OBS Studio. Setting up a stream (broadcasts) in VK (2021)

OBS video encoder program for launching live broadcasts on VKontakte

The download link is available in the official VK group.

Download and install the program. After launch, you will be asked to enter the credentials that you use to log into Contact (see forgot VK password). Do this and click on the “Login” button.

OBS makes our life a lot easier. It automatically reads the unique link and key that we received in the previous step. All we have to do is select from the list the page on which we want to publish the live broadcast and click on the “Launch” button.

The broadcast will start - you can watch it by returning to the browser window.


We use the “telebot” library. import telebot TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN = '3277332…' # token issued when creating a bot bot = telebot.TeleBot(TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN) Start bot
def _send(msg): markup = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1, resize_keyboard=True) markup.add('My interests', 'Clear list of interests', 'Add') msg ​​= bot.send_message(chatID, msg, reply_markup=markup) # send text with response options bot.register_next_step_handler(msg, process_step) # install a handler for our replies # handler for 'help', 'start' @bot.message_handler(commands=['help', 'start']) def send_welcome(message): global chatID chatID = message.chat.id hello_test = 'Hey %s!
I'm a bot using the VK Streaming API!' % message.from_user.first_name _send(hello_test) # handler for our responses def process_step(message): if message.text == 'My interests': _send(get_rules_list()) if message.text == 'Clear list of interests': _send(clear_rules_list()) if message.text == 'Add': msg = bot.send_message(chatID, "What to add?") bot.register_next_step_handler(msg, add_rule_handler) Add
if message.text == 'Add': msg = bot.send_message(chatID, “What should I add?”) bot.register_next_step_handler(msg, add_rule_handler) ….. def add_rule_handler(message): new_rule = set_my_rules(message.text) if new_rule: _send(“Successful”) else: logging .debug("Error add rules") _send("Error")
My interests
def get_rules_list(): rules = get_my_rules() if rules: return "\n".join([str(rule['value']) for rule in rules]) else: logging.debug("Error get rules list") return 'Error'
Clear the list of interests
def clear_rules_list(): rules = get_my_rules() if rules: for rule in rules: del_my_rules(rule['tag'] ) return "Successful" else: logging.debug("Error clear rules list") return 'Error'
Sending news
def on_message(ws, message): print(">>>> receive message:", message) message = json. loads(message) if not message['code']: return if not message['event']['event_type'] or message['event']['event_type'] != 'post': return # exit if entry is not a separate post post = message['event']['event_type'] +"\n"+message['event']['text'].replace("", "\n") +"\n\ n»+ message['event']['event_url'] _send_post(post)

How to start a broadcast on VK from a computer

Almost the entire process is carried out directly from the social network. To do this, think about on whose behalf you want to broadcast. You can do this on behalf of yourself or the community you administer. Go to the selected page. Further actions will be concentrated there.

  • Open your videos and click Create.
  • Connect the cover. Recommended size: 800*450. Others will be displayed incorrectly.
  • Enter an interesting, catchy title and description.
  • Be sure to select the correct category. This is necessary so that the entry gets into the thematic catalog and is found by interested people.
  • Go to the next field - “Video Encoder Settings”. Unfold it. You will need the key and link that you see in the next step. Don't tell them to anyone. Don't close your browser.

Download Open Broadcaster Software. Open the application and go to File-Settings-Broadcasting. In the top field, put “Custom broadcast server”. Add the URL and key from the broadcast to the empty lines.

For the next step, you will need the Output, Video, and Audio sections. In the first tab, set the bitrate in accordance with the selected recording quality. Fill out the remaining fields as in the screenshot.

Recommended bitrate

In "Audio" select your audio device and microphone. If there is only one of them on your computer, set it to “Default”. Sampling frequency – 44.

In the third section, in the drop-down list of the first item, select the recommended monitor resolution. The next line should have the same parameters. Then set the bicubic scaling filter and the frame rate to 30 or 60. Save the changes by clicking “Apply” and “OK”.

Further actions are related to setting up the broadcast itself. To do this, you need the main page of the application - the lower left corner. There are two windows there. “Scenes” are collections of sources that you can switch between during broadcasting. “Sources” is what viewers will see. Images from the screen, cameras, inscriptions and other materials. To create them, click on the plus and select the appropriate capture type. Follow the instructions given by the software.

