Cover for a VK group: dimensions, how to make and place a community header

The creators of VKontakte groups face various problems. The main thing, of course, is the formation of a large community. But who will join a group where there is no clear description of the theme, beautiful and stylish images and other elements and decorations. To create the right style, you need to know what size a particular block is on a page in a group. Today you will find out what size an avatar for a group on the VK social network should be in 2021. And also about other features of community design.

VK header size (group cover)

The VK group header will make your public look very cool.

Size 1590 x 400 px

Group hat sizes in VK

The header has its own limitations on internal dimensions (for PC and mobile versions).

I wrote about this in detail in the article on how to make a menu on VK.

Size of pictures on the walls of communities with avatars in Vkontakte

The main source of information on VKontakte, not only in communities, but also in the user’s profile, is the wall. Here, from time to time, images appear that can be posted by both group moderators and its participants. The maximum size for wall pictures is 1000 px by 700 px. But it is recommended to make them with a smaller size: 700 x 500 px. This is again due to display on mobile devices in 2021, through which users visit VK more often than from a web browser.

Don’t know how to make a black background in VK? Read about it.

Menu for VK group

The menu comes in two different sizes. It depends on the option of its placement.

  1. In the form of a banner (opens in a pop-up window by clicking on the image of the pinned post)
  2. As a “Latest News” bookmark (opens directly on the page)

Menu for the group through the Latest news section
Size VK group menu (in the form of a banner). Width 600 px . Height as desired.

Menu size (via the Latest News tab). Width 510 px. The height is also not limited.


Dimensions: 1590×400 px, visible area for mobile version 1196×400 px.

This is an elongated horizontal image in the community header; it is not clickable.

VKontakte group cover
Cover of our group

The cover is not required for the community; if you do not install it, the group avatar will open in full format on the right.

VKontakte group with avatar
Group without cover

General recommendations for the cover

To prevent the quality of the cover from deteriorating, the VKontakte administration advises uploading an image with a size of 1590×400 px. But in the mobile version, the entire cover does not fit on the screen, the edges on the right and left are cropped at 197px, so all data, texts and images that cannot be cut are better placed in the visible area, this is 1196x400 px. And on top, about 83 px, is a strip with indicators of communication, charge level and others.

cover diagram marked up
Cover diagram with markings

To avoid marking the areas yourself, we have made a template in psd format with guides demarcating the areas. It's possible.

mobile viewing of VKontakte group
The inscriptions fit in the visible area, the settings icon overlaps the text only for community administrators

VKontakte group on a smartphone
Part of the title on the cover was cut off

Many people advise putting arrows on the cover that encourage you to click on subscribe or write a message.

conversion elements on the cover of the VKontakte group
The arrow points to the submit button

VKontakte cover design
The arrow points to a button with a message

We advise you to first look at what devices the audience primarily uses to watch the group. This information is available in community statistics:

Group coverage on VKontakte
Screenshot of PR-CY group statistics

If the audience more often watches the group from mobile phones, then such an icon makes no sense, because in the mobile application it is shifted and points to the avatar thumbnail, and not to the subscribe or message button.

VK group header on mobile
The arrow points to the avatar

Arrow points to empty field

Dynamic cover

Dimensions: same as regular cover.

VKontakte has introduced a dynamic covers feature, which means that the cover will have changing data and be updated after a certain period of time. This cover is convenient because you can display almost anything on it: city portals may need time, exchange rates, traffic jams or weather, groups that hold promotions or organize events will benefit from a countdown timer, and displaying avatars of the most active Users can be encouraged to leave comments or like posts.

dynamic cover with subscribers display
An example of displaying avatars of active participants on the cover

New subscriber's avatar on the cover

For a dynamic cover, you need a regular picture on which inserts with avatars, weather, etc. will be attached, a script linked to a group, and hosting with CronTAB support where the script will be installed. If you set the cover to update too frequently, every second, for example, you may need an anti-captcha.

