8 tips for increasing activity in VKontakte groups

How to get a lot of VK views and increase the ⭐ rating of your page or group. Simple ways and secrets of getting VKontakte views ❤️ look below

Views are one of the indicators of the popularity of VKontakte, thanks to the numbers next to the peephole, you can understand how interested users are in the content you post. Many argue that they reflect the real picture, since not everyone likes to like posts, and views are counted automatically. But on the other hand, the algorithms are loyal to this characteristic, which allows many users to increase the numbers on the counter. I will present a complete list of methods that really work and help you gain views on VKontakte.

how to get likes

The first indicator of activity in a community is the number of likes. Clicking on the “heart” for subscribers takes a couple of seconds. But admins have to constantly work to ensure that posts regularly receive the maximum number of positive marks. In this chapter I have collected for you key life hacks to increase likes.

First like

Leave it yourself to simulate activity in the community. Oblige other company employees to do the same. When a post already has a couple of likes, new likes will appear more actively.


Place a call to action in the text - ask subscribers to like it if they liked the post or found it useful. In most cases, the audience simply scrolls through the publication after reading it, unless reminded to click on the heart.

Splitting up

Divide the text into several parts and publish a continuation after the entry reaches a certain number of hearts. In a post you can write something like this: let’s get as many likes as possible, and I’ll post the second part.


Organize a contest among users who like it. Do them, for example, once a week. In this case, a mandatory condition for participation can be made not only to like the competition entry, but also, for example, to like the last three publications.

Interesting. Do you want to promote a group on VK? Do it with the new automated competitions service. The wow effect and sales are guaranteed. Click and test -> Activebot.ru (promotional code “inscale” – 10% discount).


Notify users about each new post in stories, make intriguing announcements, motivate them to go to their profile, read the publication and mark “like”.


You can always brighten up your page/community with life entries with humor. Only the meme must be thematically appropriate to their content. Then users will definitely not pass by and will show their agreement by liking. You can remind them by writing: “Do you agree? Please like.”


Regularly thank your followers for their likes with separate posts. This increases audience loyalty and reminds you of the need to show you activity.

Activity chats

Participate in activity chats, where community owners post links to posts and all participants share likes on a mutual basis. You can find communities where such chats take place directly in the VKontakte search.


Use services to get likes. The main thing is to do this not often and without fanaticism - no more than 500 per day. Then the method is safe. But remember that these are not real numbers, but an illusion. Therefore, there is no need to focus on promotion; work more on the community and content.

On the subject: Designing a VKontakte group: 60 TOP examples Quality content: what does it mean + how to do it

ServiceCost per like
BossLike0.2 rub
Likemania0.15 RUR
ProstospecialRUB 0.33
TaskPayfrom 0.2 rub
Unufrom 1 rub

how to type comments

It is more difficult to obtain them, since leaving comments for users is much more labor-intensive than clicking “like”. The following tips will help you get your audience to comment on your posts.

First comment

Here everything works by analogy with likes. Write the first comment yourself, so it will be psychologically easier for a person to leave his own, and then further along the chain.

Open questions

Ask them to your readers at the end of each post, motivate them to engage in dialogue. The more subscribers answer your question in the comments, the higher the account's coverage will be.

News feeds

Use fresh, current news for your post topics, which is guaranteed to cause a stir and a flurry of discussions among users. To do this, study your target audience and its interests well.

On the subject: How to determine the target audience: the most detailed instructions Client avatar: 18 questions + life hacks from a marketer


Involve your subscribers in interesting games, solve thematic riddles, publish comic predictions, emoji puzzles. If the game content does not fit with your field of activity, use real stories from the life of the company. For example, publish 10 facts about your activities and ask the audience to guess which of them are true and which are fiction.


Organize a competition for the best comment. This approach activates activity under any post.


Do not leave subscriber comments unattended, always respond to incoming requests on behalf of the community. This way you will at least double the number of comments under the photo, and also increase audience loyalty.


Play nice bonuses or branded souvenirs among active community commentators. For greater motivation to leave comments, you can publish avatars of active users on dynamic covers at the top of the group.


Register for events via “+” from subscribers in the comments. The approach, of course, is not the most modern, but it will provide high coverage for your posts.

Questions from subscribers

Open a section like this, where everyone can touch on a topic of interest. Post your accumulated questions 1-2 times a week and ask users to share their personal experiences on the topic in the comments.

Story on the topic

Ask users to share a short text on the topic of the post in the comments. This could be either a condition of the competition or simply a request to speculate.