You're almost done. Now go back to the browser, check the boxes for preview and notify the audience. Save. Go to OBS again and in the lower right corner, launch the broadcast. Open your browser, check the signal, and click Publish. Completing the broadcast process is simple. Stop it in the program using the same button you started it with.

How to start a live broadcast on VK: useful tips

Don't be late for your announced start time. It's better to connect a few minutes earlier to check if there are any problems with sound or picture. This way you can fix them before subscribers catch up.

Greet the audience and ask them to put pluses or numbers in the comments to evaluate the quality of the connection. If everything is fine, just talk about abstract topics while waiting for other users. If possible and the topic is relevant, promise bonuses and gifts to those who watch to the end. Move on to the main issues as soon as there are enough people and their arrival stops.

How to broadcast on VK from a computer and not lose views

The obvious advice is to make unique, interesting content that people will want to watch. If you are the owner of a small business related to production or visual components, show the work process. For example, broadcast from a beauty salon while doing makeup. You can conduct a master class by providing useful information. This will attract attention and potential clients to you. A few more ideas:

  • Organize a competition with a nice gift for the winner.
  • Interview a thought leader in your industry.
  • Remove step-by-step instructions for the product.
  • Introduce viewers to your employees.
  • Make a presentation of new products.

Engage and retain your audience while broadcasting. For this:

  • Ask for questions and answer them.
  • Read the comments that are written in the chat on the right.
  • Address users by name when replying to them.
  • Please like.
  • If the influx of subscribers to the broadcast continues, briefly introduce yourself again and tell what you are talking about.
  • Thank you for sending gifts.
  • Be natural, show emotions, joke.
  • Don't react negatively to provocateurs. Just block them.
  • Prepare surveys and games to increase people's participation.

After finishing the recording, thank those who came, conduct a survey about what they liked and what they didn’t. Find out the preferences of viewers - what they would like to watch a video about next time. Find out a time that would be convenient for them to do this.

How to watch, download and delete broadcasts on VK from a computer

To see other people's live broadcasts, you need to go to the video recordings and scroll down the page. You will see several sections: regular, sports and gaming topics. Comments are written in the chat on the right. Below there are five available functions: share a link with others, subscribe to news from a person or group, report a post, give gifts, support with payment.

You won't be able to download content without third-party services, but you can always add it to your community or account by simply clicking +. Your live broadcast is automatically saved in the account on whose behalf it was broadcast. Deletion is only available for your own materials. Go into it and click on the word “More” - delete.

Summarize. Live broadcasts are a simple, convenient and useful tool for business promotion if used correctly. To do this, set up your equipment, prepare a rough broadcast plan, and actively communicate with your audience. Don't be afraid of spontaneity and openness. This is exactly the case when you will like them more than a clearly planned but soulless video. This article provides all the necessary instructions and after reading it you will know exactly how to broadcast to VK from a computer. All that remains is to apply this knowledge in practice.

Recover Deleted Video

Unlike messages, photos and wall posts, videos uploaded directly from your computer to the VK server cannot be restored. The site really does not store all deleted video material in its archives, because this is a colossal load on the server, taking into account the 11 years of VKontakte’s existence. However, if you deleted your downloaded video and want to get it back, try writing a request to technical support. There is a chance that they will be able to restore access to the video.

When communicating with a support agent, answer questions about the date of the download and the circumstances surrounding the deletion. If a lot of time has not passed yet, there is a chance of successful recovery.

In what cases can you return a deleted video yourself?

Contacting support agents is an inevitable step only if you have uploaded a high-quality video from your PC directly to the VKontakte server. This does not apply to the following cases:

  1. When you added a video from a search, group, page of another user. You simply shared the material and when you delete the video from your list of videos, it still exists on the site and is easy to find by entering the name in the VK search bar.
  2. If the video is uploaded to VK not directly, but through another supported service, for example, YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/).

Via video hosting

Today, most new videos are downloaded from video hosting sites. This makes it more convenient to distribute and monetize them (in VK this is impossible in principle). Even if all copies of the post in groups and on personal pages on VKontakte are deleted, you can always restore the deleted video by entering the name on the hosting (YouTube), and there you will find the file intact.

To return the video back to your page or wall, click “share” in the selected hosting and if it is compatible with VK, the recording will instantly appear on your page.

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