Adding a video to a VKontakte group

Good afternoon friends!

The social network VKontakte is not just a place for communication, but a whole virtual world. There is music, videos, photographs, groups of like-minded people, team meetings and much more. To make it convenient to use these materials, they need to be customized individually to your liking.

There is information that we want to share with all users, and we prefer to keep some data for ourselves and close friends. Today we’ll talk about how to hide videos on VK.

What videos can be hidden on VK

Once added to your personal page, the video becomes available to other users.

We go to our video materials by clicking on the corresponding link in the profile. In the “My Videos” section there are 2 tabs: “Added” and “Downloaded”.

The first tab contains all files that were added from other people's pages or from a computer. In the uploaded ones, we see only those materials that we uploaded to the social network ourselves.

So, in this last directory, you can use the settings to hide all contents from prying eyes. And “Added” are a little more difficult to hide; they are only partially editable. This tab also contains entries that were previously designated as “Videos of me.” After updating VKontakte, this block was abolished, as was the ability to tag people in videos.

Conclusion: you can restrict access to all video materials, but using different methods. Let's start with something simple.

Features of the Yandex.Video service

Watch videos on demand. To view thematic videos, the user needs to enter the query he is interested in in the Yandex search bar. If there is video content for this request, the system will display a line with the found videos at the top of the first page with results. If this does not happen, the user can independently click on the “Video” link located under the search bar. This will take him to a page where, in response to his request, the results will be presented in the form of videos on the left, and a video player on the right.

Watch any videos. You can go to Yandex.Video from the Yandex search engine without entering a query. To do this, click on the “Video” link located above the search bar on the main page of the site. The system will transfer the user to a page where a video player will be located on the right, and a block with popular videos and options for filtering them on the left. This division of the page makes it possible to conveniently watch videos, leaving before your eyes the full list of available videos.

Working with settings

This option is suitable for media files that you personally uploaded and those in which you were once tagged by other users. To see which ones you can customize, hover your mouse over the cover. If a pencil icon appears, it means you can change the visibility mode. If there is no such icon, then you cannot hide the file in this way.

Click on the pencil and set the parameters for each entry separately. We are interested in the “Who can watch this video” section. You can completely block access or leave it, for example, only to friends or individual users.

Select the appropriate item from the list and click “Save Changes”. Repeat this with materials that you want to keep out of sight of curious people.

Adding files to a private album

In the “My Videos” section, you can not only download, view and delete videos, but also add them to folders for more convenient storage. I'll create an album, call it "New" and leave access only to myself.

Now I will place the videos that cannot be customized in this folder.

At the same time, I will remove them from the added entries.

After this, you need to refresh the tab in the browser. Changes do not always take effect immediately.

Please note that added videos and the album now have a closed lock icon - they are hidden from prying eyes.

Closing your profile from strangers

Previously, some videos could be hidden in the privacy settings. Currently there is no such function, but you can completely close your account from strangers. Then only friends will be able to see the video and other materials.

We go to the menu, which is hidden under your small photo in the right corner of the screen. Select “Settings”, “Privacy”. We go down and select the profile type.

To find out how “strangers” now see the page, click on the corresponding link at the very bottom of the window.

As you can see, most of the information is not available for viewing, including videos.

Mobile app

In the official mobile application, the methods for adding videos to a group are slightly different from the website. In addition, you will not be able to delete a video uploaded to the site by another user and added by you by accident.

Method 1: Record Video

Since the vast majority of modern mobile devices are equipped with a camera, you can record and immediately upload a new video. With this approach, you will not have problems with the format or dimensions of the video.

  1. On the group wall, select the “Video” section.
  2. Go to the Video section in the VK application

  3. In the upper right corner, click the plus sign.
  4. Expanding the video menu in the VK application

  5. From the list, select “Record video”.
  6. Go to video recording for a group in the VK application

  7. Use the tools provided to record.
  8. The process of recording video in the VK application

  9. Next, all you have to do is confirm adding it to the site.

To comfortably add such videos, you need a fairly fast Internet connection.

Method 2: Video link

Thanks to this approach, it is possible to add videos from other services, which mainly include video hosting sites. The most stable download is done from YouTube.

