After updating VKontakte, current photos disappeared. How to enable and view current collections of VKontakte photos

How to view current photos on VKontakte

In order to view the list of current photos of VKontakte friends, you need to log in to the social network and select the “News” menu item.

Step 2

The first line in the news list you will see a block with current photos of friends on the VKontakte social network. It is worth noting that active users of the social network do not always see this block in the news feed, since for it to appear you must not visit your profile on the social network for at least 2 hours.

Step 3

How to view added photos of friends on VKontakte

In order to view the list of uploaded photos of friends, you need to select the “Photos” line in the “News” menu item.

Step 6

Now in the “Filter” block, uncheck all the boxes, leaving “Photos”. In this method, it is not necessary to uncheck all news filtering items. This way you can customize your news feed. Now, when you further view the “News” menu item, only the marked items will be displayed in the feed. If the information helped you, click Thank you!

Not long ago, VKontakte introduced a feature called “Current Photos.” This feature is an automatic selection of photos of your friends and their friends. In Contact, she independently selects photos that will be in the “Current...” block. The basis is taken from the statistics of the pages you have previously viewed, likes and . At the same time, in the “Current photos” block you will never see those published in your groups and communities.

Bottom line

Now you know how to include current VKontakte photos, as well as how to work with them on the new design of the social network, which, by the way, has been used by default for quite a long time, and it’s unlikely that anyone has had time to get used to it.

This article also taught you how to interact with the sources of your content and the recommendations feed from your friends and public communities that you follow.

And doing all this is not difficult at all. After all, the interface of the social network is intuitive, and navigation difficulties are unlikely to arise.

The creators of the social network Vkontakte are constantly updating and improving the functionality of the service. The latest changes concern adding features to the news feed. You can optionally add and edit thematic news tabs that you want to see in your feed. Let's figure out what current VKontakte photos are and how to include them on the website and in the application.

The service automatically analyzes your preferences based on your likes, reposts, subscriptions, and so on. The preferences of people who are on your friends list are also taken into account. In addition to everything, current events and publications are added in a short period of time. All this information is displayed in the current photos section. In VK this tab is not always present. Let's figure out how to view the current photos section of VKontakte and what needs to be done for this.

How to turn it on

To see a section with current photos in your news feed, you must be offline for at least 6 hours. After that, open the page and log in with your account. Go to the "News" section.

A line with current photos will appear in front of the list of publications in your feed, which you can scroll through. Here you can see posts based on views and likes from your page.

Please like interesting photos so that they appear in your bookmarks, because after viewing, the AF section will disappear and will appear only after 6 hours of offline use. This opportunity was created so that users who visit the social network VKontakte only a couple of times a day are always aware of current posts and pictures.

But how can you view content if you are constantly online? Let's figure it out.

Second way to turn on

To view current materials in the VK news feed, you must follow these steps:

It contains all the publications collected based on the preferences of your contact list, friends of your friends and subscriptions. The difference from actual photos is that the recommendations display not only pictures, but also articles, videos, posts, and so on;

  • In the “Search” section you can independently find information based on the parameters you are interested in:

The functionality of the social network is constantly being improved and changed, so over time, managing the news feed and the principle of displaying current photos may change. However, the developers try to make the entire interface intuitive and simple, so even a novice user will not have problems finding information.

Not long ago, a very interesting feature called “Current Photos” appeared on the VKontakte social network. If you are an active user of this resource, then you probably noticed when viewing the news a feed of various photographs. However, many did not pay any attention to her, and in vain.

The fact is that this function is very useful, because it allows you to keep abreast of events that have happened or are happening right now with your friends. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with this feature and it is likely that you will soon not be able to do without it! Well, I, in turn, will tell you in more detail about what current VKontakte photos are, how to turn them on and, accordingly, how to turn them off.

Current photos have disappeared. What to do?

If current photos have disappeared from your news feed, enable this function as described above. Most likely, this feature was disabled for some reason, and therefore you could not see the most interesting publications of your friends and their friends.

VKontakte has introduced the “Current Photos” feature. What does it mean? Now, in the “My News” item, groups of photos that arouse interest among users and gain a sufficient number of likes and reposts are now displayed. Let's take a closer look at how to connect such a section.

