How to quickly and permanently delete a VKontakte group - detailed instructions

Hello dear visitors of my blog. In this article, I want to tell you how to delete a group in contact if you suddenly face such a task. Almost every one of us is registered on the social network VKontakte and is in at least one of the interest groups. Some users have managed to acquire their own groups and are its owners (Group Administrators). It is for such users (Administrators) that the instructions for deleting their groups are intended. Important! Only its Administrator can delete a group, no one else. Therefore, before deleting, make sure that you are the owner.

So let's begin the learning process.

How to delete your group in contact, where I am the creator?

VK is a popular social network. Why did it become the largest?

  1. VK was able to attract the most active audience – young people.
  2. A simple user-friendly interface has been created.
  3. It was much easier to master the site than other social networks.
  4. The first users began to invite friends, and over time a huge audience was formed.
  5. Many features are provided.
  6. The social network is constantly evolving and only getting better over time.
  7. You can comfortably communicate with all your friends in one place.
  8. There are many communities where you can have fun.
  9. You can create your own music library in a special section and listen to music.

Creating groups is one of the useful functions. You can find friends with similar interests in the community or simply share various information. Also, a popular group can become a source of income.

How to delete your group on VK if you are the creator? First, let's figure out why this is necessary at all:

  • You don't want to run a community anymore.
  • Little free time.
  • Completely lost interest in the community.
  • The group seems hopeless.
  • There may be other reasons, it all depends on the situation.

how to delete a VKontakte group that I created

It is not necessary to delete the community. It can be transferred to the administrator or simply to a responsible person in whom you are confident. The popular group manages to be sold. The cost of the community depends on the number of subscribers and their activity.

We complete the deletion of a public page on VK

After we have carried out a complete cleaning, we can take the last steps. On the main page of the public, open the drop-down menu “You are in a group.” And click “Leave group”.

Removing yourself from the community

You will receive a warning that if you delete it, you will lose administrator rights. We confirm the operation.

Congratulations - the public VKontakte page has been deleted .

How to delete a group in VK that you created on your phone?

Many people ask: how to delete a group on VK that you yourself created from your phone? You can't do this either on a smartphone or on a computer. There is no such function on the social network; there is no point in wasting time searching for it.

Why didn’t the administration provide for the removal of communities? One can only guess about the reasons. The administration probably had reasons for making such a decision.

You cannot delete a created community, but you can still get rid of it. In the future we will offer several methods.

Mobile app

In the case of a mobile application, you will need to perform the same steps that we described in the previous section of the article. The only, but not particularly significant, difference here is the different location and name of the sections.

Transfer to group

Unlike the full version of the VKontakte website, the mobile application does not provide the ability to change the type of community. Based on this, if necessary, you will have to contact the website and follow the appropriate instructions to complete the removal.

Cleaning up the public

If for one reason or another you cannot transfer the public to the “Group” status, you can resort to changing the data. However, as before, with this approach the guarantee of automatic deletion is greatly reduced.

  1. While on a public page, click the gear button in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Go to the section with public settings in the VK application

  3. Here you need to configure each section of the public page.
  4. Main menu with settings in the VK application

  5. The most important are the Leaders and Members pages, where you need to demote and remove all existing subscribers.
  6. The process of removing a participant from a public page in the VK application

  7. To minimize the time spent deleting data from a group, be it discussions with comments or video recordings, on the “Services” page, uncheck all the boxes provided. To save settings, use the check mark icon.
  8. Disabling all public services in the VK application

  9. It is impossible to get rid of an avatar and cover image on a public page from a mobile application.
  10. You will have to completely clear the wall of notes yourself, since the official application does not provide tools to automate the process.
  11. Manually deleting posts from a public page in the VK application

  12. However, as an alternative, you can always resort to using the Kate Mobile application, where on the main page of the public you need to click on the “Wall” block.
  13. Go to the Wall section in the Kate Mobile app

  14. On the page that opens, expand the “…” menu and select “Clean the wall”, confirming the action through the corresponding notification.

    Note: A limited number of records can be deleted, as a result of which the cleaning will have to be repeated several times.

  15. Automatic cleaning of the public wall in the Kate Mobile app

  16. After completing the described steps, on the main page of the public, click on the “You are subscribed” button and select “Unsubscribe”.
  17. Unsubscribe from a public page in the VK application

After completing all the steps from the instructions we have provided, after some time, the community will be automatically blocked. Of course, only in the absence of any activity.

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A quick way to destroy a community

how to delete a group in contact if I am the creator

How to delete a community on VK if you are the creator? You can use the following method:

  • Go to group settings.
  • Close all sections and functions in it.
  • Save changes.
  • Leave the group.

Over time, participants will also begin to leave the community. You don’t have to worry about his fate, all activity in the group will be stopped.

