. Toxic is most often called a negative person or situation that causes unbearable emotions.


From English “creepy” means scary. This word means something frightening, unpleasant.


From English “easy” - easy, simple. Easy in youth slang means - with ease, without difficulty. This could be about doing anything. The word can be used as an adverb together with a noun, or as a separate part of speech.


The word means to understand something, to understand something.

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Tags: Society, Izhevsk, youth, Udmurtia, Russian language

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