Post useful content

Useful content will not only help increase engagement, but also create a good reputation for the brand. How it works? Easily. You are making a useful post: a recipe with many ingredients, a complex diagram, or something else that cannot be remembered or fully learned in a couple of minutes. And subscribers repost to save information.

IKEA published a large selection of materials about work: the post was shared more often than commented on

Users can also write comments if there is a question or some understatement in the post. But I didn't tell you anything =)

How to get reposts

The last thing that affects coverage from user activity is reposts. Typically, less than 10% of subscribers share community posts. Below are the TOP methods for increasing this amount.

First repost

Be the first to share the post through your personal account to start voluntary reposts. The “pioneer” method is already familiar to you.


Repost the post as one of the conditions for the draw. This is one of the oldest ways of holding competitions, but is still very effective. Since the post spreads quickly and brings new participants, the coverage increases accordingly.

Call to action

Ask subscribers to share your post using motivating phrases. Great for example: “Was it helpful? Save it on your wall so you don’t lose it!”

Viral content

Post viral videos that touch on humorous or social topics. Interesting ideas will spread across the network at lightning speed on their own, without your participation.


Publish useful content for your audience: guides, cases, selections, checklists. Give your subscribers the content they want to keep on their wall for frequent use.

Loud words

Use catchy phrases like “maximum repost”, “spread the word” to attract users’ attention. At the same time, do not forget that the topic of the post should address a real social problem.


Set a minimum threshold for the number of reposts, upon reaching which subscribers will receive some kind of value: continuation of the post, branded stickers as a gift, free materials.


Ask your subscribers to repost the post as a sign of gratitude for writing useful materials.


A quick way to get reposts. This way you imitate activity under posts, and users will pay attention to your content. But you must understand that if the recording is so-so in quality and usefulness, no amount of cheating will help.

ServiceCost per repost
BossLikeRUB 0.51
LikemaniaRUB 0.89
ProstospecialRUB 0.79
TaskPayfrom 0.2 rub
Unufrom 1 rub

Use interactive content

Interactive is the one with which people interact: they don’t just read and move on, but leave comments or click on buttons. On social networks, the easiest way is to launch some kind of mini-game. For example, talk about a situation and ask your followers to describe their reaction to it using the first and third most commonly used emoji.

Look how many comments similar posts with a call to talk about something with emoticons get

You can also write the beginning of a sentence and ask them to complete it using automatic input on your smartphone. Create the first sentence of a fairy tale and invite everyone to finish it together in the comments. Ask subscribers to write their name one letter at a time so that no one interrupts. There are many ideas: you can use existing ones or come up with something of your own.

The idea of ​​fairy tales is used by many - both brands and bloggers

The results of polls or continuations of phrases with automatic input are funny, and users do not have to work hard to write a comment. That's why many people write them and like the post.

How to increase the readability of posts

Reach is also influenced by the interaction of subscribers in the group with the text. First of all, this includes the percentage of posts being read. Therefore, I have compiled a list of tips for you on what and how to use in a post so that it is definitely read.


Use your audience's pain, for example, in the form of a question. If possible, include a specific number in the title, this gives confidence that the message contains exclusively useful information.

To make your work easier, identify topics for your audience in advance and create a content plan. You can read about it in the article.

On topic: Content plan for social networks: instructions + 7 examples


This way you will make it as convenient as possible for the reader. No one will read a continuous canvas, so highlight paragraphs and alternate their size. Follow the rule of one paragraph = one complete thought. But this does not mean that it should just end; make a smooth transition to the next one.

As an option, break the text into paragraphs with subheadings. These could be, for example, the main questions that the paragraph answers: why, how to use, where to buy, etc.


If you use emoticons, use them in moderation. They can either add flavor to the text or ruin it. A large number of emoji complicate the text for the reader to perceive. Use emoticons only where you need to clarify an emotion and where it is not obvious. For example, where you leave out the end of a sentence, you don’t finish the sentence.


Warn readers that a nice bonus or important information awaits them at the end of the post. This is a great motivation to read the text to the last line.

First paragraphs

Try to hook the reader with them. Start the post with the client’s fears and problems, this emotion will definitely provoke him to read to the end, for example: “After 30, the skin loses its elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles and sagging of the oval of the face is inevitable. The woman loses her former attractiveness.”


Divide the text into several parts and publish separately, each time indicating that a continuation awaits subscribers in the next post. This approach guarantees that publications will be completed in at least one series of posts.


They will help you get good coverage and get featured, but only if they are relevant to the topic of your post. Then you can be found by users who are interested in what you offer. Write hashtags related to your activity, company, product in your posts.