Deleting a public page

If you manage a public page, you will first have to transfer the created page to a group.

It's done like this.

Step 1. Go to your VK page, click on the “Groups” tab.

Step 2. Move to the “Management” section and look for the desired community in the list that opens. Come into it.

Manage your groups and communities

Step 3. Under the avatar, click on the three dots, which expand the menu of acceptable actions. The very last option is “Transfer to group”. Feel free to click.

How to transfer a public page to a group

Step 4. We study the notification from the site about the translation of the page. You can do this no more often than once every 30 days. We agree.

Changing page type

Step 5. Done. The inscription under the avatar should change from “You are subscribed” to “You are a member”.

Now you can liquidate your community. To do this, follow the further instructions.

Complete removal of information

If you have enough free time, you can perform a complete group cleanup. To do this you need:

  1. Delete photos and posts.
  2. Remove video.
  3. Close all sections through settings.
  4. Remove members.
  5. Set the community to closed status.
  6. Remove links.
  7. Clear blacklist.
  8. Check that no information is left in the group.
  9. Leave her.

The downside of this method is that you have to spend several hours cleaning up a large community. Therefore, very few creators use this method.

Removing public leaders

At the first stage, you need to remove all leaders from the public page (see how to remove the creator of a VKontakte group). To do this we do the following.

Go to the “Groups” section and select the “Management” tab.

List of my VKontakte communities

Here we go to the desired group. In the menu, click the “Manage Page” link.

Here we go to the “Participants” tab, then “Leaders”.

List of executives

Here we will see the entire list of public leadership:

  • Owner
  • Administrators
  • Moderators

Now you need to delete everyone (except you). To do this, opposite the user’s avatar, click the “Demote manager” link. A form will open confirming the deletion request. Here we click the “Demote the manager” button.

Removing administrators

This is the first mandatory step in deleting a public VKontakte page. Now let's move on.

Removing from the computer

If you access VKontakte from a computer or laptop, then through the browser we go to our page. Then select “Groups” in the left menu, go to the “Management” tab and click on the desired community.


On the right side under the cover, click on the three vertical dots and select “Manage Community” from the drop-down list.

Community Management

Then on the right side of the menu, click on “Settings”. In the “Basic Information” section, you can change the name of the group - write something like “Group deleted”. Also clear the Community Description field, select Group Type - Private or Private, and remove the cover image. Click "Save".


Scroll down the page and in the "Additional Information" section, clear the "Website" field. Save your changes.

Additional Information

Next, in the right menu, go to the “Participants” tab. Remove all users from this list - next to each one, click “Remove from community”.

Remove from community

If desired, you can completely delete all information from the group: video, audio, photos, documents, etc. I will clean the wall using the Instrumentum app. I wrote about it in detail in the article: deleting posts from the wall, the link to which is given at the beginning of the article.

After deleting members, information and changing the group type, click on the “You are in a group” button. From the drop-down list, select “Leave Group”.

Leave the group

Confirm that you are indeed going to leave the community of which you are an administrator.

Leave the community

If you are still not completely sure and, perhaps, in the future you will want to restore the deleted group on VK, then you do not need to leave the community. In this case, at any time you can make the group open and invite people there.

Deleting a community

Removing community content

  1. Open the community's main page. Make sure that this is the group (or public) that needs to be deleted, and not some other one in which you also have administrator rights.
  2. Remove all group members. To do this, on the main page of the group, go to the Management → Members section and remove each member from the list with the Remove from community button.
  3. Remove all posts (wall posts) from the group. This will also have to be done manually - delete each post using the Delete post button. You cannot remove the entire wall at once.
  4. Delete all photo albums (if any). Open each album, click Edit Album and then the Delete Album button.
  5. Delete all topics in discussions (if any). Open Discussions, then open each topic, click Edit Topic and then Delete Topic.
  6. Delete all videos (if any). Open the “Video” section in the group and delete each video with the cross that appears when you hover over it.
  7. Delete all audio recordings (if any). Open the “Audio Recordings” section in the group and delete each audio recording with the cross that appears when you hover over it.
  8. If there is still some content left in the group (documents, products, etc.), delete that too.

Transferring a group to private

If you have an open group (that is, anyone can join) or a closed group (you can join by invitation or by submitting an application), you need to change it to private:

  1. Open Management → Settings.
  2. In the “Basic Information” section, find the Group Type.
  3. Set it to Private.
  4. Click Save.

If you have a public page, then first transfer it to a group (on the main page of the group in the right column, click More, then Transfer to Group). Only the owner can do this, the administrator cannot. Then make the group private as written above.

If you want, you can also rename the group to something arbitrary (in the settings).

Leaving the group

Leave the group by clicking the button You are a member → Leave the group (under the community avatar).