Opening the source code

First, try it. If the albums do not open, then proceed as follows. So, open the profile of the person whose photos we want to see. Next, we need to open the source code of this page.

To do this, right-click on a free area, and in the context menu look for the item “View page source code”, “View element code”, or the like. You can also use the F12 key if you have Google Chrome. So, here is the source code of the page. What's next?

How are photos generated?

Current photographs are a selection of images of your VKontakte friends. Only popular pictures appear in the block. How is it formed? The system itself selects which pictures to show you. The selection is based on likes, reposts to photos, as well as pages viewed.

Thanks to the new feature, you will always be able to view the best photos that are published on pages that are interesting to you.

All pictures appear in the main news section. But there is one important condition: at least two hours must pass since the last login to your social network account. A feed can contain up to 200 pictures. They are displayed at the top of the news feed and are immediately available for viewing after entering the site.

The feed disappears after viewing it and new pictures will then appear in it again. The frequency of feed updates depends on the activity of friends and the appearance of new photos. The more often your friends add, comment, or like photos, the more they appear.

You can enable or disable this feature at any time. Let's look at how to set up a block in your VKontakte account.

Including VKontakte this or that function

Let's look at what other options are present in the news block. If you pay attention to the corner of the menu on the right, you will see a funnel icon. With its help, settings for displaying posts from friends, public pages, relatives, and various communities are available. When you click on the filter icon, three tabs will be visible: “all”, “displayed”, “not shown”. By default, VK shows all news from people and groups. Next to each name there is a blue mark.

If you remove it, there will be no news from this person in your feed. His name will move to the “Not shown...” field. To select or remove a group of people, expand the “Actions” field. There are 3 options here: “hide all”, “show all” and show a specific segment. Let's look at the last option in more detail. It can be configured in such a way that you can watch news only from public pages, certain groups of users, and from close people. Events published by subscribers do not appear on the feed. Tap on the section that interests you. Don't forget to save your settings.

You can change display settings at least every day. In addition to general news, it is convenient to view content on the resource by sections. In the submenu on the right, there are buttons for separately displaying photos, videos, lists, and comments. There you will also find the “Recommendations” field.

Here the platform offers content that matches what interests you. If you intend to make your own selection and observe certain people and communities, click on the plus icon. It is located in the field where it says “News”. Select actions to add a tab. Tag the people or pages you need. To search, use the field with the appropriate name.

How to turn on invisibility on VKontakte

The developers of the service did not come up with an invisible mode in which you could view other people's pages, listen to tracks and not be online. The site takes into account your activity, and when you leave VK, it notes the time of your last login. You can be offline if you open the music section and do not go to another area. VK will not mark your activity for 15-20 minutes. There are no approved utilities available that will assist in being invisible.

Images in your VK feed appear whenever you upload pictures not to a specific album, but to your wall. The function of displaying pictures in a feed above a wall appeared in VK relatively recently.

With it, you can quickly view new photos of your friends, like and leave comments without looking through your friend’s entire album. The photo feed is visible to all VK users unless you have hidden access to it in the settings. It’s easy enough to remove pictures from your feed. You can click on the cross, which is located on each thumbnail on the right. But is it really that easy to return photos to your VKontakte feed?

How to connect the setting?

Connecting a new setting is not difficult, even for those who have only recently created their page. Of course, not all users need this tool, but by connecting it, you can enjoy spending time on VKontakte.

To enable this feature, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the “My News” section. After this action, the news feed will be displayed.
  2. Click the plus sign next to News Sections. Select “Recommendations” and “Photos” from the list that opens (check the boxes next to the sections you are interested in).
  3. Then go to the “Recommendations” section. At the top of the window you will see the words “Recommended Communities and Pages”. This is where the pictures will appear.

Viewed photos will no longer be displayed. Images in groups are also not displayed.

In the “My News” section you can not only connect relevant images, but also disable unnecessary notifications.

What should happen after connecting the setup?

In the “Photos” section you can see new photos of friends that they published on their page or in groups. Just as in the first case, you cannot log into your account for at least two hours.

You can configure these two blocks to prevent certain users' updates from appearing in the lists, such as news, comments, and images. They can be excluded from the list. To do this, click on the “List of sources” link and remove unnecessary people.