Pyotr Samokhin talked about how to write a script yourself on HabraHabr. If you don’t want to figure this out yourself, there are paid design services to which you can connect a group and customize the cover with the necessary applications for a small subscription fee.

The functionality may be different, for example, the design of the community may completely change after clicking on the subscription. Additional functions are developed separately, you can write something yourself, you can find groups in the search on VKontakte itself, where they develop and sell such applications.

Animated cover for mobile

Dimensions: vertical photos and videos 1080×1920 px or others in a 9:16 ratio.

In January 2021, all groups were given the opportunity to design a separate cover for mobile viewing. It can include up to five large photos or videos without sound, which will work like a slide show. It looks like this:

Group cover in mobile view Group cover by click in mobile view

This feature can be enabled in Community Settings:

where to enable animated cover
Group settings

Next, a window will appear with adding photos to the slideshow for the animated mobile cover:

selection of pictures for the animated VK cover
Adding photos

What size of materials to choose:

For photos, we recommend a resolution of 1080×1920 or another in a 9:16 vertical aspect ratio. Video size is the same, duration up to 30 s, size up to 30 MB, MP4, H.264 video codec, AAC audio codec.

VK snippet size

A snippet is a block with information about the page it links to. It is created automatically if you insert a link into the window for creating a new post or message.

The snippet consists of an image, title and description.

When you click on a snippet, you go to where it links.

Recommended size 537 x 240 px

Snippet size on VKontakte

Avatar for a group on VKontakte in 2021

The first thing that visitors to the Vkontakte group see when visiting is an avatar. And he should be as attractive as possible. The image must be of good quality. The group picture in VK is displayed not only on the main page. You can see it if you hover over a link on another page. But in this case the picture is displayed in a small circle. In the miniature, only the top part of the avatar is visible. Corners are cut, you need to remember this. Therefore, in 2021, it is best to choose a picture with the main object or words at the top.

Thumbnail area
Thumbnail area in the VKontakte group avatar

Today, the size of the alert for groups is 200 x 500 pixels. But sometimes the images are stretched a little. And they turn out a little blurry. To avoid this, you need to choose larger pictures. But approximately proportional to the above size. For example, 400×1000 px. In this case, the image will be of good quality. The thumbnail will be "cropped" from the top of your image at 200 x 200 pixels.

Group on VK
Example of a group avatar on VKontakte

This may be useful: How to make a poll in VK.


To ensure that text and logos in your image do not overlap with your profile icon or call-to-action button, we recommend that you do not place them within 14% (250 pixels) of the height of the top and bottom edges of the image. For example, if the image size is 1080 x 1920, the key elements should be located in the 1080 x 1420 area.

Standard publication

  • Recommended (maximum) size 1080*1080px (Minimum: 500*500px)
  • Recommended aspect ratio –1:1
  • Also possible formats:
  • Scenery. 1080*565px. Aspect ratio 1.91:1
  • Vertical. 864*1080px. Aspect ratio 4:5
  • Format: JPG, PNG


  • Dimensions: 1080*565px
  • Aspect ratio 1.91:1

Vertical post

  • Dimensions: 864*1080px
  • Aspect ratio 4:5

Text-graphic block (TGB)

Such advertisements are displayed on the left under the main VKontakte menu in the format of small blocks with images and text . Users can only see them on the computer.

General requirements for advertising in TGB:

  • image formats for advertising in TGB: JPG, PNG, BMP, TIF and GIF without animation;
  • the text on the image should occupy a maximum of half of the photo;
  • maximum image weight is 5 MB.

A TGB ad may include an image and text . The maximum length of the title of such an advertisement is 33 characters, and the description is 70 characters. The size of the image added to the ad must be at least 145x85 px.

Advertising with image

Ads may consist of a large image . The title length of such advertising is limited to 33 characters, including punctuation marks and spaces, and the minimum image size is 145x165 px.

Large Image Advertising

The ad may consist of a square image . The title of such an ad is automatically filled with the name of the advertised application or game, and the caption to the ad displays the number of players or friends who have installed this application, and the “Play” or “Run” button depending on the type of application. The minimum image size is 145×145 px. If there is a suitable image in the application files, it will be added automatically.