Please note that all mentions of the group and comments on its behalf will remain in VK unless they are deleted separately.

If the owner page was created only for this group and is no longer needed, you can delete it too.

Now you can simply forget about the group. No one can enter it, there is no information in it, it is empty.

Removal Features

The VK service provides its users with complete freedom in creating public pages. So, you can become a public administrator in literally two clicks - just go to the appropriate section in the main vertical menu and click on the “Create” button. As for removal, this procedure is not so easy and takes a lot of time.

It is noteworthy that you cannot delete a VKontakte group in the usual sense. The management of the social network has not given its users such powers. However, there are two ways that will allow you to remove your administrator responsibilities and block the community you created. The first involves excluding all subscribers of the public, the second involves sending a message to the support service. Next, we will describe each of them in detail and list the main features.

Group, public page, meeting. What is the difference?

At this point in time, when creating a community, the site will offer you one of 6 types.

How to delete a community on VK

In fact, there are only three main ones, which are divided into several. In fact, everything except “events” and “interest groups” are public pages, but with different topics.

Accordingly, VKontakte in 2021 has three types of community:

  1. Group
  2. Public page
  3. Event

They have some significant differences, and the most important thing is that in order to delete a public page or “public” as it is called on the network, it must be converted into a group using the built-in function of the site.

How are they different? Let's figure it out.

GroupThe most common type, which was originally when the site was created. It is possible to create private or closed access, create a menu, a common wall for communication, and many privacy settings. Created in order to gather participants based on their interests. Typically designed to communicate and collect information in one place. It is often used to gather all students from one group of a university and communicate about their studies.
Public pageNewer version of the community. Refers to a specific person, company or object. Cannot be made private, cannot be hidden in the list of communities. There is no option for participants to publish posts on the wall; instead, posts can be suggested by subscribers. As a rule, it is created to publish information about a specific person or company. More suitable for promotion and advertising. Nowadays, it is most often used for a variety of topics, from the media to the page of a public figure.
EventA community that brings together all participants of an event in the Internet space. It is possible to create a closed meeting and set the date and time of the event. Usually done for various concerts, gatherings in the city, flash mobs, and so on. Allows you to find a company for a meeting, friends with similar interests, and also helps you not to miss an event with a reminder.

Determining the type of community

Accordingly, before you start deleting, you need to make sure that your community is a group, otherwise you won’t be able to delete it. Or rather, to do this, you will first need to transfer it to the group, and then begin the actions that are necessary for removal.

This does not apply to the event, since the algorithm of actions in it will be almost the same as for a regular group.

Let's tell you how to determine the type of community.

Visit the website and your personal page. In the left block, select “communities”. On the next page, go to the top "Manage" tab. You will see a list of communities and publics in which you are an administrator, creator or moderator. Under the name of the community you can notice its type or topic. See the screenshot to understand the identification.

How to delete a community on VK

As you already understand, groups will definitely have this written in the type name. The public pages will have a topic written, and the meeting will have a time.

To translate a public page, you must be its creator - this is a prerequisite. If you are not one, then, alas, you will not be able to delete a public page, even if you are an admin.

If you are the creator, then go to your public page and click the “transfer to group” button

How to delete a community on VK

A window like this will open.

How to delete a community on VK

From this warning you can understand that the transfer can only be done once a month. If you are satisfied with the conditions, then click the blue “transfer to group” button and confirm your action according to the site’s instructions.

After this, the public page type will change and you can follow the steps below to delete it.

How to remove a person from a group on VKontakte

Removing participants is one of the stages of comprehensive group cleaning:

  1. First, the user needs to open the application start page, and then go to the menu where the “Groups” section is located;

  2. By clicking on it, we go to the society where the person is an admin. After that, go to the “community management” item. This can be done through the settings;

  3. Now click on the “Participants” section;

  4. Then you need to find the person you would like to exclude from the group;

  5. Now, opposite the user icon, click on the three dots;

  6. Select the item “Remove from community;

  7. We confirm the necessary manipulation.

This way the participant will be removed from the community if necessary. This will be needed when this participant simply violates the rules of society and crosses the path of the group.

The second way to delete a VKontakte group

The instructions presented above are only relevant if you are eliminating a small community. What if your public page has more than three thousand subscribers, hundreds of photos, videos and other materials? Getting rid of all this manually is not only time-consuming, but also impractical. You can remove the public by contacting VK support. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to do this:

  1. Log in to the social network by going to your account
  2. Click on the "Help" button located in the upper right corner of the screen

  3. In the top field, start writing: “How to get Support?”

  4. Click on the required line
  5. Follow the link -

  6. Explain your problem and wait until the issue is resolved.

    As a rule, the Help Desk reviews requests within three business days. However, in some cases this period may be extended.

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