Constantly displaying recently added pictures will help you keep abreast of all your friends' updates, which means you will always know what is happening in the lives of your friends. You will be able to see all the new photos, as well as all the updates. Definitely, the new feature is very useful and interesting for site users. But the list is generated only after two hours of absence online; if you log in more often, you won’t be able to see new pictures.

Now we will try to figure out what the new feature “Current Photos” means, available on the Vkontakte social network.

You may have probably noticed that when viewing the “My News” block, groups of photos began to appear at the top. If it is not displayed for you, we will now show you how to enable and view current VK photos


Frequently asked questions and answers

Images in your VK feed appear whenever you upload pictures not to a specific album, but to your wall. The function of displaying pictures in a feed above a wall appeared in VK relatively recently.

With it, you can quickly view new photos of your friends, like and leave comments without looking through your friend’s entire album. The photo feed is visible to all VK users unless you have hidden access to it in the settings. It’s easy enough to remove pictures from your feed. You can click on the cross, which is located on each thumbnail on the right. But is it really that easy to return photos to your VKontakte feed?

Where do current photos come from?

The tool analyzes all the photos you have viewed - on friends’ pages, in public pages and groups (see). It is based on photographs, based on the number of likes and reposts (see also). As a result, we get a list of popular photos, which are displayed in the “Current photos” block.

With this tool, you can always see the best photos that have recently been published on pages that you find interesting and often visit.

Please note that the feed of current photos will be available if you have not visited your page in the last two hours (see). After viewing it, it is removed from the feed until a fresh list is generated.

How do I include current photos?

Go to your page and go to the “My News” section.

To the left of the “News” ribbon, there is a menu button (shaped like a cross). Click on it. In the list that appears, we tick two items: “Photos”, “Recommendations”.

Please note: here we can disable the display of unnecessary news.

As a result, we will see two new points. In the “Photos” section, all the new photos that our friends have posted and published on the pages of VKontakte groups will be presented.

If you want to prevent certain people's updates (news, comments, and photos) from being included in the list, you can exclude them. To do this, click on the link “List of sources”, and remove the necessary people from the list.

The functionality of VKontakte pleases with its capabilities. Developers are constantly introducing new features and improving old ones.

What are current VKontakte photos?

Current photos on VKontakte - an algorithm for automatically selecting photos, works based on an analysis of your behavior on the social network. “Current VKontakte Photos” takes into account the photos you have previously viewed of friends and strangers, groups and communities, and then makes a selection of the most popular (likes, comments, reposts) photos from for the user.

The algorithm looks for interesting photos among friends, friends of your friends, popular people, communities and groups. Current photos of when searching take into account your personal information on the page, such as marital status and interests. The program analyzes your photos for future display to other people through the “current VKontakte photos” section.

Working with the address bar

So, we have the necessary code fragment. What's next? In order to view hidden photos in Contact, return to the required page (we no longer need the page with the source code).

In the address bar of the browser we see a link like, where #### is the page ID. You should know and friends. We place the cursor at the end of the address bar and enter the following characters into it: “?z=”, after which we copy here the fragment from the source code of the page that we were looking for.

As a result, the address bar of the browser should contain the following:, where #### is the person’s ID.

We press Enter, and all the photographs of the person open in front of us.

In this simple way, you can view photos in a closed album in VKontakte, as well as see a list of albums of those people who have been removed from VKontakte friends or unfamiliar users.

How to include current photos on VKontakte?

To include current VKontakte photos, you need to go to “My News” and click on the plus sign to the left of “Feed”.

In the news sections that appear, click on “Recommendations”.

Done, now you have included current VKontakte photos and can enjoy a selection of interesting photos from the social network. Perhaps the selection will not appear immediately, but only the next time you visit It takes time to display photos; someone said that a 2-hour break between sessions will allow the function to be called. This time has not been confirmed through personal experience. Sometimes, in order for a selection of current photo updates to appear on your VKontakte feed, you need to avoid logging into the social network for more than a day.

In the same way, you can make current VKontakte photos disappear. You can completely customize your news feed through this plus sign - add videos, watch friends’ news, read collections of articles, etc...

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