  1. While in the “Videos” section in the VKontakte group, click on the icon in the right corner of the screen.
  2. Go to the video adding menu in the VK application

  3. From the list, select “From a link from other sites.”
  4. Proceed to entering a link to a video in the VK application

  5. In the line that appears, enter the full URL of the video.
  6. Entering a link to videos in the VK application

  7. Once you've added the link, click OK to start uploading.
  8. Proceed to downloading videos in the VK application

  9. After a short download, the video will appear in the general list.
  10. Successfully added video to a group in the VK application

  11. You can delete or move it as desired.
  12. Video menu in a group in the VK application

Any video added from the mobile app, including one you filmed yourself, will be available on the website. The same rule fully applies to the opposite situation.

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How to hide a video in the VK mobile application

You can also hide video files from visitors on your phone. The principle is the same as on a computer – only the social network interface changes.

Using privacy settings

To do this, you need to go to the menu by clicking on the icon in the form of 3 stripes at the bottom of the screen. Then we go to the section we need.

Next to each entry there are 3 dots, under which a drop-down menu is hidden. We click on them. If the action list contains the word "Edit", you can hide this video.

Click on it and select the visibility option that suits us. Click on the “bird” at the top to save the changes. We do this with all the videos that we want to hide.

Closed album

In the video section there is an “Albums” tab. We go there and click on the plus sign in the corner of the screen.

We set the visibility features of the new folder. Now we move into it the materials that we could not configure.

To do this, click on the 3 dots again and select “Add to Album”.

We repeat this action as many times as necessary. You can limit the visibility of all materials or only those that you fundamentally do not want to show to strangers.

Is it possible to close a profile on VK?

If the user is thinking about how to hide the list of videos from strangers, you can resort to the simplest method. In 2021, the social network Vkontakte released an update in which you can make the page completely private.

After closing the profile, third-party users will not have access to data from the “Contact Information”, “Communities”, “Personal Information”, “Photos”, “Video”, “Stories” and “Music” sections. This option is great for those who want to hide videos from people not on their friends list.

To close your profile, you need to go to the “Privacy” section located in the settings. There you need to find the “Other” item, which is located at the very bottom of the page. Next, select “Profile Type”.

After replacing it with “Private”, personal information will become inaccessible to other users. Only friends can watch the video. In a closed profile, only minimal data about the person is visible to others - avatar, status, city of residence, first and last name, as well as place of work.

There are situations when you need to hide video files from one specific person or group of people. If he is not included in the friends category, you can add him to the blacklist. In this case, the page will completely cease to be viewable.

To blacklist a user, you need to go to his page and click on the three dots icon next to the photo. Then you need to click on the “Block” button. After this, you can be sure that the person will not see any personal information, including video recordings.

To make a page even more inaccessible to others, you can exclude it from search results. To do this, in the “Who can see my page on the Internet” section, you must select the “Only users on VK” option.

If you make the page available to everyone again, the settings will be reset and the videos will be visible to all users.

Hide added VKontakte videos

To hide added VKontakte videos, those that you added from another resource (for example, from YouTube) or uploaded from a PC, you need to set special options immediately after adding the video to the resource. As soon as the video is uploaded to VK, you will see its main settings. Directly below the description field and album selection, you can find items that allow you to set privacy. Select the category that is most appropriate.

If you already have videos that you added earlier and you want to change their privacy, for example, open them to friends and see how many comments and new likes they will collect, you can do this by hovering over the right corner of the video picture. Unlike clips added directly from VK, videos uploaded outside the resource by you yourself have an editing option. It is indicated by a pencil icon. When you click, you can change the name of the clip, come up with a description for it and, most importantly, change the access privacy settings. These options can be switched at any time, change them periodically, depending on your mood and desire.

How to hide videos on VK?

The social network VKontakte allows you to upload photos and videos to your personal page. However, once you do this, they become available to any user of this site. In order to avoid this, you should refer to your privacy settings and limit access to your materials.

Many users have wondered how to do this for one reason or another. Most often, people want to hide their videos because they are of a personal nature and are intended for private viewing only.

It’s good that the creators of VKontakte have provided the ability to hide videos for their users. Each of them can decide which materials he should make private and which can remain for public viewing.

It’s easy to hide VKontakte videos, and I’ll tell you how to do it right now.

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