In advertisements for promoting a community , you cannot select a title: the name of the advertised community is automatically included there. The minimum image size is 145×145 px.

Banner. Size 510 by 510

Banners can be made in a variety of sizes.

Keep this in mind: the banner width must be at least 510 pixels. If you do less, the banner will be narrower than the size of the ribbon and there will be an empty space on the right.

Make it whatever height you want:

  • 510 for a square banner;
  • less than 510 for rectangular.

For example, 510 to 500 or 510 to 300.

Banner 510 by 510
Banner 510 by 510

Group avatar. Size 200 by 500 pixels

Avatar and thumbnailAvatar and thumbnail
The maximum size of an avatar is 200x500 pixels. A preview (thumbnail) is formed from the avatar - a circle.

Since about 70-80% of group visitors are on mobile devices, they do not see the avatar in full size.

Therefore, use it only to create a preview, and use a horizontal header as the main cover.

Photo sizes in Telegram

The Telegram service does not have strict regulations for uploading pictures. There are only conditional restrictions on image resolution, so that compression does not degrade the quality, and on the weight of the downloaded file.

  • Avatar in Telegram.

Avatar size in Telegram: 500x500

  • Telegram. Avatar: 500x500

Telegram profiles with an avatar are easier to identify. It is recommended to set your photo to your personal account and your logo to your brand avatar. Problems can arise if the logo consists of text that may be unreadable in the thumbnails.


  • The optimal size of an avatar in Telegram is 500x500.
  • Minimum – 300x300.
  • Maximum – 1280x1280.
  • The photo is displayed in a round shape, so it needs to be centered.

A complete list of file requirements is presented in Telegram Help.


VKontakte community design dimensions

In order to turn a community on the VKontakte social network into an effective tool, you need to be smart about the page design process. If the page is poorly designed, it will be inconvenient to use. This will not increase your audience, so it’s worth looking at all the essential points. And the most important thing is the size of the graphic elements.

VKontatka group or community avatar size

The social network itself recommends a size of 200x500 pixels. But based on experience, we would suggest using other parameters - 400x1000 px would be optimal. There is a completely logical reason for this - the file will be recoded by the processing program. You can also just make a square avatar 400×400 px.

vkontakte avatar size

And regarding the format, then instead of jpg. it's worth using png.

Cover size for a community or group on VKontakte

For desktops and laptops, the optimal covers are with dimensions of 1590x400 pixels. However, for mobile gadgets the full picture will not be available with these parameters. Here's what you should do:

  • The cover image remains with the recommended settings;
  • Basic information is placed in a block of 1196x315;
  • 85 pixels remain on top - this is for various smartphone interfaces;
  • Indent 197 pixels on both sides.

VKontakte cover size

It is better to use pre-made templates (use our picture above - click and save) or special programs.

How to set a cover for the VKontakte community?

To set the cover, select the “Manage” item, then open the “Settings” menu, and then:

  1. Find the “Basic Information” block;
  2. Select “Community Cover”;
  3. Click on the “add/manage” link;
  4. Carry out the installation in the window that opens.

“Live Covers” sizes for the VKontakte community

The network has set the recommended size parameter for live covers to 1080x1920 pixels.

But the creators provide several options for downloading such files - images or videos.

Also, users can, if desired, see the full version of the cover by clicking on it, since at first only a preview (short view) is available. The absolutely visible area is 1080x832 px. The size of the expanded cover is 1080x1396 px.

VKontakte dynamic cover size

When creating such a cover, it is easier to use our template, which takes into account all the features.

Image size for VKontakte posts

Users of the social network use posts quite often. The resource provides 2 registration methods:

  1. Square image - minimum dimensions 510x510 pixels, recommended - 1200x1200;
  2. Rectangular - the proportional ratio should be maintained at 3:2. The network recommends using 510x765, but we recommend 1800x1200.

