How to tag a person in a VKontakte photo: detailed instructions

The social network “Vkontakte” has become an integral part of most people not only in the CIS countries, but also abroad.

VK services allow you not only to communicate with millions of users in standby or real time, but also to post an unlimited number of photos. For the convenience of viewing photos, the software provides the ability to tag friends and any VK members in the photo.

The article will give detailed recommendations on how to do this.

Why is this necessary?

When we post graphic materials on a page or in a group, our friends and subscribers see them in the news feed. But not everyone views new posts, and it’s easy to miss relevant posts in the flow of information. Therefore, if you want your friend to definitely see the photo on your page or post, make a mark.

After this, an icon will appear next to the corresponding section in the user’s profile.

Now your friend will definitely not miss the publication of material on VKontakte, he will be able to open and confirm his presence in the photo.

If the user confirms presence in the image, it appears in the “Photos of me” section.

#1 On the computer

Here we will tell you how to delete VKontakte photos on your page using the desktop version.

From the page

First, let's look at how to erase images based on one of those that, for example, was on your avatar. In fact, everything is very simple:

  • Log in to VK;
  • Click on your avatar;

  • Scroll through the pictures to the desired image;
  • Click on the "Erase" button at the bottom of the screen.

From the album

Here's how to erase 1 picture from an album:

  • Open the selected album on your page;
  • Scroll the screen to the selected image;
  • Open it and click on the desired button.

That's all. We remind you that you can delete a photo in VK from the album on your page and restore it:

  • After deletion, the “Restore” icon will appear on the top panel;
  • Click on it to undo the previous action;
  • This option is valid until the page is refreshed.

Once you refresh your screen, recovery will no longer be available. Therefore, if you are not 100% sure that you do not need the image at all, we recommend that you first download the photo from VK to any storage medium. And only then proceed to the operation of cleaning the pages.

All images

Next, we’ll figure out how to delete all photos on VK from an album at once. This option will be very convenient if there are a lot of pictures in the album, and you don’t want to waste time selecting them one by one.

  • Open the selected image collection;
  • Click on the "Edit" icon in the upper right corner;
  • Click on the line “Select all”;
  • The “Remove” icon will appear on the top panel.

Several pictures at once

You can use the option to highlight unnecessary pictures and get rid of several pictures at once:

  • Enter the album using the “Edit” button;
  • Click on the round empty icon in the left corner of the image, this will allow you to select the necessary elements;
  • Complete your selection and click “Delete” on the top panel.

Erase entire album

To erase an album in VK completely:

  • Open the selected collection;
  • Click on the “Edit” button;

Please note that there are many applications that allow you to delete photos of me on VKontakte. But we strongly do not recommend using such programs - after all, when using them, you risk encountering viruses and malware.

Transfer Application

Among the safest ones, I would like to mention the special “Transfer” application. First you need to add it to yourself; this can only be done from a computer:

  • Open the “Games” tab;
  • Go to the search bar;
  • Enter the name of the utility;
  • Click "Run".

Now let's figure out how to work with the application interface:

  • Create a new album to transfer pictures on the right side of the screen;
  • On the left side, mark the collections or individual images you want to group;
  • After completing the steps, you can remove the created collection with one click. How to do this is described in the previous instructions.

From dialogues

Now let's talk about how to erase images from dialogs:

  • Open the correspondence;
  • Click on the button in the form of three dots and select “Show attachments”;
  • All used images will be displayed on the screen;
  • Open any one and click “Remove” on the bottom panel.

You can only delete those files that were sent by you, and not by your interlocutor.

On which they noted

Let's look at how to quickly delete photos on VK in which I was tagged. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the picture, since it belongs to another person. But you can remove the ID tag, here's how to do it:

  • Open the “Photos of me” tab;
  • Select an image;
  • A list of tagged users will appear on the right side of the screen;
  • Find your name and click on the cross next to it.

In fact, as you can already understand from the instructions, uninstalling it yourself takes very little time, and you are quite capable of coping with this task in the office. service versions.

How to include a friend in a photo

First you need to add a photo to a page, wall or album in VK. Then open it by left-clicking on it. Now you need to click on the corresponding inscription at the bottom of the screen.

The mouse cursor should turn into a cross. Now we choose the place where this comrade is located. Hold down the left mouse button and drag out the rectangle - the selection area.

Let go of the mouse and a list of friends appears. Select the desired name. We continue our work and indicate all those present and those with whom we simply want to share the news or, for example, a greeting card. In one photo on VK you can highlight up to 50 of your friends and only once. After all the necessary persons are indicated, click on the inscription “Done”.

You can also mark your loved one or any object in the photo so that guests viewing the photo understand what is depicted in the “picture”. We see all selected comrades and objects on the right side of the screen next to the graphics.

List of tagged persons

To save the changes, click “Done” again above the drawing and the cross to close the window.

No limits

True, sometimes restrictions on the marks of people in the image can be removed, or rather, masked. These techniques worked 100% several years ago. But now they practically do not function.

how to tag a person in a photo on VK if you don’t tag the person

You can use special sites that allow you to tag all your friends in a photo at once. You just need to insert a link to your image in a special line, and then click on “Ok” or any other button that confirms the start of the action. Which hosting should you choose? There are a lot of them. Something like “Tag all VKontakte friends in the photo” will do. It is impossible to give a specific name now, because this technique has long been outdated.

