Who are subscribers - differences from subscriptions in Odnoklassniki

What subscribers see

Those who subscribe will receive notifications about all publications in their own feed that are allowed by the publicity settings. In particular:

  • added recordings or music;
  • uploaded photos and videos;
  • accepted friend requests;
  • gifts received from other people.

When you go to the page, all posted information is also displayed - birthday, marital status, place of study or work, and other information.

Not all users are happy to share their data with all their subscribers. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically monitor the list of subscribed people. Independently sort and identify those who will be able to view personal data in the future and receive notifications about updates on the page.

In Odnoklassniki, without exception, all participants can independently subscribe and form their own audience. Any member of a social network can find out who follows the news of a particular person, except in cases where the account is private.

Game vocabulary

what does kk mean

If you decide to find out what “kk” and other abbreviations that are used in computer games mean, then you will have to put in a lot of effort. The fact is that modern gamers are constantly producing new and new terms that are used in various gaming areas. Moreover, they have more than twenty years of history, of which a huge number of words are used that are incomprehensible to ordinary people who are far from this area. New terms appear constantly, as they are generated directly in the process of conversations between gamers, gradually come into use and are periodically even fixed in special dictionaries, which may be useful to you if you want to know what “kk” and other similar terms mean.

Amount designation

what does kk vkontakte mean?

The most common meaning of “kk” is a specific amount, or more precisely, the number of zeros in this amount. In most cases, this term is used when talking about game currency. After all, it takes a long time to write that a gamer has, for example, three hundred thousand gold or five million coins in his inventory. That is why this abbreviation exists, which was formed from another even shorter term - “to”. If, as in the example described above, you have three hundred thousand game units, then you can write the abbreviation “300 k” and absolutely everyone will understand you. Accordingly, if you use “5 kk” in a message, then every gamer will understand that you meant five million. Now you know what “kk” means in games, but it is worth considering that this meaning is not the only one. Cases have already been mentioned above when “kk” is used separately from numbers - how then should this abbreviation be interpreted? After all, in this case it cannot describe millions.

How to subscribe and unsubscribe

A visitor to a personal page can follow a person on Odnoklassniki either at his own request or at the initiative of the profile owner.

There are three ways to become a subscriber on the OK social network:

  1. Subscribe to the page. In most cases, it is only available to media personalities who disable the ability to add as friends. Such pages are often marked with a special icon in the form of a blue check mark next to the name. To subscribe to a famous person, you just need to click on the “Subscribe” button under the avatar.

  2. Subscribe to publications. In the same way, open the account of the person you are interested in. Find the three dots icon to the right of the main photo and select the “Enable Alerts” option.

  3. Participation in communities. You can also receive news about the idol you are interested in in thematic public groups. Go to the “Groups” section, enter a name and enter the community. Click "Join".

  4. Adding as a friend. Send a friend request to anyone. If a person rejects the application, you will automatically be transferred to the category of his subscribers.

If you lose interest in a public figure, you can easily cancel your subscription. Through the “Friends” section, go to the “My Subscriptions” tab again. Select from the list who you want to delete. Hover over the photo and click “Unfollow.”

READ Deleting subscribers and subscriptions in Odnoklassniki from your phone and computer

An alternative way to unsubscribe is to go to the person’s page, click on “Request sent” - “Cancel request”.

Members of a social network can remove a user from subscribers and limit access to personal publications and information.

To remove a person:

  1. Go to the “Subscribers” tab.
  2. Find the right person.
  3. Hover over your profile avatar.
  4. Click on the “Block” option.

All profiles blocked by the owner are transferred to the Black List.

READ How to block a friend on Odnoklassniki and what it means

An alternative way to hide information from subscribers is to close your account. To do this, go to “Settings”. Select “Publicity”, click on “Connect” next to the “Private profile” block. The service in Odnoklassniki is paid - 50 OK.

All of these functions are also available on mobile devices. To manage, go to the page of the person who follows the posts or is interested in you.

To display other people’s publications in your feed, click “Set up subscription.” Access restriction is performed through the “More” tab – “Block user”.

Using the abbreviation "kk"

what does kk mean in dota

From this article you will learn what “kk” means, because this term is very common among gamers in all genres of games. You may notice more than once how this term is used together with a certain number, from which you can begin to draw some conclusions. However, any person may be confused by the fact that sometimes this abbreviation is used on its own, without any text or numerical support at all. Accordingly, you will have to delve deeper into the study of the gaming dictionary in order to find out all the smallest details regarding this term, so as to avoid mistakes in the future and not confuse the terms with each other. And yet, what does “kk” mean in Dota and other computer games?

Where to see subscribers

The number of subscribers in OK is a significant indicator that determines the popularity of a group or user on a social network. On the official website of Odnoklassniki you can find out how many people have subscribed to your page.


On the Odnoklassniki page, “Your subscribers” are displayed in the main profile description. This information is public - any user authorized in the system can see the value.

On the phone

To view your subscribers through the official application on a mobile device:

  1. Launch the program and log in to the system.
  2. Open the control menu using the icon in the corner.
  3. Open the "Friends" category.
  4. Go to the “Friend Requests” item.

If Odnoklassniki members are added as friends, but you do not accept the request, then such users become subscribers by default. To keep the person as a subscriber, click on the “Reject” button or take no action.