Attract the attention of users with a bright, high-quality image. It’s better to avoid stock photos and create your own original branded content.


Mistakes turn off the reader, even if the post is super interesting. It's simple: if you don't know how to spell a word, replace it or google the rule. When in doubt about a comma, rephrase the sentence. Or use spell checking services, such as Text.ru or Advego.

By the way. It is very easy to attract subscribers to VK through the mass action service. With it, you can gather a hot audience, like them and add everyone as friends, and also congratulate them on the holidays (we guarantee +73% engagement). Click and test -> SocialTech.


Recently a client came to me who needed an active live group for mothers to upsell children's educational products. I created the group from scratch and created what I thought was a divine content plan that suited the interests of the audience.

However, mom’s life hacks, legends and myths of breastfeeding, and posts in the style of “removing poop in 10 minutes” did not attract the audience at all. What is written on the Internet is already known to everyone; such content is of no use. The overall activity of VKontakte did not grow.

Then I decided to dig a little deeper.

Other ways to increase your reach

The reach of the community is also influenced by the work of administrators, in particular the principles of working with content, the systematic nature of publications and other indicators. Let's look at them in more detail.

1. Regularity . Post several times a week, on specific days and times. This will make it more convenient for subscribers; they will not miss a new post, as they will get used to the release schedule.

2. Statistics. Use it to track when your audience is most active and adjust your content output to that time. We have already written a whole article about VKontakte statistics in detail.

On the subject: VKontakte statistics: how to look + 20 tips from a practitioner

3. Formats . Use different post formats: texts, images, videos. This way the content will not be boring to users. Also experiment with presentation, monitor the reaction and determine which one suits your audience better.

4. Articles . Replace long texts with the line “Read more” with short announcements with the article. Clicking the “Read Article” button will increase community interaction and reach.

5. Discussions. Create discussion sections in which subscribers can ask questions and share comments. Just don’t forget to post a separate post about this and periodically remind users that users have this opportunity.

6. Targeting. Targeted advertising will allow you to pre-select the audience you need for impressions, even according to narrow criteria, and attract new users to the page. We have already told you everything about the VK target in the article.

On the subject: Targeted advertising on VKontakte: setup (42 screenshots)

6. Live broadcasts. Use stories and live broadcasts as a source of interaction with subscribers. The number of views will be reflected in the community's reach metrics.

7. Design . Completely package the VKontakte community. Design is the first thing a user sees when entering a page. People more often stay in a VK group with a full-fledged design and easy navigation than in communities where there is only an avatar. And by the way, our article will help.

On topic: Design of a VKontakte group: 60 TOP examples

8. Advertising . Place advertisements in other communities where your target audience lives. These can be publics based on interests, place of residence, urban communities, etc.

On topic: VKontakte advertising exchange: TOP 8 services + 10 functions

9. Chatbots .
Connect a VK chat bot to your page or community, which will send messages to subscribers. You can PM them links to new posts, useful materials and answer questions.

Conduct surveys

Participating in surveys shows social network algorithms that your content is interesting to users. Don't neglect them: you can discuss anything with your audience. For example, ask to tell your attitude towards one of the news channels, choose your favorite artist or plans for the evening.

And with just one survey you can kill two birds with one stone. And increase engagement, and find out the audience’s opinion about the new product in order to receive feedback. Or about lifestyle in order to more accurately paint a portrait of the target audience.

Sberbank asked subscribers for their opinion on the new advertisement: it increased activity and unobtrusively worked with the focus group

In addition, surveys help to attract the attention of a wide audience. When a person votes, his friends see information about this. Someone may go to the group and also follow you.

You can come up with a lot more - hold small weekly giveaways, create entire quests looking for the answer in several posts, play board games online in the comments, and so on. And then work with an active audience: offer them discounts, indicate the most active ones in the header, or something else.

The Pepper.Ninja parser will help you find an active VKontakte audience and work with it.
In it, in a couple of minutes, you can collect the ids of everyone who reacted to a post, and, for example, run advertisements for these users. Hurry up, register with SMMplanner and try what is described in the article!


Reach on VKontakte shows how many subscribers interact with your content. And here are 5 reasons for its increase:

  • Attracting the target audience;
  • Increasing the number of subscribers;
  • Increased trust in the brand;
  • Implementation of online sales through the group;
  • Possibility of community monetization.

But if you want to promote your business or personal brand on this social network, then coverage is far from the only thing you need to rely on and monitor. Therefore, continue to the article below.

On the subject: VKontakte statistics: how to look + 20 tips from a practitioner Cheating VKontakte subscribers: 14 services for groups

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