VKontakte is undoubtedly a very widespread social network where people not only correspond with each other, but also exchange various files. In this regard, many users of this social network often encounter a problem when, when trying to attach a file to a message, an error appears with the text “Failed to upload file. The file must not be executable and its size must not exceed 200 MB."
If everything is clear with the file size, then not everyone knows what “The file must not be executable” means.
In this article we will tell you what an executable file is and what to do to bypass this warning.
Executable file - what is it?
An executable file is a file that contains a ready-made set of commands for the computer, which you can immediately load into memory and begin executing.
As a rule, these are files with the extension .exe, .bat, .com.
Also, sometimes VKontakte does not want to download archives in which .exe files are packed, citing the same error.
This is due to security issues, because .exe files are the first most popular in the ranking of susceptibility to virus infection. And in order to somehow reduce the risk of spreading computer viruses through VKontakte, the developers decided to simply prohibit the transfer of the most susceptible file type to each other - the executable file.
Thus, concluding the topic, it is worth noting that files or objects responsible for starting an application can only be opened by double-clicking in the standard version. But it is not possible to edit them. True, if programs have the status of freely distributed under the GNU license, you can make changes to the application code very easily.
But this is a special case, which, in general, is not connected with the main topic. Another thing is launching an executable file that the user has no idea about. In this case, the emphasis should be on viruses that can come in the form of email attachments. If you see that the attached file does not have an icon, do not even think about opening it. Although this equally applies to viruses that disguise themselves as such messages. In this case, the malicious program will be able to execute the executable file or the code embedded in it quite easily, and then a huge bunch of problems will arise.
And the call (launch) of the executable file in this case may no longer depend on the user himself, since the virus has infiltrated the system. All that remains is to rely on universal programs in the form of portable versions or on Rescue Disk modification utilities that load and check the system even before Windows starts.
The executable file itself, which is most interesting, is missing from the bootloader. But there is a BIN configurator, which is responsible for starting the system. In addition, in outdated versions of Windows you can also find folders like i386, which contain drivers and some other related utilities. But in new versions of the system there are no such objects.
Any user of a computer system, one way or another, has come across the concept of an executable program file. And not always (although very often) executable files have the EXE extension, which is common for Windows systems. To understand the issue of extensions, let's look at general information about such objects and some of their main types.
How to get around the error?
It's quite easy to get around this limitation. You just need to change the extension of the transferred file to one of the allowed ones, for example .doc, send it to the recipient and tell him, after downloading the file, to change the extension back to the one that the file originally had.
Changing the file extension
Alternative methods include uploading a file that VKontakte refuses to upload to any cloud storage such as Yandex Disk or Google Drive, and then sending a link to it to the VKontakte recipient.
Users on VKontakte can exchange documents and download them. To do this, you don’t have to use email - all this is possible in VK.
How to enable the display of the “Documents” menu item on your page
- You need to hover your cursor over any of the menu items on the left.
- Click on the gear that appears.
Setting up menu items Next, a window will open where we find “Documents” and put a tick in front of it. Click “Save”.
Enabling the visibility of the Documents item
Now on the left side of the menu we see the “Documents” section.
The documents section has appeared
Where to find documents
If you access your profile from a computer or laptop, then in order to view the dockets that are on your page, you need to select the appropriate item in the right side menu.
If the “Documents” line is not there, then move the cursor to any other item and click on the gear that appears.
The “Setting Menu Items” window will open. In it, on the “Basic” tab, opposite the “Documents” line, you need to check the box and click “Save”.
When you open the desired page, you will see a small menu on the right side. In order to quickly find the required file, for example, you know its name, use the search.
Using the search, you can also see the docks of other users if they add them to their profile not as personal ones.
How to enable the documents section in a VK group
If you are the owner of a group or community and you need to upload documents for members, then you need to configure this feature.
- Let's go to our group.
- Select the “ Management ” item on the right.
Menu item Management Click on “ Partitions ”.
Setting the visibility of sections in the group On the left, opposite the “ Documents ” item, click on “ Disabled ”.
Include documents in the group Select “ Open ” or “ Restricted ”. Tooltips appear on the right to explain the meaning of the different options.
Type of document availability
- And click “ Save ” at the bottom of the page.
Now not only the administrator, but also community members have the opportunity to upload documents in a group.
How to add a document to VK
- In order to add a document to your account on a social network, you need to select “ Documents ” in the menu on the left.
Menu item Documents Click on “ Add document ”.
Add document button You will see a window that opens, where the requirements for documents will be indicated: their size, file type. Click “ Select file ”.
What should I do if I receive an invalid file error?
A very common problem that VK users often encounter when sending archives is a pop-up error with the text “the archive contains an invalid file.”