VKontakte post size

Cover dimensions for a VKontakte article

The minimum parameters of this tool set by the network are 510x286 pixels. However, it is more efficient to use a resolution of 1926x1080 (remember the png format).

VKontakte article cover size

Tip: do not overdo the number of words in the title of the article, as it will automatically be placed on top of the image.

Cover size of a special block for external links on VKontakte

A standard link posted on a community page will be placed in a snippet (special block). The element size must be at least 537x240 pixels. However, it is better to use an extension of 1200x536.

Block size for VKontakte links

Cover size for VKontakte photo album

Users of the social network have used this tool more than once. Regarding creation issues, there are no problems.

VKontakte photo album size

The minimum parameters are 1200x800 pixels. Remember: the album title will appear on the cover.

Size of VKontakte product display images

Images from the catalog must have parameters of 1000x1000. Such parameters will allow the user to evaluate the benefits of the products.

VKontakte product sizes

Video size for VKontakte group

A video file is a way to fully present products or services. Recommended parameters are 1280x720 pixels. But 1920x1080 will look much better.

Video and photo size for stories

By using a story you can expand your audience. For video, 720x1280 pixels are recommended. For photos, 1080x1920 would be better.

TOP services to quickly resize an image

Remembering the acceptable sizes for each type of content is difficult. Therefore, some photo editors are equipped with functions that help you resize an image for a social network in a few clicks. Publish new posts quickly and don't worry about file requirements.

We have selected the TOP 3 services for automatically trimming and compressing files.



Canva is an online editor that is suitable for beginners and professionals.
The editor has the widest functionality without sacrificing ease of use. To resize images, you can use ready-made web templates or specify the desired resolution. Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop

Using the familiar Adobe Photoshop, you can quickly set the desired size of images for social networks.
But you'll need a social media guide because Photoshop doesn't have templates for that. When changing the proportions and size of the image, do not forget to convert it to Smart Object so as not to degrade the quality. Adobe Spark

Formats for games and applications

Additional advertising formats are designed to promote games and applications hosted on VKontakte. Advertisements of this format can be paid not only with money, but also with VKontakte votes.

Application Showcase

Such ads are placed in a separate auction and shown in the “Mini Applications” section at the top of the screen. Banners can be scrolled using arrows.

The allowed title length for such ads is from 3 to 33 characters, and for descriptions - from 3 to 70.

Application Showcase

Format features:

  • minimum advertising budget - 5,000 rubles or 500 VKontakte votes;
  • the minimum number of installations of the promoted application is 50,000;
  • minimum image size – 560×315 px;
  • maximum image weight is 5 MB.

Square image

The title of such an ad is automatically filled with the name of the advertised application or game, and the caption displays the “Play” or “Launch” button, depending on the type of application, as well as the total number of players or the number of friends who have installed this application, if any.

The minimum image size for an ad is 145x145 px. If there is a suitable image in the game files, it will be added automatically.


The title is automatically filled with the name of the advertised application or game. The ad shows the rating, the topic of the advertised application or game, and which friends are using the application.

The minimum image size is 256×256 px. If there is a suitable image in the game files, it is added automatically.

Ads of this type are placed in a separate auction and shown in the “Games” tab in the “For You” section.

Special format

Menu with buttons

Dimensions : image for the button from 376x266 pixels.

Groups recently had the option to add a menu feed. It looks like a horizontal block with buttons, a maximum of seven buttons. The administrator can attach a link to them, but only within the social network - to an article, post, products, application, something else. External links are not allowed, so you cannot create a “Go to site” button.

menu with buttons in the VK group
Menu ribbon in a group

You can manage the menu in the group settings - adjust the number of buttons, add a title, cover and link.

setting up a menu in the VK group
Customizing Menu Buttons

The name of the button cannot be more than 20 characters, but even these characters do not fit on a smartphone, so additionally check that the name is clear:

Menu on a smartphone

The minimum size for a button cover is 376x266 pixels, but it is better to make it larger in the same proportions. Menu buttons are a fairly small rectangle, especially on smartphones, so use all the design space and don't add text.

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