On the computer

Viewing subscribers on Odnoklassniki from a computer is much easier and more convenient. Because you can see the exact number of not only unaccepted applications, but also completed subscriptions. To view the list of subscribed users:

  1. Go to the official OK website, log into your personal account.
  2. Open the Friends section using the corresponding tab in the top control panel.
  3. Find the appropriate item in the menu on the left.

In the tab that opens, you can manage subscribed participants. For example, limit a person’s access to information in a profile or issue a subscription request in response.

In Odnoklassniki, you can find a specific user in the list of your subscribers by the first letter or nickname. This allows you to quickly sort all the participants who have subscribed to your profile. Just enter the first letter of your name or nickname into the search field and click search.

View a person's followers

In Odnoklassniki you can also see who has subscribed to other people's publications. There are two ways to check.

We look at other people's subscribers in Odnoklassniki as follows:

  1. Profile description. Go to the page of the person you are interested in. The number of subscribers will be indicated under the main photo. To view the list of users, click on the number.

  2. Open your friends, events, news feed, or recommendations section. Find the person you need in the list, hover over the participant’s avatar - the number of followers is indicated in the first line.

It is impossible to view records and parameters of a third-party account if the profile is closed. Users deliberately limit access to personal information - only friends can see publications and photos.

Find out who I'm following

To find out who you are currently subscribed to on Odnoklassniki, go to your personal page. Go to the “Friends” section, select “My Subscriptions” in the left panel.

Hover your cursor over the photo of the person you want - available functions will open in a pop-up window. For example, you can view the user's photos or send a message.

What does “Kek” mean in VK?

The most popular origin of the word "kek" is Shrek. Yes, the same ogre from the animated film "Shrek". Why him? This is known only to the creators of the popular meme. We should tell you what memes are if someone doesn’t know. These are funny pictures with equally funny captions. The social network VKontakte is simply awash in all kinds of memes. This culture originated a very long time ago, in other words, captions with funny pictures have been circulating on the Internet for 6-8 years, for sure. Memefication of the entire surrounding world is perceived by young people as a separate form of art, and to some extent they are right, because not every meme can be considered funny. To create quality content, you need to have a sense of humor, an understanding of what community subscribers want, and many other qualities. Making memes is quite difficult and not everyone can cope with this task.

Actually, the main character of the cartoon became a meme. This work of art looked like this: the mirrored face of an ogre, which even without a signature attracted the attention of users, and the signature “KEK”. The meme quickly became popular and the word “kek” entered the lexicon of progressive youth, who still use it today.

What does “kek” mean in VK?

The word "kek" means exactly the same as the word "lol".

"Kek" is used as a synonym for "lol". In turn, this means “rolling around laughing.” These words are usually used in comments under posts to express gratitude to the community administrator for a good meme that made users laugh. The word “Kek” is used when the user laughed at something, they laughed - write “kek”, quite simply.

What is “kk” in VK?

As you might have guessed, “kk” is “kek”, but only in an abbreviated form. To quickly respond to messages, some users can remove vowels from words, or shorten the entire word beyond recognition, for example, “thank you” - “thank you” and so on. Also, some users like to change words for their convenience, so “lol” sometimes turns into “lul”, “lel” and so on. Social networks are very rich in such words.

So, the culture of memeification of everything living and nonliving is bearing fruit. New memes or “memos”, “memos” appear, they become funnier. The funnier the meme, the more “cakes” the user will send in the comments under the post. Most likely, the main character of the animated film “Shrek” could not even think that he would become one of the most popular memes in the history of VKontakte. Now the “Kek” meme is already a classic in the world of the social network. In tribute to this work of art, users use the word “kek” under the funniest pictures. If you laughed at the meme, then feel free to write “kek.”

Kk is an abbreviation that has two meanings, either “ok, ok” or “million”. Used as an abbreviation when there is no desire to write long phrases in a chat or on a forum. People in games use this term in different ways, so you need to look at the context in which the phrase is pronounced and what the person wants to say by it.


Kk in the game is used as an abbreviation for the English phrase “ok, ok” and is translated as “good, good.” This is what they say when communicating in an allied chat, when one of your teammates is annoying with advice or when you need to quickly write about taking note of some command, for example, to capture a point or regroup. This word, an Americanism, came from the “ok-ok” often used in ordinary communication and over time moved into online games.

Now they write this all the time, and a player from any country will understand it - Russia, Japan, the USA, Israel and other countries of the world.


The second value of kk is million. The first online games, released in the early 2000s, introduced gold and other currencies. To indicate quantity and not write numbers with zeros, people came up with the idea of ​​​​replacing the zeros with “k”, meaning one thousand. Although many Russian-speaking players perceive this as a “piece” or “mower,” translated from English it means “kilo.” In direct notation this is quite logical, “kilo” is a thousand. If you shorten the word, the letter k will remain.

What is kk? This is a thousand thousand, that is, a million. This is what they write in trade negotiations and chats when they indicate the price of a product, and in game shops and stores you can see the price in “kk”. Sometimes people voice their balance and brag in this way.

If you are just starting your journey as a full-fledged gamer who constantly communicates with other players in thematic communities, holds matches between his friends and knows absolutely all the features of characters, cards and other game objects that are important to him, then you will also have to pay attention to gaming vocabulary. The fact is that it is very different from the standard language that people use in communication. Moreover, you are unlikely to find another jargon that contains similar abbreviations, terms and abbreviations. Accordingly, we will have to study many questions, including what “kk” means in the gaming field.

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