Due to this error, the download stops and the ability to submit disappears. What format is considered unacceptable by the site and what can be done? The system recognizes the exe file as invalid. That is, if an element with such an extension is packed inside the archive, the system will not let it through. But how then to send?
The selected element (outside the archive) of the exe format must be renamed, or rather, the existing extension must be replaced with a valid one, for example, docx (text document extension). You need to right-click on it, select “Rename” and instead of “exe” enter “docx”.
The renamed object will look like a text document and can be safely archived and then sent in the same way as everyone else by selecting “Document” in the attachment menu. After the interlocutor downloads the received package to his device, unzip it and return the previous extension, it will start.
How to send a document in a message
- To send a document from your page to a friend via messages, you need to select “ Messages ” from the menu on the left, and then select a dialogue with the interlocutor to whom you want to send the file.
Messages in VK At the bottom, click on the paper clip and select “ Document ”.
How to attach a document to a message A window will open where you need to select files from your account or upload from your computer.
Window for selecting files to send to VK Click on the desired document and click “ Attach ”.
Attach the required document to the message and press the “Enter” key or the arrow.
Send a message with a document to VK
Knowing all the secrets and functions of social networks, you can significantly expand your capabilities in using them. According to statistics, more than 70% of users are not familiar with even half the functions of such a convenient platform as VKontakte. Using these simple instructions, sharing any information on social networks will be much easier.
Hello, friends! As you know, on VKontakte you can add videos and photos to the page, etc., then all your friends and guests of your account will see information that is interesting to you. But that's not all. You can send a photo or video to a person via a personal message. This is done using the “Attachments” button. This is where the “Documents” item is of interest to us.
And now we will figure out where to find documents on your VKontakte page, how to send them to another user, including a photo, how to add the desired file from your device, computer, laptop, phone or tablet to your profile and how to remove unnecessary docks from a page or dialog. But let's talk about everything in order. Since the article turned out to be informative, you can use the content to quickly jump to the information that interests you.
How to attach a document to a post
- We write the text of the post. Click on “ More ” and select “ Document ”.
How to attach a document to a post
- If you do it from the mobile version or in the application, then click on the paper clip sign.
How to attach a document to a post in the mobile application A pop-up window appears. You can choose from your documents or find it on your computer.
Document selection window And click “ Submit ”. A post with the document will be published.
Publishing a post with a document on VK
For information about what else you can attach to a post, read the article Simple instructions on how to make a post on VK in a group with text and photos
How to send a file to VK if it is more than 200 MB
Before sending a folder with files to VK with text, photo documents or others, you should study the information on the established limits and volumes of messages. As you know, the size should not be more than 200 MB.
To increase the level of security, VKontakte does not provide for sending programs. They most often turn out to be malicious, so the developer protected users of the social network. Sending is only possible through archiving. In this case, when attempting to unzip, the recipient will be warned that the attachment may harm the device.
How to download a document from VK to your computer and phone
In order to download a document to your computer that you have saved or received from someone, you must:
- Go to your page, select “Documents” in the menu on the left.
- Click on the file you need to download.
- It will open in a new tab. Next, click on “Save document to disk.”
Save the document
If you want to save a document to your phone , you can do this through the application.
- Open your page, select the “Documents” menu section, click on the desired document.
- Select “Download”.
Download the document in the VK application
If there is no application :
- Open your page in a browser. As we can see, there is no “Document” item in the menu on the left.
https://m.vk.com/docs in the address bar and press Enter .
Address of documents in the mobile version of VK Select the required document. It will open in a new window. And click on the download icon.
Loading icon
How to copy a link to a document
In order to copy the link, you must:
- Go to your page, select “Documents” in the menu on the right.
- Select the file whose link you need to copy.
- It will open in a new tab.
- Click on the address bar and select its entire contents. This will be the address of the document
Document address It will be highlighted in blue. Right-click on “Copy” or press Ctrl+C, and then paste into a message or post.
Keyboard shortcut for saving
Don't forget that if the file is closed by privacy settings, then even if you send someone a link to it, the person will not be able to view it.
Now you know all the possibilities for working with VKontakte documents. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments.
Any social network user can use the "Documents" section. This is your personal file storage into which you can upload pictures, tables, graphs and other files. You will always have access to them, you can download and send them.
What to do if the archive does not download
The first method is to change the original download file format to ZIP. To do this, you need to re-create the archive, put a check mark next to the line of the same name in the file creation parameters.
The second method is to change the file extension by renaming. By default, this feature is disabled in Windows. To enable it, you need:
- Go to the “Control Panel” and select the “Folder Properties (Options)” section, after switching the view to “Large icons” in “Windows” 7 and 8.
- Go to the “View” tab.
- Uncheck the box next to “Hide extensions for known file types.”