In addition, if you are interested in how to tag a person in a photo on VK (or rather, all your friends at once), just find a special script that will allow you to do this. You copy it, then open the desired image and instead of the inscription, paste the inscription from the clipboard. Then press Enter and look at the result. Don't forget to click "Done" above the photo at the end of the process. This option, however, has not always worked lately either. So, most likely, you will have to make do with the usual methods of marking.

How to tag a person if he is not a friend

The most appropriate answer is no. More precisely, you can highlight an area in the photo and write initials, but if this friend is not on your friends list, a link to him will not be added. He will not receive a notification that he is in the photo.

Let's see what it looks like in practice. I open the drawing on the VKontakte page, click “Tag a person” and write the first and last name of one of my subscribers. I receive a message that such a person has not been found, but I continue to insist on indicating this data in the image.

Make a signature

I press “Done”. Now look at the right side of the screen next to the image. If the user is a friend, the initials are highlighted in blue - this is a link to the profile. If I made a tag indicating a person with whom I am not friends on a social network, then the first and last name will be written in black letters. There is a highlight, but no link.

Objects are also signed. The name or title may contain any set of characters; the administration does not check them.

How to tag a person in a VK conversation

In personal correspondence, people are tagged slightly differently compared to photographs. Knowledge of text markup and a number of tools for formatting it will help you here. In the messenger, a link to a person can be placed via a BB code. It should have the following structure: . For example, you can refer to the founder of VKontakte: [durov|Pavel Durov]. In the message this code will look like this: Pavel Durov.

To add messages to the wall or write comments, you can use a simpler method. For example, you can link to your friend by adding the “@” icon in your message. It brings up a drop-down menu with a list of your subscribers. All that remains is to choose the right one.

Removing the mark

You can place and remove tags on your VKontakte images at any time. This may be necessary, for example, to hide a friend from prying eyes and even to remove traces of acquaintance in photographs. To do this, open the picture and look at the list of tagged users on the right. To remove the mark, you just need to click on the cross next to the last name.

Remove selection

You can also remove yourself from your friends' photos. To do this, you need to go to the “Photos of me” section, open the image and click on the cross next to your last name.

You can only remove the link to your profile from other people’s pictures, but you can remove any person from your own pictures. In addition, if you were pointed out in a photo, you can immediately remove the tag.

How to remove a mark?

To remove a label, the user will need:

  1. Open the notifications item on the page. It should contain a record of the mark placed on the photo.
  2. Click on the “Photos” hyperlink.
  3. The image itself will open directly.
  4. On the side there is an item “In this photo”. It has your name on it.
  5. Click on the cross next to the name.
  6. The mark has been successfully removed.

Now the photo does not contain your name or a link to the page. But you won’t be able to get rid of the photo itself. You will have to ask your friend to remove it if you do not want such a photo to be in the public domain.

How to identify a person in a phone photo

You cannot add someone to a photo in the VK mobile application; there is no such function. But you can share the photo. Open it by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner and select “Send to a friend” from the list.

Share a picture on your phone

After this, the recipient will receive the photo in private messages.

If you log into a social network through a mobile browser rather than an app, you can easily add marks. Go to the section with photos and click on the inscription “Full version”.

VKontakte in a mobile browser

Now all actions will look the same as on PC.

What to do in VK if there is no “Tag a person” button?

Tag Person text under the photo , then your image is in the “Saved Photos” folder. Unfortunately, you won't be able to tag a friend in this album. You can either move the image to your Personal Photos or post it to your wall. Then the opportunity to tag a person will appear again. If this action does not help, it means that the photo is protected by copyright, and, therefore, you will not be able to use this function in VK.

Why can't I add a tag?

If you access a social network through a web browser on a PC or mobile phone, but the “Tag a person” message does not appear, there may be several reasons for this:

  1. This is someone else's graphic file and you cannot edit it. Download the photo and upload it to your page or album.
  2. There are already 50 user marks. I haven’t found any official confirmation in the VK rules, but more than 50 people in one picture don’t stand out. If you want to share the material with other friends, you can duplicate it.
  3. Social network malfunction. Please try again after some time.

In other cases, the recommendations described above should work.

Why tag people in photos on VK

First of all, this is convenient when we are talking about collective photos or pictures for the purpose of disseminating information.

The user uploaded a photo with several people in it. You can send a photo by message, but it’s easier to tag all participants in the uploaded photo, and the photo will automatically appear in the albums of tagged friends.

Also, if the owner of a picture wants to familiarize the maximum number of VK participants with it, then he can simply start tagging them in the photo. It is 100% that they will be familiar with it, since they will all receive a notification about the mark.

There are two ways to tag a photo: using a personal computer and using a mobile application.

Hiding photos on the main page of VKontakte

You've probably noticed that the last photos you uploaded are loaded on the main page. So, it turns out that some of them can be hidden. Let's see what I mean and how it's done.

Go to your page, hover your mouse over the right corner of the photo you want to hide on the main page. Look at the screenshot and everything will immediately become clear to you:

Hide the photo on the main page

They write to us that this photo will no longer be shown in this block. This action can be canceled by clicking the “Cancel” button:

Photo hiding report

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