- Click "Ok".
After enabling the extension change function you need to:
- Select the previously created archive.
- Change the characters after the dot at the end of the file name to any of the allowed options: doc, docx, xlx, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, rtf, djvi, fb2.
- Press Enter to apply the changes.
The same method can be used to mask Windows executable files (.exe).
The method of uploading an archive to VK is simple enough that any user of this service can handle it.
No social network is designed for sending a large number of files. Folders do not have their own extension, so they cannot be used as a single unit. All its components must be manually added to the message, which is extremely inconvenient. Before sending an archive to VK, you should study the most justified methods.
The first step is to add the corresponding item to the menu. Go to “Settings” and check the “Documents” checkbox. This action will simplify the entire process to a minimum.
If there is a need to transfer a large amount of information, you should use one of the methods below:
- Add a folder to the archive on your computer by right-clicking on it and clicking “Move to archive.”
- Install the WinRAR archiver program. With its help, you can archive ZIP files, which as a result will take up a small amount of space.
To avoid the “Invalid file” error, you should first study the sequence of actions.
Sending from a computer
It is much easier to send from a computer, because the system is designed on an intuitive level.
- Open the dialog, hover your mouse over the image of the paperclip.
- From the list presented, select the line labeled “Document”.
- Upload the desired file or select from the list of sent options.
- To add a file, click on the line that says “Upload a new file.”
You can add the text of a message to the attached file, which is very convenient for users of the social network, as it helps prevent misunderstandings.
Transferring files from your phone
To download the desired document from your phone, you should follow the same analogy. If the user has no idea about the location of the source, then the transfer will not be easy.
How to activate the “Documents” section
We have already discussed this question in the article - how to upload a GIF to VK? Let's talk about this in more detail.
On the newly created VKontakte page, not all available functions are activated. If necessary, they can be connected. In our case, this is done as follows.
We go to VK and open our page. Now you need to open the drop-down menu located in the upper right corner of the screen. And there select “Settings”.
Then we go to the “General” tab, and here we click on the link “Customize the display of menu items”. In the window that appears, find and activate “Documents” by checking the box next to this item. Save the settings.
Look in the left menu - now you have the “Documents” block in your list of items. We will continue to work with him.
Block “Documents”, in the left menu
All options, if available, will be shown on the computer and through the application on your mobile phone
How to delete
If you have a lot of old documents on the list that are no longer needed, then you can delete them from there.
On your profile page, in the left menu, select an item that we already know. Next, move the cursor over unnecessary files and click the cross next to them.
How to delete all documents at once
Those who want to quickly delete all saved documents on their page can install an extension for Google Chrome from the Chrome Web Store - Instrumentum. I wrote about it in detail in the article: how to clean a wall in a group on VK.
Click on the extension icon in the upper right corner of the browser. Then you need to select “My Page”, find the “Documents” section in the list that opens and click “Delete....”.
Removing from a conversation
If you want to delete a specific file from a VKontakte dialogue, then go to the messages page and open a dialogue with the desired person. Then, in the correspondence, find the document to delete and click on the empty space next to it to highlight it, and click on the “Delete” button.
In order to view all the documents that you exchanged with the user, open a dialogue with him and click on the image of three horizontal dots to the right of the name. From the drop-down menu, select “Show attachments.”
The window that opens has four tabs, so you can quickly find what interests you.
How to remove GIFs
To remove GIF images from documents on your VKontakte page, select “Documents” in the left menu.
Next you need to go to the “Animation” tab. Find the unnecessary GIF here, hover over it and click on the cross.
How to upload and change document parameters in VK?
First, we must learn how to add files to this storage. Let's add a text document here as an example and try to edit the settings for it.
Click on the link "Documents" in the left menu. On the next page you need to click on the “Add document” button.
Button to add a new document
A window will open that lists the main supported file extensions. As you can see, you can work with all popular text files, pictures, tables, etc. Please note that the list is not complete. For example, it is not indicated here that you can work with GIF animation. But there is such a possibility.
So, here we click on the “Select file” button and find the desired document on the hard drive of our computer. There, double-click on it with the cursor to start downloading.
Select the file and upload it to documents
After the download is complete, we are prompted to configure the document settings. The following fields are available here:
There will be no issues with naming the file. And the other two points need to be sorted out.
Below in this instruction we will show the process of searching for VKontakte documents. All files that have been uploaded by users are by default of the “Personal Document” type. And they are not visible to other people. And if you select any other type for them, then the file will become available in the global search. Anyone can find and use it.
And the “Tags” block will help him in this matter. Here you can specify words that describe the essence of your file. In our case, you can specify “Instructions”, “Manual”, etc. The process of setting document parameters is shown below.
After this, our file will be available in the list of documents. You can work with him.
If we talk about downloading files from a phone, then here we will not be able to change the settings for the document. It will be loaded with the name it already has. The type will be “Personal”, without labels.
To complete this process, open the VKontakte application on your Android phone or iPhone. Then go to the menu located in the right corner of the screen. On the next page we find the “Documents” block. There we click the “+” icon, and then the “File” item. We find the required document on the phone’s memory card and download it.
Searching for necessary files in VK documents
Sometimes users search for information based on their interests. The most popular queries when searching for documents are pron, vulgar and funny. Searching through documents on VKontakte is as easy as searching through videos or music compositions. By going to the documents tab, the user will have access to the search. A search bar will appear at the top, which you need to fill in to find the files you need. By choosing the appropriate format, each registered person will be able to add the file they like to their documents or download documents for VK to their computer. It is only important to choose the right format for the document you are looking for from the many formats supported by the service.
Hello, friends! As you know, on VKontakte you can add videos and photos to the page, etc., then all your friends and guests of your account will see information that is interesting to you. But that's not all. You can send a photo or video to a person via a personal message. This is done using the “Attachments” button. This is where the “Documents” item is of interest to us.
And now we will figure out where to find documents on your VKontakte page, how to send them to another user, including a photo, how to add the desired file from your device, computer, laptop, phone or tablet to your profile and how to remove unnecessary docks from a page or dialog. But let's talk about everything in order. Since the article turned out to be informative, you can use the content to quickly jump to the information that interests you.
Attaching and sending a document
You can always publish your file. This can be done in a wall post, in a personal message, or in community comments.
In our example, we will analyze the publication in the post. For other options the process will be similar.
We go to our wall and click the mouse cursor in the “What’s new with you” block. Expand the additional menu, and there select the item “Document”. In the window that opens, find the file you need and hover your mouse over it. A link “Attach” will appear - click on it. The file will be added to the entry. Now you can publish.
Let's try sending the document in a message?
Open a dialogue with the desired user. To open the menu here, use the “Paperclip” icon. There is the item “Document”. Further by analogy. Don't forget to send a message at the end.
By the way, if you mistakenly send some data, you can always delete the sent message from your interlocutor in VK. But this can only be done in the first hours.
Sending a file from your phone works exactly the same. Either we attach and publish a document from our list in a new post, or we insert and send it in a message.
Restrictions, size and limits
You can attach no more than 10 files to one message. Otherwise, the user will receive a push notification about the error. In this case, you can send the remaining ones with the next message, the number of which has no restrictions.
Stop Continue
It happens that a previously added document has lost its relevance and the user feels the need to delete the file. To do this, you will need to select the documents tab in the page menu on the left. In the list of added files that opens, just hover your mouse over the document to be deleted. A cross will be available to the right of the name; by clicking on it, you can get rid of the document.
How to find a document. Working with the search tool
Remember when I said that documents can be searched in global search? All files for which the type was not set to “Personal” will be available.
You just need to go to the “Documents” section and type the desired query in the search bar. Available documents will automatically appear in the results.
If you find the one you need among them, you can add it to yours. To do this, hover your mouse cursor over it and click on the “+” icon.
Searching and adding a VKontakte document
Or open it for viewing and download, as shown in the previous step.
There are slight differences on the phone. First, to go to the search tool, you need to click on the “Magnifying Glass” icon while in the “Documents” section.
Secondly, when you find and open a document, there will be a menu in the top right corner of the screen. Open it. There are two points.
Some files will have a standard viewing mode. There is only a button “Download document”.
Document search interface in the application
How to download files?
Anyone can cope with sending a text or document on VK. You need to open the desired dialog and in it move the mouse cursor over the paperclip, which is located to the left of the text input form. After hovering the cursor in the menu that opens, select “Document”.
You can select a document from those already downloaded by attaching the appropriate option.
If the required document is not in the list, you need to upload it from your computer by clicking on the “Upload a new file” button.
Once the item is attached to the message and is ready to be forwarded, you can add the desired text and click the send button.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to simply send a folder with files by attaching it to a message. But, it can be easily archived and in such a compressed form the archive can be sent to VK to the desired interlocutor. How to do it?
You can only attach a video to a message in this way that has already been previously uploaded and stored in the user profile, in the “Video” section. If you need to add a video from your computer, you must first upload it to your page. First you need to go to the “Video” section.
And upload the video you need by clicking on the “Add video” button.
The easiest way is to send a photo - you can select it from your personal albums in your profile or directly upload it to a message from your device. You need to go into the dialog, select the camera icon to the right of the text entry form to upload a picture from the device. Or select attaching a photo from your albums in the menu on the left. You can also send a photo to VK as a document by uploading it in the same way.